Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
[Character List] Race and Name List 5
● The Village of Daiki
City Tail (Town) Fire (Hiraku) Village Manager.
Cro () race representative.
Infernowulf Emperor, who unites the king.
Yuki (●) Kuro's partner.
Infernowulf Empress, wife of those who unite the king.
Croich () the son of Croix and Yuki.
Infernowulf King.
Alice (●) Kreuci's partner.
Infernowulf Queen.
Croni () the son of Cro and Yuki.
Infernowulf King.
Partner of Iris () Kroni.
Infernowulf Queen.
Klosan (●) The son of Klosan and Yuki.
Infernowulf Queen.
Uno (Â) Closan's partner.
Infernowulf King.
Cloyon (Â) The sons of Clo and Yuki.
Infernowulf King.
Ellis (Â) Kroyon's partner.
Infernowulf Queen.
Krogo (Â) The son of Krog and Yuki.
Chlorok () son of Chlo and Yuki.
Cronana () the son of Cro and Yuki.
Crohachi (●) The son of Cro and Yuki.
Fubuki (●) special individuals. Cocuteswolf.
I make Masayuki Harlem.
He is missed by the puppy (Fenrir) he picked up.
Keep it up, partner the puppy you picked up.
Most of them.
Puppy (') Sounds like a brave name.
Fenrill's kid brother and puppy kid.
"Demon Spider"
Zabton Illegal Demon Spider.
Race representative.
One of McRazabton's children.
Most of them.
Araco brunette Arachne.
"Armor Spider"
Red Armor Demon Spider subspecies.
White armor demon spider subspecies.
Lou. Lucy-Lou.
Flora Flora-Sactu.
Lou's cousin.
She is beginning to be called the Queen of Fermented Foods.
(Half?) Son of Alfreto Village Chief and Lou.
Admitted to an aristocratic school in the king's capital of the demonic kingdom.
(Half?) Daughter of Rupmillina village chief and Lou.
"Angel Clan"
Tier race representatives. Annihilation angel. Golem user.
Gran Maria, one of the killer angels.
Coudell, one of the killer angels.
Corone, one of the killer angels.
daughter of the head of the Kiabit Angel Clan.
Sualuriu twin angels.
Sualkow twin angels.
(Half?) Daughter of Village Chief Tiesel and Tia.
Admitted to an aristocratic school in the king's capital of the demonic kingdom.
(Half?) Aurora Village Chief and Tia's daughter.
(Half?) Daughter of Village Chief Rosemary and Gran Maria.
(Half?) Daughter of village chief Laradel and Coudell.
(Half?) Daughter of Tolmane Village Chief and Corone.
"High Elves"
Representation of the rear race.
Forty-two of them.
(Half?) Mayor Lillius and Leah's son.
(Half?) Son of Riggle Village Chief and Lise.
(Half?) Son of the Latte Village Chief and Rafah.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Daughter of village chief and high elf.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Daughter of village chief and high elf.
"Ghost Nation."
Ann Race Representative. Maid length.
Ramulias Beast Race Caregiver.
One of the Azki maids.
Seventeen of them.
(Half?) Son of Trine Village Manager and Ann.
Daga Race Representative.
Nurf Minotaur's caregiver.
Thirteen others + children born every year
Twenty-five "Beasts" (pre-emigrants) + Mr. and Mrs. Gatt + Apprentice + Mr. and Mrs. Gulf + Children
Senna Race Representative. Migrants from the village of Howlin.
Mam Ichimura caretaker.
(move to demon kingdom) Boy of the Goal Beast tribe.
(move to demon kingdom) Boy of the Seal Beast clan.
(move to demon kingdom) Boy of the Bronn Beast tribe.
Twenty other pre-emigrants.
Gatsena's brother. Son of the Mayor of the village of Howlin.
Forge leader of the village of Daiki.
Wife of (human) Nassigat.
(Half) Natgut's daughter.
Apprentice a man of gut. Engaged to Apprentice B.
Apprentice b woman of gut. Engaged with Apprentice A.
The best warrior in the village of Gulfhaulin.
Gulf's wife.
I got a wife from the village of Howlin, Gulf's son.
Masonry representative in the village of Daiki.
Gulf's daughter a
Gulf's daughter b one of the first migrants from the village of Howlin.
Gulf's son's wife.
