Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

Episode 262: The Broken Phenomenon

Broken phenomenon.

It is a rare phenomenon in mountainous areas and foggy areas. It refers to the phenomenon of a rainbow around the shadow of an object caused by sunlight coming in from behind.

When I was on the plane, I heard a lot about the fact that the plane's shadow reflected in the clouds was surrounded by round rainbows, that at the summit of the mountain that stood up in the morning, my shadow was carrying the rainbow and emitting the divinity of a rear light.

Also, it seems that with it, a little noise occurs when you mistook your shadow for "something else".

It seems that the so-called "ghost" is sometimes mistaken for a ghost.

"Look, Mr. Yashiro.My shadow stands in the field. "

Forty-two Ward where Kasumi stands.

Ginette waves her hands towards the shadows of herself floating in the fields of Mormat as she bathes her back in the sun.

The shadow mimics Ginette and looks back in the same pose.

When the wind blows quietly and the clouds flow, the shadow that was reflected therein changes its shape so as to wave loosely.

"Ah, this is it.I looked like I was dancing. "

Paula spoke convincingly.

Mormatt danced with his hands up, and the mysterious figure standing next to him and shaking his body with care were Paula, who thought someone was there and greeted him with both hands up, and Neferry, who stood next to him.

That's why it seemed like the sky was shaking and dancing in the wind.

"... that means I saw my shadow wrong with Mr. Mormat..."

Mr. Paula, have you gained weight again?

"I'm not fat! Delia, I do gymnastics every day!"

Kasumi is an uncertain being that changes shape every second.

The image will sway with the movement of the glow instead of the screen, making it larger and smaller.

Also, depending on the way the light is shining, shadows can be much bigger than the real thing.

So just because I mistook you for Mormat doesn't mean that Paula is overweight.

There must have been a preconception that Mormat was in the field.

"So, did it look like it was moving at an incredible speed because it was clear and a shadow appeared in the back of it?"

"That's what I think it is."

The wind-driven luminosity does not spread at the same density.

The concentration is both thick and thin.

Shadows are clearly visible in dark places, and if they are dim, they may not form a statue there.

Because the light is coming from the same direction, the shadow looks smaller as the screen gets farther away, and the statue is actually tied up in the distance.

That must have seemed like an instantaneous high-speed move.

That's why it seemed like we were approaching.

"I see. That's why I thought Delia was' chased 'from the west to the east, and that we and Paula who were heading from the east to the west had the illusion that there was someone on the other side of the road."

"Sure. Asahi shoots from the east."

Whether you were listening to my explanation or not, everyone who was there was about to start the Brocken phenomenon by showing their shadow in the sky.

It doesn't seem to have been very successful.

"But I've never seen anything like it."

"It's been a long time since I've actually seen it."

I've seen it twice in the past.

It was only twice when I climbed the mountain with my parents and spent the night at the top of the mountain, and when I saw it from a domestic flight on a snowstorm day.

"It's hard to get light from behind.It's not a phenomenon that can be seen underneath these cliffs. "

"Well, we're lucky to have seen this this this year."

"... then I'll go to church as soon as I can."

"That's right! I want to show it to the kids!"

"All right! I'll go with you!"

"I'm only worried about my facial expression, so I'll go out with you."

Quickly enough, the four of them ran at an incredible speed.

I can't see until the sun rises.

I can't see it if I run out of sunshine.

I suppose because I explained it that way.

Magda, Loretta and Delia are going to teach the kids in a hurry.

Norma ran at the same speed, saying that he couldn't let those three go wild.

Yeah, I'm glad I called Norma this year.

Well, shall we go too?

I haven't had breakfast yet.

Now, let's take the ingredients to the church.

"You're going to make a donation after all...."

With the sun rising, the church's meal may already be over.

Let's borrow the kitchen and the chat room and have them feed us alone.

In return, we should let him help the church snowstorm.Around Umaro and Becco.

Well then, I'll get you a sleigh.

Mr. Ginette, I'm here to help you.

"You have to go too, don't you?"

