Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Wooden path planning
The villagers continue to harvest, and I grow fields next to them.
Pirika helped me while being surprised by the seasonless harvest.
Thank you.
How is your training?
Washi: You've recently joined Aigis.
Tips for battle?
No, even if I ask ...
Well ...
If you think it's a hunt ... it's probably a good look at your opponent.
Yeah, observation is important.
Sorry for the layman's opinion.
Construction of the underground shopping street at Gomura II is on track, and it is likely to be completed much sooner than expected.
But there is a problem.
It's a traffic problem.
Carry in. I intend to prepare a fairly large road, but construction materials caused traffic jams.
It will be resolved once the underground shopping street is completed, but what if the same thing happens when goods are brought into the underground shopping street?
We want to consider measures, but even if we want to widen the road, it is difficult in the context of Gomura's land.
The underground shopping street itself is a countermeasure for land problems.
But the entrance way?
Well, I thought sweetly.
What should I do?
Is it a problem that there are two entrances because the former is a tunnel?
The second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor are for customers, but ...
I thought about three days and came up with it.
Using the first floor of the underground shopping street as a station, create a subway that runs around the middle of Gomura, a small mountain.
Isn't there an increase in the number of import routes for the station?
A nearby Prada raised the problem.
"What is a subway?"
Show the model of the underground shopping street.
The subway or railroad is the rail and minecart on the first floor.
Railroad because it is a road made of iron.
This is not only an underground shopping street, but also the middle of Gomura ...
There is a problem in securing and processing iron for the rail.
In addition, it is troubled if derailment occurs underground.
There is also a power problem.
Alright, scrapped.
"What about power in a golem?"
One day, there were mountain elves.
He must have come to a workshop in Gomura.
Person in charge: "If you move unattended, it will not save lives even if you derail."
"How about a monorail that was abandoned before? How easy is it to derail, and I think it would be no problem to go a little heavier if powered by a golem."
"If so, why not make the rails wooden? The trees around the Taiki Village can withstand it."
The problem is improved.
Leave only one problem.
"Only the village chief can process that tree, isn't it a lot of work? The village chief would dig a tunnel."
Oh, I noticed.
Was good.
"It's okay if you're a village mayor, and you'll be doing whatever you can!
Excessive expectations are troublesome.
I'll do it.
Withdraw the draft.
The railway plan has been launched.
"That village chief. It's going to be wooden, so it's a wooden path, not a railroad?"
Prada points out.
So that's it.
A wooden path plan has been launched.
Production of power golem.
Prototype of wooden rail.
Trial production of trolley for monorail.
Yes, we give priority to preparing for the fighting party.
I only care about Gomura.
Ichimura, you have to be careful.
Well, except for Gomura, it is said that it does not cause much problem.
Don't excuse it.
"Is it a problem?"
"Even though it is hope ..."
"It's different to think forcibly, is it OK?"
"Speaking of trouble, there is always a rescue signal from Roku who is going to Gomura. I think that it is something wrong, but if you go to Gomura if you can check it … Eh, are you struggling with paperwork? Prada, but you have already sent it. Thank you. "
Okay, let's do our best for the fighting party.
Even so, my preparation is about making a trophy to pass to the winner.
What will happen to the division this year?
Check with the civilian daughters.
Making the trophy took about five days.
I can't afford to be out of hand.
I made it exactly.
After fitting, you can finish by engraving the name plate, but that's the day of the fighting party.
Made with the crown trophy.
The crown was not made from the first time because of the various physiques of the participants, but there were so many applicants that he was revived from this time.
It was a little difficult to make several kinds of crowns with different sizes, but I did my best because I looked happy.
I thought about a type that can be adjusted with a variable type, but it would be like a toy.
These should be gorgeous.
Trophies and crowns are wooden, is that okay?
It might have been better to ask GATT to make it with metal.
No such thing?
Is my handmade worth it?
He will be happy.
I am confident in the words from the Zabton kids who watched my work.
In time, he chopped down the trees and made and distributed small hats for Zabton's children.
It looks great.
But this is not for awnings or fashion purposes.
A hat to throw up when you're happy.
It's fun to throw them all together.
You don't have to catch another throw.
Can't you handle your precious hat roughly?
Maybe that's because it's wooden.
A little dangerous.
I guess it's a cloth, but I don't have that technology.
What I can do ...
Straw hat.
I knit a little straw hat and distributed it to the children of Zabton.
Seasonally, it's a bit slow but looks great.
This is ... like a beret.
My hat?
Did you make it?
Thank you for getting covered.
Throw up together?
I have to throw it at a rate I can catch.