Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

Insertion 10 Different World Fraudsters VS Exotic Fraudsters - Preface

Huge city and all bloom.

There are all sorts of nasty rules in this city.

"Forced Translation Magic" forces this word to be translated into a language that is easy for the other person to understand. It is difficult to wrap your opponent in smoke with ambiguous rhetoric or to scam him in confusing terms.

And The Judgement of the Spirit.

It's a magic trick, turning those who lied into frogs.

"The next. Come here and tell us your name and why you're getting started."

A gatekeeping soldier says to me in a majestic tone.

The more he's like this, the choker he is.

"I'm Aina Thackeray. We visited the city with 'sightseeing'."

I smile lightly.

You shouldn't. If I laugh, I'll find out...... but I can't help but laugh.

A city protected by the Spirit God.

A city where the rules of the untrue iron wall exist.

The folks in this city won't even realize that that rule is the perfect hideout for us' crooks'.

"Okay, let me check my belongings"

When entering the city, all baggage is inspected.

Items that are likely to be traded - meat, fish, fruit, antimatter, etc. - are taxed even if they are unwilling to sell. Because the gatekeeper can't confirm whether to sell it or not. If we can't collect it later, it's a decision we'll take first. If you have any complaints, don't go in. It's a strong decision and I can't wipe the discomfort.

"Hey. What's this?

The gatekeeper takes out a vial with powder from my bag. That number, twenty.

Powder in three grams each in a bottle. Sixty grams in total.

"It's medicine."

"Do you need so much?

"I just subdivide it into small pieces a day."

"What kind of medicine?"


I pull down the collar of my clothes. The loose robe is pulled down, exposing my chest skin greatly. The twitchy chest swelling and the great scars in its valley are exposed.

Do your gaze on my chest and the gatekeeper rushes away. Bright red face...... pure man......

"I had a big scar on my chest... so..."

"Okay! Enough, fu, get your clothes ready!

Human beings in this city hear that almost everyone is a devout Alvistan.

Never imitate others as compassionate, merciful, or degrading. There must be a lot of people who get a job as gatekeepers, especially those who behave well.

"And you can come through."

Best of all, I get my expression done trying to keep it dignified... but my cheeks are red, gatekeeper.

Damn, I think I can make some rough money this time...

Going around the gate, there was this weird guy.

"Um... sorry......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

... half-fish man.

A half-fish man is bowing his head to the bear-eared beauty standing by the gate.

It's kind of numb and strangely peculiar.

.................. disgusting.

"Marsha's still out there, isn't she? Bring him in quickly."

"Well, I'll take you... yes... sorry..."

There's a half-fish man at a different entrance and exit from the gate I went through. Is that an entrance for residents?

Whosoever dwells in this city can pass through a gate separate from those who come from outside. I guess a lot of people go out the door at work. Treatments to reduce congestion.

"Excuse me... Excuse me... Really, I'm always sorry..."

"Come on, let's go!

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I insisted... I didn't take my eyes off your feet, I'm really sorry... eh!

"Go quickly!

Half-fish men who repeat their apologies all the time and gradually retreat with their heads down.... or is slowly approaching us.

I wish I could walk forward.

I don't want to be hit by such a disgust. And when I tried to change course, the half-fish man looked back at me in a rough way.


You were surprised to have me in front of you, the half-fish man jumped up and let his legs slide grandly. It's been a knockout and it's been clinging to my feet. Over the robe, it conveys a nuanced feel.


Shortly afterwards, who would blame me for accidentally kicking that half-fish man in the ass?

Don't you dare touch me! I'm not cheap!

I kicked him in the face with all my might. If I suck, my consciousness may be flying.

He's wearing a robe or something to give him the impression that he looks like an adult and to lure him off guard.

The real me is martial arts - especially militants who are good at footwork. If you're a fraud, you can't escape or fight. It's in Zara.

... That half-fish man, he could be dead.

Well, it wouldn't be a problem if it meant self-defense...

Horrible, peeking into a fallen half-fish man...

"Ha... Ha... Ha, ha! Enough! Kick in the leg! Kick all the beauty's legs! Come on, it feels good, it feels good!


A half fisherman turned his body back and was bored.

Ki, creepy!

In my lifetime, it's probably the number one creep.

"I'm not bothering anybody else, Calvin!

An earlier bear-eared beauty rushes over to lift and tighten the rolling half-fish man.

"Damn, it's painful, Dear Delia! Soot, excuse me! So, but if you can punish me... if you can, step on it with your feet..."

"No colour for reflection, none!?

A bear-eared beauty called a half-fish man "Poop!," he throws toward the outside gate. Far, very far away, the half-fish man flies.... That's the ocean. I truly thought I should go back to the sea.

"Sorry, gatekeeper. Can you get Marsha inside and do it for me? You're the guild leader of the Sea Fishing Alliance, so be polite."

"Yes! Copy that."

A bear-eared beauty came here after giving instructions to the gatekeeper.

"Are you okay?

