Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

Episode 358, what are you grabbing?

Welcome back, Yashiro-san!

Welcome back, Yashiro-san!

I was greeted by two very sparkling eyes.

Needless to say, Ginette and - Bertina.


Marsha's calm. "Ahh, welcome back."

When it comes to the new cuisine of sea fish, the two of us don't have the same appetite.

"Ehhh, the fish--"

It's a three-piece fence.

Wow, you're ready.

Yes, I remember it because it was thinly cut from the fence at the time of hand rolled sushi.

Ginette, you are a greedy woman for cooking.

What kind of--

"I had a lot of fun with all kinds of tools when I had hand rolled sushi, so I prepared a lot of them."

and the fish used during the hand rolled sushi are lined up.

No, don't take it, take it.

I'll do it in the kitchen. Because I don't hold it in front of customers.... no, I'll hold it in front of the customer.

"Ah, yes, the wasabi--"

"It's grated!" At the same time, I also prepared Galileo! "

Hmm, I'm a little scared of Ginette's momentum...

"...... Yashiro"

Magda came to my back and muttered a sledgehammer as she was being pressured by the impending ginette.

"... the store manager is careful because if he mistakes the treatment, he will run away."

Yeah, I'm sorry. I still don't know how to hold the key.

I think I've run out on Ginette a little bit.

Where's Natalia?

I had work to do, so I left my luggage and went somewhere soon after.

Natalia wasn't there, so I asked, and Loretta told me.

I wonder if he's going to go east and west to prepare for tomorrow, today.

I wanted Natalia to escort me to the Wishato's secret passageway, but it could be difficult.

If so, how much can I rely on this guy?

"Hey, Magda, I need you to hang out with me for a while."

"... with the permission of the store manager"

It's a bit of a dangerous mission.

"... then Magda should follow me, even if nothing happens." Yashiro, Magda will protect you. "

It's helpful. Well, I want you to follow me to Magda so I don't endanger you.

A key exchange mission for hidden passages and loopholes leading to the Wishato Mansion.

Avoid places where people seem to be. If I'm not there, I'll sneak in the key.

For this reason, I want Magda to relentlessly use her ability to find enemies and avoid them.

"... I'll leave that to you." Magda's ears, nose, and cute angel smile will help you spot enemies. "

"I'm counting on you." I don't know how to find enemies with Angel Smile. "

"...... I'll do this......."

Guhaha! Angel Smile's Magda Tan, really angelic!

"... like this"

Was that the enemy?

The moment Magda slightly lifted the corner of her mouth, Wumaro fell and entered the pavilion.

What an exquisite timing.

Well, you didn't do all the work on the harbor. I'm not fooling around.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Yashiro." This is the latest version of Wishato's museum floor plan.

Wumaro, lying on the floor, took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to him.

"The latest version of the floor plan... what's wrong with this?"

"Just now, Rebecca came to Oila and gave me some information." Since then, it looks like you've been wandering around the Wishato house and checking out the "strange place" where you can hear people footsteps. "

Rebecca, did you even do that?

"It sounded like I was happy." Mr. Yashiro relied on me. So, "I'm the only one who can make Wishat's museum naked", it seems like it's over. "

I see.

Certainly, Rebecca's ears can hear footsteps walking underground.

But I did something dangerous. If you're suspicious, even a soldier could turn you in.

"So, after seeing some of the identified ways out, I added the prediction way out to the" If there's no way out here, then it's an unnatural way out, right? "This is the floor plan."

Rebecca's research and Womaro's knowledge almost covered the way out of Wishato's museum.

A passage extending from the building in all directions and in sixteen directions.

Womaro's prediction is probably a good one. If you look at the floor plan, you can see that it is a perfectly proportioned design.

I felt like I was being shown a blueprint for the fortress.

That's why it's a little frivolous.

Wishato is the one who pushes the back of the assumption that this is perfect.

You shouldn't feel like you have one more plus, a way out that no one knows about.

And one of them has become the most important passage. I feel that way.

There was a rationale.

Everything in this floor plan is connected to the outside of the museum.

There is no way out that leads to the 11th arrondissement by diving through the "BU" surveillance.

A man as cautious as Wishato would set up such an important aisle in a "place out of his sight" other than the museum.

If you want to change the way I say it.

I wonder if that coward Wishat can live in peace, away from such an important passageway.

