Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Red Iron Knight's servant
My name is Kisun, Kisun-Holiiz.
A man who is thirty years old this year and is single.
The occupation is a red iron knight servant.
A servant generally refers to a person who fights with the master.
Have you seen infantry standing around a knight on the battlefield?
If the knight is the master, the infantry around him is the squire.
Yes, I am one of the many attendants.
He is a servant, but there are various servants who serve the knights for generations, others who are recruited on territory, and others who are hired for money.
I will be recruited in the territory.
It is a commoner.
However, since I was born, I was raised to be my squire.
The house was rich for ordinary people.
Fortunately, the master I served was a competent owner who received the title of Red Iron Knight.
Yeah, good luck.
One day, I was asked a question by a young boy who longed for a red iron knight.
"What kind of work do you usually do?"
I replied,
"Receiving and processing complaints."
Not a joke.
Recently, the king of the Kaizan kingdom has also recognized him as a complainant.
Gomura: I spend my days in the village called now.
It's been two months.
The servant's work is off for a while.
That's why morning wakeup is refreshing.
The bear under my eyes, which I couldn't get enough due to lack of sleep, also disappeared.
Perhaps it was nice not to do the daily routine of hitting the pillow before going to bed.
Eat breakfast at the inn.
Not only breakfast but also meals prepared at the inn are delicious.
What's more, it's amazing that each meal is different.
It's not surprising that the same food is served every day at a hotel in the Kingdom of Kaizan.
Is this inn special?
Or are all the inns in the Demon Kingdom like this?
Before coming to Gomura, I stayed in the town of Shashart, but did not eat at the inn, but at a huge facility called Big Roof Shashart.
When you return to the Kaizan Kingdom, you have to check it out.
Dietary diversity is proof of richness.
I heard that the Demon Kingdom is rich, but I want to experience how rich it is.
After eating breakfast, I walk around the village.
My position, now resting on the Red Knight's servant, is a messenger from the kingdom of Kaizan.
The work was completed when a letter from the king of the Kaizan kingdom was given to Yoko, the deputy mayor of Gomura.
I don't have to do anything until I say that the Red Iron Knight is back.
Normally, you will be waiting quietly, but it's a magic kingdom.
I want to see various things.
It is a walk for that.
Well, what do you do today ...
Since I have been staying for two months, I have seen many things.
I am troubled.
it can not be helped.
Let's go to the usual shop to think about what to see and hear.
Two months ago, Kurotoyuki opened on the south side of Gomura just after I came to Gomura.
A sweet and tea shop.
At first glance, it looks like a small shop, but it is a very large shop that spreads out to the back.
Although customers are sparse immediately after opening, the number of customers increases over time.
When it's around noon, you can have a line outside.
I don't go after noon because I know it.
If you go, it is recommended before noon.
There is no reserved seating system, but sitting in the seat where you always sit will calm your mind.
I have never talked, but there were patrons I knew.
Elderly demons, who is it?
Once I heard the name, but it was too long to remember.
Snooping Oops violates manners.
I call an employee and place my usual order.
The shop and employees are wearing uniforms and serving customers.
A uniform uniform is good.
Quickly see who is an employee.
Just this shop.
Employees are a little older.
Personally, I'd like to expect a younger female employee ... it's a difficult part, considering that the calm atmosphere of today can be broken.
Immediately before me, tea and mini pancakes will be delivered.
I have tried variously, but I think this set is supreme.
Especially this mini pancake.
When I saw it for the first time, I was disappointed that it was small, but now I think this size is just right.
A sip of tea.
And a bite of mini pancakes.
I had a blissful time.
I completely forgot about hearing.
I noticed that after leaving the store.
While in the shop, my head was dominated by tea and sweetness.
I'm careless.
Well, it was good because it was delicious.
Well, what to do now ...
Let's go around the shops in Kurotoyuki.
One month after the opening of this Kurotoyuki, four shops opened.
The west, the east, the north, and so on, as opposed to Kurotoyuki, which opened from the foot to the south.
I would like to say that Kurotoyuki is the best, because the type of shop is different.
There is no ranking.
Then, the shop on the west side is a night shop, so let's head to the shop on the east side.
Bronze Chaya: The name of the shop that opened on the east side is.
It is a sweet and tea shop just like Kurotoyuki.
The size of the shop is about the same as Kurotoyuki.
However, there is a distinctly different feature from Kurotoyuki.
That is, as you can see from the name of the shop, a bronze knight is working.
Is it good?
Mustache Bronze Knight is a man who looks good in his forties.
Even from a male point of view, it ’s a good guy.
He is serving customers in a crisp outfit.
In addition, if the customer is a woman, the customer will be on one knee and look down.
I don't care about the other person's status.
I don't care about age either.
The customer is always called a young lady.
I don't think it's what bronze knights do, but he's done calmly.
Unfortunately, it looks good.
And, of course, waiting on customers is impossible with a bronze knight alone.
So there are other employees, who are also handsome.
Moreover, the age range is wide.
That's why.
It has become a very popular shop for women.
The heat is amazing.
Although it is not a shop for male customers, I look at the shop from a distance because the atmosphere is such that men can not enter alone.
The bronze knight is alive.
This bronze teahouse.
The product lineup is similar to Kurotoyuki, but the price is set a little higher than Kurotoyuki.
The bronze knight and the smile of a handsome employee may have been added.
I pass in front of the bronze teahouse and head to a shop that opens north of Gomura.
The name of the store that opened on the north side is Kanmido Colin.
As you can see from the name, it is a shop where Chorin is involved.
Employees may be involved in Chorin.
You can find the faces you have seen at Gomura churches.
It's rumored that Fouche sometimes shows up, but it's a rumor.
She should not be able to leave the Raywight Kingdom.
I can't come to Gomura.
And if she is coming to Gomura, there will be something against the Silver Knight.
Nevertheless, the Silver Knight still participates in training for Gomura guards.
In other words, it's a complete hoax that the evil fousch will show up.
It's a rumor.
So she's sort of an evil fouche who is arranging lines in front of the store.
Oh, maybe she's a kin of a bad fouch.
It is called Fouch, but I did not hear it.
By the way, it is not possible to eat and drink in the shop at Kanmido Chorin, so it is a takeaway only sweet shop.
The rice crackers are only available for two seasons.
These two are very popular.
The difficulty is that the amount sold is fixed, and it will end when sold out, so it is very difficult to get it.
If you really want it, you should line up before sunrise.
I lined up once.
The rice crackers and seasonal dumplings were also delicious.
I'm sorry that I don't last long.
Also, of course, the amount that can be bought by one customer is fixed, so if you want the amount, you need human resources.
It's becoming an annual scene for young people working for a large merchant to line up before sunrise.
By the way, seasonal dumplings are on the back menu of Kurotoyuki.
It is only available when there are few customers, but I was happy when I learned about it.
For the time being, I checked if I could buy rice crackers side by side ... I gave up because it seemed impossible.
I return to the south side of Gomura and head to the foot.