Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

No Added 78 Stories Obake Competition - AM Section

Apple pie and sweet potato steamed cake are incredibly popular.

I also tried to make a pumpkin pudding, but I can't think of a way to sell it if it's not suitable for eating on the athletic field.

I knew I wanted a plastic container.

If I could take it home, I could definitely sell more.

"There are so many parts of the story that are told in this competition that it is forbidden to 'judge the Spirit' about what we have talked about on this stage," Estella declared at the opening ceremony, and everyone agreed and the Obake competition began.

... You abuse the 'Spirit Judgement' ban so much that it's time for you to get punched in the church. You're lying all over, 42nd arrondissement.

Bertina said, "A lie without malice is a different lie than a lie, so it can be interpreted as a lie."

In short, it seems that "entertainment, not lies, is a word slightly different from the fact that is uttered to entertain people".

"The Judgement of the Spirit" is activated for the first time by a person on trial.

Let's share that with each other by mutual will - it seems to be the spirit, but then you can tolerate the lies I throw up. That should make me feel really happy.


I guess. Knock.

Ginettes sit in the audience and watch, but me and Becco are the illustrators on the stage.

There is a big blackboard in the center back of the stage, and I have a chair behind the storyteller, somewhat poorly placed, waiting there.

Becco is even poorer on the side than I am with tables and chairs and all sorts of painting tools.

...... hmm? Oh, well. Wasn't Becco a thing? Becco's sitting there, right, yeah.

Beneath the stage, a long table is placed directly in front of it, where it serves as a judge's seat. Don't remind me of the Tentative O Grand Prize, this arrangement. It's not a masquerade event, is it? Umaro designed it, didn't he? This is what happened when I got here. No, seriously.

But are you okay? Standing alone on stage with a judge in front of you is pretty nervous. I hope the participants can talk properly.

- And with that in mind, the little obnoxies crept into the stage. Church kids. Bertina of the pull slowly walks up the rear of the line.

The kids who have been running in the dough state will now align themselves in a horizontal row once they reach the center of the stage.

"Cute" voices are raised from the venue by the ghosts and vampire disguised kids.

The kid with the arrow penetrating his head screamed for a moment, but when he found out it was Katyusha, he leaked a laugh. That feels good.

Look at the kid with just the makeup or the head piercing toddler. A relieved breath leaks from somewhere. After all, there seemed to be a lot of people who thought the hurdles were pretty high.

I've seen Ukrainian new costumes every once in a while. If they told me to make that one myself, the mothers who were good sewers would have felt the load was heavy too

It's easy.

It feels like adorning the kids.


"" "Take, oh, take!

The kids raise their arms and threaten the audience.

The threatened audience was smiling without exception.

"I'll give you a treat."

"You're gonna tell me a new recipe, aren't you? Atashi, I'm gonna stick around and make it!

I heard such a conversation from somewhere.

Good feeling. You just said that.

Estella, sitting in the middle of the jury seat, looked at me with a happy face.

By showing examples of costumes before listening to Obake, those who make costumes will also be able to grasp some takeaways.

The kids get together around Bertina.

Now, if you get off the stage with Bertina, the kids are done.

Yet Bertina, who was able to follow the kids around, added another appeal at the end.

chuckles and opens his mouth. Some of the audience breathes when they see sharp fangs growing in Sister Bertina's mouth. You look surprised.

"Have a treat"

No, you're not.

Don't ask me to be direct like that. "You don't want to be flirted with, do you? Well, then, they'll treat you, won't they?" with childish snacks and threatening nuances... well, you can do whatever you want, already.

The audience were strangely uncomfortable because of their little fangs, but they appeased to Bertina, who was no different than usual, and their laughter leaked.

Pepper and Bertina bow down and take the kids off the stage.

Natalia will now rise to the stage so that she can be replaced.

I have a bunch of paper in my hand.

It's going to be like the front seat, and you're going to tell me about the monster I told you about at the Yangdu Pavilion.

I gave him a piece of paper with the contents written on it, so he says he can just recite it, or he can add an arrangement for a bit.

Natalia would do that.

Setting up a front seat has the aim of relieving participants of tension. Especially the top batter. Don't be nervous.

In addition, it also includes the intention to make the competition closer to what we are looking for by indicating the direction of the operator first.