It's an important way out that could ruin us if we find it.

The entrance is definitely hidden inside the building.

You shouldn't think so.

Well, let me use it as a reference.

Yes, but I'd appreciate it if you could give me half of your predictions.

"It's not half, is it? You also searched around the building to find an exit point, didn't you?"

Outside the building, Wishato is investigating the building that seems to be the exit for the way out.

Evidence that the Womaros were investigating separately from Rebecca.

"Originally, Oila and the others were inspired to join the union by kicking Wishato's invitation." I have to do this... "

"Well, Wishat's tenacious character has never started before." Don't worry about it. It hurts more for us to look like nobles and not be able to work freely. "

"Yahaha... if you can say that to Yashiro-san, I'll be relieved."

Even if it hadn't been with Tolbeck, it would have been with Wishato.

His way of thinking is basically invasive.

Well then, let's stop talking about Oila-

Womaro stands up and points behind me with a bitter smile.

"--The store manager and Sister can't wait, so let's take care of them."


I felt a lot of pressure along the way.

I'm not gonna break your hips, either of you.

But there's a limit to your patience.

Well then, let's try it, nigiri sushi.


I'd love to!

"I want to do it" and "I want to eat it" flew at the same time.

Mother and daughter of a similar person.

"Loretta, Campanula, Teresa. Can you help me?"


“What should I do?”


"Loretta asked me to change the layout of the floor. Campanula and Teresa are customers. Please explain the situation to the upcoming guests."

Describe the situation, are you sure?

"Ah. The atmosphere of the usual Yangtze Pavilion will change, so the explanation--"

And most importantly.

“We can't have nigiri sushi in the shop yet, so please direct us to order the traditional menu well. Sushi nigiri will be eaten at the port construction completion event, so please be careful - on the production day, you will be induced to eat janjin and drop jaraja money... no, please advertise it."

"I see, it's a serious responsibility." I'll try to take care of it. "



And when I said I would ask for a pavilion of sunshine, I also gave a job to Delia, who had stayed here properly.

"Keep Bertina down until you have some sushi."

"Yeah... it's heavy."

It is an appeal to a very unusual task that Delia has shown us that she can rely on.

It's hard work, isn't it?

It's all right, Delia-san.

Say it, Ginette tells Bertina.

"If you don't make a good boy, you won't need sushi."

"Yes, I'm a good boy."

Mother and daughter smile at each other.

... no, you guys are gonna be pretty rambunctious when it comes to your favorite things, right? Although I may not be aware of it.

"Yashiro. Hurry up, will you?"

Delia stands directly behind Bertina and says anxiously.

Delia also seems to understand the rampage of these similar mothers and daughters.

Needless to say, Bertina, Ginette is making a lot of things with her legs and her beef cutlets.

Well then, let's go to the temporary opening of the [Ogikubo Yangdaiki Pavilion].

Declare in front of an extended counter seat with a side-by-side table attached.

Well, it's low enough to call it a counter.

To make me feel better, I tried twisting the bowl.

"Hey, hey! What's so easy to grip!?"

He clapped his hands and spoke mightily.

"This is the basic greeting."

Everything comes in shape.

This is important.

Therefore, I asked Ginette to say hello to the twisted bowl.

"Yes, welcome. What will you hold?"

"Chaaaaaa! Be more assertive! Hey, hey, hey!"

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

What a grip!

What, nigiri, yoyo?

Something's pinching me!

"What, scissors, geez!"

Wahah ~

"Shopkeeper." Yashiro-kun is putting me on it ~

"Huh? Hah! Yashiro-san, please repent!"

I don't think so.

My face has become loose.

If you can penetrate the poker face here, you will enter the store and ask, "What's the matter with you?" "Even though a sushi burst may have been born to greet me... Yashiro, I can't remember for the rest of my life!

"Oniichan, I'm sorry, but if you don't hurry, Delia-san will trigger it."

Delia was deployed to contain Bertina.

If Bertina's patience exceeds her limit, Delia will have to hold her back.

That's dangerous. All right, let's get this over with.

Well then, let's start with the basic method of pinching ─ ─

Please tell me how to grip it!

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I'll be serious. Don't get angry.

"First of all, I'll show you an example, so please take a look at the sequence."


Ginette stares at my touch with a serious gaze.

The rest of you are watching my hand with a stick of saliva.