Son of Gulf.
(Half?) Daughter of Mayor Sette and Senna.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Son of the village chief and the Beastman tribe.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Son of the village chief and the Beastman tribe.
Rusty Rusty Smoon. Race representative.
The eldest daughter of Haklendose. Hit Rusty's aunt.
Daughter of Glal Dark Dragon Guiral.
(Half?) Son of Village Chief Hiichirou and Haklen.
(Half?) Daughter of Lananown Village Chief and Rusty.
(Half?) Son of Hikaru village chief and Haklen. Twins. Glowing.
(Half?) Daughter of Himiko Village Chief and Haklen. Twins. Darkness.
Gouronde multi-headed dragon. Dark Dragon Girard's wife. Glal's mother.
injured and suffered in the battle against the brave,
It was healed with the leaves of the world tree in the village of Dai Tree.
"Ancient Demons"
Bulgarasti samurai (servant).
Stifano Rusty's Samurai (servant).
About five veteran midwives. Grahl's from Dawes'.
I am seconded as a caregiver.
Lives in shifts.
Versa Versa-Mila-Transilver.
Wife of the Initial Ancestor. He's been alive a long time.
It is viable to write books with same-sex intertwining.
One of the thirty-seven Legionnaires, Legatus Legionis, who served the demon god (Rygiel).
Demons/Civilian Daughters
Bezel's only daughter.
Village deputy. Civilian daughter crowd director.
Second daughter of Count Lasher Sidorova's family.
Caretaker of the Centaur tribe.
Four women in the Count Krakassepgal family.
Most of them.
(Half?) Frasia frasia bell. daughter of the village chief and Frau.
From the Chrome family for childcare in Holly Frasia.
More than fifty "Elder Dwarves"
Donovan race representative.
Many others (more than 50 in total)
Recently, a female Dwarf came to the village.
"Mountain Elves"
Yar pedigree representative.
Twenty of them.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Son of the village chief and mountain elf.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Son of the village chief and mountain elf.
(Half?) (Unannounced) Daughter of village chief and mountain elf.
Ursa Urblaza. Former Necromancer King and now a child.
Admitted to the Aristocratic School of the Demonic Kingdom.
Earthly Ursa squire. Earth. It can also be a human form.
As a caretaker for Ursa, he went to the Aristocratic School of the Demonic Kingdom.
I work hard on small Wyburn Wyburn communications.
Celeste Celestine-Rozzine.
It was protected in the village of Daiki. Virgin.
"Nine Tails Fox"
Yoko Race Representative? Dragon strength.
Daughter of Human Eyoko.
"Necromancer Instructor"
Necromancer mentor woman.
I was doing research in the hot springs, but I got teachers for my kids.
I was to move to the village of Daiki.
Sometimes, I go to hot springs and do research.
"Intelligence Sword, a Wise Sword"
Partner of the Quentin Necromancer Instructor.
I used to manage resentment furnaces.
Singing about life in the village of Queen Bee Dai Tree. About thirty centimeters.
Gosh, more.
Soldier bee fine, brain muscle. About 15 cm.
Lots of them.
Worker bee regular bee size.
Lots of them.
Queen Bee Daughter A little fat queen bee.
Liquor Slime Village healing officer.
Blue Slime The first slime they brought in.
Holly slime bright white slime.
The Black Slime Lizardmans adore me.
Green Slime
Yellow slime
Red Slime
Most of them.
Rygiel, ex-defunct?
He's competing with the liquor slime for the village's healing position.
"Gem Cat"
Jewel Rygiel's wife.
(?) Miel sister cat. daughter of Rygiel and Jewel.
Officially Mikael. White hair.
(?) Rael sister cat. daughter of Rygiel and Jewel.
Officially Raphael. White hair.
(?) well sister cat. daughter of Rygiel and Jewel.
Officially Uriel. Black hair.
(?) Toad sister cat. daughter of Rygiel and Jewel.
Officially Gabriel. Butch.
(?) Ariel Rygiel and Jewel's daughter.
(?) Haniel Rygiel and Jewel's daughter.
(?) Daughter of Zell Lygiel and Jewel.
(?) Samael Rygiel and Jewel's daughter.
I miss the Demon King.
Belford The first horse to come to the village.
Horse Belford partner.
