Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
The story of the dragon tribe
There are various types of dragons.
Ryu First, the reign of the tribe is the Jindai Ryu.
It was created by God, lived in God's time, and has inherited the bloodline.
Ryu 全部 This is all in myth.
However, the Jindai Ryu tribe had twelve bloodlines, but it seems that no more than half remain.
At present, there are no fifty animals in the world, including Heichiro and Rananon.
Grandpa: And most of them are. I'm hiding somewhere and sleeping.
This is explained by Dos, the head of the Jindai Ryu.
He has a happy face with Heichiro.
Under that Shinryu dragon, mixed dragon.
Ryu A family of bloodlines born after the age of God.
Famous dragons, tribes, tribes, tribes, tribes are famous.
Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses, and there is a strong sense of territory.
Strong dragons are comparable to Jindai dragons, but weak dragons are really weak.
The brains vary from individual to individual, some are smart and mild, others are stupid and wild.
There are about 200 such mixed dragons in the world.
Most of the mixed dragons are below the Jindai dragons.
To be precise, not a pedigree, but an individual.
Fire Dragon-For example, the tribe follows Hakren's sister, Sekiren.
Because it's a fire dragon, the tribe doesn't hear anything even if Dos orders it.
All I hear is the order from Sekiren.
Well, it seems that I sometimes ask if it's not an order but a request.
Water dragon In addition, tribes, tribes, tribes are to Raimelen.
It is said that the Earth Dragon Ryu follows Marksbergerk, the husband of Hakuren's sister, Waterlily.
So that's it.
Don't follow the dose?
"It's enough if heichiro is present"
Even if it is said that Mhoo is sniffing.
Even if all the mixed dragon tribes can't beat Doss, it's true that it doesn't matter.
Drum beside told me that.
It seems that many dragons that follow the mixed dragons are basically good looking.
Rajmeilen, Sekiren, Marksbergerk ...
So that's it.
Color dragons-In addition to the Jindai and mixed dragons, the most famous are the tribes.
Red dragons, tribes, tribes, tribes, tribes, and so on correspond to it.
This is countless.
To be precise, they are not counted because they are not in control.
The doses are not particularly interested and do not know the details.
It seems that there is only that much power.
It is said that there are around 10,000 to 20,000 in the world.
They do group work and work individually.
Some races follow the Jindai and mixed dragons, while others hostile.
It's really different, so it's not like this because it's a color dragon.
When we refer to the Ryu tribe, we often refer to the three groups of the Jindai Ryu, the Mixed Ryu, and the Color Ryu.
The name dragon is just a symbol of power, often given to strong races.
Stone dragon, rock dragon, needle dragon, circle dragon, sea dragon ...
From its name, there are many examples of misunderstanding the dragon.
Dungeon Walker who is in the dungeon of the local dragon, Taiki, is said to be called in some areas.
I even considered Wyvern a kind of dragon.
Well, the dragons don't mind if the dragon's name is used for other races.
I don't really care.
It seems that it is good to destroy if there is actual harm.
So, if there is no actual harm, leaving is the basic.
But there are those who care.
It is not a dragon tribe but a person who believes in the dragon tribe.
I guess it would be a problem if I couldn't get into the religion without permission.
Extreme people act to destroy the Eze dragon tribe.
The Ryu tribe doesn't mind such an action at all, but this time the situation was different.
The starting point is the under dragon.
As you can see from the flow of the story, this underdragon has nothing to do with the dragon tribe.
In a word, it is a kind of lizardman with few scales and a sub-human.
A rampage and hated person.
The under dragon robbed a Red Dragon child.
The purpose is to be the object of religion.
They tried to match the strength of the dragon tribe.
The one who cut off the spot is the Red Dragon tribe and the tribe who believes in the Dragon.
First, an overwhelming number of dragon-family tribes attacked the underdragon settlement and rescued Red Dragon children.
It was good so far.
Unfortunately, the Red Dragon tribe was injured during the rescue.
In addition to being abducted by the child, he was injured and the Red Dragon tribe became more furious.
Underdragons, of course, were about to be destroyed by the ethnicity of the rescued dragons.
One of the wind dragons that stopped was nearby.
However, the anger of the Red Dragon is unlikely to subside.
A wind dragon could destroy the Red Dragon tribe and end it, but I thought it was due to circumstances.
As a result, Raimeilen was called.
The contact method is a message game.
The last message is Gucci of the demons.
As Raimeilen, heichiro was more important than that, so he ignored it.
Gucci worked hard.
I really did my best.
"When Heichiro grows up, do you want to hear about Raimeiren?"
"There are hundreds of my success."
"When are you going to talk? Before all the stories to be heard, Heichiro will not be able to realize it. Rather, when Heichiro was one year old, he was told that this happened I hope you'll be pleased. ''
Persuasion somehow.
However, Raimeylen departed only after calling Dos and Draim and protecting Hichirou in a thorough manner.
Hmmm ... haklen, my real mother, is nearby?
Well, I'm glad Dose is happy.
As for the dry ones, it seems that Rusty and Lananone are more concerned.
So now there are doss and drimes instead of raimailen.
Doss is pampering quite a bite of wax
I won't mess around when Rajmeyren returns.
Oh, I forgot.
I'm asking Dose, is that OK?
In fact, a little while ago, Raimelen became very young when he looked after Heichiro.
I know that the appearance age is free.
Don't be surprised there.
When I first saw it, I thought everyone.
However, it seems that they are aiming to be called "Katan" instead of "Babar".
Let Hakuren stop before he notices it ... he looks as if he had that hand.
Oh, this isn't going to be young!
Awful, annoying twink!
But Heichiro's "Totan" is me!
Fire Dragon: By the way, ordinary people do not know that tribes follow Sekiren.
Because it is a fire dragon, ordinary people recognize Sekiren as the highest individual of the tribe.
It is said that Flame Dragon Sekiren is called.
By the way, I am not particularly concerned about what is being called.
Another side note.
There is no tribe among the White Dragon and the Yellow Dragon.
It was confused and destroyed long ago by a white god dragon.
At the end of the line of the white Jindai dragon is Graffaloon, his wife.
It is said that she is called White Dragon Princess.
After Rajmeyren came back, there was a fight against Doss.
The damage was small because I asked for peace.
However, Urza and Grall were very pleased with the battle.
Bad for education.
Oh, don't be too excited.
I will go home.
It's dinner soon.
If you practice fighting, I guess you should ask Gulf or Daga tomorrow.
all right.
Because I will also participate.
I'm going home quietly today.
If you want to resist any more, go to Hakuren ...
Hakren's name is straightforward.
It feels complicated.
After dinner.
Appeased between rusty, rananone and dryme, whilst bolstering dose.
Rusty, in my opinion, leaves Llanane in Dryme.
...... Wait, dry.
How to hold.
Are you okay?
What did you do at Rusty?
Until it grew to some extent, I couldn't leave it to me ...
So that's it.
Is it around that rusty is related to lanane and makes the dryness evil?
Ah ... I'm not too intense, but how to hold a small child ...
It was a parent-child exchange.
Does Dose also want to hold Llanone?
It doesn't matter, but you're not as attached to Llanone as Heichiro?
Don't be shy about your grandchildren, but are your great-grandchildren shy or like that?
It seems like that.
Also, is rusty scary?
So cute?
When I said so, I was beaten by Rusty.