Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

Thirty-six stories without additives, holy clothes.


Teresa's activism made it all the more moody at once: "Race among the customers"...

One incident happened during such a race.

"Eh heh... I fell"

Bertina, who majestically defiled the front of her pure white robe, is holding her cheeks in shame.

As always, it seems clear and not even "ugh" laughable.

"Sister, are you okay?

"Yes, I wasn't even speeding."

Ginette is asking Bertina worried.

From what I've seen, I don't see any major injuries...

Bertina drew the title 'Someone who has had dinner with me' and chose some of the smaller kids in the church in particular to take part in the race.

Perhaps you wanted to let him participate in a level of kid who was still dangerous to attend an athletic event but could run independently. It's not like you were impressed to see me take Teresa out, it's more Bertina-like and sticky to think you were going to do that from the beginning.

But it was a bad idea to have two kids who were eligible for it.

Bertina, who had just turned two and had both three-year-old kids participate in the race, naturally ran side-by-side with her left and right hands connected to each kid.

But even though he's two to three years old, he's a kid from the 42nd arrondissement, which is also a beast tribe kid.

Running out at a rate that exceeded Bertina's expectations, Bertina, who was forced to bend forward because of the height difference, became dressed to be pulled, and fell without a hand. I've been doing this for a long time.

I'm sure it hurts near my knees, but when I show a painful bare gesture, the kids cry out of guilt... even though they're still way too sloppy... so Bertina looks fine.

"Oh, dear... sorry... oh, dear... oh, dear!

"Chi, Bogu... Bogu, whimpering, whimpering... Huh!

"No, I'm not. I was just a little rough. There's nothing wrong with you two."

Bertina strokes the heads of the squeaky kids.

A black, dirty robe, how painful.

"Shh... Wow, there he is. No... of?

Even Teresa, who was a big buzzer until just now, is about to cry over Bertina's fall. I'm already crying.


"It's okay, Mr. Teresa. Because it doesn't hurt. The clothes will be clean if washed. Right? Don't cry. Right?"

"Not always".

That's just enough of a factor to fuel kid anxiety...

"Shh... there he is. No, yah...!

Teresa made me cry.

My sister (Teresa), who is bigger than me, cried out, and all the kids, ages two and three, start crying hard.

And the church kids who were in the backup and spectator seats come all the way to Bertina.

I just fell and made this fuss.

Bertina, you're loved.

... or how many people do you think you are?

"Mi, gentlemen. It's okay. It's okay, right? Right? Me, it doesn't hurt. I just fell............... Ya, Mr. Yashiro!

I'm in trouble with the kids who don't stop crying, and Bertina calls my name.

... So why me? You can count on Ginette................ So Ginette had already individually abandoned the crying kid and was looking to destroy each one, but the cry induced the cry to surrender?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You kids would be more specialized.........................................................................

"Bertina. Don't you have a sore knee?


You were going to hide it, and Bertina gives a distinctly hurried look when she points out the facts.

The kids who perceive it visibly cry out loud again.

"Ya, Mr. Yashiro......!

Bertina looks me in the eye accusing me of why I rose.

But the kid's anxiety doesn't go away forever because he hides it.

The kid is simple and dumb... he is pure and innocent. He doesn't understand reason and can't even guess what he cares about.

Hiding from a kid like that is a bad idea. Especially if you try to hide an injury or pain like this one, you won't be able to convince me that you're "absolutely impossible".

For a simple, stupid guy, 'deceiving' is more effective than 'hiding'.

"Bertina, try to get your knees out"


To my offer, Bertina presses the hem of her robe and dyes her cheeks red.

"Mm, I can't!

"Just get to your knees. You're taking a bath or something with the kids anyway, right?

"I will be with the children... exposing my skin in front of Mr. Yashiro, etc..."

You're doing it, Chickshaw!

Why didn't I get younger until I was six!?

If I had come to this city as a genius con boy, there could have been a development of bathing with Bertina, Ginette, and a good looking after Norma and Delia!!

And in the river plains of Newtown...

"Loretta and soaked up in the water or something!

"What do you suddenly say, brother!?

There could have been!

I didn't!

"I wish I was a child."

"I know only the literal, but the hidden and invisible eros in it seeps out and makes the worst statement!?

Either way Loretta gets stuck.