Son of a child horse Belford.
daughter of the child horse Belford. My oldest daughter.
daughter of the child horse Belford. Second daughter.
Seed horses for the daughters of the male horse Belford. Handsome.
Unicorn (Female) Horse partner.
Son of the child horse Belford and son of Unicorn.
Pegasus x6 Watermelon Lover.
Slow to fly. It's also slow to run.
I can't fly long because I'm tired easily.
"Ground Dragon."
A demon called the Ground Dragon Dungeon Walker.
Fine, big. Live in a dungeon of great trees.
Aigis still a round chick. Running is faster than flying.
Idol of the Harpies.
Eagle The eagle who built a nest on top of the world tree.
Aigis and I are close.
"Pound Turtle"
Pound turtle turtle. The skin of the methyl is expensive.
Feathers on fairy glowing spheres (ping-pong ball size).
I like sweet things.
There are about fifty of them.
Human-shaped fairies Little human-shaped fairies.
There are about 10 of them.
Fairy Queen A fairy queen who looked like a human being.
(about the same size as a human)
A child who looked like an adult.
A being who doesn't like dragons.
As the guardian of children, in the land of man it is quite
Giant silkworm golden silkworm.
Spit gold thread.
I live in the world tree and protect the world tree.
He is also a rival of Aigis.
I miss Orgouronde.
The Sougetsu sisters and cats like it for some reason.
● Around 20 in Ichimura (Nyu) + 20 (Human) + 42 (Harpy) + Children
"Nünudaphne" (Spirit-like species of wood)
Ig Ichimura Representative. Race representative.
Around twenty other people are in one village.
Several contacts in other villages & travel as night lights.
Jack Ichimura human representative. Leader.
Wife of Mortejack. I can use spiritual magic.
Acting manager of a store in the city of Marcos Chashart.
King Curry.
Paula Marcos' wife.
King Bruno Potov. Former, born in a good house.
King of Augus Grilled Chicken Skewers.
Fourteen others + four children
"Harpy Tribe"
Mach Race Representative.
Forty-one others + children born (pretty much more)
Clicky Marcos, in charge of watching Paula's house.
John One Village Security Officer.
He's got dozens.
Quite a few are strangely clever for some reason.
"Elder Trent"
Elder, I came to see Trent Ig and stayed put.
Elder, Trent's kid. Little Trent.
● Seventy-two children born in Nimura
"Minotaur" (Giant with Bull Horn)
Gordon Nimura Representative. Race representative.
Married Ronana Gratz.
It is stationed in the village of Daiki Mirua.
Sixty-nine others + children born
● 104 (pre-emigrants) + 41 (hookahs) + children born
"Centaur" (lower body is a horse)
Representative of Gruwald Mimura. Race rep. Former Viscount.
Former Baron Fuka-Polo.
One hundred forty-three others + children born
● Simura Sun Castle 260 + 16 (Mercury species)
"Demon Clan"
Kuzden Shimura Representative. Race representative.
About sixty others.
"Dream Demons."
About 200 people.
"Mercury Species"
Bell pedigree representative. Auxiliary head of Sun City Castle. Maid.
Gou Sun Castle Assistant Castle owner. Old age.
(Moved to Wang Du) Asa middle aged butler. It's rounded.
From the person in charge of managing the transfer gates (hot springs),
to Demon King School with the Alfrates.
Lid wizard style thirties woman.
Responsible for the management of the transfer gate (Gomura).
Miyo Toddler Maid.
He is currently in charge of accounting in the city of Chashart.
Captain of the Tow omnipotent ship.
Managing the Yor Transfer Gate (Hot Springs).
(move to Wu-Village) Hee Wu-Village's lead martial officer.
(Moved to Wu-Village) The head of the Lok Wu-Village Interior Officer.
(move to five villages) Information Officer for Nana five villages.
(move around) Everywhere as a leprechaun team.
Currently the city of Chashart is the main focus.
Five of them.
● Gomura
() is not domiciled here. Determined primarily where you sleep, not on a registration basis.
"Nine Tails Fox"
(Yoko) Acting village chief.
Demons/Civilian Daughters
Gaete (abbreviated) Consultant. Gateguru Terror Teseponest.
One of the four predecessors.
Counsellor Paranen. One of the previous Four Heavenly Kings.
Daughter of the Yuri Demon King. He went to the five villages as administrator of the demonic kingdom.
