Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
The school life of a boy of the beast race-Day 4 ~?
Gargardo Aristocratic Academy is located in the royal capital, but it is located outside the royal capital because it required a large site.
So, when you go shopping outside the school, you first arrive at the outer periphery of the royal capital.
Shopping is very easy because the outer area is where merchant streets gather.
Purchase tools such as hammers, saws and chisels, wood, stone, etc. and bring them to the school.
No outsiders can enter the school, so it's only up to the main gate.
Next, we look for cooking utensils and dishes, and finally, ingredients.
Seal has gone hunting, but it will be difficult to eat that day even if he catches his prey.
Considering treatment such as blood removal and sinking in rivers to lower the temperature of meat, it is possible to eat after tomorrow.
You have to buy today's ingredients.
Ask for meat at a different shop than yesterday.
At the school, the home is the area closest to the royal capital.
Therefore, it is easy and convenient to carry the tools, wood, and stones received at the main gate.
Well, it is troublesome to go back and forth many times.
At the end of the shipment, Bron returned with a formal contract.
There is no problem in the contract.
"Well then go to the forest. A seal is waiting."
"Oh, wait. The defensive magic synthesis class will take place this afternoon."
"Defense magic synthesis? Was it not yet?"
"I don't know the reason, but it was told that it changed."
"It can't be helped. It's a school priority. You have to recall the seal in a hurry."
"The seal is okay. I told you before I left and stopped it."
"... I'm sorry."
Relentlessly, "I'm sorry, I'm asking you for lunch."
"Okay, so many people don't eat lunch at this school."
"So I guess breakfast and dinner are large."
"I see. But that taste is good."
"Don't want to remember."
"Hahaha. Today's lunch, let's fry vegetables like stickers."
Not only at Gargardo Aristocrat Academy, but at a school in the Demon Kingdom you can graduate at any time if you have three certificates of graduation.
The certificate of graduation is to clear the assignment given by the teacher who can open the class and get it.
It is not so easy to say that it is an issue.
Graduation is the first thing you can get after you have successfully taken classes and achieved results.
However, there is no other teacher who can easily get a certificate of graduation, or a teacher who is hard to get a certificate of graduation, because it is an individual who judges.
"I've got three now. I can graduate at any time."
Nodding at Bron's words, I look at the wooden bill at hand.
On one side of the wooden tag, "Attack magic general", "Defense magic general", "Life magic general" is written, and on the other side, a graduation certificate is written.
The same is in the hands of Seal and Bron.
"Is it so easy to get?"
"Isn't it okay? I'll tell you."
Seal says that, but I'm dissatisfied.
None of these have been properly taught.
Gather at the start of the class and greet the teacher.
After being judged individually for the first time to see their abilities, we were kicked out with a wooden tag.
That was the case in today's defense magic general class.
Perhaps they are being taken care of?
"Who cares? Who are we? It doesn't exist."
I'm jealous of the ease of the seal.
"Yeah. It's a secret ... but I actually saw it secretly judging other students."
"O, oi"
"It's okay. I'm not barred."
"That's true. And that's how it was ... she was casting all the spells."
"Amazing, and did you understand?"
Oh, I understand.
So that's it.
We are learning magic from Hakuren-sensei, Lou, Tia and Leah.
Casting all of the spells is the first stage of being carefully taught.
In other words, this magic synthesis is an elementary level.
Really convinced.
Rather than shortening a spell, we can abbreviate the next spell.
The beginner's class is fine.
When I remember, the magic that the teacher of defense magic general told me to try to prevent was released.
Ah, I see I see.
No, it's clean.
Was good.
Well, Urza and Alfred aren't in tune because they're doing the next step in spell abbreviation, direct manipulation of magic.
But the village chief praise me when we use magic.
In any case, three graduation certificates.
The minimum is clear.
Since the school where the aristocrats attend, they may have prepared simple lessons.
That's what Mr. Frau and Mr. Yuri have said that we can go to school.
There is no need to graduate immediately after collecting three graduation certificates.
You can enroll as much as you want to learn.
Of course, tuition is necessary.
Our tuition was paid by Yuri for three years.
So you can take classes freely for three years.
For the time being, it was planned to be a magic general class, but since it's gone, I guess I'll take a battle-related class.
"Let's collect proof of graduation for all classes."
"Seal is weird again. I don't need it all, but I want to be a magician. But there's no such name in my class schedule."
Bron looks at the sign with the lesson schedule.
I looked for an advanced magic class together, but couldn't find anything like that.
I heard that last year some magic teachers quit, so what is the effect?
The class is over, but it's too late to go to the forest.
It's a bit early but I'm preparing for dinner.
Seal and Bron left the surveying and processing of the purchased wood.
"The mayor was easy, but it was very difficult."
"Yeah, seal. Don't ignore it because it's numbered."
"Bad bad. I'll swap 17th and 29th. That's okay."
"It's okay, but exchanging columns and floors is a hint."
"Because it is before processing, so we are together"
"At the moment I gave the number, the 17th was the pillar and the 29th was the floor."
We are doing lively.
Surround the fire, add the sauce on the skewers and bake.
"Goal. What's wrong with the lack of wood? If you have it now, you will not be able to use the toilet and bath."
Shows the number that Bron wrote on the wooden board.
I know it's not enough.
"I couldn't buy at once because of the union."
"I guess it was the Royal Wood Management Association. If you don't belong to it, you can't buy a lot of timber."
"What's that?"
Throwing the skewer into the fire, the seal says.
Even the meat is not good.
I was the one who prepared it, but I think so too.
"So, even the union. You learned."
"Hmm ... Sure, Mr. Frau was saying. I only use a merchant to silence me and remember only the parts."
Well, there is no problem if you only remember there.
"When it comes to being a merchant ... you have to find a store for Uncle Michael. Then we're going to look for three tomorrow ... no, tomorrow we'll hunt in the forest."
"I know. Let's hunt for three tomorrow. For wood, we can't just buy it at once. We'll take time to collect it."
"When the house was nearing completion, the price of wood was being lifted."
Bron started saying something ominous.
"Are there any merchants who do that?"
"I heard from the sisters of the civilian daughters. An a la carte of a terrible incident in the royal capital."
"Oh ... that, um, um, there's no mansion wall"
A mansion lifted the price of the wall material at the last minute, and the angry nobleman completed the mansion saying, "Well, the wall is not enough."
Summer was good, but winter was too cold and the nobleman broke.
"But the aristocracy broke the promise to marry the aristocrat's daughter to the merchant's house? I'm okay because I didn't make that promise."
"It may be okay, but let's go with caution, we're countryside."
It was.
The village chief also told me.
We are always vulnerable people.
Don't be alert.
Please act with caution.
He said that even if we were not bad, bad people would come by.
Thank you mayor.
But it's extreme to think that if you're talking to a stranger older man, you're all scammers.
The suspicious guy is more comfortable than Dr. Hakren who said he was beaten.
next day.
When I went to buy wood, the price was greatly increased.
But I don't panic.
I have a companion today.
"Shopkeeper. What's the price? Wood should be managed by the union. I haven't received any reports that the timber shortage was so great that it went up sharply."
It would be no problem if you had a beezel.
As a precaution, it was nice to stop by the Royal Castle before going to buy wood.