Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Field, shrimp and cherry
Plow thoroughly.
Feel good.
But he doesn't get on.
The size of the field in Taiki's village is the same as last year.
Ichimura: After this, we went around and made a new field.
It was smooth because each village decided where to grow the fields and what crops to grow.
If you do not plow, plow in the big tree dungeon.
Upon request from Asa, a hot spring area, a field is created a little away from the hot spring area.
I want fruit trees too.
Roger that.
I go to the fields near the entrance of the dungeon in the south and the entrance of the dungeon in the north.
When I went during the winter, the Lamias seemed interested in field work.
I thought that it would be a good idea to make it only for the Lamia tribe, so if you ask the giants, you should come.
Because it is a small field, the harvest can be eaten by Lamia and Giants as they are.
If you want to work in the field in earnest, call out.
Gomura: Finally.
Here is the most careful.
So it was last.
First, change clothes.
Yes, I wore good clothes.
Hi hello.
You don't have to worship, just wave your hand ... someone? I taught you all three songs!
It's here in the Demon Kingdom.
If you look at the Demon King, don't misunderstand it.
Sorry for coming late to say hello.
But do you think you came during the winter?
Regards this year again.
I don't need tribute.
Oh, I have to get it.
Thank you.
Oh, you can't receive it directly.
Here, Yoko receives it once ... before the Yoko, Mercury Hea receives it.
It is troublesome.
No, Roku making a list of tribute is more troublesome.
Yes I will try my best.
It took half a day to receive the tribute.
Then a banquet.
Even though it's a banquet, I can hardly eat because of the greeting attack.
Is this harassment?
Think a little more about me ...
Does this happen because I have few opportunities to show my face?
Even if you say that.
Yoko is the representative of Gomura.
"Is it acting as mayor of the village?"
"No, that's right."
I think it's more profitable to connect Yoko with your face than me.
Well, say hello with a smile.
I get tired.
But only one day today.
The next day, finally work.
Yeah, just as suspicious at the gatekeeper is just right.
Work is on a hill in Gomura.
Originally, I was planning to raise something when the house was built, but if I had to put it off for Pirika, it would be winter.
I'm sorry.
[Universal farming tools] might grow even if you do it in winter, but I don't want to overdo it given the crop.
I think if you have food shortages.
Perhaps the dungeon potato has worked hard, and there is plenty of food in the Demon Kingdom.
Apparently, there was no starvation this winter.
However, from next year or so, they will have to worry about falling food prices.
It's just good, but I hope it keeps going, but the world is difficult.
Since there is little greenery on the hills of Gomura, we decided to grow trees that bear fruit.
"A tree near the inn in the village of Taiki, ask for some of that."
According to Yoko's request, what is a tree near the inn?
Not a short guy ... Oh, Sakura.
"Oh, don't you have fruit that can be eaten for ornamental purposes?"
"Is that beautiful flower blooming instead? Do you think you need such room?"
Oh, was that what Yoko has been going to the inn recently?
Because it's starting to bloom now.
Then, let's plant cherry trees intensively.
It will take several years, but on the day of full bloom, cherry blossom viewing may be fun here.
"What is Hanami?"
Did you say words?
Evening of the day.
In the village of Taiki, cherry blossoms will be held.
I explain the cherry blossom viewing and each one moves.
Well, cherry blossom viewing is an outdoor banquet near Sakura.
Everyone is used to a banquet.
No problem.
The vacant Nynu Daphne gathered and glowed the night instead of lanterns.
It's also lighted up by Sakura.
The wooden chaise lounge is covered with a cloth dyed red, giving it a sense of luxury.
The music is quiet.
"I see, i see"
Yoko is pleased unexpectedly.
Well, I'm having a hard time in Gomura.
Is this okay?
"The village chief brought it."
Dwarves carried eight barrels full of sake.
Thank you.
You can start drinking.
Meal is a little rest.
Demon maids have begun cooking in the inn kitchen.
Today's main dish is shrimp.
It seems that the number of shrimp cultivated has increased more than expected.
I think it's okay if it's not been a year.
So question.
Isn't aquaculture anywhere else so easy to grow?
"Mayor of the village. Is it hard to grow shrimp anywhere else?"
It might be because the Lizardman who is aquaculture says ... but what?
Is it a food problem?
Well, there is no complaint because the shrimp are delicious.
The banquet starts when people gather and the dishes of the demon maids are brought in.
Black guys ... oh, it's near my seat.
All right.
A little later, the children's group led by Lou, Tia and Hakuren arrived.
It might be boring for kids, but it's just the atmosphere.
Fried shrimp, steamed shrimp, grilled shrimp.
The scent of sake is not good.
Urza, Grall, put it down.
You guys endure with juice.
Look, with this cup.
Look at the top.
Let's love Sakura.
Sorry, Zabton kids.
Did you prepare something hiding in the cherry tree?
Good, please do it.
The atmosphere is different?
Don't worry