But I'm almost sleeping in the village of Daiki.
I take care of Yuri and Yuri around me.
Civilian Daughter Former Yuri's treat. trained as civilian daughters,
Active everywhere.
Yuri's Friends x 5 Noble Daughters in Music Relationship.
Face role behind the north side of Rogabo Gomura.
One of the merchants of Goland's five villages. Aim up so much.
Guards recruiting ochs lovers.
"Mercury Species"
Hee Gomura's lead martial officer.
Lok Gomura's lead interior official.
Information Officer for Nana Gomura.
He's diving everywhere in disguise.
(Ceres) Religious-related control of the five villages. Virgin.
8 x clerics. I got a job in Wu-Village on a recommendation from Hoosh.
Pilica Pilica-Winup.
Chief of security.
Even in an era called Kensei.
Pilika's Apprentice x 50
Apprentice's family x 250
Chelsea Mahatma. Training in Gomura.
I work hard in the Silver Knight Guard.
Acting manager of Bronze Knight's Bronze Coffee.
Red Iron Knight worked hard in the Guard during the day, and at night in 'Liquor Needs'.
In part-time life.
Enjoying the life of the Red Iron Knight's squire Gomura.
Diplomat of the five villages of Tree King. Gorn Forest Elves.
A middle-aged man who looks serious.
Diplomat of Bow King Gomura. Garrett Forest Elves.
A woman who seems mindful.
Tree King, Bow King's men x 10
Gomura Elves x 60 people
(Elves added voluntarily in the early days of village building)
Who came as hostages × 250
Kinesta Former Empress of the Elf Empire.
Acting manager of "Krotyuki".
He also oversees the Gomura Iron Bull Army.
Forge in Juano Five Villages, Dwarf General Summary.
Former Dwarf x 30 (they are also part of Juano's regiment)
Juano Team Members x 20
(About 150 others, work around)
Gomura Dwarf x 30 people
(Dwarves added in the early days of village making)
Demon Snake.
Needs The use of the snake god. Superb.
Acting manager of "Liquor Needs".
"Ancient Demons"
I work on the back as a Prada Yoko employee.
Demons collecting works of art.
Both Gomura senators and village senators. Representatives of the Five Village Migrants.
There are about fifty of them.
10 x samurai officers in relation to the previous four kings of heaven
Civilian x 30 in relation to the Four Ten Kings of Predecessors
Demons x 15000
(Migrants, merchants gathered from all over)
Humans x 4000
(Migrants, merchants gathered from all over)
Other sub-races × 6000
(Beasts, Demons, etc.)
Five-kun Gomura mascot character.
Very popular.
● Hot springs
"Necromancer Knight" (Skeleton + Armored + Good Sword)
He looks like a Necromancer knight sword master. Handsome.
The two of them.
"Lion (?
Lion's father.
Lion's mother.
Three lion kids.
● Dungeons in the South
"Lamia" (lower body is snake)
Lord of the Geneva Dungeon.
Warrior Chief of the Sooner Dungeon.
About fifty others.
● Dungeons of the North
"The Giants" (The Furry Giants)
About fifty others.
● East Dungeons
"Gorok Tribe"
Gorok Stoneman. I've only got a name yet.
● City of Chashart
Mr. Michael, the meeting of the Goloun Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Marlon Michael's son. Next meeting.
Titomaron's cousin.
Accountant at the Goloun Chamber of Commerce.
Randy Marron's cousin.
Purchaser at the Goloun Chamber of Commerce.
Combat captain of the Milford Goloun Chamber of Commerce.
Sidelow Goloun Chamber of Commerce, head office manager of Shashart.
(Michael's wife's father)
Mr. Ronnie Michael's brother.
Demon Race
The deputy of the city of Ifruschashart.
Son of Gillspark ifrus.
Fair Arena Gill Spark lover. Bakery daughter.
The man behind the city of Goldie Chashart.
Goro Goldie's dog is a demon dog without it.
I'm from Potte Back Alley. Work in Marula.
I'm from Lazek Back Alley. Painting boy. Working in Marula.
Baron Schiffle League.
King Hamburg working in Marula.
Accountant A woman who had a bad dream.
Responsible for accounting for Big Roof Shashart.
Hot Gill Spark's best friend.
