Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

37 stories without additives. Lords have a lot of things, so does the foreman.

"Oh, you bastards! From here on out, I'll join you as a powerful help to Temehe and the others! It would be the bottom line at the moment, but that doesn't matter...... we'll definitely win, Olah!

and Ricardo poking his fist up by himself.

Where did you get it? I tie a white bowl roll to the foreheads of all the deacons of Jizzi.

"Eh, Ricardo. If you're lost, go to headquarters and have your guardian called in."

"Who's lost!?

No, because you're in the wrong place to go home.

"... Ricardo. The general audience is that way."

"You're not trying to subtly chase me back, tiger girl! And don't call me out, I'm a lord and much better than you... at least point me to the VIP seat!? Why the general audience!?

"Don't be greedy, Ricardo"

"I guess it's because you're not holding on to tiger's daughter!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no.

They'll give you a solid and interesting answer wherever you put it out.

"What are you fussing about, Ricardo..."

Estella comes by holding her head to appeal to the migraine.

Stand in front of Ricardo or no or leak a grand sigh.

"... I think Yashiro deserves to be caught up in harder and more troublesome things in view of what he does on a daily basis, and I'd rather see him like that and reflect a little on what he does..."

Estella unplugs whatever she wants.

The trouble you've covered me with, I'll stick it back to you just like that.

"That's what I want you to assume, Ricardo -"

"Ooh... what the fuck?

"- Would you mind not bothering Yashiro?

"You seem to quote me a lot lower than Oba, let's do this!?

"Haha, naturally. Let us declare without fear of misunderstandings. Yashiro is more important than you."

"Don't get annoyed by the freshness, what about Temehe!?

Estella's holding my shoulder?

No, you're not.

That's simply pushing Ricardo away everywhere.

"Why do you want to be so mixed up in the first place? to the 'Forty-Two District' People's Movement."

"He's not a resident of the 42nd Ward. I'm sure he's already in on it!

"Don't miss me, be good old"

"No!? It's not like that!

That's a shame, Ricardo.

There's never been a "it wasn't like that" guy who said "it wasn't like that" on an occasion like this.

"Objectively, I thought this division of teams was unfair. Only the white group obviously falls militarily. It is the Medra of District 41 and the Lords of District 35 who have created that factor."

"Hmm. We're here on this day with prior permission. Shall we stop making unfair accusations?"

Lucia stands before the noisy Ricardo.

... What, you even looked like you were "peacefully promised" and you had cancer. You forced me to screw you.

"You're right, Ricardo. Besides, isn't it true that the White Team is less than capable?

Medora stands behind Ricardo with her thick arms together.

Lucia on the front, Medra on the back.

If you're a normal person, it's not weird to faint. "Heavy pressure sandwiches".


"I didn't say it. Come out now. It's gonna be tough, huh?


Hammorrow came to me to see what he had reacted to, and he left well.

... They react to people's hearts every now and then.

"The White Group has the most help from other districts. We have two paying chiefs with lords, and our Magda. If you're talking about a lack of power, aren't you the Blue Team?

"No, Mr. Medra. Because my team doesn't need any more muscle."

The Blue Team has a tremendous mucky rate due to the large number of hunting guilds and cattle breeders, although they are not the only prominent players. You don't look underpowered from a glance.

"I know exactly how Estella would like to draw me into her own army."

"I didn't say that, but that's true. Not a word."

"But you didn't have any luck. It was the white team's normal daughter who asked me for help in the competition earlier. That's why I'm gonna help the white team!

Um, could this guy have... been a little scratchy because he couldn't really pick it out?

No, well... I don't know if I'm lonely or sad that you can't get me inside the circle that everyone seems to enjoy... Huh? Could it be, Ricardo, you were about to cry?

"Ordinary daughter! You've done a really good job! Tighten your chest!

"Brother, what am I going to do!? Something is so goofy!?

I miss you, Loretta.

You missed him so much, this guy............ is he a kid? There are so many things to do in your own district...

"Estella. Enough, let's mix it up."

"Yashiro... okay? You seem to hate me the most. [M] It's a pain in the ass, Ricardo?

Well, it sure is a pain in the ass...

"What. There's something about" Nice Yan Avenue, "and it'd be more convenient to keep company with your neighbor, wouldn't it?

"Huh. That's Oba. You know a lot about diplomacy."

... don't you talk diplomacy. You selfish muscle.