"Let me now tell you the story of the Obakes the children of the Church were masquerading earlier"

Natalia begins to tell obnoxious stories with a clear voice that often passes.

That's a first-rate foreman. Natalia was also a first-class storyteller and was drawn to its worldview by the mere fact that she was listening.

Unprecipitated tones and clear voices, grand yet delicate, seemed to bring the scene to a clear surface in his brain.

The audience was also listening to Natalia's story with an exciting look.

... It was just the first time I was excited.


"Ma'am! Ma'am!


The venue was swallowed up by screaming.

Natalia......, your full story, I'm scared!

I know what you're talking about. Even I'm gonna freak out a little!

What, that acting ability?

You, have you ever met a vampire? It's as real as that!

The sound of sipping blood is so vivid and real!?

Quality like udon of a raving family!

You, you've smoked blood before, actually!?

Look, because the kid's crying!

Don't look around the venue making a sipping noise!

Because if I see you, I'm going to be cursed!

When I finally thought it was over, Franken's story started next.

Yes... I was giving this guy five stories, including 'Mummy' and 'Ghost & Skeleton' and 'Third Kid'...

Franken's splitting is awesome!?

Which one are you talking about?

Don't you live in your mouth, Osama, three meters tall or something?

You have a wild voice!

Such, the Natalia Theatre of Fear lasted all five stories, thirty minutes.

I, I think. I was the first to bring Natalia. Failure.

Next guy, I think he's more nervous than getting hit with a top batter.

A few kids cry, a few women lose their minds in fear, and a few guys say, "Oh, I'm fine, huh? I hide my leg tremors desperately with a face like"

Natalia...... you can't eat up whenever you're fired.

The atmosphere at the venue is so frozen that at least the illustration decided to draw him cute.

Match it with your first disguise and try to soothe it.

Look, it's a cute Obake illustration. Anti-cry kids.

"Dear Yashiro. In my image, Franken is more disastrous, and vampires are evil..."

"Are you going to crush the event?"

I dismiss the cute illustration before I hear Natalia say I can repaint it to the cinematic touch, realistically.

What are you going to do if the kids are seriously scared and say they don't want to disguise themselves?

Although Halloween will be a nasty bald, kid crying event.

Above all, what will you do if this Obake competition today becomes a suspicious tournament? Who says you can follow me to the bathroom in the middle of the night!?

Even Magda won't follow me inside!

... The guy who talks about the toilet, he rips it apart without question.

The illustration I painted on the blackboard is immediately copied and colored by Becco.

Pretty cute finish.

Revealing that cute illustration, the air in the stuck venue only loosened a little. I can hear you exhale from there.

The competition then begins after Natalia, who froze the venue in the front seat, is pulled down from the stage, and the first storyteller takes the stage.

"Uh, it's Gouzouya from the Torbec Workshop. Um, I can't speak as well as I, Natalia, thank you."

And, bow your head to the Estellas sitting in the jury seat.

Estella and Natalia, Ukrinez and Umaro, and Imelda will be judging the Obake story this time.

Estella and Natalia are asked to examine them as Executive Commissioners and from a Lordship perspective.

Ukrinez and Oumaro are to be asked to choose what their willingness to create inspired them as essential costumes and tools for creating Halloween atmosphere.

And Imelda... you see, I pushed a very troublesome role last night, so, well, to put it bluntly... entertainment?

I had it fit in the frame of a special judge.

Such a special judge says, referring to the Gouzouya who took the stage.

"Your face is plain. Failure"

"Hey! He said his face wouldn't matter!? Listen to me!

Gouzouya, draped with Zeke on his chest marked '1', greets Hinataka Artist as he advances to the front of the stage.

Drop it!

Fall and gnee your legs!... Shit, didn't you step off?

"Hey, goozooya. Say 'don't push' at the place."

"Aren't you definitely going to push, Mr. Yashiro!?

Gouzouya rushes back to the center of the stage.

I'm bored! Are you still an artist?

The only funny thing is your face!?

"Well, will you let me talk to you about the Obake you brought?


Encouraged by Estella, Gouzouya begins to speak.

