Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Gomura Guards Ox Guards Information
My name is Ox.
A demons who have emigrated to Gomura.
Gomura, despite its name, has developed more than a city.
I came to Gomura because I thought it was a village and I was very surprised.
Honestly, I want you to change my name.
I want to tell the surroundings that I live in a fine city.
There are many other people who think the same way.
The voice probably reached Yoko, the acting mayor of Gomura.
Rumors of a name change flowed.
However, Yoko announced that he would not change his name.
It's a shame.
But there was more.
Gomura is spread over Oyama.
It is said that Gomachi-Oyama is the top of the mountain and the sides and bases.
So it's OK for an individual to call Gomura Gogo.
Also, it seems that Gogo can be used externally.
However, it is called Gomura in ceremonies.
And the top of Gomura is the mayor.
This is absolute.
Yeah, I know.
He was explained at the time of emigration.
However, they rarely show up.
No, the village head is the top.
Fortunately, I was able to enter the Gomura guards.
The Gomura guard is an organization represented by Pirika, and mainly focuses on Gomura security.
Put simply, it's a job of cracking down on rampaging, bad and suspicious people.
It's a dangerous but proud job with a good paycheck.
Young people living in Gomura dream of entering the guard once.
You need to take an exam to get into the guard, which is said to be a daunting task.
When I was able to get through the exam, I was glad and lost my savings and drunk.
next day.
I was imagining a brilliant role as a guard.
However, in practice, training, training, and training focused on building physical fitness.
During his duty, he could not get out of a vacant lot near the barracks.
Salvation is to be provided with food while working as a guard.
The meal was large and delicious.
However, the amount you eat is moved, so you don't get fat.
If you continue for a month, you will find that your body will tighten.
At that time, I can finally get out of the vacant lot.
However, it is not yet a security mission for Gomura.
Susono The destination is Gomura.
The area where adventurers are training.
Here's combat training.
The newcomer will be trained in all sorts of weapons and then choose the weapon that suits him.
I wanted a sword, but I thought I was in a spear and made it a spear.
Members are provided with armor.
I was a little surprised by the shiny spears.
I thought it was a used spear used during training.
The spear is firmly engraved with Gomura characters.
Don't lose this ...
Is my name also engraved?
Oh, in the unlikely event that you use it to determine the corpse.
I pray that no useful day will come.
Six months after continuing training.
I was assigned to the 16th squad.
Constant fifty people.
The main task is to divide into five groups and look around the middle of the hill where the five villages are located.
Honestly, there are not many people who can be cracked down on the hillside, so it can be said that this is a free squad.
Therefore, it seems that newcomers are assigned first.
The same goes for the 14th, 15th, and 17th squads.
The busy squad is the first squad directly under Pirika, the second squad guarding the north, south, east and west gates of Gomura, and the third squad to defeat monsters and monsters around Gomura.
I want to go there in the future.
By the way, the second squad is the largest squad with a fixed number of 500.
Even if there are 500 people, it seems that there is a shortage of human resources, so if you work hard earnestly, you can transfer.
The sixteenth squad is divided into five groups, rotating in the morning, noon, night, vacation, and waiting.
Morning watch starts at sunrise, when the morning bell rings, and ends at noon bell.
In the afternoon, the work starts when the day is the highest, when the daytime bell rings, and ends at the nighttime bell.
The evening starts at nightfall, when the night bell rings, and ends with the morning bell.
Vacation is closed that day.
Waiting is a vacation required to stay in the barracks.
Morning, noon, and evening shifts are short, but it means that the job is harder.
Most people spend their time training because they have to act with the awareness of being a member other than during working hours.
Envy Well, some people spend time with their lover, but ...
I train my muscles.
The last thing that helps is your body and muscles.
He who is playing with his lover must cry later.
No, cry!
You should cry!
The opportunity has come.
Special training.
Ten members were selected from the 16th squad and jointly trained with the 1st squad.
The training contents are exterminating monsters and monsters in the forest.
Dangerous training that can lead to death if you are careless.
But it's the moment my muscles shine.