"Heh? Oh, yeah... well"

The bear-eared beauty called me out and gave me an ambiguous reply.

There's no way it's okay.

The robe went numb, and most importantly, he was touched on the leg by such a creep... I don't get the right percentage for getting 10,000 RB.

But I just told this bear-eared beauty...

"If you're concerned about the dirt on your robe, you can ask Grandma Mum from the 42nd Ward. Because he's a smudging genius. The money, Calvin, will be paid by the Mermaid Guardian earlier."

"Yeah, I'll pay for it."

"Of course, Marsha."

Looking in the direction in which his voice spoke, a mermaid was about to be brought in by the gatekeeper's hand. A huge tank attached to a luggage truck contains beautiful mermaids.

Mermaid...... Never seen it before................ eh, the half-fish guy from earlier is also a mermaid?

"Bye, yes, this"


A mermaid in the tank offers me something papery.

"Give this to Grandma Mum. 'Cause if you do, you'll do the smudging."

"Uh... Oh, thank you"

On the paper it was written: 'The Sea Fishing Guild Marsha Ashley'.

How does it work that if I give you this paper, this mermaid will be charged...

"Thank you"

Thank you softly and I will receive the paper.

"Well, that's it for you. It was a disaster, really."

"Bye ~ hey ~ If you're going to the 42nd arrondissement, the Yangdu Pavilion is a great place to go ~"

Leaving those words behind, the two walked towards the city. Bear ear beauty pushes the luggage car in the tank.

... What, that means of travel?

I mean, can I just leave that half-fish man thrown away?

"Ma, look."

One of the hallmarks of this all-bloom is that there are so many strange people.

I don't care either way.

I regained my mind and stepped out.

At the end of the gate is a beautiful stretch of city.

This place, close to the sea, thrives on fish trafficking. I guess the fish will be transported from here to the whole city.

"And more than that..."

I take off my nuggeted robe.

Originally, when we entered the city, the robe was meant to be undressed.

Underneath the robe, he is wearing light clothes that are easy to move.

Highly exposed clothes that accentuate the chest and easy running shorts that reveal even the thighs. Thanks to boots that are all the way up to your knees, the exposure will be suppressed and you won't look like a whore. It's not nasty, it's stylish exposure.

Though, those guys there would be hooked on wheels......

For example, over there, the men lined up in the carriage...

"Why is a request coming from such a far away place already, sss!? It's hard to go home, sss!

"The request was received by… the building beam"

"That's right. I also have lunch boxes for the Yangdu Pavilion, so please get back in the mood and work."

Instead of being in line, it looks like a horse-faced big man and a slightly longer man are persuading the fox-faced man to get in the carriage.

"No, sss! Oyla, watch Magda Tan's face or the meal won't go through your throat, sss!

"It... Magda goes to her daughter-in-law at the same time, the system that ends the life of the building beam"

"Yambold! Don't be silly. Shh! Magda, you're not going to my wife, sss!

"No, you'll go someday... Bungliang, look a little more at reality"

"Shut up, Goozuya! I'm gonna stick all your paychecks in Magda!?

"That's embezzlement, Bungliang!? Anyway, I'll follow Mr. Delia, I will!

I thrive on women's stories...... these guys get caught up right away.

"Hey brothers"

Change the tone by the opponent. This is the usual means of con artists.

"I need to ask you something, okay?

Lower your luggage to the ground with the act that the big luggage is heavy and you can't have it...... In doing so, the chest is greatly emphasised.

I can't believe this guy can't...



Suddenly, the fox-faced man ran away screaming.

What the...?

"The female tolerance of the building beam was greatly exceeded...... the stimulus was too strong for the building beam"

"Well, I'm overheated just to talk normally,"

A big man with a horse face and a long man are talking with a smile on his face.

Female tolerance? Overheating?

Ha!? I shouldn't.

There are so many strange people in this city, Allbloom.

I don't care anyway.

I don't care about the guy who ran away. I have to hang around the men left here and make them luxurious for lunch or so.

"Actually, I don't, I'm just hungry... brothers, I was wondering if you know of any delicious shops?

Emphasize your chest even more here and give yourself a goofy look.

"Oh... I just haven't decided where I'm staying tonight. Oh... somewhere nice, don't you know?

Now the man with his lower heart tickled is stirred by an unlikely delusion, transformed into a servant who luxuries rice and gives gifts. To hold a hint of hope in your hand............ hehe, a man is such a choro, isn't he?

In fact, these two have their gaze nailed to my big chest.

".................. scratches"

Looks like the big man with the horse's face found a wound in the valley of his chest.

This scratch is a wound I suffered when I stepped on my hema with a scam before... but it is also a position where I appear to have had heart disease surgery in place, so I am now allowed to use it for scams.

It makes me the best prop when I play a sick lady.

Then... a girl who's feeling better over surgery is coming on a trip to commemorate it - let's set it up. There are also a number of men who are vulnerable to that kind of 'woman who worked hard to get over it'.

If you know that's the case, you can loosen the purse string.

I don't care how much you throw up about lying.

