Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
A little massage in Gomura
The facilities in the village were not affected by the blizzard and praised the construction techniques of the elves.
Don't be shy.
In a blizzard, the house wasn't really a surprise.
Daiki and Sekaiju were the other two things that I didn't really like.
Snow is beautifully piled up, but isn't the amount of snow less than other trees?
The surrounding snow ...
Is it just me?
Well, well, don't worry.
There is also snow on the reservoir.
Unlike other places, it is about 10 cm.
Maybe the pond is frozen because of the snow.
However, there is little snow accumulation in the central part where it looks and where there is flow due to the ingress and egress of water.
The ice below may be thin.
It was nice that there were no children.
If the pond is frozen, I will gladly dash.
With that in mind, a Kuro kid jumps out of the reservoir and runs around.
I could hear the ice breaking and the water before the voice I stopped.
It was dangerous.
It was nice that there was a Kearbit that came back from the neighborhood guard.
While wiping the body of the black child who fell into the reservoir, he checked for safety.
Are you alive?
Was good.
I was surprised and it was cold.
Don't let your guard be frozen.
Please tell the other children of Kuro.
I asked you.
By the way, Kierbit, who had to jump into a cold pond to help Kuro's child, is taking a bath.
When you get out of the bath, you have to say thanks again.
Continue snow removal.
Leave the snow on the roof to Dos, and I'll start with the snow on the ground.
Make full use of [Universal Farm Tools] to move snow.
Like Lou, it's easy to evaporate at once with magic ...
I have no magical talent, I have to go sober.
Priority is given to the way people pass.
Carry the snow to the snow dump.
Of course, I'm not working alone.
It is all the villagers who are available.
It's nice that everyone does the same work.
Gomura: Snow removal has not been completed yet, but the evacuation team has returned.
Lou, bad, can you evaporate the snow at the snow dump?
If you don't have the thermal power you have, you won't be able to evaporate the water after the snow has melted.
I know.
It's about children.
Make time.
Heichiro and Grall too?
Hakuren, Heichiro, and Grall were not in the evacuation group that came back.
Interview with the mansion.
First, Hakuren, Heichiro and Grall have gone from Gomura to the nest of dry lime.
The reason is helping dry.
It seems that all the bad weather is causing monsters and beasts trying to get out of the forest of death rushing into the nest of the dryme.
He asked for help from Hakuren if he could do it.
Hakren, who would have been glad to be relied on by her younger brother as her older sister, accepted.
In case of danger, he moved to the nest of Draim with dangerous beeswax and Grall.
Hakuren was the director of the children who moved to Gomura, and Lou took over.
This is the first day of the trip to Gomura.
There is no particular problem in this area.
I'm telling Lou, Tia, Leah, Ann, Frau, Senna, Hakren, Rusty, and so on that their mothers are willing to move.
The second day, morning.
In short, children are divided into older groups, who are allowed to act alone, and younger groups, which are prohibited from acting alone.
Lou directed the elders to Alfred, Tizer, Urza and Nath and supervised the younger ones.
That doesn't mean Alfred and his men are free.
He decided a good area to move within Gomura and told him not to leave the area.
The range is only inside and around Yoko House.
Alfred and his friends were playing along the line.
When you go out, it's winter, if not as much as the village, so wear it thick.
And while playing around Yoko's mansion, he was entangled by children from Gomura.
In this area, Yoko submitted a report summarizing what the parents of the Gomura children had heard.
Beware of the children in Gomura as strangers wander around Yoko's mansion.
At that time, Alfred explained the circumstances, but some of the remarks at that time said that Gomura's child was angry.
Then, when I wondered what kind of remark I was angry with, I made the following remark.
"Because Yoko also knows"
It was simple when I wondered where this element was angry.
"What is Yoko!
So that's it.
Well, well, I don't know ...
The children of Gomura at this time are about the same age as Alfred's?
I get angry with the title ...
Is such education normal?
Think a bit.
Back to the main subject.
At this time, Alfred caught a conversation.
The problem was that Alfred apologized.
It seems that Urza, Tizel and Nart were cut quietly.
This is a testimony of Trine who was at the scene.
Once you have separated from the children of Gomura.
Tizer quarantined Alfred.
Urza and Nath assaulted the children of Gomura.
"Can I leave the Taiki village licked?"
Lilius, Wriggle, Latte, and Trine also participated in Urza's protest.
It was said that around 200 noon, about 200 children from Gomura came under his control.
Oh, yeah, I want you to call it a good friend, not a subordinate.
For the stability of my spirit.
Then, after that, clash with the guards of Gomura to fulfill the romance of one of the good friends.
She is a daughter of one of the good friends.
The daughter is in love with one of the guards.
He said he had stopped a group of guards trying to leave for security in order to set up a place to confess.
What happened to Urza and Pirika?
Because Pirika came to see the head of the group as Urza and captured it?
So who won?
No way Urza?
Or Urza?
Is Pirika a former sword?
Wasn't it strong in interpersonal?
He knew the opponent's movement was picking up.
Oh, don't praise it.
Is the school of sword saints a school based on the sword technique used by the Queen of Heroes?
What happened, Lou?
Don't you need that information now?
Well, come back.
He's one of the good friends, so he's about ten years old?
12 years old?
So confession ...
Is it normal?
If you don't decide your partner early and report it to your parents, you will decide who you want to be.
is that so.
So did the confession work?
It was no good, but the girl was pushing and pushing.
I can drop it in a few days.
He arranged for the results to be sent to Yoko.
Graceful children ... All the seniors, three days.
Do not leave your room except for meals, toilets and baths.
Do you know the reason for being modest?
The children look away and consult.
Yes, representative Urza.
"Did you do anything during the fight?"
Regarding the quarrel, I forgave her mother because she asked me to forgive him in the summit.
The reason for the fight seemed to be convinced to the mothers.
At the same time, the children of Gomura will not be disposed of.
However, parents should scold each family.
I also scold the children individually as parents.
The reason for refraining from doing so was that he went out of the range decided by Lou.
Alfred was poor, but he was appointed as the organizer of the children.
Solidarity responsibility.
Study while you are quiet.
And Lou.
You are also responsible for supervision.
Research prohibited for 10 days.
Wouldn't you stop resisting more than kids?
Also, call Gulf.
I want to ask for the care of Pirika's heart.
Because you will be depressed.
Then disband.
Available people will now participate in snow removal.