"If it's okay if breakfast gets late, you can wait in the sunny pavilion."

"I'm going. I'm bored to leave a message alone.However, I'm not good at walking on the snow path, so let me ride on the sleigh! "

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I dropped it on the way."

Estella smiles.

Wow, I'm gonna wipe this guy out.

When you start doing that, Delia and Loretta start screwing and it's getting late.If you're going to do it, you can do it after dinner.... you're like a mother, aren't you?

"Shit, all my strength has gone first."

"I can't help it. Let's share and carry the luggage."

Tap me on the shoulder to comfort Neferry.

Neferry and Paula are Wesen, but they have no power.

Becco, too, and Marsha can't even walk.

Imelda and Ginette are not good for luggage, and Natalia and Estella are the ones we can rely on.

"Well, Estella, don't ask Marsha and Imelda."

"Wait! I need a food transporter!"

"The Night Chippetan! Drag the sleigh quickly."

"Wow, Estella, I saw the horse in the carriage!"

"There's no horse with that name!"

Marsha and Imelda, close friends with Estella.

They're throwing snow at each other.

... fufufu. Now Estella will be towing a heavy sled loaded with ingredients.

Simply say, "Help me pull the sleigh," and complain, "Uh-huh."

But this time, I said to myself, "I want a sled of ingredients!I ran for office.

Now they'll pull the sleigh.

"Excellent arm, Master Yashiro.We will use it in the future. "

It seems that Natalia has conveyed my thoughts.

Make the most of it.

"Umaro, can you improve the sleigh from luggage to Marsha?"

Is that a tank?

"If it's loaded like that, no one here will be able to tow it.Just take a seat. It's pathetic to have him sit on a wooden board, so put on a little chair. "

"Wow, Yashiro-kun, be gentle!"

"By the way, do you have any requests?"

"I don't want the scales to get damaged, so soft seating is good ~ "

Well, I'll bring you a blanket.

Even if it gets wet ~?

"I don't mind. We have a lot of blankets this year."

Sure, I bought some at the Yangtai Pavilion....

I secretly borrowed a blanket from Imelda. Let's do it.

"Imelda, can I join you?"

"I don't mind."

"Ufufu ~. With the wooden lady, the love runs out ~ "

"Soon there will be a soloist by himself."

If you run off, one extra person will accompany you.

Well then, I'll finish it in five minutes!

"Can I help you?"

"Uhhhh!? Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye!

Umaro runs away.

Still no good?

Paula and I haven't had that much conversation.

"Eh, what was I supposed to do?"

"You can adjust the chair with Marsha.Come on, I'll help you, too. "

"I'm sorry ~, both of you ~"

"You look so happy."

"I'm so happy!"

Marsha is having fun talking to Paula and Neferry.

It's somewhat fresh.

Somehow, there's a shackle called a tank wagon, so it's hard to talk to people who don't come near from over there, Marsha.

This time it's a lot of special environments, so we'll be close.

As Umaro declared, the refinement of the sleigh is completed in five minutes, and Estella begins to drag the sleigh loaded with ingredients into the pile.

Natalia tows the sleigh with Marsha and Imelda's "luggage combination."

We're replacements when the sleighs get tired.

Ginette is a rice cook, so I can't let her get tired.

So, because of the snow, it took about five times as long as usual to get to church.

"Uhaaa! Look at that!My shadow is really big! "

"Big body and attitude, huge sister!"

"" Loretta, that's amazing! ""

Normally it's amazing!!

"Who just said 'normal'!?I heard you! "

--There was a festival in front of the church.

Ahhh, even though the snowstorm isn't over yet, it's snowing...


"Ginette, good morning. Good morning, Yashiro and all of you."

"" "Good morning, ma'am!" "

Hello Kasajizo, Bertina welcomed us with a pile of food on the sleigh.

Please explain the situation and lend me the kitchen and the conversation room.

"Excuse me, let me have breakfast here."

Well then, let's join you.

Sister still need breakfast?

"No, I just finished."

