Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

147 stories, stupid noise for all of us.

"You haven't? When will the wasp be able to leave here?

Earlier, Imelda was softly restless and asked, "Why don't you head to the venue soon?," he repeats over and over again.

As soon as the venue is ready, a pick up is due.

So even though I'm telling you to stay adult until then, I can't seem to help but want to see it soon.

Despite the fact that the venue is the wooden guild branch inhabited by Imelda, we have to set up a surprise for Imelda, which means that from early this morning, we are bringing Imelda, who was half asleep, to the Yangdu Pavilion, in the meantime, to prepare the venue with a total Hamzi mobilization.

The installation is directed by Oumaro, and the cooking is directed by Ginette.

Magda goes to Becco and helps him prepare for a surprise, and Loretta entertains guests with the Neferries. Well, it's the Javiers, even if it's a guest, so I respect you, even with some disrespect.

That's why only me and Imelda, as well as Estella and Natalia, are currently in the Yangdu Pavilion.

Natalia kept calling to put on Imelda's dress.

Ukrainian has to dress the participants over there.

"It's about time I got tired of seeing Mr. Yashiro's tuxedo... and I'd like to head to the venue soon"

"I'm sorry, I'm tired of dressing like this."

Damn. Yesterday they were saying something cah-cah-cah, so I thought, "heh, I'm a sinful man too, babe" or something... Imelda if I...

You know, it's all done with a "you can see quite a bit" word... then I guess you've seen enough guys in these outfits to rot... well, fine, nothing.

"Look, look, Imelda. Yashiro is stubborn because Imelda doesn't praise him."

You're out of your mind, Estella.

Who is obstinate?

Just a little, "Tsumanee's! I don't know if I should stop now!? I'm just in the mood."

"It's nonsense to compliment the outfit. No matter how much you dress, a man is boring."

I'm sorry, you're a boring man.

"Mr. Yashiro's goodness doesn't depend on his outfit or anything, and I've been watching him with this eye from day to day. Praise now, that's rudeness."

Hmm? What?

I mean, "Mr. Yashiro is always cool!"? Is that what this is about?

"You have eyes, Imelda."

"That's cheap, you are!?

Shut up, Estella.

Humans. Anyone would love to be complimented.

You'd be glad to hear them say, "It's the highest peak in the world."

"Oh dear!

There, the greeter that Imelda kept waiting for shows up.

"On a special day, a meal or -!

It's a hammered ham dressed in a small tuxedo.

She also seems to be messing with her hair a little while ago.

"Well, let's go."

"I'm keeping the carriage waiting, so you should get on with it."

After hearing Estella's words, it looks like Imelda's mood is finally fixed.

"For keeping you waiting, please make it a great party in increments"

Even as I make high-flying remarks, such as this, my face sparkles like an elementary school student on the day of the excursion.

Is the selfish character going to pierce it like this? The plating has peeled off quite a bit.... Oh, look. I'm skipping or something.

"I'll be there soon! Come on, Harry, it's up!

"No,... just calm down"

"I'm calm ~"

"Then stop dancing while you sing"

Successfully guides Imelda around as she twirls, leaving the Yangdu Pavilion.

And, there, what a Merchant design carriage was parked that Cinderella was going to push over in large numbers.

It's the work of the carpenter, number two of the Torbec Workshop, Yamboldt, which Imelda very much likes.

"Well! It's lovely! Such a beautiful carriage, wax, I've never seen it before!

Traditionally, no matter how stylish the carriage, the walls and ceilings were box-shaped in a straight line, only to the extent of how beautiful the finishing touches would be applied there.

But this time the carriage has a cute shape with loose curves on the walls and just like a pumpkin carriage.

And horses pulling such cute carriages are no ordinary horses either.

As much as Imelda likes it, she arranged for a special horse to be negotiated today only.

Horses pulling this carriage...... it is!

"… to the venue, guide them. Me, the carriage, pull!

"Ya, Mr. Yambold!?

