Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Rumors of the end of winter
At the foot (foot) of the five villages (Onomura).
A pair of men.
Is it really in such an unpopular place?
"I do.
Almost there. "
"Soon, I've heard it many times."
"Really soon," he said.
Look, you smell it.
I used to do it a little more in a crowded area, but there were a lot of residents invited by this smell, and the guard came out and made a scene. "
If you smell like this in the middle of the night, you won't stop.
... There it is.
It's that stall, isn't it?
"That's right.
But you didn't forget what I said, did you?
"Of course it is.
I'll never tell anyone about this store.
Right. "
"You've got another one.
What about the manager?
"I call you Admiral"
"All right, let's go.
Whoa, keep your orders shut because I'll take your share. "
"Ok...... can't I order it?
"It's hard if you're not used to it.
Look at my order at first and remember. "
"Let me study"
"Admiral, are you doing this?
Hehe, it's cold today. I thought I'd warm it up with ramen.
Two soy sauce ramen, please.
Both with extra chashu.
Oh, because I'm fine with chopsticks.
The liquor is... hard to throw away the Gomura liquor modification, but it's still barley for the ramen.
Two drinks, please. "
Couple of men and women.
"What do you say?
Delicious, isn't it?
It's my secret store. "
"It's delicious indeed.
But how come you don't open a store in the daytime when it tastes like this?
It's a flavor that works on Ramen Street. "
"Maybe you don't want to get into a faction fight or something?
"Faction feud?
"It's a faction fight on Ramen Street.
Briefly, there are three large factions of "soy sauce," "pork bone," and "miso," and there are coalition forces such as "soy sauce pork bone," "soy sauce miso," and "miso pork bone."
They contend that their flavors are supreme.
Oh, "salt" is a small force, but it's different and different. "
I didn't know.
What's so strong so far?
"Until a while ago," Soy Sauce Pork Bone "was strong, not" Pork Bone Soy Sauce ".
Soy sauce, pork bone, and pork bone soy sauce are different forces. "
"Until a while ago?
"Yeah," Pork Bone Soy Sauce "was a vegetable-enhanced ramen that swept away the rest of my life.
You took him once, didn't you?
"Increase the amount of vegetables...... in that Kosei, that store where the Dasheng came out?
It's delicious, and it makes me sick, but I knew there were people who couldn't eat that amount.
Leftovers became a problem, and the vegetable ramen was licensed only in limited quantities. "
"Do you have a license to serve vegetable incremental ramen?
"Oh, no, the customer has the license, not the store.
He said he could eat properly. "
That smile, give it a rest. "
"I have a license.
And advanced third stage. "
"Advanced third stage?
"The license is ranked and feels like elementary, intermediate, advanced, advanced one step, advanced two steps, advanced three steps from the bottom.
Good luck with some ramen you can't eat unless you rank higher. "
"But you did your best."
But Queen Ramen seems to be in the top seven, so there's still a long way to go. "
"I see.
Ramen's not that expensive, but I'd like a side menu. "
We need to make more money. "
"And so is my job, but you see, about us..."
"I wonder if I'd like a home where I can eat as much ramen as I want when I want"
"Doesn't that mean ramen every day?
"I just like it whenever I want."
Ladies in pairs.
"Ma'am, did you hear about the example?
"Is that what you can do on the way to the transfer gate?
"There's also that, but the story I want to talk about is the underground shopping street.
I heard that the full start there came in the spring, but there are actually a few stores that are open. "
"Oh, I see you do.
But he said it was an advance sale for nobles. "
"Advance sales are just for the first day.
Since day two, we've been selling confidentially to the public. "
I was curious to go, too, but I couldn't find a store that was open "
"Isn't that confidential, just a rumor?
"No, there is definitely sales going on.
Evidence of this shows that the hardware store husband headed in the direction of an underground shopping street in the middle of the night and that the young bakery husband was alone at the entrance to the underground shopping street in the evening. "
"Is a hardware store Mr. Gobley's shop?
"Yeah, it would be weird if that drawstring husband went out on purpose, wouldn't it?
Besides, the young master of the bakery always takes the surroundings, but being alone... "
"It's about alcohol, right?
But we haven't talked to the South Side Shop Union, have we?
"Wow, don't be mad at me.
Besides, it's under the direct authority of the village chief's deputy, so I was wondering if it was necessary to talk to the shopping union. "
"Yes, but in previous practice we had a story to talk about.
I can't believe this is not the only time.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
"Are you crazy?
"The village chief's deputy may be strong, but the basics will take care of the sum.
I didn't expect you to do this kind of imitation... and I wonder if you don't even know the village chief deputy "
"Do you want to find out?
"We need to find out... General, what's up?
There's a Dwarf's hidden liquor store on Underground Shop Street?
Even if you told me not to take care (oh and) because I'm not in the business just because my liquor lovers are getting together and drinking...... is this karaoke a service?
I'll have it. "
Researcher-style pairs of men and women.
"Are you the Ramen Guard?
Ramen is popular in Gomura, isn't it?