You ate it, didn't you?

"Yes, I want you to come with me."

Smiling Bertina and hungry us.

I didn't race, but it was Bertina who ate more.

By the end of breakfast, the sun had risen considerably and the sun had cleared up.

Now we won't be able to see any more Broken phenomena.

... if I thought...

At the end of the day, an incredible sight appeared before us.

"Oniichan, look! We're floating in the sky!"

A shadow of us leaving the church was floating above.

There are countless of them over there.

"... what do you mean, this?"

Estella was puzzled by countless shadows in the sky.

Ginette and Paula opened their mouths and looked up at the sky, Loretta and Magda moved their hands and feet to find out which was their shadow, and Norma flushed the pipe as she had seen.

"It's a little inconceivable, but if you force me to give you a reason... perhaps a random reflex?"

From the rising sun, sunlight fell, reflecting our shadow into the sky, reflecting the silver glowing snow.

However, since the snow was never smooth, the reflected light diffused in various directions and raised a number of shadows.

In the end, our gaze is clear and our vision is clear, but there is still a cloud in the sky, and a shadow is floating on the screen...?

Is that possible?

If I heard it in Japan, it's an argument that seems to laugh with my nose, "How convenient will it be?" But... than the phenomenon is actually happening in front of me, "Is it not necessary?I can't help but think of it.

It is not my fault whether the theory is broken or not, because scientifically we are taking the opposite method of forcing reasons for the mysterious things that are happening in front of us, rather than the reasoning that "this phenomenon can happen".

If you're complaining, don't hesitate to tell this strange phenomenon to the Spirit God who caused it all.

Oniichan and I are going to encounter a lot of strange things.

"It's not my fault."

I've never seen anything like this before.

"Oh, yeah, Ginette. What do we do now?"

After that, snow the roof and snow the garden and the streets around the shop.

And with the gathered snow, I made a snow statue...

"You're going to help us snow the church, right?"

"Yes, somewhat, but"

The church has no man.

Only Aunt Obasan, who is good at cooking and sewing, is here.

Until last year, it seems that Bertina and the kids were snowblowing only the minimum amount of space necessary, but last year, when they saw the body of the Yangtai Pavilion, they said they definitely wanted to do it this year. Kids.

First of all, if we don't finish the snowflake at the Sunset Pavilion, we won't be able to talk about it.

If you're dealing with kids, your health will be depleted in no time.

If you return to the sunset pavilion with a tired body, there will be a pile of snow... I'm sorry.

"Onii-chan, my younger brothers were so overwhelmed, I'll lend you as much as I can."

"Do you like the snow in your house?The grounds are huge, right? "

After all, there are three houses built in the Huit family.

The proprietary area has naturally expanded accordingly.

It's pretty tough.... when I thought...

"My snowflake is over.I finished it before the sun went up. "

"You and your brothers are as powerful as ever."

"I also have snow stocked for muddling."

"This year, I think we're gonna be able to smell it."

Even if we run a cafe this year, we won't be able to attract that many visitors.

I'm sure there's a bunch of barrels lined up on the main street, and the guests are not scattered.

"Well, tell me if you come to help me snow the church, I'll tell you everything."

"All right! I'm sure they'll love it!"

Loretta signals the ham bath, and the ham bath jumps into the snow filled with joy and bravery.

I dug a hole in the snow wall and drove through the snow tunnel and disappeared.

... no, they were geniuses for digging holes.It's as good as a snowflake.

"It's strange... I've heard that heavy snow is such a snowy time that I can't walk out the front..."

"There are many veterinarians in District 42.Somewhat more powerful than the rest of the district. "

The Lord of the Smile, interpreting it quite nicely.

This level of heavy snow is a disaster certified scale in Japan.

On such a day, "Kagura!" "Uhahaha!"and walking out the front with the kid... the moment I posted it on the SNS, there was no doubt about the flames.

Last year, Imelda was in distress... ah, this year too.

"Imelda... what will happen next year?"

"I don't intend to create such a routine!"