Yes! Horse-faced, horse-like Yamboldt!

"Imelda seemed like a favorite, so I decided to have her pull the carriage"

"You're treating me strangely!? Imitating like that to Mr. Yambold... if he even got hurt in the hand...!?


"Mr. Yamboldt is willing to do it. Wow!?

Well, don't worry about it. Yamboldt is a powerful type of beast, a man who can lightly carry hundreds of years old giant round-tails. I can afford a carriage to the point where two humans rode.

And this guy loves these ridiculous things.

As an escort, Hammoru and I get on board and try to pinch Imelda and take a seat.

"Come on, go, Yambold!


Yambold hisses!... I'm not hissing! It was "Meye"!

Anyway, the tense Yanbold pulled us off, and our carriage started moving slowly, and then ran out toward the venue.

Estella and Natalia come on foot later.

This carriage is a performance to gracefully take Imelda, the star of the day, to the venue.

"Ya, Mr. Yashiro!? Oh, that!? Quick, but it's really fast!? The curve! I'm afraid of the curve!?

"Such a G is a warcraft!

"Yambold! Slower! Just take your time!


"You, don't be ridiculous. Yikes!?

"Wild, laws of inertia or -!

Imelda and Hammoru cling to my arm in a wagon walking at an awesome rate. Soon I was in the middle. Ham Moru, it's light, so when it takes a G, it flies...

Yamboldt's rampage continued after that, turning back past the wooden guild, and blasting again past it until it passes by, then repeating the U-turn while putting tremendous gravity on us... totally evil rides. I've never seen a drift in a carriage or anything.

"Ya, let me revisit your assessment of Mr. Yambold..."

Look bright blue, says Imelda.

He can do his job... but he also has no idea what he's thinking in the first place. Craftsmen are a lot of people like that.

"Ya, Mr. Yashiro, are you okay sss!? So Oyla, Yamboldt is the only one who should stop..."

Womalo says with a grated face as he rushes over to a suddenly parked carriage in front of the venue.

Honestly, you honestly take the advice of someone you know so well... you almost lost your life by focusing too much on surprises.

"I'm a surprise!

"... this is a surprise..."

I didn't know it was this bad...

I have my clothes messed up a little, so I ask them to fix the clothes and makeup mess inside the Preparatory Committee Hall.

Ukrinez, who was waiting, cleverly daddy did it for me. Can this guy do makeup too...... that's omnipotent, clotheshop.

"Wax, I've never been in here before."

"It's where I was getting ready for this party, so you couldn't have let me in. Then don't go into the other room. There's still something I can't show you."

Like you and this dad.

"You still have something. I'm looking forward to it."

Carriage sickness goes nowhere. The venue is approaching, and Imelda's excitement seems to be peaking.

Estella enters the hall.

"Well, let's head to the venue"

"How to get ahead!? It's a surprise!?

"No... you guys have been going and going for quite some time..."

It is ochi that walking was definitely faster.

I don't know where the surprise stays.

Led by Estella, walk about five minutes.

I've been through it a few times since earlier, but when I look at it again, like this... "Ooh..." my breath leaks.

The venue was beautifully decorated, so gorgeous and elegant.

A carpet of flowers prepared by Millie and the Aliqui brothers. From the colorful flowers that fill the area around the aisle, there is a sweet scent that entertains not only the eyes, but even the nose.

"It's lovely."

Imelda is a little grumpy.

All right, all right, that looks good.

Follow the path surrounded by flowers and come to the large courtyard.

This is where Ginette used to make suspicious moves when she came to stay at Imelda's house.

Back then it was only this mansion that killed the landscape, but now there are all kinds of buildings lined up around it, like a little town.

Warehouses for storing wood, factories for processing, and facilities for wood dusts to relax. Really rich.

How dare you create all this stuff?

"Mr. Imelda, Mr. Yashiro. I've been waiting for you."

In the courtyard, the inhabitants of the forty-second district were assembled, who greeted Imelda with great applause.

