Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Fish head and fallen island
Sword fish I put my head on a trolley and take it to the dog area.
It is because black children want it.
I naturally want the body part, but I know that the number of sword fish is limited, so I will not overdo it.
He said he wanted the swordfish head left after the meal.
Since the sword is about eighty centimeters in size, its head is rather large ...
I gave it while wondering if I really wanted to eat the sword fish, but ate it without any difficulty.
And they ask for a replacement while sparkling their eyes.
Since then, the head of the sword fish has been given to the black children.
The situation where there are only a large number of sword fish heads is grotesque as such.
Well, Kuro's children are waving their tails and don't care, they're wearing the sword's head.
Do not play with the head of the sword fish.
Do not roll.
Give respect to food.
Oops, don't massage with size.
Don't quarrel.
There, he doesn't dig a hole to fill the head of the sword fish.
It will rot.
After I finished giving the sword fish head, there were several demon maids.
I push the trolley like me, but it's not the swordfish's head.
It's a salmon head.
The salmon is also big, about one meter and fifty, so its head is big.
It looks like a tuna head.
Demon maids give the salmon heads to the black children.
Isn't it bitter to me that it's bitter than the sword fish?
Don't worry about it.
Don't hesitate to bite it ... I thought when I was at the head of a sword fish, but my strength is amazing.
I don't care about the bones of the salmon skull, I'm eating crunchy.
The bones of the salmon's head are not so soft.
Pretty hard.
Oops, it was bad.
Don't look at the lonely eyes because I don't intend to steal the salmon head.
When the black children have finished eating the salmon heads, guide the black children to the water area in the ranch area.
Even if you eat it with care, it smells fishy.
Let's wash it.
Goat assaulted me and pushed me down to the water.
I was careless.
Black children are really chasing goats.
I'm not angry, so moderate.
After washing the black children, I take a bath.
Because it got wet.
[Healthy body] won't catch a cold, but that doesn't mean you can't go crazy.
I thought about going to a hot spring resort, but the girls of the beast race prepared hot water early so I took a bath.
Thank you.
But don't try to get in together.
The day is still high.
While immersed in the bathtub, think about the newly-developed spirit mage in the hot spring area.
She seems to have lived in a certain place in a human country a few months ago.
A certain place is a little different, and an island floating in the sky.
The island does not move like a sun castle, but only floats in the same place.
He was a magician who continued to study magic without disturbing anyone on the island, but the island fell for whatever was the cause.
Weir And there was a big river at the end of the fall, and we stopped that river.
It seems to be an important river in the area, and the water level of the river suddenly drops, and the cities and villages downstream of the river are in turmoil.
A large number of adventurers were sent to the island where they fell to try to determine the cause.
A mage who lives on the island that fell has been determined to be the cause of the island's fall.
If he is destroyed as it is, the mage who is panicked flees using the magic of transfer.
However, it seems to be a magic of immature transfer, leaving the destination completely clear.
The place where the Demon Mage moved was a mountain north of the hot springs.
He buried his body about halfway down the mountainside.
The worst thing was that there was a head in the buried part.
He was unable to use magic and was desperate to decay as it was. He was discovered by one of the lions and rescued by knights of the dead.
And it's not a thank you rescue, but I decided to work in a hot spring area.
He said he was doing his best.
I was comforted in various ways.
Of course, permission to work as it is is granted again.
Later, she thinks she has to create a magical research facility.
There was a story after the transfer of the Demon Mage, and I knew it.
Adventurers who have escaped the Demon Mage use great magic to destroy the island while investigating the island.
This freed the river from the dammed river.
Naturally, the towns and villages downstream of the river suffer from severe floods.
Are adventurers stupid?
Or did you not think that the island would be broken by magic?
Awe: For the time being, the river water was blocked just before, and the people who were affected by the subsequent floods had escaped in advance, so there was almost no human damage, but the damage to the buildings was terrible.
This rescue and rescue was Colinism.
This is why the founder was so busy that he died.
The founder found a ghost mage in a hot spring resort, but apparently did not.
There may be various things.
However, he called out to find out why the island fell.
There seem to be some other floating islands, and if they might fall, they can't be left alone.
"If the adventurer did not destroy the island that fell, he would have been able to investigate a bit more ..."
Adventurers who destroyed the island have been captured and imprisoned.
The damage seems to be too great to forgive as a result of the attempt to investigate.
"I know he has no malice, so he will be released in about six months."
Founder's explanation.
Upon release, the Corinthians and the Adventurer's Guild told us they would be contracting together.
Everywhere is hard.
When I get out of the bath, I return to the mansion and return to the founder.
Giving donations to flood-affected areas.
Oh, can't I just use scales?
Then, with cash.