Annoying and reflecting on Marula. Serving.
Marisa, Mistress of the city cafeteria in Chashart.
Marc Marisa's son. Doing stalls.
Daughter of San Marisa. Doing stalls.
"Ifrus School Officials"
Atma Atma-Biellas.
Wizard. Lou's apprentice.
Gable Throw Gable Throw-Zain Baltz.
Wizard. Apprentice of Atma. Old man.
Mariana Mariana - Goro.
The leader in flaming magic. Even with exploding fools. Female.
A summary of lecturers at Robert Iffrus School. Lead lecturer.
School director mystery.
"Photography Team"
(move around) One of the Ile Mercury species. Director.
● Demon kingdom
Demon Race
Gargard Demon King.
Led by Randan Four Heavens King. (Home Affairs)
Four Heavens King. (Treasurer)
Bezel Bezel-Climb-Chrome.
Four Heavens King. (Diplomatic Officer)
(move to five villages) Daughter of Yuri Demon King. Princess Wang.
Volgraf, head of the Gofril family's harshness.
Silkine Biesel's wife, Frau's mother. Beauty.
(Move to Five Villages) Gate (abbreviated) Gate Grooterrante Seponest.
One of the four predecessors.
(Move to Five Villages) Paranen One of the previous Four Heavenly Kings.
Pugal Watgang-Pugal. Count.
"Demons (Dalphon Chamber of Commerce)"
One of the seventeen candidates to run the Delrinted Chamber of Commerce.
Acting on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce.
I'm trying, but I don't get paid.
Ridley-Ridley-Baker Maca
A plump sister with an appearance of about forty years old.
One of the seventeen candidates to run the Chamber of Commerce.
Tisel likes you, my friend.
I strongly support Delegate Delinted.
One of the seventeen candidates to run the Gilling Chamber of Commerce.
Worked evil, got caught.
One of the seventeen candidates to run the Maskund Chamber of Commerce.
Worked evil, got caught.
One of the seventeen candidates to run the Lulusa Chamber of Commerce.
In charge of rough affairs.
"Demon Clan (Team Adventurer/Miagard Axe)"
I'm not a coke leader, but a leader.
Leader leader, but not leader.
The shield escapes fast.
Ten others.
Four Heavens King. (Military Rep)
Arthur, knight of the pantry.
"Forest Guardian"
Guardian of the Forest of Foro North. Son of Zabton.
"High Elves"
Ligneria's mother. Warrior chief of the Riff family.
It protects the ruins of the forest north of the Wang capital.
"Mixed Dragon Clan"
Aujes Flaming Dragon. Work as a demon king's men.
Active in baseball.
High Free Guta Wind Dragon. Work as a demon king's men.
Active in baseball.
Kihatroy earth dragon. Work as a demon king's men.
Active in baseball.
Ex-King of the kingdom of man. Asylum to the demonic kingdom.
Active in baseball.
Number four in catchers at one time.
In the absence of a supervisor, he/she may also act as supervisory agent.
Former king's wife. Obsessed with theatre (actorship).
● Demon Kingdom (Gargard School of Aristocracy)
"The Beast Nation"
Boy of the Goal Beast Clan. School teacher.
Boy of the Seal Beast Clan. School teacher.
Boy of the Bronn Beast tribe. School teacher.
Demon Race
Anne-Roseur School Director. Wife of the Demon King.
Seven daughters of the Earl of Endellipugal family.
One of Gore's wives.
Five Ladies of Count Kirisana Glitch's House.
One of Gore's wives.
The eldest daughter of the Viscount Irene family. The best warrior in school students.
One of Seal's wives.
The best attacking magic user among Robian school students.
One of Seal's wives.
(Connegit) Daughter of a big merchant, a civilian. The identity is How-Leg.
One of Seal's wives.
Sister working hard on Aleisha affairs. Bron's wife.
Demons with the heads of Menek goats.
He is the administrator of a goat-rich ranch.
Easley, the assassin sent from the human country?
Ursa's friends.
"Mixed Dragon Clan"
Metola blue and white scaled dragon.
The human figure is a woman in her thirties or so.
Also known as Dundazzi. The Mixed Dragons are the strongest.
As caregivers of the Ursa's, to the School of Aristocracy.
Wife of other seals.
The Earl's Edge
Artificial Life Form
Dealer's daughter.