"Ladies and gentlemen... what happened to those clothes... but I can't even say congratulations on the pattern... still, well, you'll be seen!

So many of them gathered in good faith at the party they had devised, dressed up as well.

For Imelda, it would be a pleasure.

A thinly stretched membrane of water in his eyes glowed hard reflecting the sun's light.

The courtyard is equipped with a number of long tables, on which are lined a colourful array of dishes.

Near where Delia looks with her eyes shining is the cake corner, where all the cakes present in the forty-second district line up.

A little stage is set in a position where you can stand with the mansion on your back. Once you climb, you don't want to, but you get noticed, that's the place.

"Well, let's say hello to the organizers"

"I understand."

That's right, without cowering a speech in a place like this, Imelda goes up to the stage with her chest up.

"Dear……………………… hereinafter identical"

"Easy, Imelda! It's okay, say hello!

When you go up on the altar and gather your gaze at once, it seems that Immerda just gets nervous, too.

Su takes a deep breath with - and Imelda starts talking again.

"We would like to thank you for coming together today. Pleasure to have so many of you working together and having such a great party...... Thank you so much."

Very honestly, Imelda bows her head in thanksgiving.

After I lifted my head, I thought I'd seen Chillari and me, and he smiled at me.

Waving small to respond to it, Imelda looked forward with pleasure and continued the conversation.

"With this many people gathered, it's impossible to party indoors. There may be some inconvenience outdoors, but please, enjoy."

When Imelda gives thanks, the applause rolls up.

That's why it's the beginning of the party.

After a toast, the invitees flock to food at once.

The cake is very popular.... No, let's eat first.

"It's a Warcraft sausage!

"Hey, Loretta! Don't eat so much by yourself, do you?!?

"You can eat all you want today!

"You have someone else's share!

Rice is rice, and it's kind of exciting.

... and how much I like Warcraft sausage.

Eat a meal alone, welcome here and there, and invitees spend their thoughtful time.

In the meantime, there was a group that secretly started acting.

"Guys, pay attention!

"It's Attention Prize!

"... sum it up!


"Eat while you can ~! Turn around a little bit!"

"Guys - have you had salmon -!?

On the altar, Norma, Loretta, Magda, Millie, Neferry and Delia appear. Ginette and Paula have to be ready for a meal, Natalia has to be with Estella, and Estella and Bertina are asked to shy away from their position... so this is the kind of face... now what do these guys do...

"We're going to show you a little show!

When Norma declared, the… mainly men of the venue… cheered.

The people who were thoughtfully picking food arrived before the stage, and the standing party makes it look as exciting as an outdoor concert.

"First of all, you're the eyeball of this time! Loretta!"

"Yes! Today, officially, a branch of the Wood Guild was born in District 42! Congratulations! I applaud you!

Swing your arms around and stir up applause from the venue.

Happy with the grand applause, now put your arms down "sooo" and quiet the applause.

Now I'm wearing sunglasses, and they look just like a certain host. Well, I didn't do anything to tighten it with three beats.

"Now, to mark this happy day in history, the craftsmen of District 42 have prepared a special gift! That's... that way!

Loretta points to the back of the courtyard.

And, the hamsters were put on a towing carrier, and a huge 'something' was carried. The 'something' is covered with a big cloth, and you can't peek inside.

"It's so heavy, Magda. Delia, let me down for a second and set it up in a nice place."

"... leave it to me"

"Delia, what the hell, Delia!?... a lot."

Scratch the crowd audience, unload the huge 'something' from the luggage and install it in a prominent spot in the courtyard. I peered into the cloth, checked my orientation, and Magda snorted.

"Bye! Mr. Imelda in the lead! It looks the best. It's coming here! Right here, right here! And your brother and Estella are over there getting ready for the dismissal!

As Loretta told me, Imelda went up on the stage and me and Estella stood on both sides of that 'something'.

"Do you know anything about this?

"Oh. He's the one I ordered."

