Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

Episode 339 Betting

The ghoffrads laugh and look at me.

A smile that is not worth seeing, with no adorable fragments.

"Temele, what was your name..."

It's a gizzard.

I see, Gizokou.

No, I didn't.

I'm not telling you all the lies I can. Let's make it a frog, you fucking parrot.

"It's an oblivion."

The people around will call me by my name, so even if I try to hide it, this guy will know.

I don't mind you telling me your name because it is troublesome.

Well, then, it's an oblivion.

He's calling me a name.

People are strange creatures, and just calling them names can make your emotions move.

Feelings of reassurance and joy sprout in those who are in favor, and feel nervous in those who are not.

It's a common practice to threaten others by calling out their names and making it clear, "I know you."

Well, it doesn't work for me.

"Temele, you know Norbert's son of a bitch?"

So you know that, too.

I can't believe Goffrade knew Norbert.

I thought you were a frivolous pedestrian, but I'm sure you're a villain, Norbert.

"It's a little bit fringed."

Norbert saved Gizokou's life!



Well, I wouldn't deny it. If I'd gone down like that, I'd probably be dead.

In any case, I was grateful.

Well then, I'll have to thank you for seeing me.

"I don't know about that." I was dressed nicely at the time. If you were expecting something in return for saving me, it would be a selfish decision to help me. Don't you have to thank your lower heart? "

I'm going to use the guy who's getting close to using us. There is no way that a reproach of conscience can arise there.

... but, well, it doesn't change who saved my life. If you honestly admit that, I will keep pushing the gofferd because it seems to be entangled.

"That's right, when we met before, you wore a lot of nice clothes, right?" What's wrong with that? "

"I sold it."

However, I gave the blazer to Ukrinez a long time later, and the price is not money, but cooperation.

Ukrines will be very helpful when he acquires new skills and knowledge.

That's right. If you think about it, Ukrinez's store originally sold used clothes. Recently, it's all brand-new clothes I made myself, but.....

Then sell that blazer, buy used clothes, and get the money without having to worry about a godfather. The difference would have been made.

... Damn it. If I had known about it first, I wouldn't have spoken to the Goughlings.

It was a mistake to assume that the blazer would sell only to high school girls.

I only thought about it in the store. I've never used it.... no, really.

Um, Yashiro-san.

Ginette rushes over to me, wiping her hands.

Hey, Ginette. Don't come out in front of the godfather.

If you look me in the eye, you won't know what to do.

Especially since you're defenseless, natural, and you're all beaten up.

Look, I'm still running! Still Naw!


Yes, sir?

"I'm so fucked up, no, I'm so fucked up!"

Please repent!

"Ginette-chan, that's warm." It's time for you to go to jail. "

What's that?

Estella, who always said she was by my side, just came to kick my ass.

It's weird, it's weird, it's scary, it's no good.

"Mr. Storekeeper, this is a new Morningstar purchased by Watakushi." Please use it if you like. "

"Um, um...?"

Ginette, don't take it, it's such a nuisance.

A blow weapon with a large iron ball with spikes attached to the tip of a long stick.

So, Imelda? You don't use it in the Woodworkers' Guild, do you? You can't cut the tree, can you?

So if you take down the forest tree, it's a natural destruction, right?

Aren't you leaning too far to take out Javier? I don't think we should leave the "Axe" category, I guess.

Gently isolate Imelda from noisy objects and subtly move Ginette away from the front of the Goughlord.

Take her to the Delia and summon Magda.

That's it.

So, what?

"Yes, how did you relate to Norbert?" You're the one who saved my life. "


I don't know how to explain it.....

"A little before you come to this town."

"Did you save my life?"

I'll ask.

Well, let me tell you the truth.

At a glance, the Goughlord looked at me with a smile.

He seems to be interested in the meeting and relationship between Norbert and me.

“I went to the meadow between Baochrea and Allbloom, and they put me on a horse-drawn carriage where I was falling.”

If Norbert is a pedestrian travelling between All Bloom and Baochrea, the meadow where I was first thrown out must be halfway along the route.

At first, if I had gone in the opposite direction, relying on my guess, I might have been on Baochrea. Well, neither city seemed to be within walking distance.

"I was unconscious, so I don't remember the time I met you."