"You know, something. My Jesus said that if you don't use the tools carefully, something bad will happen or you will be punished. Oh, Jesus died years ago already. So, I don't know if it's true, but he said for a hundred years that ancient tools get souls, and that's a little scary... and the building beam is so angry that I want to take care of the tools, maybe there is..."

and what a toothless feeling to stop talking and goozooya looking at this one with a flicker.

Oh, over?

What's the story that doesn't come together?

At least assemble some more stories. You can serve some!


On behalf of the judges, Oumaro calls the names of his own men.

"Don't lick me, bitch."

"No, I'll be serious, even this!

"Not attractive at all, sss! If you're not scared, you're not cute, and you're not excited, sss! In the first place, it's common sense ss to take care of things!

You can't leave without skin.

I wish Natalia's story had put the hurdles up pretty good.

But the ladies at the venue seem a little relieved.

Maybe this is a good idea, for a family group with children.

But it's also troublesome that it's not funny at all.

This won't even lead to the idea of a disguise.

I can't help it.

I will paint on the blackboard some illustrations of the Japanese familiar materialization and mourning.

Hayashi, Hayashi Umbrella, Hayashi Teapot and Hayashi Lantern.

"Oh, well! Yashiro's illustrations, they're so cute. Me, I want to make that Obake Umbrella costume. Wow."

Estella and Imelda, as they agree with Ukrinez's words, also "That's cute" and "No, that's better," as they point to the illustration, breaking up their rapport.

I would add a haunted bra because it seems to have a good overall reputation

"Yashiro, don't paint dirty pictures"

"Idiot, Estella. This guy's been a bra for decades."

"Dear Yashiro. Who can normally continue to use the same size bra for decades...... Ha!? Wow, sorry, Master Estella hasn't changed any size since childhood!

"What's perfect without your combine play, meeting!?

While Estella is puppy angry, let Becco spread the colored illustration.

This is Becco. Don't forget your haunted bra.

Although the prospect of getting Boyne to cosplay her haunted bra around the age of Awabari would be frustrating.

"Mm-hmm... Goozuya couldn't help it, but all of Yashiro's illustrations are original, and there's a sense of intimacy that I think he's really here, which is great."

"Now, let me give you an assessment of Master Yashiro's point."

"Why!? It's my story!

"Your story alone didn't make a point, sus."

Womalo waves to you to exit immediately.

Gouzouya drops her shoulder and gets off the stage.

Then it was Yambold who went up to the stage.

Don't go on with the Torbec Workshop.

"Me, all the way when I like it. exhaustive type."

What did you start talking about, you equine man?

Who's interested in your romance story?

"I'll do enough to sneak into a gap where the landlord isn't there to clean the room I haven't even been asked to"

"Scary, Yambold!?

"I'm actually good at sneaking in and wiping away sneaky traces completely"

"That's why I'm scared! I'm just scared, Vector. It's not that way!

It's extra scary because it's not hectic like Percy or missing like Percy. Just stalking scares the bottom of my heart.

... It doesn't make any deep sense, but I'm starting to want separate keys in my room.

"Yambold, I'm just off the stage after I declare 'It was a joke'"

"Yes, a joke. Guys, kidding............ hehe"

Yambold walks off the stage, stared at by Oumaro.

... You must be really joking.

But I'm glad I kept Oomaro in the judge. He's been putting those guys together a lot. I almost got a little respect and stepped on it.

"Oomaro, don't get me wrong because I've stuck around."

"What's ssss!? I don't know.

Ten, no, twelve years early to be respected by me.

Then, the participants take the stage in turn, telling the awkward but obnoxious story.

You referenced Natalia's story, and the guy who makes voices, vacates between them, and trinkets began to appear.

Few of them are successful, though.

By the end of about ten pairs of stories, Natalia's shock had completely faded, and laughter had leaked into the unique Obake story.

"What scares the kids the most is the obsession with drawing wet maps on the futon -" said a housewife who tells the same story she heard from Bertina, which had mothers with children speaking out and laughing.

The kid I'm with looks bitter. The bigger he was, the more pronounced it was, and I knew exactly how many years he kept telling me.

There were also many familiar faces who loved the festival.

Maumatt takes the ham boy who helps you up to the stage.

Are you confident, he lifted the corner of his mouth and glanced at me on stage.

Looks like there's something I can do.

How do you use the hamster?