So we all try to make ramen and do business... not very much, but even dishes that can't be called ramen are served under the name of ramen "
"That's terrible.
So it's the Ramen Guard that controls it?
But there's a problem. "
"Obviously, in the case of different dishes, we can take it under control, but if we can attack the critical, hey.
This is my ramen.
If you insist so strongly, you can't help it. "
"I see, that's true indeed"
"Besides, there's no one in the Ramen Guard who can answer the question of what ramen is."
"Ramen... the noodles (mens) are soaked in warm soup... you can't say ramen just to be there.
That would put a lot of food in it. "
"There are so many kinds of noodles, soups, and utensils that I can't say this is ramen.
Naturally, it can also be rubbed when it's tightened. "
"It's tough.
Oh, how about OK if the manager of the noodle shop Britoa, who started ramen in Wumura, admits it?
"You can't be bothered by the noodle shop Britoa.
But even a long queue can get even longer. "
"Noodle shop Britoa, it's too popular to eat unless you line up in the morning.
... So there's nothing you can do?
"That's what I thought, but it's not nice to discredit Ramen, a typical dish from Wumura, is it?
That's why I appealed to the village chief's deputy. "
"Did you sue him?
Yeah, I sued him.
"... because what happened?
"The village chief deputy talked to the village chief, and the answer that came out was this ramen"
"... is the noodle and soup another ramen"
"They say noodles.
This isn't like the ramen we've had so far, but it's ramen.
By the way, they're not serving it now because it's winter, but they also have cold ramen. "
"Is it a chilled ramen?
You're getting harder and harder to define ramen.
Yeah, yum.
A good balance between noodles tightened with cold water and hot soup.
But isn't this going to make the soup warm (soaked) later?
"Eat up before it gets warm.
I'd say, if you tell the clerk, he'll warm up the soup again. "
"I appreciate that.
But this soup is too thick to drink. "
"After you finish eating the noodles, you can add the soup."
"Soup split...... I see, there's no gap.
But what did the village chief's deputy intend to serve noodles and chilled ramen?
"It's disrespectful to imagine it on your own, but I don't suppose that means you don't need a definition or anything for ramen"
"If you tie it up poorly, you might not get a new ramen."
"Yes, yes.
Store manager... not the general, can you change the noodles?
One egg, please. "
"Oh, to me, too.
............... But that noodle hasn't been announced in large part yet, has it?
Yet this store that puts it out... "
A pair of adventurers.
"The adventurers from the King's Capital have discovered several living metastasis gates.
Awesome. "
And I envy you.
As an adventurer, I wanted to be involved in the discovery of such artifacts. "
"Not at all.
But there are strange rumors about it. "
"Weird rumors?
"You've heard that the discovered transfer gates will be given way to the Demon King, and that the transferred transfer gates will be used to connect the King's capital with the city of Chashhart, and these five villages, right?
"Of course... is that the odd rumor?
"That's not it.
As a matter of fact, there are rumors that negotiations on land for the installation of the transfer gates began in the fall or so. "
"... are you sure about that?
"No, I'm not sure because it's a rumor.
But it's weird that there's gonna be rumors like that, right?
No wonder they said they knew the metastasis gates would be discovered. "
"I knew I would be discovered... so I deliberately called an adventurer from the King's Capital to explore... what would derive from it?
"…………………………… sorry, I don't know"
I don't know either.
Why do you have to do such a cumbersome imitation?
"Doesn't rumor mean rumors?
Or I was trying to use it for something else and started negotiating land, but I just changed the use because I found the transfer gates. "
"Conversion... hmm.
Something snags me...... hmm?
Admiral, what about this pickle?
Sorry. "
"The pickles after eating the ramen are refreshing.
I think I'll get another glass of barley. "
"Me and me."
Beast Trio.
"The village... not the general.
I finally found the Golem. "
"It was rumored by the adventurers the other day.
It wasn't hard to find him, but it was hard to catch him. "
"Yeah, yeah.
Wouldn't a golem that sells merchandise need combat capability?
I do think we need some security... but that wasn't a level of some. "
"The mobility was weird.
Besides, why do you need to be able to jump so much...... ramen, I'll have it.
Is this chashu an omelet?
Thank you. "
"By the way, Mother Ramrias... can I have my sister here as a clerk?
I thought it was the stopping side.
Boiled eggs are delicious. "
"It's an experiment in information gathering and new flavors of ramen.
Planned up to today?
Lucky in time...... is that it?
Admiral, the other customers look desperate, but until today, you haven't...
I knew ramen was a noodle. "
"Then I'll take your chashu... yes, sorry.
Don't aim for other people's plates.
I know.
So don't be so glamorous, Mother Ramlias... no, Sister Ramlias.
Look, it's like ordering over there. "
"In the meantime, when you're done eating, let's help the general, not the village chief......
Because I heard today was the last day and someone went to get someone I knew. "
"Aren't you helping me withdraw?
"I wonder if it's impossible to withdraw because the rest of us are ordering and holding back.
Looks like we still have noodles and soup. "
"Are you ready?"
But I think we still have time, so I think we can do a change. "
"I think so, too."
Admiral, please!