“That's right! Gizokou had collapsed half a day after leaving the demon forest in a horse-drawn carriage. It was brought to this city in a carriage found by the generous and merciful Norbert. By the way, if it was you who took the fallen gizzard and put it in the carriage!"

Beckmann talks about the time with the perpellers.

All the time I was dressed in grace.

Just a parrot-like "Konichiwa".

That's right.

With your hands together in front of your chest, Ginette loosens your cheeks.

Then, even though I was guided by a reliable guard, I walked to the front of the Goughlord by myself.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

In a panic, Ginette stopped in front of Beckmann, not Goughlord.

"Mr. Yashiro took care of that verse." I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you very much. "

Ginette bows her head deeply to Beckmann.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I, no, no, no, no,

“I couldn't have met Mr. Yasiro without you and Mr. Norbert. You are also my benefactors. Please let me know if you have any problems. We're here to help with anything.”

Ginette is really glad she met me.

So I was grateful to Beckmann, who saved my life, and Norbert, who is currently being banished for theft.

And it is a ginette-like expression that shows the utmost affection for the person you are grateful for, and you probably think that you will spare no effort in cooperating rather than being greatly disgusted.

Ginette-like words and deeds.

But the moment I uttered that word, the air changed.

"Huh, 'Whatever'...?"

Goughlord laughs evil.

"He heard a good thing about it."

The moment the goffrades did so, a murderous aura emerged from all sides.

Delia and Magda, as well as the Ginnet fans of the Hunting Guild and the Woodcutter Guild, have a direct murderous temper, and Estella and Paula point to the Goughlord in the "Spirit Referee" stance with their straightened arms.

"[Whatever] didn't get caught up in the [Spirit Referee], did it?"

"Ohhh, can the lord of this city believe his words like I did?"

”If that was a lie, and you're going to put the 'Spirit Judgement' on Ginette-chan, I'll turn you into a frog.”

Ah, that's fine, but I can't let Teme's friends get back to work after doing that.

A gofflade that provokes Estella with a faint smile that reverses her emotions.

If Giffred turns Ginetto into a frog, Estella will not hesitate to turn Giffred into a frog.

But there's no way to get Ginette back.

There's no way Ginette's life can be weighed down with scum like a goffrade.

Even if you knew it was a threat, you wouldn't be able to defy it.

Even "just in case" can be a fear for Estella and others.

After all, Goffrade is a big villain.

He made it look like he gave us some good information for free, and he caught some of the people who would eat it.

By giving him room to argue, he narrowed our options.

If it hadn't been for Ano's story, Estella might have called Natalia a gift at the time when the Giflade was malicious to Ginette.

However, Estella temporarily suspended the ability to exercise her powers after gaining the possibility that she could "turn a goffer blade into a frog".

And because of the "temporary suspension", I was forced into a situation where I could lose Ginette if I defied the Goffrade.

Goffred told me "I don't like this shit," but I'm not kidding.

What I don't like is this way.

He said he didn't know anything, but he did thorough research on Ginette and Estella.

What kind of talk does Ginette react to?

What action does Estella take as a result?

And who should I put in the situation to manipulate me freely?

"Come on, bastard. Let's have a meaningful conversation."

With a proud face, the Goughlord calls me.

Oh, I see.

"If it's okay to blow up the face of a piggyback temele once and for all"

You're a hundred years too early to manipulate me like that, little rascal.

"You're gonna blow me up?"

The goffrades laugh.

And then he opens his mouth and laughs.

"Hahaha! This is a funny joke. I haven't forgotten, punch me in the face. I'm going to fly like that!"

A laughing gopher with a belly.

Paula, who knew the situation at that time, also looked away with a somewhat troubled face.

"Hey, dog ear clerk!" You remember Temele, too, don't you? This guy's pathetic! Punch him! Did you eat that and I blew it up? Don't blow me up! I thought you were caught by bugs! Hey, hey? "

Gahaha and the laughing goffrade.

Paula, who was swayed by the conversation, turned away without answering.

Well, keep laughing.

I made you say what you wanted me to say.

This one seems to have a lot of memory.

Just once, he remembers me so well that he only saw me for a little while.

Knowing the past of another person makes it easier to scratch his legs in the future.

That's why I honed my ability to remember people's faces and words and deeds. Maybe he was originally a gifted blackmailer.... well, that's a terrible talent.

But you are the most important thing, and you must remember it.