Desert elves that had been caught by slave traders
Assassins sent in by crushed slave traders
Wizard Adventurer
● Coastal Dungeons
"Ancient Demons"
The maid of Hermè Versa.
Maid of Cory Versa.
Harkin Versa maid.
● Inside the Angel Clan
"Angel Clan"
Malbit length (osa). Witch. Kierbit's mother.
Assistant Lewinscha. Tia's mother.
Led by the Rohiers.
Razmaria Gran Maria's mother.
One of the Elders of Leggin Rave.
● Locations
Dawes Dragon King.
Lymelen Typhoon Dragon. Dawes' wife.
Sweet for Hiichiro.
Dryme gatekeeper dragon. Dawes' son.
Graffalo Dryme's wife.
Daughter of Suilendose and Lymelen.
Mark (abbreviated) Marksbergerk. Swillen's husband.
Daughter of Herzelnak Marksbergerk and Swillen.
Daughter of Sekiren Dose and Lymelen.
Quarnsekiren's husband.
Son of Domime Dorse and Lymelen.
Quanquarn's sister. Dmime's wife.
Girard Dark Dragon.
The father of Quoline Quan and Quarn.
Lymelen's brother.
"Ancient Demons"
Deacon of Gucci Drime.
● Some distant country
Initial ancestor Valglife. The Sovereign of Colin.
There were times when he worked in the name of Rumani.
Versa's husband.
High Priest of Hoosh Colin.
Clerical Knight of O'Brien Colin.
"Holy Beast/Tiger"
Sanghetsu Tiger Holy Beast.
● Forest demons and warcraft-related (including officially unaccounted for)
"Killer Rabbit"
Toothed ravioli. Delicious.
If you can't defeat this, you can't go to the woods alone in the village of Daiki.
Huge pig. Delicious.
Tall Itachi.
"Death Ratel"
Thick Itachi.
"Grappler Bear"
The top four corners of the forest.
Stupid deckative bear. Taste is not good.
"Bloody Viper"
The top four corners of the forest.
Huge snake. So-so flavor, energizing effect?
Turns out the eggs are delicious.
"Panic Caribou"
Violent deer. It's hard to find. The corners are delicious.
"Ground Rat"
It only lives in parts of the forest.
Deckai mole.
Huge mukade.
"Poison Rock Hecaton"
Super huge mukade.
"Death Ball"
Big Armadillo.
"Lof Eater"
Demon bug. Big inago.
"King Bear"
Bear. A degraded version of a grappler bear. Lives in the outer periphery of the Forest of Death.
Big frog.
For the record.
The remainder of the forest's top four are Inferno Wolf and Demon Spider.
Demon spider yarn is obnoxious and strong. Smart and strong.
The grappler bear is super strong on its own. The power is amazing.
Bloody viper standalone and strong. Violent in specific environments (dungeons, etc.).
Infernowulf alone there. There's nothing you can do when you flock.
By the way, Infernowulf destroyed a city that size with one head.
I can.
● Demons Outside the Forest
It is said that thirty soldiers are sacrificed to defeat Warbear.
It strikes me with a simulation on a wood-killer tree.
It strikes from the top of a jaguar bull tree.
Have a special Rabbitfoot Strike Kick.
Keeneloon A strange creature that unleashes magic.
Cata, about thirty centimeters of mukade coming from the ground.
Caulklow, day or night, they come after us from the sky.
Tokaon Chameleon Similar Demons. I was in Sun Castle.
High goottle defense, but not great offense.
Lovers Beast Always act more than a pair.
I am told that I am three times stronger than Warbear alone.
Goes Rat Rat Rat Warcraft. A troublemaker who vandalizes the warehouse.
Flying whales are supposed to call for disaster when they appear.
Sharks flying in the sky A whale escort flying in the air.
Sounds like Trent Nyudaphne's men.
● The village chief's female relationship?
Leah, Lise, Rafah.
Two high elves.
Three mountain elves.
Two beasts.
Gran Maria.
Other ghost man-made.
Other high elves.
Yar, part of the mountain elf.
Part of the Beastly Girl (Migrant Group).
The majority of beast tribe girls (migrating groups).
Other mountain elves.
Civilian daughters.
Burga, Stifano.
Kierbit, Sualriu, Sualkou.
Yoko, Ceres, Fairy Queen?