No, you'll be in distress again next year.

Make it slightly more interesting every year.

"Hey, pal. If you help me with the snowflake, will anyone teach me how to make a mullet?"

"What, the maiden wants to make a mask?"

"I don't know. He said he could only enjoy it a little last year, and this year he wants to build a bundle on Hardware Street."

"You can fill the boulevard anyway."

"Can they take over the bulk of the street?"

"Don't bother."

Nothing but business disruption.

The Food and Beverage Alliance could take heavy damage if they succeed.

When rumors spread that there was a snow cage with a maiden in front of the restaurant in District 42, customers from outside stopped coming in afraid.

At a time when corner new roads are being made and more people are coming from outside, I can't take a look at them.

"Even so, I don't need that many people in the snow of the church...."

Really, let him do something else.

"Then why don't you let me pass through the street from Hardware Street to the church?"

"That's a good idea.That would make it easier for them to get around, and it would make it easier for guests to come to the Yangtai Pavilion. "

No wonder Norma sent me a wink.

Even Estella's face felt irritated.

So, "Soyu, you want profit, right?But I just said.

Hmm, whatever.

Well then, why don't we have a rakura workshop at the church?

Yes, yes, I reserve a premium seat!

Paula is more concerned than anyone.

"That's easy, isn't it? Just round and dig a hole. Come on."

You're the only one who can do that, Delia.

Snowballs aren't so light that you can handle them.Normally, you can't handle something the size of a person can easily fit in, that's the way.It's too heavy. Normal!

Well then, Mr. Yashiro. I'll tell my sister what I've decided. "

"Yes, we need permission to use the church garden."

"How about a warm juice powder in return?"

"Well, then, there's no doubt that the negotiations are over.... do you want some mochi too? "

"Let's go in! Thank you very much."

I don't really understand the difference between juice powder and rice cake, but I feel that it contains rice cake baked at all.

Let's make you this time.

Anyway, if you're training, there's a lot of people out there who can't handle it.

"Don't expect sales this year."

"Yes, I want to relax with you this year."

"Ginette, don't be fooled.The person who says, "Don't expect profits," looks like he's thinking, "How do I make profits?"Maybe I'll find something else I can't earn. "


It was assumed that profits would decline from last year.

Well, if there's any other way to make money, I don't think I've ever crossed that.

Therefore, the Kamakura course held at the church was packed with people who said, "Hey, Hamko, how much advertising did you walk...". Thanks to the snowstorming of the main area along the road, the street was completely easier to walk even on the first day of the heavy snow season.

You don't want to save food anymore next year, do you?

While the snow was blowing along the way and exposed to the cold wind, which relentlessly took away the body temperature, the screams and screams were peculiar, but the participants all learned how to make glazed bodies with pleasure.

All I did was teach you how to make orthodox balls that are piled up in pyramids and shaped while filling gaps with snow.

Not all the participants could make a barn in the garden of the church, so it was only by listening and practicing after returning to each field.

Next to such a boring workshop, children start cooking with pleasure, and a big chorus of "pepper pepper" happens.

... wasn't this some kind of training session to teach you guys?

And when I realized that I was getting bored, a snow statue workshop by Becco and Imelda was held at the same venue.

You were popular with girls.

"Guys! Thank you for your hard work in the cold! Have a warm meal!"

Ginette cheered.

In normal years, he always smiles happily at a time when he is saddened by the long snowy season that will start.

Even the "Grilled Mochi, Who Will Stretch the Most" was improvised, and Loretta at the top of her speech captured the victory.

The heavy snowfall is still going on.

Sometimes it snows when the sun falls.

They were about to start drinking like this, and they broke up before sundown, and each set off on their way home.

It was time for Akane's sky to be swallowed by dark blue that she finally returned to the sunset pavilion by pulling her broken body.

What do you want to do about the shadow of the Yangtai Pavilion?

Delia, who seems to still be healthy, rolls her arms and says.

Oh, yeah. That's right. Delia's only wearing long sleeves this time of year.