"Heh... Looking forward to it"

And when each one is ready, Becco goes up on the stage. Theron and Wendy then also went up onto the stage, with four people lined up side-by-side, including Norma.

This is the four people who produced this "Something".

"Now we have a word from the leader of the production team, Araru"

"Mm, mmm... I'm nervous. Eh... Kohon"

Becco nervous about the bees. But he never opens his mouth and begins to speak in a grand tone.

"This is the first time the awkward have tried stone sculpture. An important sculpture that will be a memorial to your first challenge, a celebrated day to remember. Though I was about to be crushed by tremendous pressure, thanks to my colleagues who cooperated, I have completed what I can call the greatest masterpiece! It's super confident! Actually, Awkward, I've been interrupting this house all the time... or I've been forcibly abducted and I've been visiting. At the request of Mr. Imelda, a lover of beautiful things, he made a lot of food samples, sometimes harshly scolded, but had a really full time. Because of the anomaly, the awkward could have made this stone statue. That's why I dare say it. Mr. Imelda, thank you for teaching the awkward a new world"

Deep down, Becco gave the most salute bending his hips to ninety degrees. Imelda is surprised and covers her mouth. Big eyes are so open that they seem to fall... slightly moist.

"Now let's say you look at it! The title is" The Goddess of Lighting the Darkness "!

Becco screamed and Loretta said, "GO!" and give the signal.

Me and Estella pulled a giant cloth over the stone statue to match that signal.

The cloth fell and emerged from inside...

"" "Oh..." "

It was a statue of Imelda with a soft grin, so beautiful that she accidentally breathed.

Elegant and Rin standing. Its proud and dignified chest, its gaze upon heaven was also very brave, and its expression with an enveloping grin was also very sober.

Its combination of static and moving, light and dark, conflicting two properties, is beautiful as if it were a goddess, attracting the mind of the beholder.

"The Goddess of Lighting the Darkness" - a great stone statue, worthy of its name.

However, no explanation has been given for the part of 'Illuminating the Darkness'.

Well, you can tell that when 'Darkness' comes.

"Great stuff...... thank you. Thank you very much."

Imelda... Ano, Imelda bows her head deeply at will.

This guy is really growing up. Probably going to be bigger from now on.

"All right, everybody! From here on out, it's fun and cute, and you can watch our show! Ladies and gentlemen! It's costume change!

As Loretta's lines go, Normas, a team of women up on the stage take off their dresses on the spot.

"" "Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Dozens of times as much cheer as earlier...... almost from the guys...... springs up.

What showed up from under the dress was a fluffy matching costume that the idol seemed to be wearing.

Healthy thighs stretching out of miniskirts bling!

"Come on, guys! I'm gonna sing!

"" "Yes!

Focusing on Norma, the girls spread all over the stage, posing as if they weren't just saying they were going to dance.

Yes, they are idols… they are also professionals in the professions that confine each profession to the extreme - idols formed by the Jazz, by their name -

Idol Jazz!

Behold, this uniqueness! Never some kind of pack. No!

It's an idol by the Jazz!

Before the upcoming show, the venue is surrounded by silence that conceived excitement.

And then the music comes out -





♪ Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ♪





♪ Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. ♪

... Yeah, sorry.

There's no such thing as pop music in this world...

It's like a song a river fishing guild sings when they fish... living in a mountain doesn't make you a mountain grandma...

By the way, the performance is "Omero with River Fishing Dancey - Z".

"Haaaa! Magda Tan, Seriously Angel Sssu!

"Mr. Neferry! Come here, look at me! Ugh! I got eyes for you. Ahh!

"Mr. Cheer Girl Leader No! Shake it, shake it more!

"Mr. Delia! Delia. Aaah!

Well, whatever song it is, it sounds good to fans...

Goozuya, you were still a fan of Delia. It was a little shadowy because only you wouldn't come to see me more than you had to. No, you're the common sense guy, and those foxes and tanukis are insane.

"Awkward! Awkward! In the days I've been here, I found myself new and blossomed in the valley of Mr. Cheer Girl Leader at the Games! You must have rocked more!