There's a tragedy going on over here like the kids crying and picturesque sniffles... you can read the air, Loretta.

Well. It's time for the loudness to be the limit.

Do you want to clean up now?

"It's okay, Bertina. I'm not saying it in my heart."

"I don't believe it!


"That's the statement just before that, brother!? You should take a look at your conversation record Cumbassation Records once!

Apart from the noisy Loretta, Ginette comes next to me and pulls the hem of her clothes twice.

I have some serious eyes to show once in a while when I'm overshadowed. Is that a warning "I'm just kidding" if you want to put it into words?

Heck. I'll do it right.

It's time to ear Ginette and tell her what I'm about to do now.

Then Ginette said, "Ah!" He nodded with a convincing look and gave his first resort to Bertina.

I guess I told him there was no harm in what I was trying to do.... who is harmful, here.

"Look, kids. Open up there."

Spread the kids flocking to Bertina and crouch in front of Bertina.

Bertina, who had abandoned the kids, naturally crouched, with all the heights of her gaze. A little above that gaze, Bertina butted her forehead like it was funny to push her.

"Hi-chan... Huh!

"Yes, get your knees out"

"Ha, no, you know, no!

"You want to reassure the kids, don't you?

"So, but..."

Saying stare, turning SOS gaze to Ginette, but Ginette knows what I'm trying to do, so she's on our side.

I haven't looked directly in the face, but I guess Bertina made a decision in my favor that she gave me the look of surprise.

My daughter's permission has been granted, so I go a little hard.

"Yes, patient. This is a medical practice, so I'm not ashamed of it."

"Oh, uh, Mr. Yashiro!?

Slowly bring your arms closer together, regardless of the illuminated and tense Bertina.

The kids who were crying, to keep an eye on the situation, are now stopping crying and staring at Jizz Bertina.

That attention applauds Bertina's shame and her sense of mission that we need to reassure the kids.

"Oh, uh, okay, so, jeez, do it yourself!... I'll do it myself..."

So he touched my arm, stopped the invasion, glanced at me with a slightly angry face, and then slowly wrapped around the hem of the robe.

I can see raw white feet.

Although I can't see it from the ankle down because I'm wearing boots - Sne was sober, calf plump, and knee firmly appealed to its presence in a collaboration of swelling and indentation.

Silky glossy 'Amen' is exposed to the outside air.

Unexpectedly Gatspaws!

... The moment I did, I was poked in the face.

Looking back, Ginette said, "Meh!" He swelled his cheeks and stared at me.

All right... at last.

"Bye, Bertina. I'll be damned."


Bertina should know because Ginette used to do it to Magda before... but she doesn't seem to have any idea what she's going to do anymore because she doesn't think she can do it.

Fly the wink once and give the signal, then put your hand on Bertina's knee.


I accidentally blush my cheeks more red into my own weird voice that leaked, and I busily alternate my face with my hand where Bertina was placed on my lap.

It's okay, this isn't a moron.

... Seriously, I'm not a moron, so you're standing behind me at some point, Magda. Beginning tit patrol members, be nice. Really, seriously.

"It hurts. It hurts. Fly away."

Saying, I shake my knee-grabbed hand up against the sky.

"… to"

Exhalation leaks from Bertina's mouth looking up at the sky like she was chasing my hand, a combination of surprise and surprise.

"What do you say? What hurts is, did you fly away?


Bertina glanced down at my voice and nodded with her usual smile after quickly looking around and checking the anxious faces of the kids.

"Yes. I flew away"

Well, it's forbidden to judge the Spirit today.

Lies of this magnitude should be tolerated. Hey, right? Spirit God.

"I'm totally screwed."

To the worry-faced children, Bertina turns the grin of the Virgin Mary.

That's how 'deceiving' is more secure than 'hiding'. Kids are simple creatures.





The kids flock to Bertina at once.

Jumping ahead and hugging, Bertina's body is quickly swallowed by the wave of kids.

I can't wait to get caught up in this, I'm leaving the scene early.

"Hey, guys, calm down... Huh!

Even though she was screwed up, Bertina seemed happy somewhere.

My peace of mind was in my voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Yashiro"

Ginette puts her head down on me when I get up.

"I'm glad the kids are no longer anxious"

"I'm so glad, Yashiro"

Estella from behind Ginette, and the face of the breast patrol stares at me with a glittering smile.

