Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

327 stories. Where's the frog?

Neither Milly nor Magda had ever seen a frog dressed in clothes.

Milly's seen a frog, too.

"Ugh. A long time ago." Ahh, I thought maybe I was on my way to escape to the wetlands. "

Someone becomes a frog somewhere, and everyone who becomes a frog aspires to a wetland.

Yes. I've had the opportunity to talk to some of them about the frogs, but everyone said the same thing.

"The frogs are in the wetlands."

All the frogs in this city gather in this wetland.

I don't know why. I'm sure no one knows.

And Esther said, The wetland is an unclean land, and there is no place for frogs that are abominated by the spirit God.

I'm sure the others are aware of it.

I've never heard a different opinion.

But that's strange.

It was a small catch with a thorn in the fingertip, but I was not convinced.

Why would a frog stay in this city if he was an abomination to the spirit gods?

If you think in the position of a spirit god, if you hate it that much, you can just kick it out of the city.

If a frog gently listens to an order to 'cage in the wetlands', it will gently hear an order to 'get out'.

In case the blade is turned to me, I can dispose of it.

It's a weak creature that can't even raise its head to the ordinary people there.

You're freaking out at a luxurious man like me.

Why do you bother trapping me in the wetlands?

Why is the frog listening to orders like that?

If you let a lot of force tell you something and you ambush it at night, you'll be able to ravage the fields of Mormat.

If you get the vegetables, your stomach will swell.

Even wild animals come down without food.

But I've never heard of such damage.

The frogs are quietly confined to the wetlands.

”Hmmm... that's the power of the Spirit God, isn't it?”

Until now, Estella, who didn't want to think about it deeply, wrinkled between her brows and twisted her neck.

Even if you ask "Why", it seems that you only have the answer "because that's what it is".

That's normal, common sense, normal in this city.

I had no reason to think about it.

Why shouldn't you kick someone else's grave? It is similar to answering the question, "Because punishment is meted out."

”Eh, do you believe in heavenly punishment? If I were asked, I would answer" NO "immediately, but somehow I thought," You can't kick someone else's grave. "

Because it will cause damage to property? No, I've never thought about it in such a way.

If you answer the reason, you will have no choice but to say, 'That's what it is.'

In other words, the frogs of this city do not come out of the wetlands, which is the "natural thing".

"And these clever frogs..."

Let's say that the clever frogs who seemed to have completely lost their willingness to disobey the Spirit God's command as soon as they became frogs even though they lied to deceive people, chose to have a cage in the wetland so as not to cause trouble to anyone. Give me a hundred steps.

How many humans have frogged up so far?

"How many people..."

But Estella couldn't answer.

That's right.

Paula said that it was better to tell a lie that she was dead when she had a frog.

I tried my best to cover up the fact that my body had become a frog.

Then we can't know the exact number of people.

Whether he's dead or a frog, all I can rely on is testimony.

The whole family came out and said, "I'm dead! If you insist, the person will be treated as" dead ".

I don't know the exact number.

But that number shouldn't be ten or twenty.

"Even I have witnessed humans being turned into frogs." Even two people like Milly and Magda, who don't go in and out of scum-like places, have witnessed the appearance of frogs. "

Doesn't that mean that humans are turned into frogs quite often?

Something we don't know.

Maybe even at this moment.

Especially in the 42nd arrondissement, which is a city where only freaks and folks live?

If you go to other wards, it's obvious that there's more scum than there is here.

After all, there are aristocrats in other wards.

When interests and bonds are involved, people can be more ruthless than demons and more brutal than demons.

"And whichever ward you turn into a frog, if you aim for a wetland--"

There will be quite a few frogged people.

Then why aren't there frogs overflowing here?

That's right.

There are too few frogs in this wetland.

I haven't seen a single one today.

That's crazy, isn't it?

These frogs are gathering from all over the region?

Even though it's quite large, it's impossible not to see any of them.

"Maybe Milly and Magda saw the frogs because they gathered in the 42nd arrondissement from all over the region?" You'll have more opportunities to witness this than any other district. "

"Even so." It would be strange not to see one. "

Estella sent in an objection, but her expression was stiff.

It's not like you're not dealing with me because you think my opinion is a ridiculous world stray.

That look is a manifestation of the emotion of "I don't want to admit it".

I don't care. I want to get peace of mind by denying the opinions I don't want to accept, even for a moment or even in one place, by saying the negatives I have come up with.