Delia, who is wearing a slightly hardened trainer, looks somehow fresh and attractive even though her exposure has decreased.

Even though it's a loose trainer, the power to push it up from the inside is amazing, so I said, "Phew!I said, "Phew!"

"Yashiro, you look fine.Could you make it for me? "

"You don't understand, Estella. I'm a man who can get in trouble in his own garden."

I'm not proud of you.

I was slapped in the buttocks. Just the butt?

It's my turn now, right?

When I reached out to try it, I was dodged.

... cumming. It looks like lactic acid has accumulated in my arms during the lesson. It's kind of bread already.

"My arms are weak. I want to rub them in the bath."

--And the moment I said it, most of the girls who were there said, "Boo!"and hid his chest.

I thought you said, "My arms are weak!"

Uh, what?

"Your tiredness will heal by rubbing your tits, right?What do you think?

Then let me verify it!

"Anyway, we can do Kamakura that way, let's do it at the snowball cafe."

"Snow Battle!? What kind of cafe is that?!"

"If you can hit a snowball on a waitress who comes to ask for orders or bring goods, you'll get a special service.However, there is a fee for snowballs. One ball, right... 100Rb "

"That sounds interesting! I'll do it!"

"... no one can catch Magda."

"I'm gonna bounce it all back!"

"Delia, I'm counting on you!... but it's all hit!We're leaving soon! "

A team that loves snowball matches that thrive.

"Are you serious?"

"That's not true, is it?Our store manager won't be able to hold a dangerous event that could result in injured people. "

"Yes, there are some people who want to have a calm meal at Sunset Pavilion, and I'd like to ask you to take a snowball match on another occasion."

Soft and clear rejection.

In the first place, if you hit a girl with a ball that you can buy for 100 Rb (thousand yen), you get a special service - what a shame that they can do.

"I want to try it too ~, a snowball match "

"You're going to be so fucked up?"

Marsha can't move alone.

I'm sure they'll be under heavy fire.

"I will join you in pairs with you ~"

"Ask someone like Delia who has too much health."

If I carry Marsha on my back and get out on the snow, I'll end up in a concentrated fire without moving.It's visible.

"Well then, let's go to the store manager. Does this year's Yangtai Pavilion feel the same as last year?"

Delia complains, but she can't keep producing something new.

Anyway, I think it would be good if we stopped wearing snow this year and turned it into a main snow statue.

After deciding on some themes, if you look outside from the window seat, the world of snow-covered decoys is spreading - it seems.

If the view varies depending on the seat you are sitting in, you may be able to carry your legs many times during the snowy season.

Such a plan came to mind, but I swallowed it without saying it.


"Um, Mr. Yashiro... Actually, I need to ask you something."

Ginette was looking at me with his greedy eyes.

It's unusual, because I was trying to insist that I wanted to do something.

I want to know what he wants to do.

The atmosphere of the Yangtai Pavilion must have changed considerably since my grandfather was there.

No, because the store manager has changed, it is not bad to change.

But even if it changes, it should change with Ginette himself.

Because the manager of Yangtai Tatei is Ginette.

So, listen to Ginette as much as you can.

... the Heroes' Festival or whatever, I'll cheat the monkeys.

"Can't you get through the snowman's stomach!?"

... hmm?

"Are there any grudges against the snowman?"

"No, I love it! That's not what it is, it's covered!"

I'm sure in my head it's a wonderful landscape.

Feelings are all over the top and I can't get any guidelines at all.

"Can't you make a snowman figure?"

Ah... yeah. I saw something I had to say.

Why don't we just put a snowman's face on the barrel?

... no, maybe Ginette will stick to shaping his torso.

I wonder if that's what you want to eat in the snowman's stomach.

"Umaro ~"


"Do you think you can?"

"If you don't keep your head too big, I think you'll be fine."

As you grow older, you're no different from architecture.

I was wondering if it would be structurally possible to put a meaningless heavy snowball in the middle of the dome-shaped top, but if Umaro was okay...

"Inside, you're going to burn the seven wheels?"

