Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
The end of autumn and the dragon
After the harvest, a fighting party was held.
Along with the martial arts, Beast boys, Goal, Seal, and Bron, who are going to the school of the Demon Kingdom, have returned with Beezel.
Of course, temporarily.
As soon as the fighting party is over, return home.
a bit lonely.
The three came to me and greeted me.
I didn't see it a little, but it was quite mature.
But the eyes that Seal sees me ... respect? Awe? I wonder what?
Did something happen at the school?
Did he appear on his face?
The goal explained after the greeting.
Anyway, the seal seems to be approached by multiple women.
"A match. If I win, become a husband. If I lose, become a wife."
ah I see.
That's the direction.
So, seal is the game?
"I received everything and won"
Oh, that's bad.
If he didn't want to go, he should have avoided the game for some reason.
"As a result, there are always three women near the seal in the school ..."
"I've been well together."
"They are crushing other challengers."
"... It's three reliable people."
"I couldn't beat the seal."
"Hahaha. Well, I'm glad I like it more than I hate it.
"Yes, that's why I think Seal's eyes are on the village chief."
what do you mean?
"I know the seal, but you and Bron?"
"I'm going out with a woman. So is Bron."
I admit that I was looking for a wife for the reason I was sent to school ...
I'm surprised that this is going well.
Communication skills are high.
When I was in this village ... Is it age-hard?
Well, she's still young.
Don't be afraid to think about the future.
Will you get my permission before getting married?
I'm glad, but my permission is ... oh, my father.
Roger that.
At that time, let me make a firm decision.
The fighting party attracted visitors as usual and was moderately damaged.
Everyone was used to it.
Three beast race boys participate in the warrior section.
I didn't win at all, but had a good smile.
"This is it."
"Oh, there are lots of opponents who can't win even if they put all their power"
"I mean, how can I win?"
"There will only be training"
The winner of the knight's section is Uno.
Lou and Tia have refrained from participating after giving birth, but they are stronger than before.
With the victory crown on his head, he was proudly walking to where his partner, Closan, was waiting in the thunderous applause.
I will display the trophy in the hall of the house.
The winner was Uno, but Daga was the most prominent in the battle.
The use of the sword was clearly different than usual.
I heard that it was Pirika's swordplay.
Every time he went to Gomura, he learned because he was with him because he was training.
"I feel like using it, as Pirika says, it's specialized in interpersonal warfare. It would not be suitable for Uno or Makura."
Daga's words that beat Ria and lost to Uno.
Gulf also learned to see Pirika's swordsmanship, but was not blessed with the combination and hit Uno in the first round.
"It's solid because it's built on the basic movements. Just learning this sword can help you to some degree in interpersonal battles, but there's a lot of room for improvement. It's a bad sword image for beginners. Is there any swordplay used by those who claim to be sword sacred for beginner? "
Gulf is thinking something while pretending.
The defeat is unlikely.
Perhaps, even after the venue is released, you will challenge someone.
I want you to be safe.
By the way, now the Demon King is fighting against a human-type guilar.
Yeah, this scream.
It has become a special feature of the fighting party.
It was the first fighting party for newly joined civilian girls, but there were no particular problems.
"Don't think anything"
"Work. If you concentrate on work, you can forget everything."
Very serious and excellent.
I want to have a good influence on the civilian girls who have been in the foreground.
No, I don't say I'm skipping.
Yeah, I've just been able to afford it recently ... I'm sorry, let's talk clearly.
Don't seduce me.
Especially when holding a baby, a gentleman's agreement would have been concluded.
Don't show off your breasts without breast milk.
Also, half of the newcomers go to shops in the town of Shashart, so it's only now that it's easier.
The day after the fight ends.
The guests return.
Three boys of the beast race.
Perhaps they were caught by Alfred and attacked last night.
I feel pretty tired.
Did you play a game as well as a question?
Good work.
The souvenirs were kept in Beesel.
Please take it over there.
Oh, I had a lot of vegetables.
If not, tell Beezel.
The demon kings and the beast-kind boys returned early, but Dose, Rajmeyren and Draim stayed for a while.
The reason is Hiichirou.
According to Rajmeyren, it is almost time.
What is it about time?
That's how Heichiro turns into a dragon.
Raimeillen often took care of Heichiro because heichiro may be cute, but Heichiro was born as a human.
A dragon is a dragon even if it is born as a human.
As it grows up, it has power that humans cannot control.
Simply put, Heichiro is a child with no power control.
Heichiro can beat people around just by swinging his arm, and heichiro's body is not always tolerable.
Rajmeyren was as close as possible to avoid such unnecessary accidents.
Hakuren was always nearby when Rajmeyen was self-restraining, but she hoped that she would rescind herself as soon as she couldn't do anything else.
Anyway, it seems that such a worry can be solved to some extent once it becomes a dragon.
And it seems to be about to come from Raimeylen's perspective.
Dose, Rajmeilen, Draim, and Hakuren are waiting in the form of a dragon so that Heichiro can easily imagine the figure of a dragon.
Heichiro is innocently trying to climb the tail of a dragon-shaped Rajmeilen ... Is this really going to be a dragon?
At the moment when I wondered, the figure of Heichiro became a small dragon of about 3 meters.
Oops, it was different.
Yeah, it's cool.
Heichiro is spreading his wings without panicking because of his change.
No problem.
According to Raimeylen's explanation, this is a relief.
The only thing left is to train them to change the appearance of humans and dragons.
Don't worry too much, as the difficulty seems easier than a dragon becoming a human.
I'm not worried ...
Heichiro, are you trying to fly?
Uoi, a little, flying!
Hakuren, Raimeiren, take control.
Kaku Hichiro, who has returned to human form, has a small dragon and a tail.
I remember Rusty when I met him.
At this time, I want to recall Hakuren ... but there is only an image of the attack.
If you think about it, you've grown up.
I'm not only looking at Heichiro, but also taking care of Urza and others.
That's good.
By the way, Llanone has the same concern, so Rusty will not leave.
It's a bit lonely for me, albeit for Lannan.