Because if negation doesn't work, your common sense of belief may be shaken.

The same goes for Natalia and Imelda, who come forward with objections as they come to mind.

"A lot of humans have entered, so they're hiding somewhere and hiding their breath." Does Magda or Natalia know their strength by signs and atmosphere? If the frog is equipped with such abilities, I will hide them as strong enemies. ”

For protection, huh?

I think so.

"In that case, the frog is very much liked by the spirit god." It means you've been given the means to detect and avoid personal hazards in advance.


”Originally, there was a frog with the ability to soyuuu?”

"Oh, that's right." They didn't give it to me, they just didn't take it. "

Is a frog that has no words, no human-like thoughts, and is close to a beast communicating and leading?

"Ugh... everyone has that kind of ability..."

I don't think people at Magda or Natalia level were easily frogged though.

"... that's right, right?"

That's right.

If you try to affirm the incredible things that are happening here, you will deny the common sense that is rooted in this city.

That's why I'm stuck.

The thorns just pricked your fingertips, and it's like a dull pain that keeps coming out forever.

“The life of a frog may be short.”

Natalia makes a reasoning that is likely to be relatively probable.

That's what I thought.

If the lifespan of a froged human is equal to or even shorter than that of a real frog, you can be convinced that there are no frogs here now.

With the vitality of a real frog, even though it is a little small, if you try to maintain a body of the size of a small human, life will be cut down at a tremendous rate.

For now, that's all I seem to be comfortable with.

But when that happens, this time there will be a conflict with my memory.

"Then, the day I fell here." How many frogs surrounded the edge of this swamp? "

I saw a huge number of frogs surrounding the swamp in this swamp.

If, as Natalia says, they have a very short lifespan and only last a week or two, it means that a terrible number of people were frogged around the day I fell here.

In some ward, some clan was destroyed.

You just happened to be lying too much, and the timing of coming out was overlapping.

Isn't that unlikely?

"Estella, have you ever had a case where the losers were turned into clan frogs in a battle between nobles?"

“I've never heard of it. Before that, there wouldn't have been any fighting between the nobles.... the inside of this information paper is very unusual."

“So, Natalia, what do you know about dozens of frogs breaking into the 42nd arrondissement?”

"... you haven't heard me." We try to collect sightings of frogs with extra care. ― ― If we don't know who and why the frogs were attacked, Estella may be overwhelmed. "

"Those close to Estella have been turned into frogs" and "that villain who was causing problems has been turned into a frog", I certainly can't divulge any information.

The fact that Natalia, who was particularly watchful, was not informed that the frogs had faded in such a short period of time meant that the flocks of frogs I saw were the ones who had gathered in this wetland area over a long period of time.

I mean...

I haven't seen a single frog. It's quite a peculiar situation right now.

The wetlands were quiet, and not a single bug sound was heard.

Everyone who realizes that the situation they are in is unusual is silent.

I know you're thinking about something, but it doesn't look like it's working.

When we stop talking, the wetlands get even quieter.

All of a sudden, a scream blew out, and the neighborhood became noisy all at once.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

"Shut up, you!" Why do you pull on a leaf that seems dangerous to look at!? "

"Wait, Tenmushi-san, I'm going to help you right now!"

'Cause it's me!

When it gets quiet, you're going to want to play somehow.

Then I happened to have a succulent leaf in my eye that seemed to be "plump" when it was picked thickly at hand.

That's how it's decided, isn't it? There is no such thing as a healthy boy who can resist [suddenly]!

"Do you know the word 'learning'?"

"Oh, I know. A beautiful oneesan will teach you to" teach me, ahhhh, ahhh ", right?"

Milly, you can leave me alone for the night.

"Ahh, no, noooo. I'm going to eat your legs..."

What, is that such a horrible plant?!

Yeah, let go! Get away from me, flowers!

"Ahh, no, Danmushi-san!" When it rages, the flowers are...! "

Before Milly could say anything, the insect predator that ate me stretched its stem like a sickle and lifted the flowers high above my body.

"Giggle! I'm so tall, I'm scared!"

"Tanbushisa!" If you stimulate the flower, it will try to escape to a high place, so please be quiet! "

Tell me first!

That said, if you think you're keeping a flower shaped like a giant flower that swallows me and me with just one unreliable stem from a phylloxera plant... it's scary and makes my legs difficult!?

