Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Activity of dryme
Dose is first, Giral, Rajmeilen, Hakren, Waterlily, Marksbergerk, Sekilen, Quorn, Draim, Graffaloon, Rusty, Domaim, Kwon.
A little later, there were about thirty head-to-head members, such as Heichiro, Grall, and Herzernak, and their mixed guard dragons.
Anyone who understands the power of the dragon will see this scene and shout that it will destroy the world.
Beyond the path of such a group of dragons is a flock of whales flying in the sky.
Forty small whales of thirty meters class.
Fifteen large whales in the 300-meter class.
This alone is the largest flock of whales on the record, but there are still more to add.
It is a whale that flies in a huge sky of 1,000 meters class.
From the appearance, it could be clearly judged that it was a herd boss.
However, whales are whales even if they are large.
High defense, but low attack.
The lack of mobility, which is said to be slower than that of a dragon.
The dragons launched an attack as usual.
And I should have been able to get rid of it as usual, but there was something unexpected.
The flock of whales in the sky had escorts.
Shark flying in the sky.
It is about ten meters in size and is faster than a dragon.
And it had enough attack power to hurt the dragon.
Seven sharks.
Yin 隠 れ Hidden by a giant whale.
It was a complete surprise.
But don't panic.
Dos, Giral, Rajmeyren, and Hakren, who were in the group's avant-garde, evaded shark attacks and counterattacked properly.
In an instant, four sharks were turned into two or fired charcoal.
Cunning: I thought the remaining three would soon see the same eye, but the sharks flying in the sky aimed at the weakest dragon, avoiding the dozens.
In other words, Heichiro, Grall, and Herzernak who were visiting.
Dryme prevented and protected it.
So the returned dryme was full of scratches.
I can't return from the dragon.
Trace: bitten but painful.
However, there is no problem in life, so I am relieved.
He is already using healing magic and medicine, so he just needs to be at rest.
The leaves of the world tree were refrained by Draim.
Perhaps because it was compared to Gouronde's injury?
In any case, I'm grateful to Drym for protecting my son.
So, listen to the third warden with a smile.
Also, Raimeilen.
The mixed dragon tribe who is posing for remorse over there?
It's good, but since everyone is posing outside in a dragon figure, snow is starting to pile up ...
Will you die in the snow for about a winter?
Maybe that's the case ... Yeah, it seems impossible.
Rajmeilen is angry.
Not only Laimeyen, but also Dos, Giral, Hakuren, Graffaloon and Rusty are angry.
The soothing side is the rescued Heichiro, Grall.
Perhaps I think he would have been soothing if he had been here, but the presence of Helze means that there is a water lily and a mark, so two people get angry.
Helzes, Sekiren, Quorn, Domaim and Kwon have returned to their destinations without stopping at the village.
It's a bit disappointing that we couldn't meet.
I wield a [universal farming tool] in a hot spring area, thinking about what I can do for dry time.
To make a large hot spring that can be used as a dragon.
The winter cold is severe, but it is not a problem when you are wielding [universal farming tools], and it is not cold because the magical spirit magically raises the surrounding temperature.
It is not only me who make the hot springs, but thirty mixed dragons are also working.
At first I was worried about following my instructions, but there was no problem.
Perhaps it would have been nice to have asked the Rajmeyrens to release me because I would use it as a labor force.
A large hot spring was formed on the south side of the hot spring area, a little away.
The area is large enough for two dragons to relax.
The center is deeper with inverted cone.
Well, this is a hot spring for a dryme, but it will probably be the first to be granted as a privilege of the creator.
I asked the thirty mixed dragons who worked together if they wanted to go with them and they were all refused.
Well, there might be a position.
I won't say too much.
Even after the dry lime, please.
For the time being, I just entered.
Very deep heated pool.
And a little hot.
Because it is a little distant from the source, it is just stored without diluting it with river water.
For now, it's dangerous for human size.
If you boil it in a deep place, it will die as it is.
I need to be careful.
A log sign is set up around a log fence.
Tell the Knights of Death and the Lions.
After that, it's better to hear the dry feeling.
Dryme was sleeping in a hot spring.
It's true that he keeps his head out of the hot spring so as not to drown.
But what about your back?
I was surprised at the moment I thought I was dead.
It is a secret that Ibiki was heard and relieved.
What do you want a headroom?
Roger that.
Work with mixed dragons to create a headroom.
Sake and cooking?
Let's prepare sake in Otaru.
We'll make the food from the whale meat you fly home, so wait a minute.
Doss brought back about thirty small whales in the 30-meter class.
Thankfully, I thought it would be a problem for consumption ... but it was very popular with the blacks, the children of Zabton, and the lion family.
Consumption seems to be no problem, as they will eat more and more.
Of course, we leave what we eat.
Whale meat.
I don't know the specialty of whale cooking, so I use it as a regular meat substitute.
Sashimi, steak, carrageen, boiled.
The taste different from beef and pork is a nice change on the table.
Heichiro and Grall carried me in the form of a dragon for the dry lime in the hot spring.
Of course, Raimeyen accompanies.
Even the mixed dragons can eat.
Don't be shy.
In the story of Doss, the flying whales, including the giant whales, defeated about half and wandered away.
It can be annihilated, but it has long been said that annihilation is useless.
However, sharks flying in the sky have been wiped out.
There's no problem with sharks because nothing has been transmitted.
Also, I can't afford to forgive the sharks that made Hichiro, Grall, and Hlze dangerous.
And yet, are you angry that your son, Drym, is full of wounds?
Oh, I was shy.
The dry lime was completely cured after eating and sleeping in the hot spring for about three days.
As expected, resilience.
After the dry time was healed, Dose was lying on her back in a hot spring filled with dragons.
Well, parent and child.