I didn't have to lose you.

"... it was just before they did what, me?

People help, people help! I love you guys!

and looking around..................

"The bastards are outside the truck..."

"You can't expose Sister's glossy appearance to the public. All conscious inhabitants have been asked to leave the premises."

"Wow... it's blackmail. Terror politics. You're superb here."

Behind the glittering lord lies the ice smile of the foreman, the guild chief of the river fishing guild, who rings his finger joints plainly, and the guild chief of the hunting guild, who is likely to be a nightmare at first sight, smiling coolly.... Scary... What, that smile. Looks like you can beat a B-grade horror in a still.

As a result, only me and the kids witnessed Sister's glossy silky raw feet. Well, that's fine...

"Remember how you guys were exposed to raw feet?

Even your raw feet will be glossy enough.

I'll sell out in two minutes when I launch my cheek slip ticket, I'm sure.

"Holy shit, this is... sports costume... it's a healthy outfit! That's what you said!

He seems embarrassed to be pointed out, but he also seems to be heavily aware that if he admits to that embarrassment, he becomes conscious and unable to move after this, and Estella seems to have made the choice of shelving the backbone of the story.

She's a little red and staring at me.

"Besides, this is not how you put it out healthy, it would be different from rolling Sister's robe and seeing it from inside... you know, luscious, something like that"

"Wow, Estella, the expression stinks of Osama"

"Yes, you shouldn't be wrong to say it!

Well, you are.

It's better to hoist a long skirt up to the same height as a miniskirt than a miniskirt.

"Peeping from the inside" or "looking chilly" brings out what Estella calls' luscious'.

That is.

"If they were all naked, they wouldn't be ashamed of anything!

"Did you kill your brain cells?"


I'm still splitting up today.

"Ahhh! You're all right now! Gentlemen, calm down!

Bertina buried in the kids raises her voice when she's in trouble again.

Now take a peek into what...

"Whoa whoa!?

The kids were pushing Bertina down and trying to rip her clothes off.

The robe is raised to quite a point on the thigh.

"Hey!? Stop it, you guys! In front of such a public!

Panicked Estella and the breast patrol face pull off and calm the kids swarming Bertina.

In that gap, Ginette rushes over to Bertina to quickly trim the hem of the messy robe.

"Mr. Yashiro, you haven't seen it!?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Right now, just something, because I was dizzy and white in front of me!

Her white thighs are clearly burned behind her eyelids.

I got a little tempered, and Ginette's aggressive lies about the question didn't come up well.

I'll turn my face away for now.

"How did you do this, you guys?

Estella speaks out in the kind of atmosphere she tells to a girl who seems to be able to talk relatively well among the kids who are about to cry after being pulled from Bertina.

The girl slowly moves her trembling lips as she stares at Bertina with her anxious face.

"Not yet... Injury... Sister, because I always hide the pain or something..."

In short, the kids think that Bertina, who fell flashy, must be covered in general injuries, but she keeps us worried and hiding it.

And then I saw that I did it and I tried to cure Sister's injury with "Fly the Pain and the Pain".................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You look like you're about ten, don't you think? You little brat. You must be old enough to be on the side of stopping the rampage...

"Are you so worried..."

"Sister, you always have to."

Ginette says in a real voice.

I guess Bertina has always been.

Make a smile for the kids, always impossible.

So, the kids are aware of that... so...

But hey, do you get so messed up about falling in an athletic party...?

"Because I've heard of it!

A beast tribe kid who resists by being restrained by Delia but fluttering his body. He's the oldest man in the church who can't do the math.

Apparently, all the kids are disturbed because of the disturbance of their oldest leader brother.

And that's why that oldest kid is messing up...

"When you get old, you just fall and you fracture, you fall asleep, you get bogged down or you die!

... Somewhere I heard it, it was due to halfway knowledge.

"Shit, Shinja, oh!

"Shit. Aah!


It is a nasal cry.

Tiny kids cry like monsters.

... but.

"Guys, no!

"Right! Stay away from me!

"... you should listen to the Magdas"

"Magda is right! If we get close to Sister now - we'll have a roll!

Estellas desperately seize the kids... no, I'm protecting them.

Hold your little body tight and hold your arms firmly in place.

There's only one guy who got his arm off the kid.

Only Delia, who was holding the oldest kid.