Seriously, I'm begging you!

Don't suddenly fall over like, "Ah, noooooo!"?

I'm not like Magda and I can't get a passive!?

"Listen to me, okay? Don't try to stretch upwards anymore, because there's no more fighting. Okay, here's the deal. You're putting a load on yourself by making a mistake. That won't be what you want. So, let's just be quiet here and wait for Milly to come and help us, okay?"

Speaking to the gentleman, the insect-eating plants stopped rising.

All right, all right, you got it.

After all, if we talk about living things, we can understand each other.

Frogs and insect food plants, they're all alive, they're friends.

--Thinking of it, the carnivorous plants began to chew me by moving the flower entrance and mouth-like parts.

"I'm not eating!"

I accidentally stretched it down.

Japanese Tsukumi.

I see the comic book genius over here at the end of the year, so it must be a great performance.

So, this is not an attack, but rather an expression of my dear. - That's right!


"Why are you inadvertently stimulating me, Jibu!?"

"Come on, learn, Yashiro!"

"Tanbushisa!" Just a little more, don't do anything, just be patient! "

The phylloxera that I don't know swallowed me halfway, and stalked me even higher.

No, this is bad, isn't it?!

Is it okay for him to grow so fast?

Are you going to get some nutrients or something?

The roots of the stems are gnawing and gnawing as a result of your unscrupulous growth!?

As soon as I thought about it, the insect-eating plants shook heavily.

... oh, it looks like it didn't work.

"Yashiro-sama, I'm falling!" Passive position! "

"Don't be naughty!"

"... Magda."

"Akan! Fall into the swamp!"

"Yashiro, stay with me until I die!"

The carnivorous plants that swallowed me collapse towards a relatively deep swamp filled with aquatic plants.

When I came to District 42, I thought I had fallen, and I just decided to pass the swamp because it was deep.

"Dive into the insect-eating plants, Mr. Tanbushi!" Because the petals should be cushions! "

An insect-eating plant that can be overturned.

Milly advised me that I would soon collide with the swamp.

If I get hit at this height, my bones will break.

I'm defenseless, unlike Magda and Delia!

I dived into the flower that I was desperately trying to get out of, hoping to catch a glimpse of Walla.

The next moment, there was a flashy sound of water.

The sound of water jumping up with plenty of mud, heavier than when you jumped into the pool.

It seemed like a terrible shock.

"... thank you so much"

For a while, I managed to dive my body into an insect-eating plant that was shaped like a pupa. I was not so shocked, and I felt a rebound in my body about the time I dived into the hotel bed myself.

It's just so annoying.

What's that smell? Even the beetle says, "Kissa!?" It's a sweet, sweet smell that's too sweet. "

It's like fermenting too much fruit... anyway, it's intense.

I want to wash myself.

At that moment, the petals of the insect-eating plants opened and the mud poured in all at once.

... that's not true, Spirit God.

Eh, what?

Because I wanted to wash my body, did you send in the water that was nearby?

I see, you're stupid.

The mud in the swamp doesn't have to be answered, it's a waste!

If you overwrite a minus with a minus, it's just a minus!

Don't you see?!

Oh, you don't get it? Ahahaha, you're so stupid!

"...... Spirit God, seriously I won't forgive you"

You totally deserved it, didn't you?

I said from the bottom of the swamp, "Babaaah! 'When I put my face out, I crouched down on the edge of the swamp and my eyes met Estella, who turned her face towards me.

When you came up from the water, you liked 'Zaba' or something like that. What the hell is that?

"... so, what should we do, this?"

"I don't know what to do..."

A swamp of mud that soaks into your hair and wraps around your body.

The inside of the coat and the inside of the boots were covered in mud so that I wouldn't take them out.

"Get me the Wumaro building as soon as you can."

Natalia sends you a proposal.

― ― What do you mean by having a comfortable single-family home built?

"Rejected, you bastard."

I'm not trying to trap you in the wetlands.

There's no glowing bricks here, so it's dark at night, right?

I'm scared of the dark!

You're crying!

For now, if you change your clothes, you'll have to bring water to wash away the mud here.

Well then, why don't you call Wumaro and ask for a public bath here?

"Are you going to stay here for about three days?"

"Baccarat, Wumaro will make it in 30 minutes."

There's so much more to the devil than you.

“No, Estella, I'm sure you estimate the duration of the public baths to be three days.”

