Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Looking back on summer
Gomura: While cultivating the fields for the autumn harvest, I regret that this summer I was hanging out at the store.
A summer festival in Taiki's village has also been thrown at the civilian daughters.
This year's festival is a music festival.
You can sing, play, and sound.
The concept is that judges will be prepared and the winner will be decided, but it is only necessary to enjoy the music.
The winner was Phoenix's chick Aigis, who performed a singing call.
I didn't think Aigis had such a great feat.
Definitely a winner.
Life-Lou, who was also a judge next to me, muttered with a cry.
I understand my feelings.
When I heard that call, I remembered when Alfred was born.
The regrets were cows.
The cows were lining up and singing in a comical chorus.
There must be a rapper.
Besides, the performance of musical instruments by the children of Zabton and howling chorus by the children of Kuro were not bad.
The high elves played well, but they used to play well at events, so they got used to it.
New songs are waiting.
In addition to the festival, there was a Gulf uproar this summer.
Gulf was able to work regularly as an adventurer as the Gomura-Adventure Guild was also built.
Previously, I hadn't been active for a certain period of time, so my adventurer registration was deleted and I had to start over.
If you are not active, it will be a bit tough to be deregistered, but as an adventurer's guild we guarantee the identity of the adventurer, so you can't leave those who aren't active as adventurers registered.
Concessions-And he says he's doing enough because he doesn't mind reporting his whereabouts without any activity.
Initiation-This shouldn't be an uproar, but it's the adventurer's guild in the town of Shashart.
Gulf was an adventurer's guild in the city of Shashart, and re-registered to begin his adventures.
Until an adventurer's guild was created in Gomura, he was reporting to the town of Shashat.
Gulf is a very good adventurer.
So, the adventurer's guild in the city of Shashart was heavily promoting the presence of Gulf.
However, when the five village adventurer's guild was created, Gulf began to report to it, and the city of Shashat hardly appeared.
At that time, the adventurer's guild in the city of Shashart, who had greatly advertised the existence of Gulf, was in trouble and began to work on calling Gulf to the city of Shashart with such a hand.
The Guild adventurer's guild, who saw the movement, planned to stop Gulf from going to the town of Shashat.
Eventually, the adventurer guild representatives from the town of Shashat and the representative guilds of the five villages came to a duel.
At the foot of the 10 vs. 10 adventurers, the collective battle was held at an event facility in Gomura, and it seemed to be exciting.
The result was the victory of the five guards who came in on the way.
Among them, there were silver knights and red iron knights, and they were very active.
A word from Gulf where the game was indiscriminate.
"I'm escorting the mayor of this village, so I can't go to Shashart town."
Gomura Adventurer's Guild wins big.
Well, well, there was no need to fight from the beginning.
Gulf did not clarify his attitude, or he was clear, but there was a reason that his statement was delayed.
The first grandson was born in Gulf.
Gulf son child girl.
My granddaughter.
Gulf's son's wife took care of her granddaughter on a daily basis until she recovered from the birth fatigue.
At that time, he slipped his mouth when he was 1,000 times happy when his son was born, and had a big fight with Gulf's wife.
Well, if you're a Gulf wife, your granddaughter won't feel good compared to your son.
I have to enter arbitration.
I sometimes fail because I fail.
And that's the adventurer's guild.
From now on, do something before the trouble gets bigger.
No, you're not bad at all.
Yeah, pool.
Although the pool was open this summer, the angelic Subaru was rare.
Razmaria came later.
Malvit knew of the pool, but it was his first time in summer.
For that reason, the excitement was unthinkable for mothers with big daughters.
The three swimsuits were kind to my eyes, thinking I was enjoying it.
The big daughters, Gran Maria, Kierbit, Suaruriu, and Suarukou have been killed.
You guys are wonderful too.
Am I looking only at Razmaria's chest?
No such thing.
We want you to stop any disgraceful allegations.
It's a lot later.
Another thing that happened in the summer was the Queen Fairy Case.
The fairy queen likes sweetness.
I like it and can eat anything other than sweetness.
I rarely eat.
The problem was a hamburger made for children.
The fairy queen was interested because the children were happy to eat and requested a hamburger.
At that time, the hamburger had made only the number of children, so the demon maid rushed to make the hamburger.
At this time, there was a mistake.
The kids' hamburger contained cheese.
However, the hamburger served to the fairy queen had no cheese.
It might not have been noticed without anyone pointing out, but the children did.
"The cheese in the hamburger is delicious"
The fairy queen quietly checks the half-hamburger left in front of her.
I was so relentless.
It wouldn't bother me if I got stuck somewhere, but in front of me, I was relentless.
As expected, it was in the way, so I opponent.
One day, sweetening.
I was lonely if I was alone, so with my kids.
When the fairy queen was in a good mood, she told her to apologize to the demon maid who made the hamburger.
Even though I forgot to add cheese, they made it.
Don't forget your gratitude.
Is it such a thing?
There seem to be various things, but it is surprisingly small.
That means peace.
That's good.
Giral, I don't want to stand there.
I've heard that Guillaral's wife wants to meet Gralu.
I told him I shouldn't stop, so I should just take Gralu home.
I know that Gral doesn't want to leave him, but he can't.
Still small.
By all means, Raimelen will go with you.
Well, in that case, Laylmeren's persuasion was done by Gillar ... No, even though I was told.
Is it impossible to bring Giral's wife to this village?
I have a big injury and can't move much?
Why not say that first.
What about treatment?
dont 'worry?
No, you're worried.
Was it injured 500 years ago?
It's a serious injury, but you don't have to worry about life.
I'm playing Grall in that state.
That sounds fine.
The only good thing is that you can't be human, and it's difficult to go out.
That sounds like that.
Is treatment really impossible?
"Um. If it's not a leaf of the world tree, it won't heal."