You've been fooled by me for a while.

"Goughlings. Do you remember betting with me before?"

You have a track record of riding my truck and not seeing my true intentions?

Once deceived, he will be deceived again.

The more careful you are, the bigger the defense will be, and the bigger the gap will be without exception.

Would you like to bet with me again, like you did then?


Temae is a [duck].

He's an easy prey, not so easy to hunt.


Mumbling the same words as before, the Goughlord quickly turned his attention around.

I looked carefully to see if there was a trap somewhere or if there was something missing.

"What are you up to?"

Hmph... you're being very careful.

Are you scared?

"I just want to blow it up because I don't like you." If you don't place your bets, you're gonna punch me back, right? I don't feel confident defending myself, do I? "

If I shrugged my shoulders, Goughlade's cheeks were a little loose.

For defense, huh?

And laughing.

What the hell is Temele attacking you? You're not as good as all the women around you, are you?

Gahaha laughed with a dirty voice, and thoughts were still circling in her head, she showed that there was no gap.

I know, Goughlord. You're thinking awesome right now. See what's hidden behind my words.

That's why I'm buying time with my big voice.

'Cause that's what it is, isn't it?

Freaked out by my punching and making fun of me, I ran away from the bet that I was sure to win, and the majesty of Temei was in ruins.

You've stirred me up so much.

You can't just run away with your tail rolled up in front of me, can you?

If you're not sure, you can go down.

He complains about the same incitement as he did then.

Then the Goughlord's laughter stops the same as it did then.

"The bet is, 'Can I blow your face off and kick your ass?'"

Slowly and clearly tell the Goughlord who is looking at us with his true face.

"If you lose, you will be under the control of the winner until one of Norbert's cases is cleared." The order is absolute. "

It is not surprising that the Goughrades are planning to use Ginette, Estella, and the people of the 42nd ward as shields to satisfy their demands.

Crush such a troublesome situation before it even starts.

"I'll remind you, Goughlings." I wonder who Temele is selling fights to. "

A murderous gaze turns toward the Goughlord.

Goughlord's cheeks twitched for a moment. If I didn't understand that, I would instantly return my expression, but it made me stand out.

As usual, you're just a kid with a big mouth.

Gripping your fist, your arms shoulder-width apart, the Goughlord is getting more and more oxygen.

The muscles of the rising gofferblade swell up as you breathe in.

Her stomach and chest muscles were bursting and even her big gofflades seemed to be getting bigger.


A gofflade that exhales the air inhaled until its lungs are bursting with a big, stupid voice.

In the blast, those who were nearby clenched their ears and retreated.

... you idiot. The eardrum hurts.

"Excellent. I'll take that bet."

Eyes that have become more vicious than before are looking down at me.

You think I'm scared of that?

I'm not a pure man to be frightened of a winning match.

"I'll check the terms." It is your face that will strike. If I take it with my arms or run away in shock, I'll start over.

"Who's frightened?"

A sharp, low voice came back.

"Also, it's hard to hit your face since you're a big boy." Please sit down like you did then. "

Last time I made a bet with Goughlord, he was sitting on the counter chair.

When you stand up, it kills the momentum of the attack.

Norma, get me those chairs.

Ask Delia not to beat the Goughlord.

It would be best to ask Norma, who has a reputation for strength and can judge the surrounding situation calmly.

"I'm sorry. Please put it in the proper place and step back."

"... don't just do anything stupid."

Norma, who placed the chair, muttered softly in my ear.

Don't worry.

When he got on the bet, he couldn't do anything anymore.

"Sit down, then. Don't faint and fall out of your chair."

"Hmph! It doesn't work like a punch to a temele." If you can make me raise one of my groans, I'll let Teme win. "

"Oh, is that so?" Lucky you, then. "

"Nnh... heh! Either way, it's the same thing!"

A Goughlord who looked like he was poked into a void because I had accepted him so well.

That was a shame. I don't give a damn what a pride I am like you.

If victory is more certain, I will gladly accept the concessions of the enemy.

"Are you happy to beat me?"

Glad to hear it! It was up to them to slow down. You can call it chaotic.

In light of all the circumstances, the one who wins is the best.

"Well then, I'm going to punch you in the face." If you groan, I win. I don't have two words for a man, do I? "

"... ahhh"

Goughlade's expression got a little steeper.