In the meantime, a comfortable bath is unlikely.

Bathing in a place like this... haa.

Well then, Magda, I'm sorry, but from the Yangtze Pavilion--

Magda was staring at Regina when she saw her changing clothes and trying to bring water from the river.

Regina hugged me from the back, while Regina held me in her arms.

"... why?"

"Huh? What? What? Why?" 'What?'

Magda tried to help me when the pest was about to collapse.

Regina stopped it. "Because it falls into the swamp."

I'm sure that's what he was hugging me like that.

So Magda asks Regina why she stopped.

"... Magda could have taken care of Yashiro before she fell"

"What, are you mad at me?"

Magda's voice was low and small, and Regina smiled subtly like she was in trouble.

But Magda's tail was shaking slowly.

That move was' puzzled '. Not like anger or discomfort.

That movement was often seen when Magda told Ginette something while she was still unfamiliar with the pavilion.

In other words, you're hanging out.

Whether it's sweet or not.

"No, no, no. It's true, I didn't think I could have been saved by Tiger's daughter Han, but after I saved her, we'll both go into the swamp together, right?" That's awkward, sigh. "

"... why?"

I don't know what dangers are still lurking in the mud of the swamp?

"... that's why you gave up rescuing Yashiro?"

”I guess I just gave up... well, I don't think that the boobs demon han is definitely going to fit...”

Regina turned her gaze towards me.

His gaze immediately returned to Magda and he spoke politely with serious eyes.

"In the unlikely event that the boobs demon god suffers from a troublesome disease, I was prepared to take care of him until I was fully healed responsibly."


Magda peered into Regina's face as she finished speaking.

"... Magda didn't want to take care of you?"

Magda is worried if I don't completely deny the possibility that I can take care of her, but Magda doesn't want to.

Even though he's a good sweetheart, he's not good at leaning over.

"That's not true," he said, reassuringly.

"I don't want to take care of Han, the daughter of a tiger."

But that's the word that popped out of Regina's mouth, and Magda's ears slowly drooped.

"I can't help but look at the painful face of Tiger's daughter Han,"

With a gentle touch, Regina strokes Magda's hair.

"Besides, Han, the daughter of a tiger, is a very popular person." The people of Ueshiyama are worried, aren't they? I want Tiger's daughter Han to be responsible for making someone uneasy and reassuring. That way, you can concentrate on treating the boobs of the demon god Han. "

Say it, and gently hug Magda's little head.

Magda's face was buried in Regina's chest.

"Even if you don't think about it, I won't stop." I'm sorry, I can't even bother you. "

"...... if that's the reason......"

"... hmm. I don't know. I'm glad."

Magda's tail stretched out and slowly rubbed Regina's body.

Sweeten, sweeten.

Ginette and her parents are the only ones who worry about Magda that way. I'm glad to hear that.

While looking at the sweet Magda, everyone thought about it.

For a while, no one said anything.

I had a muddy head, and I was thinking, "Regina's breasts are buried in it."

"... fully buried"

This is Magda's impression of being sprinkled with sweetness.

Well then, it's my turn.

"Too bad. I'm not good at mud, am I?"

"You don't have to wear mud!?" Tomorrow, then! Absolutely not! "

"Oh, man! Service time, it's over now."


"Yashiro, you don't have to get out of there anymore."


I just ruined my life because of the mud!

"That and this, all the spirit gods..."

"You deserve it."

"I never thought that that heartwarming sight would revitalize your troubles." As expected of you, Mr. Yashiro (I'm not complimenting you) "

"Tanbushi-san, no, no?"

"Milly, why don't you sell palm-sized insect food plants for security?" The name of the product is "Yashiro-san Hoi Hoi"

Ah, well then, I'll buy one too ~

"I don't need Mr. Estella."

"What do you mean!?"

“I'll explain it to you instead. In the case of Estella-sama, unlike Regina-san, it's so buried--"

“You don't have to explain, Natalia!”

Say what you like, and make noise when you want.

You need to decide what to do with me sooner than that.

It's cumbersome.

"Hey, tiger's daughter Han." Can you go to the Yangdaiki Pavilion and bring me a change of clothes and a towel for the boob god? "

"... yes. I'll take care of it."

Magda said, "Yeah."

I'm so sweet on Regina.

Yes, even when I was in Mandragora, Regina helped Magda.

Magda is also quite anxious to be in the wetlands.