... Delia, softly, away from the oldest kid without sound.

"............... Really? You were so worried about me..."

loose...... and Bertina gets up.

... and yeah!? Ginette!?

Evacuate that far to Ginette!?

Aren't you the only Bertina complete advocate!?

Oh, it's dangerous!? Is that so!?


We looked at each other in the blink of an eye and took four steps back at the same time.

Every time Bertina steps closer to the oldest kid, a grain of cold sweat overflows from the kid's forehead.

Maybe it's because my robe got black and dirty... but today's dark aura, darker than usual......

"I, in an old man, am I... Rima...?

"No, um... I meant to say old man... not... and..."

"'I'm old'............ what did I say?

"Ah... no... is that it? O, me, I don't know what you said... haha haha"

"… do you wish to apply for the conversation record Cumbassation Records?

"I wonder if I'm going to get that far!?

"I'm... confident in my bones, aren't I?

"I'm sorry. Come on!

Poor thing.

The oldest kid is - hereinafter abbreviated.

"Wow! Good luck with the second half of the morning! Ooh!"

"Brother, what's wrong all of a sudden!? Refreshingly positive without appearing!?

No, what.

I thought the venue was strangely quiet.

"There's been a lot going on, but let's try to be positive."

"Are you going to decide you didn't have that 'a lot'!?

Stupid thing!

A brain can cause serious damage if it's loaded more than a certain amount.

"Forget" is one of the human defensive instincts.

Let's forget... that was a sad accident.

"Totally... puffy, it is"

Bertina is cute and angry over there... but the oldest kid is getting smaller and shivering in the backup seat...

It's also an unlikely sight that teammates Delia and Lucia are turning away from Bertina and making out to be adults.

And the rest of the team just fled back to their positions, watching the situation farther afield, and occasionally throwing a meaningful glance at me.

"Look, forgive me" kind of gaze.... Why me, that's why.

Though it would totally be that oldest kid's suicide bomber.

But now I would have learned that kid too.

'You mustn't tell a woman about her age' - something like that.

"... Yashiro"

"What's up, Magda?

"... offer the demon god"

Magda will come up with a suggestion with a Frankfurt of the Cantartica Warcraft, but... you'll be pissed when you say demons or something.... I'm just considering talking in a proper respectful tone for a while, too.

Bertina should not be offended. No, absolutely.

"Well, I'll get you in the mood for an angry Sister,"

"Um, shall I go, too?


Would Ginette rather be with me than go alone?

"Okay, please."


I don't know why you look so happy there.

It's like one of them pulled a hassle. It's a mission.


Ooh... I'm a little freaked out.


Look at this one with your cheeks swollen...... keep staring at my face Bertina.

Dealing with the elderly - that also seemed to undermine my mood considerably to treat Baba too far...

"... kusu"

I suddenly broke up and laughed.

"I don't know, it's weird to hear it now, that's what Mr. Yashiro calls me"

He said my "sauntering" was funny.

Sorry about that. A respectful adult. If it's enough to make you laugh, it's okay as usual, right?

"Look, it's from Magda and Loretta"

"Well, that sounds delicious"

It's from Magda, but it would be more appealing to keep Loretta in as well, "We all care".

And that's where Bertina feels right.

This will fix my mood.

"I'm not mad at you anymore."

"Then tell that to that kid too."

"Nevertheless," is important. Whether or not it is disrespectful to someone in front of you, that's something you need to be aware of before you get out of your mouth. This is part of education. "

... No, it was a good percentage of personal grievances. I won't put it in my mouth. They won't be able to educate me until now.


Bertina gives a troubled look as she clings to Pacri and Frank the Warcraft.


"Continue with 'but'! Don't care!?

I broke in and the air around me finally relaxed.

Like, "Oh, it's okay now".

"No. No matter how many times I say it's okay, the young kids stay worried... I wonder what's going on"

"That's because Sister can't do it all the time."

Bertina shrugs her shoulders adorably at the bitterness from her daughter.

I know, but I can't stop saying that's why, it looked like an emotional expression.

Well, you can't, if you're a mother.

"From now on, please be sweeter"

"It's still sweet enough. Hey, Mr. Yashiro."

"Well, yeah"

Especially since I'm so sweet.

Or I feel like I'm being blown some of the challenges.