... Becco. Your earlier, somewhat inspiring speech......... did you mean that you turned from a lactationist to a giant tit and a new world opened up?

I mean, is that it? You mean you've been seeing Imelda all the time, little by little, and you've been distracted by Imelda's big tits? I knew the big tits you see up close were awesome, is that what you mean!?



"Master Millie. Ah!

... Something's going on with Millie's weird fans... these guys, even if they're ten centimes closer to Millie, I'll force them out.

Millie loves quietly and enjoys herself!

"A, solesolesolesolesolesolesolesole!

"" "FU · TSU · U!

"A, docitadocitadocitadocita!

"" "FU · TSU · U!

Oh, this, you're a Loretta fan.

"Kind of too weird for me only then!? I want to say something!

Well, don't say that, don't be crunchy, 'FU · TSU · U'

Previously, the folks who came somehow within District 42 had fans attached to them at some point. I guess the cheerleader at the big food tournament before this became the deciding factor.

Idol Jazz's popularity was amazing.

Basically, the members of Idol Jazz who sang six songs after this, even though you only have percussion to accompany.

He is waving at the fans who supported him from the stage with a sparkling sweat on his forehead.

... It's not my fault that this kind of culture is taking root... isn't it?

Idol Jazz gets off the stage and starts to thrive in his body.

Um, it's a waste of time to end this exuberance here!

"All right, next up, Womalo! Do something one-shot!

"Ha!? I didn't hear that, did I?

"I just said it! Look, get on the stage."

"Oh no, suddenly I'm in trouble even if they say so!... well, for now, I'm going up to the stage."

This positive attitude is what it is.

I'll just do it! That's why this guy is in his current position!

My Best of Characters!

As they say, Womalo takes the stage.

But you're not going to be ready for anything, so there's very little you can do.

I applied plenty of lacquer and yams to my ears, just rashes, and it swelled up on the bread, "My ears got decked!? Want me to do something like that? Decadent ears don't go back to their original size, though.

Oh, yeah.

"Womalo! How about Stuart Javier's monomane, guild leader for the wooden guild? You know that 'cause I've been watching you a lot, right?

"Well, I know, sss... no. There's no better idea than to keep Mr. Yashiro on board here! Ouilla, do it, sss!

Lift your eyebrows up crisply and the oomalo stands in the center of the stage.

And I'll keep my eye contact with Natalia subtly. He snorts and Natalia quietly leaves the scene......

"Now I want to respond to the ultimate impotence, sss! Imitation of Stuart Javier, guild leader of the wooden guild!

While Imelda laughs bitterly, she sends her gaze a little intriguing.

There are also a few people in the venue who know Javier.

What a subtle expectation to have all at once, Womalo poses like a bodybuilder and says, "Ush, ush, ush!," he laughed.

"'I have a real daughter and a lovely toddler!'"


And I accidentally blew it out.

... Damn, you're going to poke a good spot at Womalo's cunt!

But the sights are coming!

"I love young girls, you fox bastard!

"The!? What's this voice?

Oomaro stiffens himself on stage and is frightened by the voices he hears from somewhere.

Yes, the Lord of this voice...

"Oh, my God!

"Stuart Javier Ruh!?

The venue is caught in a vortex of enthusiasm with the appearance of just the person.

Heh, I knew you'd be thrilled, coming in person. Does it work in different worlds?

"Hey, why are you here, sss!?

"My father came to my daughter's party and what's wrong!?

"You don't have to come at this time for anything, do you, sss!? I thought my heart would stop, sss!

"I guess it's because you tried to make people laugh in the shadows!

"Mmmm...... anyway! That's all I'm telling you, sss!

"What the hell!?

"I'm sorry, sss!

You're being honest, Oi!?

Anyway, you should apologize, yeah!


"Oh, Imelda! Here he comes!"

"We didn't invite you."

"Isn't that right, Imelda!?

A dot of laughter leaks from the venue.

Anyway, it's a surprise party filled with all Imelda could possibly be surprised at.