That's why I'm sure you want to spoil the opponent who will always protect you when it's dangerous.

... I can't protect you.

"Also, Milly. Can you draw water from the river?" I think it would be enough if I had a barrel full. "

"Um, yeah. But, um... are you all right, Tendomushi-san?"

Oh, I'll wait in the swamp until Milly comes back.

"Ah, that's not true...... insect food plants......"

I'm worried that Milly's gone.

Well, you're not even in the swamp, are you?

”Geez... the aquarium under your feet... can't you step on it?”

Is this the same thing?!

Looking closely, the grass that was slightly different from the aquatic grass floating around the swamp was also pointed at the leaves in the form of "touch ~".

It's dangerous!?

I didn't even notice!

I was about to be preyed on for the third time!

"Fufu. If only we knew who it was, we'd have aquatic plants like this..."

and the leaves that had exactly the same shape floated before moving away from the aquatic plants.

You stepped on me, didn't you?

So, you were predated.


"... hey, what are you, an asshole?"

"No one would believe that this is the person who put together the outer periphery and [BU]."

It's Estella-sama that put it together, on the record.

"What!? Stop it!" Even though you're weird like a palm tree, you're going to miss it! "

Ahh, well, more than that, I have to help Dandenbushi-san

But then Miri-san will get dirty in the mud.

"Geez... well... then... Tendomushi-san." Breathe into the veins of the aquatic plants. "

Leaf veins?

The one with the blood vessels on the surface of the leaves?

and breathe in there.....

Are you going to put your mouth on this muddy aquatic weed?

Well, it's better than being eaten.....

As I was told, I folded the leaves into two pieces, put my mouth on the cross section, and breathed in as much as I could.

Instantly, the stems of the aquatic plants swelled like rubber balloons, and the vines that were clamping me fled and dived into the water.

"What was the emergency evacuation method when I was caught by that aquatic weed, but... it's okay, Tenbushi-san?"

”... it's so bitter, it's so annoying...”

"Hmm. That aquatic leaf, it smells like a bug, so you really have to get out in a different way than in an emergency, right?"

Worms are insects that smell as intense as a beetle's wax.

Sometimes I run into them on the road, but when I touch them, the last day, I can't get rid of the bad smell from my fingertips.

... the same smell in your mouth...

"Looks like Miri-san should stay." The waters of the river will be prepared by the wasps. "

But Imelda, you're not that powerful, are you?

"I'll let you carry me to the front of the wetland." Wouldn't it be nice if Magda and Miri could help us get inside the wetlands? "

"I see. I'm sorry, but thank you." Imelda, Magda. "

"...... I'll go"

Following Imelda, Magda leaves the scene.

Wave to me and Regina.

"... that's good, Regina. I miss you."

"What the hell, Lord Han." Is it yakimochi? "

"After all, Magda can't open her heart to me." You're so friendly! "

Because I try to touch your ears.

Besides, Regina was nursing Magda personally when she was injured, and Magda is already a protector.

We drop off Magda and Imelda, and we're off for now.

Natalia's watching the whole area, and Milly's watching out for insects around me.

Regina begins to look at the grass growing on the edge of the swamp, saying, “Just sit back and wait.”

Estella was in a position to watch over me and Milly.

I've gotten muddy too, so I'll check around here.

"Be careful." You look like a treat to the plants. "

Hmm. Happy with the misfortune of others.

I'll hug you with my muddy body.

Then we'll have a mixed bath in this wetland.

What do we do? We can't have blindfolds or partitions in a forest like this, where there's no womaro.

Why don't you just give up and hang out with Tippon?

Well, I wouldn't.




... no, I won't. I won't.

"Estella, hold me."

No, no, no.

I see.

I thought maybe.

"Dandan mushi-san, I'm so close to that one." Because the insect breeds a little too much. "

I wonder if it's too much.

Well, I guess we could get rid of it a little bit.

Let's go to the cliff.

Zabuzabu and he walked into the swamp like a kick in the mud.

I'm soaked in my pants.

There is nothing to be timid about.

It is difficult to walk in a swamp that is about the size of a knee, and it is difficult to travel a meter.

All the more so because we are proceeding with caution, taking into account the possibility of sudden deepening.

Maybe it's faster to swim?

... if a frog suddenly comes out and sinks, I won't do it because I'm scared.

However, as expected, the frog did not show up.