Wouldn't it be a good time for me to sweeten it back, too? Yeah, I'm starting to feel that way.

Selfish or something, it'll fit when it's time to say it, this is, yeah, I'm sure it is, yeah.

"Shall I teach you a secret to dispel the worries of the kids?

"Is it true, Mr. Yashiro?

Bertina swells her cheeks happily and chews Frank the Warcraft.

... Are you happy with my suggestion? Yummy? It's hard to understand, already.

"Glad you were sweetened quickly, Sister"

"Right. Am I getting sweet skills up too? Ugh......"

Nah, we're laughing at each other happily at my mother and daughter, but you don't understand...

Because I'm the one who's gonna get my wish now, right?

I'm the one who's sweet.

It's also an awesome 'snare' with no veto rights.

"The kids are anxious to be 'different'. Have you ever been so worried about just a little bit of a cold? I found out right away when I was trying to hide it. What an experience."

To my words, Bertina and Ginette look up diagonally with their fingers on their jaws.

You're so habituated, these guys. Really, it looks just like that.

"Yes, you do."

"Me too. If you think your body is just a little weak, then..., Yashiro noticed immediately... that... itch..."

No, wait, Ginette.

That's because we're off topic now. Because the subject matter will be uneven.

So remember, light it up and don't hold your cheeks or anything!

Infectious' depression ', so the lights!

Because it just so happens that the optimal solution derived as a result of considering management and operations was to "put Ginette to rest"!

"Ginette, now we're talking about the kids"

"Ha!? Shh, sorry............... hey, shut up"

Ginette, who still holds down her feverish face and takes half a step back.

Ignore that one for now... I'm not out of my sight. I'm just focusing on the real deal, this.

"The kids get anxious about a situation where their consciousness to 'act as usual' is no longer 'as usual' anymore, and it's not 'as usual'."

"I see...... sure, you might be right"

"And that's also why Bertina is so worried right now"

"Are you saying that I'm not 'as usual'......?

"Oh, yeah"

Teresa would have said that, wouldn't she?

"Even though Sister is always beautiful white clothes".

"White clothes are muddy and black. That's why I'm worried you might have been hit all over your body and injured."

"Yes... was it"

Bertina touches the dirty robe with both hands and leaks her breath like she was impressed.

... Is that it? Frankfurt the Warcraft. Where have you been? That was pretty chunky and I think it's gonna take a while to eat?

"But you're in trouble... I can't even do your laundry here..."

"Shall I return to the church to bring a change of clothes?

"No, then I'll go back to church and get dressed..."

"Then I said, 'There's no Sister! I knew you were hurt! The kids are gonna make a scene."

"No............... So what do we do?

Let's have all the mothers and daughters and hold their heads - and roar.

You look just like a hont, you guys.

I will present a solution for my troubled mother and daughter.

I have Estella's ink on me, and I'm sure she'll accept it.

It's also to dispel the anxiety of the kids, and I'm sure they'll make it happen. Give me a 'snack' from me working hard every day.



"Why don't you get dressed for gymnastics?



Later, Bertina looks at Ginette's outfit in a dull motion like an oiled brisket doll.

And gradually darkens the cheeky Zhu.

"Mm, I can't... This is such an embarrassing outfit..."

"Ha!?... would be embarrassing...?

"Oh, no! Ginette's fine! They look great, and they are so cute! But I..."

"I think it would suit Bertina, too."

It's my backup fire here.

Who are you covering for? It's mine. Self cover fire.

"Bertina is as cute as Ginette."



Similar things that raise strange voices Mother and daughter.

"Besides, you're not old enough to wear something like this, are you?


Yeah. That was awesome fast. Immediate answer.

You can't just admit it now.

"Estella said it, too. It's embarrassing to see you hiding it, but if you're as grand as the Ginettes, it doesn't look glossy."

"Yes...... is it?

"Besides, this is a healthy sports festival. Nothing to be ashamed of. Otherwise, it's gonna mean all the women here are dressed in dirty clothes, right?

"Oh... that's... that's right"

Bertina herself, wasn't looking at Ginette or Estella's outfit in the eyes of 'it's a disgrace'.

I'm just a little embarrassed when I wear it.

So, why are you embarrassed?

Is it because of your age? That's no.

"In short, I just feel resistance because I'm not used to wearing it. You had fun playing the river last year, didn't you?