I would appreciate it if Imelda were surprised and then the invitees were very excited.

"Mr. Oba. I'm so relieved to finally be out there."

Demily walks in with a grinning smile.

I had him lurk in the hall with my surprise guest Javier.

Like Imelda won't find you.

"That's so exciting."

"Whoa, you get some laughter on the stage, too."

"Mr. Oba... you know, I don't think that's the line to tell the lords of the other districts. No, I don't want anything from you anymore..."

Shiny his head and DeMily sighs.

But it's really nice lighting back.

It's bright and shiny for your age...

"Are you freshly cooked rice grains!?

"I wonder what you mean, Mr. Oba!?

Repeating such nonsense, the party goes on in a lively fashion.

A party, or a banquet, no longer. It's a fuss, unrelated to elegance.

Today, everyone on the spot makes a fuss by forgetting all the unpleasant and uneasy things.

Soon, it was that kind of day.

And if you noticed - the sky was completely dark.

Finally, finishing...

"Come on, come on! Ladies and gentlemen! I'm sorry that this is so exciting, but for once now, I want you to pay attention to the stage!

Loretta takes to the stage and attracts the attention of the invitees.

"Well, then, brother. Please."

"Whoa. Let's go, Imelda."

"And the wasp?

"It's the last finish."

That's what I say, I give you my hand softly. Like a gentleman.

"I understand."

On my hand, Imelda, laying her hands on me softly.

As attention draws, I escort Imelda to the stage.

Standing in the center of the stage, I begin to speak consciously of the voice I often pass through.

"The feast is almost over."

Touch and... the wind blows through. The atmosphere is slightly sad.

"But before I do, I want you to see The Statue of Lighting the Darkness once and for all!

Good news, darkness is spreading.

The guests move their gaze from stage to statue.

At the foot of the statue of the goddess stood Norma and Theron & Wendy.

"This' statue of the goddess illuminating the darkness' is not just a stone statue. Let's see that now."

Raise one hand and send a signal to Norma.

He snorts, and Norma snarls at the metal plate planted on the stone statue pedestal.

Apparently, I'm ready, so I'm gonna start counting down.

"Five seconds ago... four... three... two... one... whoa!

In line with "zero", the norm pulls the lever attached to the metal plate.

And, part of the chest of the stone statue, specifically the part of both nipples, opens up pacary, and the glowing brick that was planted inside emits a dazzling light from it.

A dazzling ray extending straight from the nipple.

I went with it, screaming as far as my voice could!

"Sexy biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

"What are you doing, Mr. Yashiro?!?

The Statue of Lighting Darkness illuminates darkness with a sexy beam!

Becco, Norma, Theron and Wendy from the production team all have a satisfying look on their face.

"No, what are you looking at like you did!? Hey, guys!? Mr. Yashiro is poisoning you too much!?

There seems to be some confusion...

Next to me, Imelda, staring at the sexy beam that illuminated the darkness, whined just one word, like this.

"... it's beautiful."

"You like it, sus!? There's a ray of light coming from the nipples of a stone statue just like yourself!?

I'm telling you I like you in person, so that's fine! Watch your mouth, Oomaro!

"Besides, this sexy beam is capable of changing angles"

When I send my gaze to Norma, he maneuvers the kachakacha and metal plate levers to change the angle of the sexy beam.

"Something's wrong with my nipples, sus!?

And Sexy Beam lit me and Imelda up on stage like pinspotlights after cutting through the night sky endlessly.

"The two of you floating around on your nipples...... that's weird ssss, this sight!?

"... Womalo, Shh"

"Ha ha... Magda Tan pissed me off ssssss...... I don't know, I'm a little happy ssss"

Now that the field is quiet, I'll run The Last Surprise, as planned.

Though, de classic, it's plain stuff.

"Imelda, welcome to District 42"

"Huh? Oh, yes. Thank you."

"From now on, as the head of this branch, as a member of District 42, you will work for this city and the people who live in it."