I can't grasp my intentions, and I'm looking a little vigilant.

Well, not yet. It's too late.

"If you lose the bet, listen to the winner's orders until one of Norbert's cases is finished." So, it's okay, right? "

Oh, I'll crush Temele like a rag.

If you're feeling that way, you'll feel better.

No matter what kind of difficulty you have to face, you can blow it. Your conscience won't be throbbed by a frog from the moment you flinch.

“Everyone here is a witness. As soon as I broke my promise, everyone in this room had the authority to activate the [Spirit Referee]."

What's the matter!?

What are you surprised about?

It's not one-on-one, is it?

I made a declaration in front of everyone.

Whether you're running away from me or hiding, if anyone here finds you, they'll turn you into a frog.

It was a very light ride for such a big bet.

"If you're not confident, I'll let you down ~? If you cry, it's pathetic."


”Or do you just admit you're scared and roll your tail around and run away?”

"Don't trust me, just start punching me!"

After skipping the rage, the Goffrade laughs furiously.

"I can see Temele's guts." That's how you want me to get out of the game, so you can make it look like you have a hidden ball. I hated it. I've never had a life so sweet that I'm scared of Mishita's bluff. Carve it firmly on your head. You shouldn't defy anyone in this city! "

Sure, that's a waste of time.

A gofflade that looks like it has regained some leeway by combining arms.

The smile on my face seems to have calmed me down.

... Bluff, hey.

This is stupid.

Well then, let's get started.

I turn my back on the Godfather and move forward to Imelda.

Come on, just bring me something nice.

I was wondering where I was going to use it, but I didn't know I was going to use it.

Let me borrow it.

"Huh? Ah, here you go. Here you go."

While Imelda is dumbfounded, she removes the noisy murder blunt weapon "Morningstar" from her white hand.


This guy's gonna be a pain in the ass, too.

To be honest, I thought that one-shot KO was a subtle line, but I didn't think it would lower the hurdle from me.

Alright, Goughlord. Don't give me a groan.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! I never heard of such a weapon!"

Why didn't you ask me?

"Don't hit me with the temele punch!?"

What? Did I say a word like that?

"Conversation Record [Conversation Record]"

During the conversation between me and Goffrade, Estella calls up the Conversation Record [Conversation Record].

"Yeah, I just checked, but you didn't say a word like 'Yashiro hits me with his hand'."

I just gave you the condition, "Can I blow your face off and KO it?"

The condition of "whether or not I can KO" was lowered to the condition of "if I let one groan, I will win".

"Whether it's a bare hand or a morning star, one shot is one shot." I'll blow you to hell. "

"Jeez, I'm not kidding!"

A goffrade rises from a chair.

At that moment, the crowd pointed at Goughlord all at once.

Stretch forth your arms, and stand in the position of the Spirit's judgment.

"Na...!? T-Theme...!"

"Curse my morality, Goughlord."

[Conversation Records [Conversation Records]] Estella puts her finger on the Goughdade in one hand.

That's a turnaround.

"Come on, sit down. You're wasting your time, aren't you?" You're already on the bet. "

Shake the Morningstar lightly.

Ugh, heavy!?

I thought my arm was taken away and my shoulder was shed.

"This is vicious..."

"Heh, heh, heh! I can't handle this!"

That's why we don't use it. What choice do we have?

I won't count until I hit my face, so I'm sorry if I fail five or six times.

This is bullshit!

"Well then, you can help me hit it in one shot." Yes, lie down on your back instead of sitting in a chair. That way, even I can crush my face with one shot. "

While saying so, he slammed a vicious spiked iron ball into the ground.

Shut up! There was a heavy sound, and the iron ball fell to the ground.

"Now, Goffrade - let's start betting."

"I got it! I lost, motherfucker!"

Spitting and sweating, the Goughlord bets off.

Now, you can't play games in the 42nd arrondissement.

If anything happens to you, I won't hesitate to turn you into a frog, so be prepared, scoundrel.

A gofflade that sweats a lot and weakens on a chair.

Beckmann, Temae, you're asking him for help.

"Hmm. My eyes are clear."

"...... I'm not complimenting you, idiot."

Beckmann's remark gave a sigh of relief.

It's frustrating to hang around idiots.

Seriously, why is Norbert making such an idiot out of his right arm?

Well, I don't betray 100%.