"Besides. If you don't screw around here, you might say," Mix me up, too, "around Geraldsey."

"Uhm, that sounds like a possible story"

"... it's not hard to imagine."

"You're the lord of the 29th arrondissement... Damn, don't miss me, good adults"

And Lucia, Estella and Ricardo say to each one.

No, Ricardo. Don't you say that. Just take a look in the mirror.

"Anyway, if you don't get any complaints from the other teams, I'll pick them up on us, how about that?

"Nothing good about you guys. They scare the kids when they come."

"I have no objection either. Not if I don't bother you."

He said he had no complaints about both the red group blue group.

So, the Huang group says.

"What are we going to do, Paula? You're the team leader."

"Huh? I... Mm-hmm. So, nothing, okay? With Mr. Medra, you won't lose."

"Well, you are! One or two of Ricardo, Atashi will gently stretch out his!

So Ricardo was to join the White Group because there were no objections from all teams.

"... Yashiro"

Magda raises her hand quietly.

"... Objection"

"Temehe is on our side so you won't have any objections, tiger daughter!?

"... familiar, for Ricardo's sake"

"Hey, Oba! Hold on tight inside you...!

Oh, already. Let it go. Let it go.

I will clearly advise Ricardo as he returns to his position.

"Ricardo. I know how tense you are, but there are a lot of little kids out there. Yeah, gang. Don't yell. It's not a sporting event for you. A helper is only a helper. If you can't do that, I'll banish you from the team. This time, it's just these guys from District 42."

and stare at Ricardo with a kid or an old man in the back.

I assure you I will not stock these guys for your meal. Tour the audience if you don't want to.

"... Shit. I know. I'm just more hectic to win..."

"And don't defy what the team leader says. An organization with no control can't grasp victory where it brings together how powerful it is. Don't you see, General of District 41?

"... naturally. Only today I will follow the instructions of the tiger's daughter."

Now this guy will be a little quiet, too.

If you want me to mix it up, follow these rules. Drop the arrogance of "I'm joining you" and "I'm helping you". Give yourself up.

That means getting mixed up in someone else's place.

"... Ricardo. Turn three times, 'One'."

"You don't obey that!


I don't think that's a good idea.

... Magda. You're a real big shot, aren't you?

"Nevertheless, the lords of other districts jumped in. Some of the team may have shriveled or may not be comfortable."

"Hmm. That's something I can say a lot in front of such a powerful helper."

"So I'm going to form an air that's easy for you to get into, because I don't have a choice. You're happy, aren't you? Thank you. Adorable."

"I don't want to be ungrateful! If you want to do something, just do it."

Doesn't this guy have the slightest dust to thank people?

Damn, this is why nobility.

"That's why Estella refuses me with vegetables..."

"Oh, here! Don't say you can refuse with vegetables! This is what I wish for!

What do you care if Estella rejects him?

Save yourself from the past. Though I'd appreciate it if you could have a decent conversation. Totally glamorous.

"... ok. I'll thank you once and for all, so do something, Oba."

Your gratitude is dim.

And when I send Estella out to pick her up, she'll break quite a bit. Not before.

"I just realized, Mr. Ricardo, that when you say you don't like Estella, it breaks quite a bit"

"... um. I don't know who I am, I feel a little conscious."

"Hey, normal girl, tiger's daughter! You don't even know who you are!

"... different status"

"Same identity, me and Estella!?

Magda and Loretta also seem to see through it.

Oh, my God. This guy is desperate to fit into Estella's childhood position. It's too late now.

"What the fuck? Is Mr. Ricardo in love with Mr. Estella?

"Well, it's a bit annoying to say this to other lord figures... don't be slightly annoying"

"Hey korawani! Watch your mouth! Then Torbec's building beam! Because I'm not in love!

"It doesn't feel right, asshole, for your new girlfriend."

"Oh, that doesn't feel right, you newcomer."

"In the end you guys are one of Oba's guys too!?

Oomaro, Ricardo playing with Mormat.

So if I'd been honest with you from the start, I'd have done it so you wouldn't create these collisions...


Ricardo in good shape with octagonal blockage.

I don't know what to do anymore, but he followed me.

"Do something."

"I want you to change that attitude..."

I can't help it, so do I use magic words that Ricardo can accept in one shot?

We can't create discord in the white group, and most importantly, Ricardo is worth using.

Ahhh, I'm a good guy. If God exists, I want you to reward me with a bundle of tits. I don't mind dedication, though.

