Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Five stores
I'm just failing.
And I regret a little.
It is planned to open a store in Gomura, but at first it was planned to be one, but it has now become two and now has five.
It's easy why this happened.
Residents who knew that a store could be opened on the land that Yoko had secured had begun to mess around.
It is not a refusal to open a store to say that you can rub it, but rather in the direction you want to open a store.
To be precise, protests came from all but the southern side of Yoko's five lands.
Why wouldn't it open in the place where we are?
Yoko, who received the voice of the protest, laughed and exclaimed.
Difference "Where to open the store is the village chief. Don't bother singing. Don't bother me. I'll be building something else someday, so wait for a while."
Yoko's words stopped the turmoil, but when I revealed that she was planning to open a second store on the west side, it was too much for Yoko to laugh.
"A rush to the west?"
"Isn't the West doing something?"
"What is the coordinator doing?"
"Are we late? Call for help! Collect the numbers!"
At the same time, voices from the residents were heard from the residents, and at the same time, people gathered on the north, east, and sides.
As expected, Yoko was also cut.
This time, the story was originally based on the request of the inhabitants, mainly telling the village chief, and letting him know! If you are unhappy with what you do, get out of this area! "
Yoko didn't have any clear representatives, so he gathered those who seemed to have strong voices in various places and notified them.
Those who seem to have a strong voice in a hurry make excuses.
"I'm not dissatisfied with the mayor's actions, but I don't like the runaway on the south and west."
"I'm not dissatisfied. We think we live in the south or the west, but we're just sad why we didn't choose where we are."
There are some differences, but these two opinions are the mainstream.
"Well, why can't you wait? The village mayor has a store on the south side and plans for the west.
Yoko said so and was in trouble.
The matter was put together and submitted to me.
Yes, I'm bad no matter what you think.
Aside from the south side, it was not easy to decide to open a store on the west side.
I was worried about the needs, and since the target audience of Kurotoyuki on the south side was explicitly taking out the drinkers, I thought that if the shop serving alcoholic drinks would not have any customer base, it would be OK.
I regret that I caused a riot that didn't have to happen in Gomura.
Reflection is not something to say in words.
What you do in action.
Kuroyuki on the south side is preparing to open.
Though a little late, I would like to open shops on the west, east, north and foot.
Yoko stopped him when he got on the map, but I forced her.
If you put it off later, you're going to be rubbing it in the opening order.
However, the trouble is the store staff.
I want people at the center of the store to be able to read, write and calculate, and to be able to take over the store.
Gomura residents will be able to cooperate, but if you can read, write, and calculate, and have a store, you are already doing some work.
There is a limit to cheering from Marula in the city of Shashat.
Miyo, who is in charge of accounting in the town of Shashat, gets angry, especially when he pulls out a person who can do calculations from the town of Shashat.
Even if Miyo doesn't get angry, a person who can make a payment from the Garrett Kingdom with the introduction of Marvit is finally coming to the end of the lack of accounting in the town of Shashart.
You cannot do the reverse.
Then what should we do?
I couldn't help alone, so I consulted Yoko and the saint of Ceres in Gomura.
Yoko commented that the merchants involved in the turmoil would issue accounting.
Don't force yourself.
Ceres gave me a reliable word that I would leave the management of one store as a church official.
Thank you.
But that's not enough.
If you are worried about what to do, suggestions from Gulf accompanied by an escort.
"How about getting the hands out of the guards? Certainly, some of them must have been in business. And those from the Elven Empire could read and write."
So that's it.
I immediately went to Pirika and consulted.
"Everything is at the mayor's will"
No, it's a consultation.
Not an order.
Let Gulf stand and talk.
Pirika told me that if the members wanted to work in the store, they could quit the guard or be part of the guard's job.
So at the morning greeting, Pirika told the members.
In the end, about twenty applicants came out, but the two who responded immediately during the morning service were the bronze knights who had been training in the guards and two from the Elven Empire.
First, the bronze knight.
You're not going to live here permanently, right?
Don't you have to go home?
Can you be free from training because you will live permanently?
No, not really.
It is troublesome to have a store with such a backward attitude.
And training isn't compulsory, right?
If you don't like it, you should stop.
If the Silver Knight and the Red Iron Knight continue, but only the Bronze Knight quits, would he have escaped?
You're just trying to escape, right?
I want a cause.
Then, should I tell you to stop?
What can I do?
No, even if I say that ... I'm the head of this village, so I think it's OK to say to Pirika.
Yes, that position on Yoko.
I was asked to cry by a good old man.
Oh, yeah, then tell them to release from training.
Then you can do whatever you want.