"That was... at that time, only about Mr. Yashiro was of the opposite sex..."

There were Umaro and Percy, too.

Don't you remember? Right. Too bad about that, those guys.

Well, I'll keep Bertina's ear for the most effective words here, regardless of what that ends up like.

"It's to reassure the kids. And..."

All you have to do is relax Bertina, who is more nervous than you need to be.

"I already showed it to me, intrigued by Bertina's raw legs the most in this city. There's something wrong with the others."

For a moment, and then he blows out, "Kuzu," and then he desperately punches his facial expressions back into Sister's face and punches me in the shoulder.

"No more. You can't be a jerk, Mr. Yashiro"

After I said that, I softened my expression again.

"Right. I showed it to the most eccentric person in the city, so now it is."

- Say that and peek your tongue "be".

Do it! I got a direct hit!... It's a little awkward, I'd love to.

Will you stop looking so cute unexpectedly? I'm gonna jump, like the mascot character in the theme park for sunshine.

"Ginette, um... can you help me get dressed?

"Yes, I don't mind."

"The... I knew it was a little embarrassing, because"

"Hehe.... Yes. I'll take good care of you."

A lighting mother and a smiling daughter.

"All right, I'll help you too!

"" Mr. Yashiro ""

"... it's a joke"

It's forbidden to judge the Spirit today.

You can lie all you want.... I wasn't kidding at all! Awkward! I was awkward!... ugh.

I can't help it, so I'll take the option of the serious one.

"Regina! I need you two to help me."

"What, us?

"That's right. You."

"Why don't we... oh, I don't know about that"

Regina lifts her heavy hips knowing what I'm going to say.

Bertina seemed to notice too, giving me a slight smile.

The grin looked like he was making accusations that "even Mr. Yashiro is too worried".

Bertina can be really pushy.

Call it dressing and go into the dressing room and see Regina where the kids aren't. Are you sure you're hurt?

If it's a sprain, you can have it treated out of sight.

So the kids' anxiety disappears.

"Well, get dressed."

"Yes.... Mr. Yashiro. Thank you."

With a small voice, Bertina stroked my hair and headed to the dressing room.

Regina eared something to Ginette, and the two of us looked at me and laughed ticklishly.... Just go quick, you guys.

"Thank you" is a big word.

If you thought you should do it, you can only do it. That's all.

Who better not sell "thank you" cheaply? At such an easy tournament.

A few minutes after I thought of that.

"Thanks. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I was screaming "thank you" all over my body. To heaven.

"Also, already! Mr. Yashiro, please don't."

Bertina in ponytail holding down her illuminated and dewy thighs.

Ginette. You, you can start a ponytail shop and eat it! That's how good Ginette is at ponytail! I mean, Bertina's ponytail, she looks super good!

Hidden boobs that are usually inhibited by loose robes and hard to even see slight swelling, but in simple gymnastics garments they draw plump and gentle arcs without concealing their overwhelming presence.

And a blue color that makes thin feet look even more attractive and adds to the pure white of your thighs...... BLUMA!

Ginette and blue Bertina in Eunji colour. Both bloomers are good! Hard to throw away! No, what would you throw away!?

I was wondering if someone could invent a one-eye-reflex camera or something in an hour now!?

"In the meantime, will you sit triangularly in the bloomer!?

"Mr. Yashiro!

You don't screw up if you get mad at me!

'Cause it's cute!

"Already, Mr. Yashiro. You're telling me you shouldn't look at women like that."

Ginette standing to shelter Bertina.

Then stand your index finger up properly and proclaim clearly with a Sister like style.

"If that's how you look at Sister, make a confession."


Shortly after they thought they had such footsteps, a long line of snakes formed in the business edition penance room that Oumaro had built them.

"What, what is this!?

"Most of the men in the venue are in the penance room!?

"Hey guys, what's wrong with this?!?

Even Estella is bewildered by Ginette and Bertina, but the bastards lined up in the penance room had a lucid look somewhere.

It is a state of mind close to the realm of enlightenment, in which I confess my sins but have no regrets for their deeds.

I mean, all the men except the unspoilt boy who was in this venue... you saw it with your eyes, Bertina's raw feet.

Hey, that's so powerful, what about Bertina's bloomer?

All right, I'm coming in line, too.

In that queue where you can get gymnastics sisters to listen to your penance.