● Age of child
; (as of spring of the eighteenth year)
ALFRATE 7th Spring Birth (Age 11)
Tisel was born in the autumn of the seventh year (eleven in the fall)
Lillius was born in the ninth summer (age 9 in the summer)
Riggle Ninth Summer Birth
Latte Year 9 Summer Birth
Ninth year of the line, born in the summer.
Hiichirou was born in the autumn of the tenth year.
Frasia (Frasiabel) was born in the 11th winter
Sette was born in spring of the twelfth year
Lananone was born in the summer of the twelfth year.
As of the fall of Ursa's ninth year, he was about five.
(Currently about 14 years old)
Nat, year nine, about four as of fall.
(Currently about 13 years old)
Glal year ten, about five as of fall.
(Just the way it looks. dragon so it's really older)
Three Beast Boys, sixth year, about 3-4 years old as of fall.
(Currently aged 15-16)
Hitoe, about three years old, appearance.
(Alive for over a hundred years)
Lupmillina was born in the autumn of the fourteenth year (four in the autumn of the third year)
Aurora was born in the autumn of her fourteenth year (four in the fall of her third year)
Two high elf children, born in autumn of the fourteenth year.
The three children of Mountain Elves were born in the fall of the fourteenth year
The two sons of the Beasts were born in the autumn of the fourteenth year.
Rosemary was born in the fifteenth winter.
Laradel's 17th Summer Birth
Born in the summer of the seventeenth year of Tourmane
Birth of Hikaru 17th Winter
Himiko was born in the 17th winter.
Livestock related
Big Tree Village
Bees so much more.
Horses Increased (Including Unicorn Pegasus)
A little more cows.
Goats pretty much increased.
A little more sheep.
Pig Minority
Chickens pretty much increased.
Shrimp pretty much increased.
Quite a few more pigs.
Chickens pretty much increased.
cattle minority
Goat Minority
More pigs.
More chickens.
Silkworm minority
cattle minority
Goat Minority
More pigs.
More chickens.
More chickens.
Horses considerably more.
Quite a few more cows.
Goats pretty much increased.
sheep considerably more
Quite a few more pigs.
Chickens pretty much increased.
Special material?
Can be collected around the village of Salt Daiki in the Forest of Death.
Can be collected in the village of Daiki, Horn of Infernowulf.
Can be collected in the village of Honeybee Dai Tree in Gnosisby.
Can be collected in the village of Scale Dai Tree in Dragon.
Can be collected in Death Ball's Skin Death Forest.
Mining in the ruins of the lower part of the Sun Castle, Xinghuishi Stone (Horseshoe).
Magic iron powder (first) Mining in the ruins of the lower part of Sun Castle.
Mined in the ruins of the lower part of the Sun Castle in Black Dust (Kokujin).
Mining in insulated stone (hot stone) hot springs.
Can be collected in the village of Fairy Feather Daiki. I need something sweet for the price.
Can be collected in Bloody Viper egg north dungeon.
Can be collected in the village of Yudaiki in Phoenix.
Hair gloss (kamitsuya) is being cultivated in a secret location in the forest north of King Moss's capital.
Available for collection in the village of Mello Skin Dai Tree in Pond Turtle.
Growing in a dungeon of labyrinth porcini great trees.
Can be collected in the village of Leaf Dai Tree of the World Tree.
Mining in a dungeon east of Rainbow Silver.
Can be collected in the village of Cloth Daiki in Demon Spider.
Can be collected in Dungeon Immo Four Villages (formerly Sun Castle).
Disseminating to the demonic kingdom.
Can be collected in the woods near the five villages of Trento's branches.
Elder Trent Branch I can get it from Elder Trent in Ichimura.
Plant-related special materials can be collected in herbal fields.
Five Village Shops Involved by Village Chief
Krotyuki sweet shop.
Krotyuki Zenzai A stall serving Zenzai at night.
Bronze coffee (cafe/blue) Regular coffee shop.
Sweetening Hall Colin Sweetening Sales Office.
Liquor Needs BBQ and liquor store.
Noodle shop Britoa salt ramen shop.
stores that inspired the creation of Ramen Street.
Underground Shopping Street A 3D shopping district with holes dug by the village chief.
They have a hidden liquor store in Dwarf.
Mysterious street mystery.