"On the night of the crescent moon, when I go to the fields... there are vegetables that I don't remember planting that are blooming. Even though there is no moon, its white flowers emit light lightly, and if you clear your ears, you can hear something: 'Blubber... Blubber...'. I can't hear you very well, but the voice is heard from the dirt. I didn't think so, but I had to make sure..."

So Maumatt grabs the head of the crouched hamster and pulls it up all at once.

"This way, when you grip the roots of the flowers and pull out their roots at once -"


"'Cause roots like bitter human faces scream!

This magnificent view of the hamster child in Mandragola.

That evaluation...

"" "Kawa-wai!" "

"No, no, no! That's crazy!? You're scared!?

No, Mormat.

I wouldn't be afraid to let a hamster do that.

Rather, the venue's reaction is more correct.

So I drew the cutest mandragola I could, too.

It's a mandragola with a whole radish shape.

It's such a cute quality that if the local government employs it as a loose character, it's likely to collect taxes from all over the country. Goods, you can make it.

"No, Yashiro! He's a much more disastrous face! With a human face full of bitterness! It's so desperate to lose your mind just at first glance......!

Ignore Momat, who talks hot, and let the ham kid as Mandragola crouch and pull through.


"" "Cute ~!" "

"This is public opinion"

"Damn... when I was a kid, I used to go home to run away from the field when this guy was scared and the sun went down..."

I see.

Is it a story where a farmer's kid was made to stay out forever?

"Regina. Is Mandragola real?

"Come on."

"Uh-huh!? Seriously!?

"Seriously ~, crocodile farmer solder"

"Are you serious!? Isn't that a convenience to scare kids!?

"A few victims a year."

"Scary!? I knew it was so scary!

Asked Regina, who was waiting for Sumiko at the venue, she admitted to being there even naturally. Apparently Mandragola exists. I thought it was an ingredient for the medicine.

This Obake competition was expected to be intense and lengthy.

So I'm putting Regina on standby for once.

Most importantly, a roofed viewing spot was created for Regina. I used the rescue tent around the time of the sports event.

You're more favoured than the lord, that guy. Even though it's just a sun hater's pull.

Seeing as it was, Ginette was gone from the audience.

"Ginette... you didn't want to hear so much about Mormat..."

"No! Ginette went to the cooking area! Because it's about noon!

Maumatt pointing to the cooking area in a desperate shape.

It is. I know. I'm starving, too.

But, Mormat.

"That's why it doesn't prove Ginette doesn't hate Mormat"

"I'm gonna cry!? If Ginette hates you, I'm gonna cry for real!?

This guy is really mentally weak.

Even when the flood broke out, Magda was really anxious to get me into trouble. I was desperate, Mormat at that time.

I don't want to be hated because I don't have to be hot.

"That's why I'm not hot, you are"

"Let it go! It's better to be peaceful than hot from all over like you."

"What, that?

"Like being chased around by lords and guild chiefs... my stomach would die if I were you"

My stomach is dying, too.

Especially a medra of a hunting guild.... Arr, I feel like I'm losing my eyesight every time I see it.

But you're a lord, right?

What lord am I hot for? I don't know what to say.

"Mormat. Does it look like Ricardo's in love with me to you? Didn't Regina's disease infect you?

"Why District 41!? There will be others, a precinct that comes to mind!

"SEYANE! Yo, I know, crocodile farmer! After all, the triangle with Han in the 29th Ward is hot right now!

"Look, Mormat. Your story begins, so take responsibility for it."

"Hey, wait, wait, wait! You don't blame me! I can't, I can't, I can't! You two are still tight! I don't know what to tell you!

"It's terrible how tight you are when you say so..."

Put your hands on your cheeks, you'll see... while Regina takes out a strangely 'dull' bag from her nostrils.

I have no heart or 'komori'.

"I'm not gonna tell you anything, but are you okay? Just shut up - it's just a little suspicious - if you take my medication, I'll observe it on my own."

"'Cause I'm glad you did, Mormat."

"One thing's not good! Stupid! Don't push! I'm falling! Because I'm falling!

Mouth size thrusts a lot of silent idiot crocodiles off the stage just because they're big.

It's okay. I wouldn't even get hurt if it was this high.

It's about the height of a middle school gym stage.

Well, you'd feel pretty scared if they poked you down... take it spoiled, that's about it.