If I don't see these guys again, I won't discover a lie.

If you don't find out, you won't be called to the Spirit's Judgement.

"Yes... Actually, this scratch... from that old heart..."

"... breast augmentation surgery"

"............ what?

"Fake Tits B"


"Chi, no! Real! This, because it's me!

"... Nice joke"

That's all the whining, the big man with the equine face walked out.

"Become!? Hey, hey! If you think it's a lie, call The Spirit's Judgement! Because it's you! Really!"

I didn't even have ears to listen to, and the big guy with the horse face went away.

... What is it? What the hell are these people doing here?!?

When I looked at Chirali, a slightly longer man had a troubled look on his face.

From what I've seen, it's lower than the two of us just now, third-rate guy......... well, I can't help it, so can this guy.

"Brother...... my breasts...... is that weird?

It's an operation that secretly complains that you've been wounded because of someone you know and tickles your conscience.

"Heh, it's not weird... is it?

He is twitching as he looks at his chest.

All right, fallen. This man can afford it.

"So... your brother, my breasts............ like it?

"No. Especially"

.................. what?

"Mr. Delia is bigger, and the shape, the tension, and the scent are good! Oh, Mr. Delia! I want to see you, Delia. Huh!

Like dancing around, the slightly long man has gone.

..................................................................... well?

If you have a woman you like, you have no choice.

It's not like my breasts beat that Delia, is it?

There are guys all the way out there... nothing to be sorry about! Not at all!

"It's you!? What are you looking at?

I accidentally yelled at the townspeople who were watching this one on the far roll.

... shouldn't. You've exposed yourself to such ugliness, you can't stay here. Most importantly, this neighborhood is unsuitable for your skin. Incompatible. It must be a bad place.

That's right. In the first place, I haven't had any luck since the half fishmonger hugged me.

Let's change places.

and when you look at the signs on the ride carriage......

"... 42nd arrondissement"

I hear this carriage is headed towards the 42nd Ward.

District 42... It's a district with a good old lady.

Then why don't we head there...... and then I'll duck you, everyone in the 42nd arrondissement...... Ugh.

- Meanwhile, the Yang Deception Pavilion around that time.

Delia "Yashiro! I'm here to see you!

Marsha: Long time no see.

Yashiro: "Oh, Marsha on Delia"

Ginette: Welcome, both of you.

Delia: "Give me the cake! Cake! I'm Mont Blanc, and Marsha's a milk crepe!

Marsha: "Delia told me, I was so excited."

Ginette: "Okay, I'll get you ready in a minute"

Yashiro: "So, no half-fishers today?

Delia: "I've thrown it away because the creeps have exceeded the tolerances"

Yashiro: "I don't know, you're over it all year..."

Marsha: "Speaking of which, who's the carpenter who's always more or less here? He's not here today."

Yashiro: "Is that Umaro?

Marsha: "Yeah, yeah. You always turn your face bright red when you look at me, so I like it funny. "

Delia said, "This guy, he's making fun of you for gazing at me, right?

Yashiro: "If you don't do much, he's gonna die?

Marsha: "It's okay. I'm dying and I'm stopping you."

Yashiro: "... are you okay with that?

Magda "... the Umaros work in District 35 today"

Marsha says, "Oh, really? Then maybe I was wrong."

Delia: Alas, I came through that gate today.

Magda "... I gave her lunch, so she probably won't come today"

Yashiro: "If you're a womanizer, you're going to get out of work, but you're going to show your face..."

Magda "... If you're a Fox, you have a Norma"

Norma: "Atashi just came for the cake. I'm not gonna leave you guys alone."

Delia: "You don't have to worry about anything. I'm just here for some cake."

Yashiro: "I hope it's popular... you just get to know each other..."

Estella: "Hey, guys! I'm here for the cake again today............ what, this huge boob rate!?

Yashiro: "Look, I know your face again..."

Estella: "You guys! How can you grow up so much when you live in the same district and eat something similar!?

Delia "Salmon!

Norma "flue"

Marsha: "Okiami?

Estella said, "That's simply not your favorite thing!

Norma: "You can't have food that makes your chest bigger when you eat it."

Marsha: "But don't you tell me when you drink milk, it gets bigger?

Estella said, "I drink milk every day! Still can't!?

Delia: Salmon is enough.

Estella: "I'm starting to eat salmon for what it's worth!

Norma: How's the flue?

Estella "... the flue is... a little..."

Yashiro: "It's okay, Estella. Whatever they eat, they're just in shape to get big tits."

Estella: "So what am I supposed to do!?

Yashiro: "Give it up!

Estella: "Can you give up? -!

Ginette: "Sorry to keep you waiting......... Mr. Estella, what's wrong?

Magda "... it's hard to live... that kind of thing"

Ginette: "Well, I don't know...... good luck, Estella!

Estella: "I said I worked hard.................. ahhh, if it's also a pill that makes my breasts bigger, I'll give you as much money as I can!"

- No one thought that at this time would be the beginning of this commotion.