Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Visit South, North and East dungeons
On a sunny day, I started traveling on a utility boat.
The destination is the southern dungeon.
Lamia's home visit.
Around the fall fight, the Lamia were asked to come to the dungeon.
He wants to see the newly born children.
Initially, I prepared dozens of reward medals and tried to call me, but I refused to accept that no reward medals were needed.
Not because the Lamia had hoped, but also from the giants who were trying to call me, I'm going to stop in the northern dungeon after the southern dungeon.
After that, head to the eastern dungeon where the Gorok tribe has been said for a long time.
A few are accompanied.
I don't want to bother the other party because it's winter.
So the companions are angelic tiers, Leggin Rave and Surourou.
Tear is my wife's representative.
Originally, his wife was Lou, but Lou is in a hurry to mass-produce the short-distance transition gate, so I did not participate this time.
it's no use.
Leggin Rave and Subaru are my escorts.
The Gran Maria wanted to accompany them, but their children are still small.
I can't overdo it.
In addition to the tiers are the rear of the high elf and the ya of the mountain elf.
It is said that Lear asked Tia's assistant, and Yar asked the Lamia and Giants.
Mountain elves are in trouble because of the shortage of human resources, so it's related.
The mountain elves struggle.
Yuri from Ichimura and Jack, Gordon, Gruwald, and Bell.
They usually don't accompany them, but they agreed when I waved with them, considering the interaction between the villages.
They are all dressed in good clothes.
Finally, a select member of Kro children and Zabton children who will always accompany these events.
Ten black children with dignified faces and twenty children of Zabton.
The children of Zabton do not want to go out because it is winter, but they accepted them because of their wishes.
Sabton's children, Red Armor and White Armor, who don't care about the cold of winter, naturally boarded a utility boat.
Because it was said by Zabton.
I won't say that it will follow.
This is the member of this trip.
Unfortunately, Hakuren and Rusty are pregnant and cannot be taken.
Flora, Anne, a demon maid, left the mansion aside, and Sena, a beast race, asked for care for livestock.
Dwarf Donovan ... Yeah, it's sake brewing and I can't let my hands go.
I don't care.
The beast race Gulf and the Lizardman Daga wanted to accompany them, but asked to go to help Yoko of Gomura.
He wanted me to come from Yoko, but don't want me to call me badly.
If Gulf and Daga can't handle it, I can't do it.
Alfred, Urza and Tizzel also wanted to accompany them, but they would be accompanied by more if they were to be accompanied.
I'll take you to the coastal dungeon, so please forgive me.
Goals ... Will you go to Gomura with the help of Gulf and Daga?
The top of the village where I am away is Alfred.
This was a recommendation from me and other residents of the village other than Alfred.
Alfred is nervous.
I'm smiling.
However, it's easy because no problem will happen.
In the unlikely event, rely on those around you.
Rely on Lou.
Yeah, roux.
No, I'm not dissatisfied with Dose, Giral, and Founder.
In front of you is the entrance to the southern dungeon.
It is fast if it is a universal ship.
It's slower than a dragon, but ... oops.
Sorry, a universal ship.
You can carry a lot of luggage.
I'm saved.
Drop down the luggage you are carrying on the all-purpose boat to pass to the Lamia.
Basically, Taiki village crops and gifts from Gomura.
The crops in the village of Taiki are as usual, but the gifts from Gomura are diverse.
Goldsmiths, silversmiths, glassware, leather goods, woodwork, ironware, pottery, lacquerware, weapons, armor, magic tools, sake, livestock meat, chicken eggs, miso, soy sauce, etc. made in Gomura.
Jewelry, linen, wool, feathers, gold, silver, iron ore, wood, salt, furniture, carpets, fine arts, and books obtained through trade.
Naga: I can't figure it out too, but Ann made an inventory in advance and gave it to the Lamia, Genea.
They seem to be pleased.
After this, we look at the Lamia children who are the objectives.
Since the hatchery Lamia is the same ovum as the lizardman, it meets a little children from their eggs.
Yeah, it's small but it's a Lamia.
But what about the Lamia's reasonably plump breasts in egg?
After hatching from the egg, breastfeeding lasts for a short period of time.
So that's it.
I was just interested in ecology.
Don't worry, you don't want to taste it.
Child naming?
To me?
Hi, only one.
It's Ramiko, so Ramiko.
It is useless.
With this, I will wear Arachne's Arako.
Well ...
I did my best, naming.
Because it's an egg.
There is no feature.
There is only information that gender is female.
Well, the Lamia seemed pleased.
Next head, decided?
Well, don't worry about me.
I don't think that the chief should be someone with the abilities of the chief.
This child is still an egg.
The feast welcomes us, but it's open.
She told her she was going in advance, so she seems ready.
Since it is innocent to refrain, it is welcomed honestly.
Greeting before the feast?
I have prepared properly.
Oh, the food is delicious.
I'm working hard.
Oops, tears don't go well with the feast.
I mean, let's eat and drink.
After the feast, chat with Genea for one night.
Oh, of course, it's a different room from Genea.
The chat was almost like a report around the southern dungeon.
It won't be sexy.
Tear is near.
Lunch the next day.
Lunch is not because of the relaxation but as originally planned.
To make time to greet those who couldn't attend the feast yesterday.
And it's time to see the gifts of return from the Lamia.
Since he does not return directly to Taiki's village, he will return this gift in the spring.
This concludes my schedule ... Is it all right?
Looks like it was done without any problems.
Then, departure ...
Oh, there's a performance that can't be seen
Roger that.
The Lamia's hard work preparing for something outside in the cold is acceptable.
The all-purpose ship leaving the southern dungeon heads for the northern dungeon, but instead of going straight, it makes a large curve counterclockwise.
For time adjustment.
Another reason is that we will not pass over the Taiki village.
Passing over the sky is not profane or disrespectful; it is said to be over once, and to avoid being left behind after the visit.
Around this time, I was taught by the angels Marbit and Ryncia.
The giants say they don't care, but once you know it, it's good to be careful.
Arrived in the northern dungeon.
Do the same as in the southern dungeon.
To eliminate the difference in treatment with the Lamia people, instead of omitting them.
Because the races are different, it is impossible to do exactly the same, but I did my best.
I didn't remember it yesterday.
It was nice to have Tear and Rear.
Giant children named?
It doesn't matter, but you already have a name?
No, let's just change the name ...
Okay, I understand.
Well ...
I did my best to name it.