"Hey, guys. Listen to me."

Stand next to Ricardo and proclaim toward the face of the white group that frowns at Ricardo's intrusion.

"After this, Medora's opponents were all set for Ricardo to take on!

"Whoa!? Who would do such a dangerous thing......!?

"Welcome to the White Group, sss!

"Welcome, lord!

"Temee Ra!? Oh, no more! This is why District 42 is here!

A white faction surrounded by a welcome mood at once.

Especially when the bastards aren't welcome.... Everyone had a bluff, that Medora's opponent could be pushed by a bastard.

"Kids ~. You don't have to be scared because this lord (...) is a lord who's scared of his face but doesn't do anything 'with Estella' to his kids (...).... huh?

"'Nah'... Oba, Temee..."

"No? Lords who can't help being annoyed by kids (...)?

"Oh, already! Don't emphasize" Dear "any more! When you treat me like that, I get chilly!

"That's selfish. I get it... this garbage."

"So don't look down!

After he stripped me of his fangs, he turned his gaze to the kids and stared at the frightened kids face... Ricardo sighed a grand sigh.

And talk to the kids with a smile and a bright voice that doesn't even look good at all.

"Come on, kids. You're not scared of your brother. You're a lord, so get along."

"" "..................... yeah, well" "

"You're an adult in response!? Who planted it?

"... the team is full of Magda."

"Did Temehe do it or tiger's daughter!?

If that's what you see when you put it in us, it would be time to learn as much as it takes.

I guess Ricardo is a dm. I can't help but be glad to be humbled.... Wow.

"Well, not as good as Medora, but you also have skills as a hunter for once, don't you? Then you'll have a use for it."

"... Ricardo's hunting skills are lower than those of Usse"


"You're not making a big fool of yourself! You can't lose, for every representative in the 42nd Ward!

Even though Usse represents his own father, he has the strength to just put the forty-second district branch together, doesn't he?

Ricardo, on the other hand, is an amateur, albeit great. About to go hunting a few times a month on Medora's amulet.

Do you know how strong you are?

"So, you and this butler can use it? Modestly, I'm dying."

"I'm not dying! Grandpa's the butler who's been serving our house since the old man's day! Estella and this foreman are different."

"I can't move because I don't want to."

"I can move! Hey, Grandpa!?

"Yes. Be sure to mention the Medal of War to see it"

Gigii, the butler, thanking you for your service. Obsessive jizzy.

Well, even like this, it's a "pay manager frame" for once. Do you expect it?

"Nah, you said you had expectations because you're a new member, but you're dying."

"Here, Rebecca. It's rude. You have to be respectful."

"Dear Sophie. The word is stuck in this Bertha."

The three rabbits at the Koji factory look at the obsession and say that.

Who doesn't deny Rebecca's 'dying'?... Are you guys all right with your factory? No, it's what I say.

"Are you the sisters of Whitehead? Sure, I heard he was a difficult craftsman..."

Ricardo, who picks my chin and watches closely as he observes Rebecca, who has taken up his duties as a pretty captain.

Totally suspicious from the edge.

Shall I call it in?

... and behind the diagonal of Ricardo like that, the obsessive jizzy was still stopping the movement in a pissy position.

I don't think he's even breathing, so he doesn't even move.

... Did Zenmai cut it?

".................. beautiful"

"Oh, something smells nasty!?

I had another unpleasant hunch I'd tasted so scattered in the words leaking out of the mouth of a big knoppo obsessive jizzy who stopped moving.

... I guess you're not saying Rebecca's a strike zone or anything, are you?

"Be sure to tell me your name, Mademoiselle ~ Zell"

And the person who Obedience knelt down and begged for his name was... Bertha.

"Surprisingly decent!? Yet the picture is terrible!

"Brother, you're being too honest!?

Poke one knee like a knight, obsessive jizzy pointing at Bertha so he could raise his right hand.

Bertha dyed her cheeks like the first girl to get a bouquet of flowers in her life, and replied with a whispering voice of worms.

"Ba, it's Bertha...... Bertha Oba"

"Hey, wait, fucking Baba!

What are you walking into Oba's book on your own!?

We'll stick it out to the presiding court.

"... I see. The enemy is in our army!

"Don't stare at me with a great face! Then I'll do it! I'll give it to you, so use up the rest of your life for the white set!

"Stop, both of you! Don't argue for me!

"It's your 'fault'!

"In the triangle that fits Bertha......!? Bertha is a witch!