No matter how much Regina, "tight" would be tight, but, uh, here, crocodile.

I can tell you're joking properly. Say it in the nuances, that sort of thing.

I'm a little upset, aren't I?

That's what I think, Estella sighs small and looks up at Momat as she sits down.

"Mormat... apologize"

"Did I say something wrong? I'm not bad, am I?

Estella tells me under the stage and Maumatt is confused.

Estella asks with a smile as she leaves her beard on the judge's table.

"... can you tell me a little more about the lord in favor of Yashiro?

"Huh? Oh, no, no, no, no! That's not about Estella..."

"I'm not talking about Estella... what?

Lucia stands behind Estella.

My eyes are "shut up" though.

"............... sorry"

"I don't care about us."

and Estella shrugs her shoulders and pretends to be a sweet person who wasn't willing to take any seriously.

Scary. Wow, that type scares me the most.

"Isn't it pathetic that you two are tight, no matter how much Regina?

"Uh... oh, no, I don't mean that at all! No, I'm serious! Because you don't mean it, Regina!

"Haha, don't worry about it"

Or something like that, Regina, who waves a prank, but you're lying, that one.

What does he care that he misses being 'refused to be with'?

You're doing everything you can to refuse to be with someone.

"Really, it's such a trivial thing... overprotective. Hey, what about you two?"

Say, Estella and somehow turn your gaze on me.

I guess I didn't do anything.

I'll stare down at Mormat from the top of the stage and tell him.

"See, Mormat? You know, with Regina, it's pathetic to tell the truth about Mendoy, tiredness and occasional killings."

"No, I didn't say it! You're so cool!

"That's right, Yashiro. Nobody's telling the truth that Regina is more of a dirty person than a dangerous person, or that she should just stitch her mouth together, or that a 10-kilometer radius from the pharmacist church should prohibit boys and girls from entering."

"Round it up even more. Cool, Estella!?

"Nah, they're both so cute, so cute that I thought I'd [self-regulated] them in a homma environment." Yeah. "

"You're not making a hell of a statement while denying it, either!

Maumatt is loud.

"" Mormat, my voice is loud ""


"Chicken! We always lose money when we get involved with you guys!

Momat exits as he roughs up his footsteps.

But on the way back...

"But I'm sorry, Regina!

And apologize with a big voice.

I'm being honest, the basics.

Well, honesty and silliness are a piece of paper.

Regina pulls further into the shade with her hands swept away looking a little illuminated.

Oh man, what a tidy feeling of things, he was called out by a troublesome spark that still seemed dull.


Lucia standing behind Estella, arms around and staring at me on stage.

"No, it's just a rumor. Don't take it seriously."

"I know, I know."

"I wonder. This one's gonna be a nuisance, so don't expect anything."

"Who will"

Besides, there's a possibility that it's District 27.

"If you're hot on those illusion tits, you just want them!

"Yep... you should reconsider, Yashiro..."

Oh, what, that sour face of Estella?

What happened, when we didn't know?

Is that such a mendokusai finish, that?

"Hmm... you've made me feel uncomfortable, though a small citizen's bullshit"

He leaks a frustrating sigh, points at me, then folds his wrist back a hundred and eighty degrees and calls me as hard as it is to turn his index finger upwards.

"I'll let you have lunch instead of an apology. Introduce your recommendations promptly and give them to me."

"Honestly, say," Have lunch with me, Lucia. "

"Don't let it get out of your play, you rattlesnake! Look, let's go! Your stomach and back are stuck!

"... your chest and back are already stuck together"

"Oh, Yashiro! I'll even let you have my lunch, thank you and dedicate it!

Wow, the lord is tyrannical.

You can do whatever you want to wield power.

In my ear, which was slackening, I received the words of Womalo, who would have desperately pushed his voice to death so that no one would listen to him.

"... I don't care what you think. You're hot for a lord."

All right, let's decide to use Womalo's purse. Yes, decision!

...... If you don't want Estella and Lucia to bury you, give me the money, Oomaro. Pump!

... and those guys. Come on, if you don't like being rumored, then weigh yourself in with a little more awareness.

Yeah, I'm not bad!

Where my innocence was confirmed in me, the Obake Competition was temporarily interrupted and we were to have lunch time.