"Ah, it could get hot."

Yeah, well roared, twisted his neck, and Umaro finally answered, "I can't tell you unless I try."

That's not an answer.

"The dome is not like a pillar, it supports the weight on the surface, and if it is not horizontal and vertical, the load is somewhat..."

"Don't you think it would be okay if I hit you so hard and clicked you?"

Umaro wrote down the diagram and started explaining it with a detailed calculation, and Delia, who was not even thinking about it, just said things with her senses.

Yeah. If we harness Delia's power, we might be able to hold a sturdy barrel until next year's heat wave, but we need peace of mind.

"Reinforcing it with steel will make it sturdy."

"Norma, that doesn't matter anymore."

If you make a skeleton, it's a structure.

The skeleton will remain in the garden at the dawn of the heavy snow season.

Then, the construction of the Yangtai Dormitory will make it more realistic! Permission denied!

"Well, I think it's okay ~"

Marsha, who seems unfamiliar with the snow, says something that seems unfounded.

"The route to District 42 is a cave, but there is no sign of collapse even if the cliffs go up "

That's a cave.

If it collapses, we can't make a cave in the first place.

The cave doesn't collapse.The cave was built because it didn't collapse.

"Whoa!? Something Umaro-san is calculating!?"

Umaro writes to paper on a table at an incredible speed.

A peeping Loretta complains of a headache by looking at the puzzling formula written there.Is it a formula that makes you complain of a headache just by looking at it?

"Yashiro-san, I think I can handle it!"

A blurry face of a snowman who liked Ginette was depicted on the paper, and a cavity in the abdomen was filled with formulae around it.

This is the volume calculation, this is the load calculation... hmm.

I think I can handle it.

"Onii-chan, do you understand the calculation!?"

Well, the architecture was a little romantic.

No matter how much less concrete it is, bar-saving techniques, illegal building if it's legal... and a little illegal building if it's illegal... well, that was a long time ago.

"You're so cute...!"

Looking at the painted snowman, Ginette sparkles his eyes.

Hey, can you make this?

"Ooh, ooh, maybe it's... it's... it's..."

"... Magda, acting manager, asks.Umaro, can you make this? "

"Sure! I'll leave Dawn and Dawes to Oila!"

The store manager's deputy is exerting power unexpectedly.

Well then, let's make it together!

"Already, Paula. I've always wanted to make it. I want to make it."

"I mean, I want a lot of advice while the palms are around."

"Why don't you go home and make it?"

"No, I've decided to stay today and I want to take a bath."

Paula and Neferry are coming.

It's not such fun to make kamakura. I'm just tired.

"Ah, ahh!"

Now, let's try it out. Ginette's voice sounds loud in the sunny pavilion where the atmosphere begins to drift.

"Or, please let me do the facial shaping!"

Ginette was the most enthusiastic producer of snowmen.

During last year's heavy snow season, there were countless snowmen who thought they were feeding the infinite Buddha.

There seems to be a familiar feeling about the shape of the snowman.

A simple face with only a round and a stick is a balance and cuteness is cloud mud.

I wonder if Ginette has a careful balance.

"But it's expensive."

Take another look at Umaro's blueprints.

If your torso is covered, you will need enough space for people to enter and become bigger accordingly.

With a well-balanced face on top of it... it looks like it could reach the roof on the first floor.

Ginette made things on the roof on the ground floor.....

"All right, let's make a safe scaffold!"

"... not on a simple scaffold.The manager stepped off his feet at an unimaginable angle. "

"Please increase the floor area!It's imperative that you sleep in large letters! "

"We need a fall fence."

"Going up and down the ladder?"

"Stupid, Neferry. Ginette, right? I can't even get a ladder."

"That's not true, Mr. Paula!We also have a ladder! "

"But don't you want to pinch your tits in the gap between the ladders?"

"Repent now, Mr. Yashiro!"

It was also decided to work in the snow to create an absolutely safe scaffold.

Ask Umaro and Norma to build a sturdy scaffold.