"Amazing, Rebecca!? I can't believe Bertha is so hot!?

"Weird, I was supposed to be a bunny with good ears but I wonder if I missed asking!? I'm not working on it at all!

Very, very troublesome, so both Rebecca and Sophie pushed Bertha into obsession.

Take a description of the competition over there.

"... I don't give a shit about using a butler."

"I've never seen a grandfather like that... I knew it wouldn't be a lot to get involved with Oba"

"It's not my fault!

Something tells me when you get involved with me it's gonna be a shame. Will you stop making rumors!?

It would be a combination of qualities!

"Damn. Ines and Deborah are still more decent."


"Heh heh heh heh"


When I got a sigh of grumbling obsession with sex, I heard a creepy laugh from behind me.

It's Ines and Deborah.

One or Deborah, it's weird that the end is "to".

"Hehe. Praise me before I remind you, Master Kometsuki."

"Will 'Still Decent' be a compliment? You guys are cheap."

"You've got a 'bargain'!

"No, I'm not complimenting you, Deborah!?

Yeah. After all, Deborah's the more unfortunate daughter for about a fist.

"The deacon of District 41 is not a standout feat, but because of his deacon's length, he is recognised as a trusted figure in other districts with a wealth of knowledge and experience"

"Well, that's the only thing that stays the same all the time, because it gives you a certain sense of security."

"However, it is also a characteristic of the district called District 41, but there was a slightly more conservative trend and a neglectful side to change."

"I've been guarding you for a long time."

"I was surprised to hear it had changed dramatically in our joint development with District 42."

"It's been tough, moving those guys"

"If I knew Master Kometsuki was in the dark behind it, I'd be convinced of the big revolution in the conservative forty-first district."

"... Deborah. I've been sweet biting you since just now, why?

"No, it was praised twice, and my mouth... hehe hehe"

No, so if the last one does it to "hehe"... that's enough, nothing.

"But the butler over there needs attention because he can be 'Ricardo first' and disrupt the team's sum. Can you guys control what you're good at?

"What is it in return?

Things are so true that Ines listens back.

I'm not sure if you're friendly or not, you are.

"What, do you even want me to stroke your head?

That's all you can do, even if you're urged, I...

Well, it's not Magda, and I wouldn't want that...

".................. yeah"

A small, short voice.

Turn your gaze firmly to think I heard you wrong. Then Ines was staring back at this one without making it slight.

With a straight face.

"... hmm?


"............... you want me to stroke you?

"Yep. That's what I said."

True face.

I'm not lighting or kidding, vegan face.

The usual cool beauty.

Don't you know what it means to stroke?

No, don't you have that, just like that.

You don't feel itchy where you're stroked, or do you feel like it doesn't matter?

Then you wouldn't say "I want you to stroke me"... then what?

'Cause, look, normality, you got some kind of reaction, right?

You know, I was just making fun of him.

It's a true face...

What are you thinking, really?

... and it's pretty illuminating, but you want to stroke your older head?

Magda or Teresa would normally be able to stroke me............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"What's wrong? I'll be waiting, won't I?


Sounds pretty exciting to me?

"Well, well... I'll stroke you"

"Go ahead."

Silver-haired head offered without flavor or rush.

It's small when you look close. Size like a child.

Think for a moment about what's wrong, pound and tap gently.


I'm not responding.

So let it slide to the left and right.


I still haven't responded, so comb my hair with my fingers.

"... Huh!

All of a sudden, I got my chest popped.

Pin your arms out and turn your back to escape me, Ines.


I say with a trembling voice, keeping my hair disturbed by the momentum looking back.

"At first... Jiu, it was enough, but..."

If you look closely, Ines' ears were bright red.

Apparently, he was satisfied with the first pounding.

Yet why was it added, he combed his hair with his fingers, and he pushed his limits a bit.

If it's okay to be pompous, you have to offer it at that point.

You're making me supply wasted services. I'll take the extra charge, Conoyalou.

"Wow, okay, I'll take care of Jizzi, be responsible!

You finally realize, reach for your messy hair and stroke yourself.

Did that remind you of the feeling earlier, stroke yourself and dye your face red yourself?

"Let… take responsibility………"

He lowered his head deeply and walked away.

... It means too much to take responsibility...

I won't be able to go to my son-in-law because I caressed your hair.

So, with this kind of development, I'm sure Deborah will be jealous and say "myself," and turn her gaze.