Your failure to exercise sufficient vigilance while recognizing the dangers of palm trees is the cause of your defeat.

In a sweaty gofflade, Estella offers her a glass of water.

Receive it and gnaw at Estella.

"Absolutely.... I just remembered before and thought I'd hit you with my own hand." Unlike you, it's a mistake. I'm done for. "

He is reflecting with a tired voice.

She swallowed all the water she had received and still murmured regretfully.

Even if it sounded stupid, I should have checked with "punching", damn it.

Normally, you'd be so careful.

But this time I failed to do so.

Of course, because I bothered to bet on the same situation as before.

The world is more prone to traps than the one who thinks' I'm okay '.

The proof is that the Goughlord has a misunderstood regrets.

"Even if you were to ask, 'Do you punch me with your fist?'"


If I talk to you to correct the Goughlord's mistake, evil eyes will stare at me.

You don't understand, do you?

"If you'd asked me, 'Do you punch me with your fist?', I would have definitely said, 'That's right.'"

"Are you still confident that I will win the bet?" With that little punch! Or is it something? That little punch is actually an act, and a serious punch is enough to stun me. What do you mean? "

Look, the arguments are misleading.

I have nothing to do with the strength of my skills in this bet.

I promised to 'punch you with my fist', and in that case I would have put MEDRA as a substitute.

What's the matter!?

Great Monster Medra Rossel.

No, I'm actually a woman from the Okojo tribe, but I guess she's like a big monster.

No matter how tough you are, if you eat the hunting guild leader's special punch, you'll be stunned.

Well, you'll keep your head down to the point where you're not going to die.

MEDRAD is a professional, too.

"It's true. The condition that Yashiro put up was," Can I blow your face off and get a KO? "So it's not clear who will hit you."

"......! Either way, the results are the same!"

In Estella's commentary, Goffrad throws up without hiding his remorse.

"Temae is a demon..." How can you put up such a heavy insurance trap in such a short amount of time? "

I'm not quite as smart as you are.

"Tsk... nh?"

The Goughlord, who turned his back on me, found someone in front of him.

Yo, Asshole. Rumor has it it's gotten pretty round.

Goughlord calls out his name, and the Askant shrugs his shoulders and comes forward.

“Do you see that? Well, that might be happy fat. Thankfully, I've had a lot of fun lately.”

Temele, it's a mouth full of oblivion, isn't it?

How far are you investigating this?

Perhaps it is a prudent character, contrary to appearances.

"What do you say? When this is over, why don't you join me and beat him up?"

"Oh my gosh. The Goughlord I know was a cunning and cautious villain... but I wonder if he fell to the point of mistakenly seeing my [Hihi] 's power differential."


"Because that's right, isn't it?...... I can't believe that if Ari and Bata work together, Bonacon will be the enemy?"

That's overrated, asshole.

Well, I'm not going to lose if you and Goughlord tag together.

Ouch! I don't like this guy anymore!

"That's because you're not the kind of person others like."

Estella says with a cool face.

”Ginette-chan is loved by everyone, no matter who she is”

"That's why it's a weakness for Temae and the others."

"No, that won't happen." Isn't that right, Yashiro? "

Why are you talking to me there?

... if you say what you say, I'll do it myself. I don't want to.

Hah... oh my.

“Goughlings, you're mistaken.”

I can't help it, so I'll tell you.

Either way, the Goughlord won't be able to defy me until this is over.

Moreover, it seems that there is still a foolish idea that "if only Ginette can manage to manipulate Obayashiro and Estella Cleamona".

"If anyone seriously believes that taking Ginette hostage will make me or Estella listen to you, I will feel sympathy from the bottom of my heart."

Everyone's gaze moves towards Ginette.

There, a defenseless, friendly, powerless girl stands with a troubled face.

No matter how you look at it, it's powerless.

Exactly the weak point.


"Draw your attention a little."

Around Ginette, there are a lot of people who care about Ginette, and they stand like they surround Ginette.

”When I tried to harm Ginette, he became [the 42nd enemy]”

Not just me, Estella, Magda, Loretta, and the others who are always with us.

As Estella said, Ginette exhibits her personality regardless of who she is, and as a result, she is loved by everyone.