My reasoning that I was watching for foreign objects was also out of place.

After all, I'm starting to think there aren't any frogs in this place.

The frogs have gathered here once and have left the city on a secret route that no one knows.

However, only a certain number of people remain in this swamp, breathing and hiding, so that those who do not know anything can not get lost.

When I think about it, I feel that everything suits me.

That's right.

I'm sure the frog that was dressed is the leader in the frog.

Humans are the king of authority, dressed more sumptuously than anyone else.

The world of frogs is probably the same.

So maybe I just ran into the royalty of the frog.

Ah, so you were surrounded by countless frogs right after that.

I'll get rid of the one who gets close to the king, eh?

I tend to have it, I tend to have it.

... well, if that's true, then the frog will have the same culture as humans.

If so, we could have left more traces.

I mean, this is my own fantasy.

"I don't know anymore."

I was tired of making inferences because of the lack of information.

No matter how much you use your head, in the end, you don't know anything.

When this happened, "There were no frogs. If you think it's a lie, send someone to the wetlands. '

--And when I turned back to return to the road that I had come in the half-down mode, I found a strange flash of flowers at the edge of my sight and stopped.

In the swamp.

Close to the cliffs.

There, a strange flower blossomed.

A red and purple flower about the size of a palm.

The number of petals is five.

Of the five, only one is red until it is poisonous.

Behind the five petals, there are countless leaves like thin branches surrounding the petals.

Rather than leaves, it looks like an overgrown [Mima Gaku], but there are too many of them for the petals.

Poisonous red and red purple petals.

The gray leaves surrounding it, like a centipede, longer than the petals.

From a distance, it was shaped like a sun that a child had graffitied.

However, it is probably because of its spooky shades that the sun does not seem honest.

If this is the sun, then the world where the sun rises will be called the demon world.

"Even though it's flashy, it's a creepy flower."

Particularly creepy is the membrane with the Numeri that wraps around the whole thing.

The flowers were covered with a thin transparent membrane, from the stems to the leaves to the petals.

It was very strange that a spooky flower covered in a muddy membrane, like Junshi, was blooming in a circle in the swamp, and I couldn't take my eyes off the flower for a while.

"... do you know anything about Regina?"

I was so curious that I reached for the flower.

I wanted to show Regina who she was.

There's only one, but, well, okay?

Let's pick it up and show it to Regina--that's what I thought.


Regina's silky screams and the heavy sound of water jumping into the swamp shook the eardrum.

The mud jumps up sharply and Regina approaches at full speed.

"Get your hands off me!"

Then, while screaming, he hits me and pushes me down into the swamp to keep me away from the spooky flowers.

Unable to cope with the sudden surprise, he collapsed into the mud without doing so.

The mud poured into her mouth and she held her breath, but she was more aware of Regina's abnormal behavior.

It is strange that he should take such action.

When people do things they are not used to, they are often not thinking about the future.

It seems that Osan is in a student mood and goes upside down, causing his muscles to go crazy.

I'm sure he doesn't understand what his body can't handle either.

I mean, if we don't wake him up, he's gonna drown.

"Regina, are you okay?!"

"C 'mon! Fuuuuuuuuuu!" Haha! "

Waking up and pulling Regina's body up by force, Regina throbbed majestically as she exhaled the mud.

Look, I'm not telling you!

"Estella, get me some water!"

For the time being, I bring a water bottle.

Anyway, you have to let all the mud out of your mouth.

"Can we get up? We're going up to the shore anyway."

Regina's hand grips my clothes hard as she tries to start moving with her throbbing shoulder.

Touch it, huh?

Regina complains in a crying voice during a terrible cough.

"That flower spore, inhale it!"

Is it because the emotional shake is too great or because the mud got into my eyes? The eyes that looked up were overflowing with tears.

It's okay, I haven't touched a single finger, and I haven't even flown a spore.

"... I see.... I'm glad."

After that, Regina's weight suddenly became heavier.

It looks like I can't stand anymore because I'm losing strength from my knees.

I stamped my feet and hugged Regina to avoid sinking into the mud again.

Spin your shoulder-hugged arm around your back and lift Regina's fluttering foot through your arm at the back of your knee.

The princess's embrace is a zombie version that crawled out of the bottom of the earth, isn't it?

"Wait... let me check that flower."

First, let's do it first, okay?

”... noooo, it's mouthy, it's mouthy, it's mouthy”

"It's because I'm insane."