"Wow, it's too early for me!

He ran away with a brighter red face than Ines.

... stop. It's like I did something horny to Ines, creating air and running away.

So, you left it biting to the end.

"Oba... you, from another district..."

"Hey, Ricardo. You should make a decent love once or so, huh?

That looks like 'I got my hands on it' because you keep updating your history without her.

That much is normal!

Every boy does that much!

If you're a convoluted protagonist, you're more lucky to see it as you say, "Oh, boy"!

I haven't...

"... Yashiro is a little, unconscious terrorism terrible"

"Brother, you seem smart and quite natural"

"Yashiro, there's nothing hot about it"

To Magda. To Loretta. Grandma Mum says something unsolicited.

It's weird, oh, it's weird.

Even now, Inez really just took what I said in a mild joke.

It's not my fault. I'm not bad.

............... yeah, damn it.

Something's wrong with my gaze!

Where's Ginette!?... Shit, you took Teresa to the ambulance tent. I didn't know my only ally was absent... it's uncomfortable.

"Ricardo, get your feet bent in the weird direction in the first war! Pee!"

"Don't go somewhere with all the ominous things left to say!?

Bad air, so get out of the White Group camp for a little while.

Let's hit the wind, let's do that. Well, it's all the way out.


Walking alone away from the White Group faction, Lucia appeared in front of me.

He's waiting for me at the royal table.


"You seem to be very good at serving other districts."

"Don't look..."

That's not what I meant.

"If the courteous foreman can be found elsewhere, don't bother with our Gilberta any more....... Hmm. It's about freshening up, Pep."

Lucia spits evil like a child and leaves in an amazingly beautiful position.

That he came all the way out here to say that... I see, if it's Gilberta, maybe it is.

I looked around and discovered Gilberta, who was observing this one by diving into the red group to be disputed.

Hiding in the shadow of Omero's big body, he only sneaks his head out.

Gilberta staring at this one.

When I gave the call, my tactile senses moved so tightly, softly, that I approached him in a quiet foothold.

"What do you say, the red group?

Waiting for Gilberta to come in front of me and shake that topic.

"I don't see it in particular, the big problem. Except for one thing, Master Lucia's dementia is escalating."

"You seem to be having the most troublesome problems."

You can't exclude that.

Or is that the big problem?

"In the meantime, I'm relieved you seem to be doing well."

"You're doing well, the red team leaders, to Lucia and me"

"Right. Good for you."

"Good, there's no collision"

I guess that's what Delia and the others are saying about accepting Gilberta and Lucia.

"That's what you worked so hard to be accepted."

It would be a big deal if this guy had a good take between Lucia and the rest of them.

Delia is very clear about what I like and dislike.

That Delia has a good impression of Lucia and what a respectful attitude 'Dear' looks like naturally is proof that Gilberta by her side is plotting to do so.

"It's great, Gilberta. It's a big deal."

If you're such a hard-worker, I'll spare no effort to give you my praise.

"Do you praise me, my friend Yashiro, for having me?

"Absolutely. You're amazing, Gilberta."

"Glad, I think. I..."

Gilberta's tactile sensation rocks so much.

If you're happy with this, it's cheap.

"So can I hope? Am I rewarding you?


And, I thought, Gilberta had silently offered me her head.

My little head is pointed this way.

What an easy reminder.

It's easy to understand a good battle with Magda.

"Heck. As you'd expect."

Pomp, tap gently and stroke your hair fluffy.

The feeling of mood appears in the tactile sensation. I'm jumping for fun.

"Now is the time, I say, with all my soul... 'Mmm-hmm'"

"... when did Magda teach you, that?

"I longed, secretly, for a long time"

He was going to tell you someday if he had the chance.

So much to admire...

"... okay, I knew it. Kind, to me, my friend Yashiro."

I just lean down a little bit more than usual and become blind with my forehead.

However, it was obvious that the mouth was loose satisfactorily under it and that Gilberta was in a good mood.

"Master Lucia too... I think it's sweet, I am"

"Well, that's sweet for your favorite foreman."

If you're going to please Gilberta, you're going out of your way to talk to me. You wouldn't even really want to ask me for something.

"So I'm just making it a little easier to see today, tactile. Services"

"So you were giving it a touch."

The tactile sensation of the little Guntairi, who usually tries to get into his forehead.

Today, the forehead is lifted slightly with a bowl roll to make it look good.