"If I'm the villain who came to attack the 42nd district from another city, I won't touch Ginette even if I'm wrong." If you weren't stupid enough to step on a dormant beehive and wake up a murdering bee, you wouldn't be able to do it. "

Delia, Norma, and the rest of the 42nd Arrondissement are quietly murderous, as I say yes.

The intimidating air swallowed up that goffred.

It seemed to me that Godfred's throat rang, and I realized that I was frightened by the sound.

"I'm telling you with kindness, don't touch Ginette."

My words would have reached the ears of every human being on the scene, in a pinned air.

Even the Wishato cubs are diving in here.

"... I mean, Estella wants to say it, right?"

"Damn it, you have a lot to say."

Why is that?

If you don't tell me, it's as if I really care about Ginette.

It looks like you're surrounded by a tight cage, desperately protecting it from anyone touching it.

That's not my character.

"Yashiro-san, thank you."

Tell Estella.

I was just told "common sense" that Estella didn't say.

"... Tsk. It's a tough city to do."

Of course.

I don't think you can do what you want in my territory.

I'm the only one who can duck these people, you idiot.

Ah, oniichan's looking like another bad guy.

"... when Yashiro looks at Ano, his mouth barely moves, but the words don't come out"

If you say so, everyone in this room will eat all the tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Shut up, Loretta, Magda, Imelda.

I wonder where Tsukumi is. Truth is, this is.

Well, that's why Ginette said, "I'll help you with anything." Beckmann had to stick a nail in it.

Receive the words literally, and don't think about the unexpected....

"Ginette-san is a very good woman who understands Norbert's mercy and respect, and can honestly express her gratitude for the overwhelming grace of ordinary people like Gizokou. Attacks are subtle. I won't allow such a fellow!"

... oh, he's an idiot, so he seems to be fine.

You're the type who, when praised for the person you like, recognizes you as a fellow by remembering your closeness.

It is easy to handle because there is no chorosaurus.

I really don't know why you're using that as your right arm, Norbert.

Rising from the chair, Goughlord walks out toward Ginette.

Magda and Loretta blocked their path.

"I'll just give him back." It's okay if Temae and the others take care of it. "

Say, give Loretta the cup you got from Estella.

I'll take care of it.

”If I had threatened Teme, not the nipple girl over there, the obbyasilo might not have been serious over there”

Loretta's face was dazzled at the provocation of the Gofflade.

"Please don't say that to the store manager."

Loretta seemed angry at Ginette.

You don't deny it, do you?

“You don't have to do that. Maybe not as much as the store manager, but oniichan would probably protect me too."

Loretta's chest stretches as she builds that trust.

Of course, I'll hang you in seconds if some idiot messes with Loretta.

“Loretta's right.” Uuu, I'm getting hooked, pupupu! "After I point and laugh once, I'll help you properly."

"Why are you laughing once!?" I don't need that!? "

Shut up.

Because you say, "Maybe not as much as the store manager."

"Loretta, I wonder if Yashiro is a bit stingy?"

Huh? Why?

"...... Yashiro will do everything in his power to help Loretta when she's in trouble"

"That's right. Ginette's doing everything she can to make sure it doesn't turn pale, right?"

And, ignore the shaken words completely.


Keep your back to yourself.


"Oniichan... I'm so happy!"

Who confirmed when?

Why are you so happy about him?

I don't know what that means.

"I don't know what kind of guy you are. Why is there such an easy-to-understand man....."

"You don't understand, Goughlord." That's what scares him the most-- "

With the windy tone that Assant knows, he says something he doesn't quite understand.

In fact, even though it doesn't have any deep meaning, do you want to create an air of subtlety with deep words, or does he suffer from Nakanori?

"Ask, is your left arm throbbing?"

I'm not sure, so I'll go through with it.


What's that smile?!

Hey, Harratatti!

Yashiro, get angry!

Well, don't be such a bad plotter.

"I'll advise you that it's for your own good."

"Are the generals of the wooden dwarfs hunting......"

Caught between MEDRAD and Javier, the Goughlord didn't shrink, he just frowned.

Your body is so big that it doesn't look small even if you're caught between those two.

However, I still want you to stop bumping into me from the front.

"This city is no longer at such a level that you can easily crush it ~, Ghoffrade-kun"

"Ugh! Sea fishing!?"

Marsha called out, and the Goughlord took a step back.

Obviously, I'm frightened.

... is something wrong?

"Marsha, do you know Goughlord?"

