Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Eagle: Because the weather was so rough, she came to hide the Phoenix chick Aigis in the kotatsu in my room.
Why hide in the kotatsu in my room?
Aigis is not hidden quietly either.
No, not really.
Since the eagle stayed in my room, I contacted the villagers in a hurry that the weather would be really bad.
After a short delay, the weather changed from the rear of the high elf and the angelic tier.
I was contacted because I was in the sky over Shimura.
Then half a day.
The outside of the mansion was terrible.
It's a blizzard.
The snow is raging.
It was good to push cows, horses, goats, sheep and chickens into the hut.
As expected, it would be dangerous if you were outside in such weather.
It's safe inside the hut.
Well, it might be cramped, but I want you to be patient for a while.
Of course, not only cows and horses, but also black children who are active in the outdoors are in huts and mansions.
When they entered the hut or house, Kuro's children were exaggerated due to the weather, but they seemed to have been saved by seeing the blizzard outside now.
I don't know if it's black or snowy, but the generation born in the village will experience this blizzard for the first time.
I'm my first experience.
The beehives in the forest will be fine because they added snowboarding and windbreak before the winter from the beginning.
Look around, the bees were in bad weather with bees.
It is strong.
Regarding Zabton sleeping on the tree, Zabton's children, who are awake, told me it was okay.
Was good.
Red Armor and White Armor who are the gatekeepers are evacuating inside the mansion.
Good, good.
Ask a gatekeeper in a warm place.
The mansion is neither a blizzard nor a bik.
However, the part using the window glass may be dangerous, so it is covered with a wooden board.
So, indoors are only magic lights and magic lights ...
No problem at all.
There is plenty of storage for food and fuel.
Even if the blizzard continues for one month, it can be managed.
Well, it will be another problem if it lasts for a month.
As expected, the Centaur liaison has stopped moving.
This is not only this time, but also a result of meeting with the weather for a long time.
It's going to jump out even in this kind of weather, but it's okay because he told me not to be crazy.
Don't worry, the four villages are over the sky and unaffected by the weather.
Gomura か な り is quite south, so there are few worries because the weather is different from this area.
Ichimura: I'm worried.
Are you alright?
I'm worried about hot springs.
The Knight of the Death will be fine, but what about the lions?
When I say emergency, I have to evacuate to the accommodation in the hot spring area ...
I'm afraid, but this blizzard can't help.
When the blizzard has subsided, be prepared to move so you can check the situation.
Then just pray.
By the way, it is a castle in the mansion until the blizzard subsides.
Black children evacuating in the hall are playing in groups.
Chess is popular.
However, there are many visitors because the number of boards is limited.
Next is ball play.
It just rolls around, but it becomes incandescent and lively, quietly glaring at the demon maid.
There are kittens in the group taking a nap.
I'm on good terms.
Among the guests, Dos, Rajmeilen, Giral, Marbit, Rinshia and the founder were in the kotatsu and drinking.
The outside blizzard is like a lie.
However, considering the worst case, it is a reliable force.
I want to refrain from drinking a little more because I want to think so.
Especially Marbit.
I guess I'm too drunk.
I have Yoko packed in Gomura.
It's hard to get to the dungeon with the transition gate in this blizzard.
And in Gomura, children are evacuating with their mothers.
She was very resistant, but she forced her.
It was not the children, but the mothers who hated.
He seems dissatisfied with not evacuating.
However, it is the village chief who should be in the village at such times.
Miss Mayor may be conscious, but there is a sense of responsibility.
And don't leave Kuros and Zabton children.
I tried with such preparedness, but there is no worry because the building will not be surprised even by a severe snowstorm.
Honestly, a little fun.
Do you feel like a child rejoicing in a typhoon?
Well, the children and mothers are Gomura, but there are few other residents, so it hasn't changed much.
Demon maids are preparing for dinner.
In my room, besides eagle and Aigis, there were lots of black and snow, sake slime, cat ryegiel, jewel cat jewel, and Zabton children.
I got a seat in one corner of the kotatsu, and dive there.
I'm glad to have sake slime and sake, but where did the sake come from?
It's my sake hidden in this room, right?
Oh, about half gone already.
Not just sake slime?
When I looked around, Kuro, Aigis, and Raiguier looked away.
The blizzard started around noon and continued until the evening of the next day.