Do you do a store?
With full force?
I'm from an aristocrat, but I've had some business experience, would you like to leave it?
I'm grateful ... but is it okay?
No, not from business skills, but from a standpoint.
I was stretched out and told me not to worry.
Is it really okay?
First from the Elven Empire.
"I was originally the daughter of the one who was in charge of the finances of the Imperial Imperial Family. I also had the experience of running a shop myself. Training my body and mind is not meaningless, I want to use my experience to help. "
She was confident of Bunmu but could not keep up with the training of the guards, and was accused of being more thankful if she was involved in business because she was in a position of falling out.
A small shop but okay?
Is the size of the store OK?
If the business goes well, will it get bigger?
The second person from the Elven Empire.
"I am a former royal family. Please, please help me. I will do anything if I can escape that training."
"Yes. Fortunately, I am proud that the training has given me the mental power to withstand unreasonableness. I am okay. I will do anything!"
Do you want to flee from training when you have the unreasonable mental power?
"I'm a royal family, but I'm a princess. I'm a princess. How many kilometers can I endure today? Okay, today I'm naturally thinking of digging a hole two meters. How many times have you done your endless push-ups and abs on a vacation day, look at this arm muscle, is this a princess's arm? Isn't it different?
Um, it's okay.
Elf muscles are hard to see.
However, this is expected ... I guess muscle training will continue even if you do a store.
I think it's already dyed enough.
No such thing?
Well, that's fine.
"So, are you hiring?"
By adoption.
"Thank you. This Kinesta-Kine-Kin-Ragelf. You don't need a mistress? Do you really do anything? "
Just feelings.
No Thanks.
Do I have to say clearly?
I do not need it.
By incorporating the recruited human resources in this way, the management of each store was restructured.
South side, sweet and tea shop, Kurotoyuki.
Deputy manager, Kinesta.
Needs was actually in charge, but it was left to Kinesta.
There is a lot of support from Marula, so it is judged that even if the top is somewhat uneasy, it will be OK.
He asked him to stay away from Kurotoyuki's deputy store manager, but asked him to be the deputy general manager of the five stores.
By the way, I am the general manager.
I am the manager of each store.
I'm the village chief.
East side, this is also a sweet and tea shop, bronze teahouse.
Deputy manager, bronze knight.
It was intended to be a coffee shop similar to Kurotoyuki, but the bronze knight stretched out his chest because his weapon was his face, so if he pushed it out to the front, it turned out to be a butler cafe.
I'm a little worried about being accepted by residents.
The staff gathered from Gomura may have been chosen by the bronze knight.
Even from the point of view of me as a man, it ’s all handsome.
North side, sweet pot choline.
Deputy manager, Saints Ceres.
The rice cracker here is to be sold.
The reason is that over-the-counter sales are easier than eating and drinking in the store.
For the time being, Ceres is the store manager's deputy, but I can't always be in the store.
Church officials take turns.
There is a possibility that human resources may be insufficient, so he consults with the founder who came to Taiki's village and seems to be considering adding human resources to Fouche.
At the foot, Nuriya Buritoa.
Deputy manager, daughter of a former Elven Empire treasurer.
This is a ramen shop.
There were people who wanted to specialize in ramen in the town of Marshula in the town of Shashat, and the talk went on.
I hope you and your treasurer's daughter will work hard on a tripod.
Of course, other staff.
Many of the guards and part-time workers seem to work in this shop.
West side, beef needs.
Deputy manager, needs.
At first it was going to be a bar because it was a liquor store, but refrain from a nearby bar and go to a yakiniku restaurant.
There is no order for sake only.
This is also a bar in the neighborhood.
Here, it was difficult to prepare large, medium and small braziers to suit the race.
And sauce.
The sauce made by the resident of Ichimura and the demon maids has been wholesaled from Taiki's village.
They use plenty of vegetables and seasonings produced in Taiki's village, so you won't be able to copy them at other stores.
For the sake, I left it to Dwarven Donovan.
It is best to leave it to an expert.
Also, a red iron knight works at this shop.
Unlike bronze knights, they are part-time workers.
He wants to make a living.
There was no problem because the purpose was clear and the needs stated that they wanted to adopt.
Five stores opened with some difficulty.
Customers seem to be doing well at all stores, so you can feel safe.
Show: And I think I took my remorse into action ...
I regret it.
It is a raw material.
Especially wheat and sugar for sweetness, tea leaves, rice crackers and dumpling rice.
This year, next year we will manage with the stockpile of Taiki's village, but next year's questionable.
So I decided to expand the field of Taiki's village.
I'm working hard now.