”Nhhh... I mean, I was trying to make a mistake with my acquaintance, so I think I've scolded her a little bit?”

"Dragging it into the ocean and sinking it into the ocean floor is [a little], you rotten mermaid!"

"Heeeeeee!" You said you'd turn my newcomer into a frog, so I was just trying to drag him into a place where he can't talk. "

No, no, no.

Talking in a place where you can't speak.....

Marsha, you must be really scared to make me angry.

That's a great way to get a Goughlord that's not dead.

"I don't like mermaids anyway." I've been involved with mermaids since I was a kid, and I've grown up listening to them. It seems that the city where I was born was once destroyed by a mermaid. "

Nh ~? So you're from Frosse?


Goughlord shut up.

It must be a pictorial planet.

Marsha, what's Frosse?

“It's a town that was annexed by Baokriere a few decades ago, a generation ago, during the king's reign, and then began to research and develop poisons that had a tremendous impact on the ocean. So many mermaids and marine creatures were sacrificed.”

Speaking of which, Marsha said.

Baochrea and the mermaids don't have a deal. That's because it produces poison that affects the ocean.

The homeland of the Godfather did it.

"I was not born at that time, so I was just talking to you."

Marsha doesn't seem to be a party.

"--If I had been there, I would have just disappeared without a trace of the town."

Blasphemy to the sea is unforgivable.

For a mermaid, it would be difficult to replace anything.

That's why, Goffrade-kun.

Marsha called out to Goughlord in a chilling voice.

If you hit my favorite 42nd arrondissement ― ― I'll be really angry, right?

The sweet voice on my nose was a chill running through my body, inciting extra fear.

It might be more terrifying than MEDRAD's murderous temper... no, MEDRAD's murderous temper is immeasurable instant death magic. I can't compare them.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in the 42nd arrondissement."

The Goughlord recovers his composure and says:

Tell me, look at me.

I'll tell you everything until we get Norbert's bastard.

The smiling face even seems to have been waiting for this situation.

Either way, Goughlord's demands are fulfilled.

It didn't matter if I was up there, or if I was on the goffer, or if he was up there. Well, it would have been easier for me to get the upper hand, but there was also a feeling that I wouldn't care to get the other way.

For him, the best thing to do is to reunite with Norbert.

And before that, I'm going to be a guru with Norbert and do something about it.

... you might be helping me, I guess.

Damn, I don't like it.

"Until I catch the Norbert bastard, I'll talk about him under Temeh." But I don't want you to take your hands off that Norbert bastard. Hey, Beckmann. "

“That's right. Gizokou also promised to" cooperate "."

"I thought I was' doing what I can '?"

“If I'm with Gizokou, it's already synonymous with 'cooperating with everything'.”

When did you and I get so close?

"And Ginette-san said she would cooperate."

...... Tsk.

Don't use it that way.

Because Ginette Security doesn't work unless it's harmless.

It was an anomaly to entangle Ginette in a peaceful, gentlemanly, conscientious appeal.

... it's hard to say no, Ginette's "Yashiro-san..."

"Well, don't hate that." It's a story that has benefits for them too. "

A blatant scoundrel's goflage.

In contrast, somewhere I was passing and I said, "Is this guy okay? Beckmann became a villain who became anxious.

This combination is hard to match.

It's finally clear to me now.

Beckmann - This is the type of person who is said to be "yes" without knowing that he has been dealing with them for a long time.

Compared to the Goughlord, he's a good man and looks like a good guy.

This type of human request is easy to gather opinions about, "I'm pathetic, so I'll ask you."

Not to mention, the 42nd arrondissement, which has only friendly people, would be extremely effective.

The same effect can be expected for combinations with Norbert, not Goughlords.

Beckmann, who seems easy to use and doesn't seem to have enough head to betray, might be wary.

With all due caution, Norbert was well into the hearts of others.

* giggle *, don't let the villain's thoughts get in the way.

So, what are our benefits?

At this time, I will listen to the digging of roots and leaves, and expose their guts.

I don't want to get along, but if the interests match, we'll be able to fight together.

"It should be a great benefit." After all, the purpose is one and the same. "

There is a lewd smile on his face that says the Godfred knows everything.

And then I said something ridiculous.

I'll help you crush the Wishat of the 30th Lord District.

... is that what they think we're doing?