With a small smile, Regina grips my clothes hard.

She was trembling slightly.

Are you scared?

"... well, I don't know." It's rarely done like this. "

A lonely tone of voice when misleading.

When I didn't answer anything, Regina forced herself to lift the corner of her mouth and murmured this in a louder voice than necessary.

"I'm not going to talk to you myself, right?"

And then, grab my clothes even harder, and say it with a serious taste while lying down.

"... will you listen to me?"

Her forehead trembling to hide her face.

"Yeah. Anything."

"... I see."

An unusual action taken by Regina.

It's about that flower, and it's probably the very nature of the discomfort I've been feeling until now.

When I volunteered for the wetland survey team, and when I talked about the serious disease of the wetland, this guy looked lonely somewhere, and he still looked like he was suffering.

There's something there.

Something we don't know, something only he knows.

But before I do that...

"I'm sorry."

"Huh?... what's going on?"

"I ended up dragging you into the swamp."

"... you idiot. I'm doing this on my own..."

"I've been told many times not to touch strange plants." I've reached out again. "

That's why Regina repeatedly pointed out that she was predated by insects.

This time, too, because I reached for that creepy flower.

"It seems that if I have a strange plant, I can't help but touch it."

Even in Japan, there was a grasshopper that touched and confirmed whether the plants in the coffee shop were real or artificial flowers.

Now that I know whether it's artificial flowers or the real one, I just think, "Oh, artificial flowers." I touched it.

I'm sure this is already getting a little crappy.

With that, Regina smiled "Fufu" and turned her face toward me.

"Homma, you idiot, you're on your own"

Regina's face gave a gentle smile that returned a little softness.

"You're like a child, you're like a child."

Nah, it's okay to go into the women's bath in the public bath, right?

"Idiot. There's no such thing as' like 'or' child '. Do you really admit breast pads like that as boobs?"


"What the hell are you talking about?"

When I reached the shore, I was greeted by Estella with a dazed face.

"The breast pad is not a boob, so Estella in a strange dress is innocent even if she rubbed her boobs."

"Guilty! Felony! Without deliberation, you're going to be condemned to death!"

Estella covers and conceals the padded chest.

If there's even a bit of mud on it, it's probably because it's incinerated here, and it looks like it's been left behind today.

"Regina, it's water."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't make a cup of it acorny."

"Don't bother." It's a disposable wooden cup that's been made cheaply by saying good things to Mr. Zermal, who has been weirdly stretched out since the caravan. ”

What the hell are you doing, Zelmal?

And you're not using it properly, Natalia.

You're not even under the influence of Maru, are you?

"Giggle, giggle, giggle!" Regina hesitates to rinse the inside of her mouth.

It's nice to think about it, isn't it?

As a girl, Estella's expression was, "How about that?"

But Regina was right.

"I don't know what kind of fungus is in my mouth." You should take better measures than be embarrassed and sick. "

"Y-yeah, that's right. Well then, let's leave it to you, palm trees."

When I rinsed my mouth as hard as I could so as not to leave any mud behind, Natalia offered me some water to explain on behalf of Regina.


That said, try to be a little quieter!

I thought the big bullfrogs were chirping!

"I, but as soon as I get a little sick, I'll say no"

"Giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle!... ahhh"

The swampy smell remains in my mouth even when I gargle.

I know how it makes you want to gulp at all costs.

”Even if you don't have any clear symptoms such as fever or dullness, [ah, that's strange] why do you say that?”

”Giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle!... I know”

Damn it. It's still a mess.

And then--

"Gyuppe! You can't watch and talk to me while I'm gurgling!"

On purpose, right?!

Regina laughs when she sees me angry.

The mouth is slightly tightened.

As soon as I realized that she was laughing, Regina asked Estella out of her face.

Where's Milly?

"I went to get your change of clothes." I'm sorry to have to go to your house, but I decided to ask Sister to explain the situation and lend me some clothes for the church. ”

"I see....... yo, yo, yo."

Estella noticed Regina's abnormality and took care of her like that.

All that's left is me, Estella, and Natalia, the bodyguard.

It's a shameless way to talk.

Natalia turns her back on us and wipes out her presence.

It must have been Regina's decision to make it easier for her to talk.

Seeing that, Regina begins to speak in a quiet voice.

"Come on, before everyone comes back, let's hear it... about our past and our sins"