My usual duties are to greet the inhabitants or give directions to travelers.
I `ll stick it!
First, gather in the squad of the first squad.
Merged with thirty people in the first squad and began moving with forty people.
After a short walk out of the barracks, a group appeared that was blocking our path.
They were boys, girls and children between the ages of ten and fifteen.
"We are the Gomura Boys! Apply for a duel with the Guard!"
That said, about forty children had charged us.
What is it?
No, don't panic.
The number is the same.
Your opponent ’s weapon is a wooden stick?
no problem.
But some of the children's faces are familiar.
Gomura's great children.
Is it bad if you get injured?
When I was worried about what to do with weapons, Pirika of the first squad issued a command.
"No matter who you are, no matter who you're challenging the guard, don't worry!
Roger that.
I form a platoon looking left and right.
And have a weapon ... that?
No weapons?
A group of boys had where my weapons came from.
Not just my weapon.
He also has weapons for other members.
Not everyone.
But half of those standing on the front lines were deprived of weapons.
No, I lost my weapon.
what will you do?
Don't panic!
I do battle training with bare hands.
And it ’s the muscle for that.
I was ready.
But the children stopped shortly before us and threw their weapons away and fled.
Oh no, I have to chase.
I came out before.
Other members thought it was so too.
But it was different.
Just like me, only a few came out.
Some were holding them in place, some were picking up their children's discarded weapons, some were trying to get their weapons back into the barracks, and some were falling apart.
I thought it was bad.
At the moment I thought, different children attacked from the left and right.
The platoon collapsed.
He was brought into a fierce battle.
The other person is a child.
In addition, the grandmother's children are also mixed.
You can't beat with all your might.
The opponent is swearing first.
This is a challenge.
It is not a harmful attack.
You can injure yourself, but you can't die.
What is the best action I can do?
Grab the child and carry it back.
This is it.
However, it is difficult to catch children.
Even if caught, other children come to help.
And sometimes an intense arrow that flies.
Arrowhead is crushed, but he will aim for his limbs precisely.
Are you really a child?
My ears are long.
It may not look exactly like it looks.
No, is the growth of an elf the same as a child?
Got it.
An arrow hits my shoulder.
I missed a child I had caught.
what should I do.
The instructions flew to me in a hurry.
"The guards, you! Nana, the secretary with Yoko! In an emergency, I will take the place of Pirika in this place! Follow me! Obey, obey!"
I don't know.
However, he says he is a secretary with Yoko.
A lie is a felony.
So trust.
I have no choice but to trust.
"Everyone should stop the battle immediately and go five steps down! The children will not go deep, go down with confidence!"
I went five steps down.
Certainly, children do not follow.
"Okay, regroup! Not yet! Don't protrude! I will tell you the timing ..."
I look left and right and regroup.
It is reliable to have a face you have seen.
Yes, what was impatient.
Calm down.
You can win if you calm down.
Now, isn't the charge yet?
Isn't there a signal to charge?
The arrow was concentrating on the secretary, what happened.
Then a smoke tube was thrown at him.
Smoke screen?
Children are relentless!
In the smoke, I was forced to fight again.
The situation is worse than before.
My position is also suspicious.
I intended to follow the voices of my peers, but somehow followed the voices of the children.
And when I noticed the smoke screen cleared, I was isolated.
Only me is forward.
I was horrified.
And ropes thrown from children.
Do you want to catch me?
The ropes thrown by the children were not me ... but the members who came to help me.
A colleague of the same 16th squad.
In a flash, my colleague was dragged into the children.
Or return!
Return my friends!
The scene I saw was a little girl confessing to my colleague entangled with a rope.
This is the end of the challenge from Gomura Boy Scouts.
The defeat of the guards.
I need to train more.
The kids returned my weapon.
Oh, senior.
I lost today.
It is mortifying.
After this, preaching and training, right?
I already know.
that person?
I'm not a friend.
My only companion is this muscle.
I'm not crying.
Yeah, I'm not crying.
I cry because I'm playing with my lover.
My name is Ox.
My hobby is training.
Lover is recruiting.