I guess it also means somewhat of a restraint on Lucia, who floats too far in the ham morrow. Otherwise, because you could be snuggly with Hammorrow, that pervert.

"Then I guess I'll just thank Lucia for a little while"

"My friend Yashiro? Why?"

"I can see your touch. You're so cute."


"Wow! 'And he opens his eyes, and Gilberta grips his fist.

"Shave! I, forehead!

"Wait, wait, wait!

"All of it!

"My forehead is cute too, calm down!

"Stretch! I got my forehead!


What the fuck?

Are you not so accustomed to being praised by a foreman?

You're usually only allowed to curse at me?

I know it's normal, but I can't believe I'm affirming that effort to a healthy girl who's doing something different than usual!

Though it would be normal for a boy to be nice to Millie or Gilberta!

Why does that make my forehead shaved or stretched?!

... Damn.

"Gilberta. The team broke up this time, but that doesn't mean we're hostile."

"Of course. That's what I thought, me too, all the time!

Hooray, Gilberta's expression soothes.

Right or right. That you cared so much, that you were a different team.

That's how the expression breaks is proof that you wanted to, but you couldn't, and you shouldn't.

You don't have to worry about that.

Me and Gilberta are friends.

Lucia, anyway, I want to be nice to Gilberta.

So, hey, Gilberta.

"Next competition, why don't we form an alliance?


Gilberta's little nose swells.

And very rarely, Gilberta's mouth angle lifted more.

"... I'd like to hear more about it, I haha"

Honest, good girl. Gilberta, I'll talk to her.

I wanted to draw Lucia in if I could. But I thought it would be difficult to draw Lucia into becoming Hammoru's bride.

But if Gilberta moves... I can handle it.

I'll talk to Delia directly later.

All right, now the next competition also improves your chances of winning.

If it's an alliance with the Red Group, which is currently fighting the bottom line, the White Group won't even be strangled.

I'll smash the nastiest blue group and the yellow group with Medora in the White Red Alliance!

- It's an operation.

"Understood, I am. It's transmitted without a shortage, to Lucia. And always deliver, good news, to my friend Yashiro."

"Okay. Then I asked you to do it."

"Got it, I got it"

Gilberta joyfully jumps and turns and rushes back to the Red Group faction.

All right. Then we need to get the white team in order.

- And looking back.

"Can anyone be the paying superintendent, are you?

Inez was looking at me with such cold eyes.

... Will you stop dressing me in wet clothes like I'm giving you allowance or something?

There's a lot going on over here, too. You guys tagged each other disappointingly in the conflict with 'BU'.

"About my forehead, though I can shave too?

"That's not what I wanted."

It's not a shaved fetish, is it?

It's not even a deco fetish.

"Shave your forehead until near Tsumuji and put your back hair together for that free space?

"That's because it's the hairstyle that actually happened in my hometown..."

I can't stand to see Inez in his chongmage.

So do your best to stop it.

"Inez. I want to help with my next competition as well. Can you do that?"


"Should I stroke you?

Lifting her hand, Ines took a distance from me as she sheltered her head with her own arms.

Ise shrimp is also in a bright blue backstep.... what the fuck. It's like I tried to be a moron...... don't react like that because it makes your spine cold. Seriously.

"Hey, I'm stroking... I don't need any more for the moment... you know... I'm already hungry..."

Though obstinate, the lighting seems to remain firm.

So, what do you want to do with your head?

"Let me stroke you"

"... what?

"At dawn when you've done the job you want, let me stroke your head until this one is satisfied"

... uh........................... why?




".................. fine"

"We have a contract."

"I'll take a ride."


Soon there was Deborah behind Ines.

Fucking covert bastard for nothing!?

"I'll stroke it"

"I'll stroke you down."


"Heh heh heh..."

Leaving a creepy laugh, the foreman walks away.

... That's crazy.

I should have pulled those guys in for my own safety... I'm feeling lightly in danger...

"... Yashiro"

Magda is coming next to me as I was beginning to get a headache from the mild runoff of the sheriff's department.

Ancestors, dependable women.

Reliable girl who saved my pinch countless times.


That's strange.

Looking at you kind of reassures me.

"... Magda also caresses, loves and loves Yashiro according to her activity"

"It's not in your interest, is it?

Nah, I'm beginning to understand.

These guys are just amused, I'm sure.

In the meantime, thinking about the rest later, I decided to go give voice to the talent needed to win the next competition.

I guess this is what you call 'reality escape'. Yeah.