"Yep. Of course I intend to. The wasps will try to change District 42."

Declare it good on stage in the light of the spotlight.

Oh. Right.

You're going to change the forty two districts...

"I personally have a gift for Imelda like that. There's only one thing in the world that I made just for you. Will you take it?

"Well. Were you still hiding your gift? I thought we were done with the stone statue."

"Surprise, right?

"Yep... sure, I'm surprised. Today was really... amazing."

"Well, this is our last shot."

I hand you a gift in an elongated crate.

Imelda slowly opens the lid and takes out what was inside.

It's a pendant I made.

Making itself is a simple, mediocre, everywhere pendant...

"... this is..."

Look at the pendant you took out, Imelda loses her word.

Tears build up like a membrane stretches out in my big eyes... and it flows off without sound.

"…………… Mother"

The pendant top was engraved with the face of Imelda's mother.

A family portrait, seen in Javier's study. They carved Imelda's mother on the top of the pendant.

An eye full of tenderness staring at my child, still small, held in his arms.

Those eyes seemed to be asking my young child, who was not even old enough.

"When you grow up, what kind of adult will you be?


Imelda holding her mouth and leaking her whimper.

Imelda, who lost her mother at an early age and had little chance of touching its warmth.

From now on, I can stay with my mother wherever I am.

I can stand alone and put out just a little weakness when I have to stomp... forgive me for that... I made this pendant with the wish that it should be something like that.

Maybe that's what I want most right now...

Gripping the mother of the sculpture painted on the pendant top, Imelda was killing her voice and crying.

At the temperament, leaning on no one, but without hiding the indiscretion.

After a weep, Imelda handed me her pendant and turned her back.

"Put it on... please"

That said, scratch up your own long and beautiful blonde.

A bright white noose peeks. It's very colorful, paired with slightly vaporized skin because of the crying.

I'll turn my arm and gently put a pendant on Imelda's neck.

Lower your hair, comb with your fluffy fingers, and look back at this one with a crease.

"... to look good?

A little anxious, Imelda asks at the top.

That's not true, there will only be one answer.

"Oh. You look great."

"Really...?...... hehe"

Imelda laughing like a tickle.

Then applause arose from nowhere, from no-one.

That must have been a blessing applause.

In the light that illuminated the darkness, Imelda and her mother were both smiling calmly.

In this... sexy beam.

"I figured oila, this light, I don't know if it's a bit ssssss!?

"... Umaro. Because it's a good place right now."

"But Magda Tan! It's a good place, how can it be in a sexy beam!?

"... meh"

"Haaah! pissed off again! but not strange and disgusting!"

Laughter leaks into the voice of the elusive pervert, bringing back the usual 42nd arrondissement look.

Come on, the party's over.


"Yep. Unfortunately... I can't help it."

When I get off the stage, Imelda starts hosting greetings.

We spend the day together, and words of gratitude are arranged for those who celebrate us together.

On the way, Imelda accomplished a dignified greeting to the end, clogging her voice in tears many times.

The applause just broke...... the party is over.

If there is a beginning, the end is bound to come.

Yeah. You had fun today. It's been a long time since I've been able to do everything I can to be an idiot.

Really...... it was great.

The party is over and we go from the courtyard through a path surrounded by flowers to the gate.

Along the way, light footsteps approached from behind.

"Brother! How'd it go? Plenty of my name MC! I'm proud it's a big deal!

"Oh. That was a big deal."

"Whoo! I was praised! Recently, I have a better chance of getting praised by my brother!

"... don't forget Magda's, plain yet glittering famous support"

Magda emerges from the side of Loretta, who shudders greatly, and appeals to me whether this is still the case.

"Right. Magda makes me feel more at ease."

"... a hard word, insignificant... Yashiro is a doer"

Perhaps because of the dim surroundings, but only for a moment, Magda seemed to be niggling.

"Mr. Yashiro. Good luck."

And then Ginette comes.

Speaking of which, I'm not talking to Ginette at all today. I've been really busy.

"Good luck with that."

"No, because I like to cook"

Really, you made it, guys.

This will be all right now.

Loretta can get into any profession, and Magda can do well on her own, creating a community and being at the top of it, I'm sure.

And Ginette, too, will no longer be fooled, lonely and crying... believing the bad guy in wheelies and letting him live in the house... he won't do that.

If you step on anything, there are so many people around this guy that you can count on.

Today, I understand that very well.


Estella stopped me when I was about to go home.

With the Demilies here, I was wondering if we'd have time to talk anymore today...

"You've been running?

"Because you were about to go home."

"Well, don't panic, I'd be at the Yangdu Pavilion..."

"'To the Yangdu Pavilion...' What?

... Soon.

No, it was strictly forbidden to say nasty words to this guy.

Are you loose, me?

"So what do you want to tell me until then? Don't drop DeMilly off or anything. I'm tired today."

"I'm not. It's about the city gate."

"The street door?

"... hey, just a little, why don't you walk?

Saying that at this time is synonymous with saying, "Would you please take off your seat if it doesn't matter?"

It's very rare for Estella to say that to Ginette and the others.

"Okay, Mr. Yashiro. We'll help you clean up later."

Seeing the air, Ginette takes Magda and Loretta back to the courtyard.

"Well, let's go"


Take Estella and leave the gate.

From the branch of the wooden guild to the city gate, is it fifteen minutes on foot?

I can see the gate a little far away. It's a big gate. If you look nearby, it's more powerful.

"It's finally done."

"Did you?

"I did. What, all that passionate city gate, you completely lost interest?

I mean, I wanted to build a city gate to make the road in front of the Yangdu pavilion a street.

Now that it's done, I don't care about the city gate.

"Next week, there will be an opening ceremony for the city gates and streets, so be sure to attend."

"... why me"

I'm slightly fed up with what I might have done to keep standing up, and my facial muscles skew.

"Don't look at me like that. That's what you told me, so I'll hold you accountable till the end!

"Well... I'm definitely the one who said it..."

"'Unless something goes wrong,' cause the ceremony's in a week."

"... what, the way you say that caught on"

This guy, are you willing to cause any trouble?

Or is the trap already set......

"... it won't be long, I can't believe a week"


I see.

This guy...

"Of mature women, the average number of steps a day seems to be between six and eight thousand."

"... What? What's the sudden problem?

"I mean, seven times a week, so... 42,000 to 56,000 times."

"So what are you talking about?

"If you have a week, it means those few tits will shake!

"... I'll stab you?


I just wanted to tell you that's all I've been doing for a week!

Fifty-six thousand times!? Fifty-six thousand plum!?

For a week, I could do quite a bit of it, and that's how far too much trouble is possible.

... I wonder if I'm looking for trouble or something too... even if it happens, I'm still here...... oh my god.

Estella's ready.

I have to say nothing about any decision I make.

He's a lord. You can't just leave me alone.

So at least tell him to 'be sure' to leave for the ceremony in a week's time. That's what I'm saying.

Expect something to happen in the course of the past week......

"Hey Yashiro............"

Turn away, Estella squeaks.

"I don't... cheat"

I don't have the words to answer that question.

You don't deserve to say this to me when I've lived cunningly.

So at least...

"I think I like you for it."


"So listen to me because I think it's an awesome, dependant opinion."

I say it with the utmost kindness I can right now towards the back of Estella's head who says nothing.

"That's not true."

That's the best I can do right now.

"............... well. Yeah. Okay. Thanks."

Keeping the short words going, Estella looks up.

I looked back at this one with a lonely smile...

"My cheating is better than yours."

That's what I said, I walked out on my own.

As you pass next to me, pound on your stomach, weak punch.

Estella left me.

Really... this guy is always trying to be nice.

In the beginning, I thought I'd gotten into a hell of a place...

"Ahhh... that was fun. Seriously."

The words that looked up at the night sky and whined were surprisingly clear voices myself.