I washed my hands thoroughly.

Loretta and Magda did what I told them to do.

Well then, let's start with the lean tuna.

Cut the fenced lean meat and prepare the spatula.

Yeah, that's good lean.

Soak the right middle and index fingers in water stretched out from the bucket and wet the left palm.

Place the spatula on the palm of your hand with two fingers. I don't touch the stickiness so that the temperature doesn't transfer and the freshness doesn't drop. From here on, finish all the steps quickly.

Place the wasabi on the spatula and place a sharp object that feels less than a ping-pong ball on it.

With two fingers, press the shari, flatten it, and make a "bottom".

I lightly held down the front and back of the shari and quickly turned the heavens and earth upside down.

Grasp it once from the top of the spatula, and then invert it from left to right so as to pinch the shrimp, hold it down again, and place it on a flat plate.

"Even if it is nigiri sushi, it does not hold firmly like a rice balls." Ideally, even if you hold it with chopsticks, it doesn't break, and even if you turn it upside down, it doesn't come off, and it feels so united that you can fluffily dissolve it the moment you put it in your mouth. "

Then, offer the tuna nigiri sushi to Ginette.

"Eat it."

"Well then, thank you..."

Ginette holds sushi with chopsticks.

The sushi floats into the air, keeping its shape firm, and goes to the soy sauce on a small plate.

"Ginette, soy sauce isn't sharp, but it's delicious to put on a spatula."

Is that so?

Ginette that inverts the wrist.

The spatula and the shari are firmly attached to each other.

Lightly soy sauce the tuna and the sushi disappears into Ginette's mouth.


At that moment, Ginette's eyes were wide open, and she held her mouth with her hand and said, "Yee-haw!" and uttered a mysterious word.

I see, I see. Was it delicious?

"Yashiro-san, this is amazing!" It was supposed to have a solid presence, but it melted away the moment I put it in my mouth! However, it still has a good taste, and the fluffy and light shrimp, the firm and powerful taste of sea fish, and the spicy and pungent flavor of wasabi combine to make it soak in your mouth, it's already soaked in grandeur! "

Somehow, it was a lot of momentum.

"It's strange... each of the ingredients must have eaten before, but it's such a shocking flavor."

“That's the technology. I'll let you do it before Ginette...... but try to make a womaro."

"Eh, Oilasu!?"

"...... muuu"

"The store manager is swollen!"

"Well, Ginette, this is an experience." Because if you taste it, it will be a reference when you make it. "

Praise the swell ginette and let Wumaro grasp the sushi by imitating the spectacle.

I'm the only one who cut the story.

Wumaro touched the sticky sushi to clean the shape, and spent plenty of time completing the nigiri sushi.

Ginette brings it to her mouth.

"... what?"

It seems that a different impact attacked Ginette.

“It's strange, why is there so much difference in taste when the ingredients are the same and the recipes are the same?”

Is it that different?


Asked by Loretta, Ginette said in her head: "? 'with a face that was full of emotions.

"The shari is not hard, but it remains in my mouth forever and I have a bad mouthfeel. The story is somehow strangely raw, and the deliciousness of the corners is impaired.”

"Ugh... I-I 'm sorry to bother you..."

"Ah!? No, I'm sorry! I'm not blaming Womaro, I'm wondering why... I think this would be enough if it was the first time that Womaro didn't cook!"

He was quite honest, so he seemed to have been poked by Wumalo's gestures.

It was a very different response to Campanula's rice balls.

Is the taste so different?

"Yes... er, I think Yashiro-san's sushi is too delicious."


A shabby womaro.

But Womaro's failure was necessary.

"The deliciousness of the spaghetti and shari is promised."

Marsha's fish and Ginette's shari are both first-class.

"In that case, it is technology that greatly influences the taste. However, there are countless places to watch out for this guy, so if you explain each one with your mouth, the sun will set... or there's so much that you can't explain it with your mouth."

It's hard to say "watch out here" in advance for technology.

Because the more the hole opens, the more you look at it, the more you actually try it, and the more you notice it in it.

"In other words, no matter how much you say Ginette, if you hit it in production, you could make a mistake like Womaro."

"... I mean, it's possible that the food the store manager cooks isn't delicious?"

"That's a big deal!?" The manager's impression of eating the dish is that I'm an "imaichi" or something like that! "

"No, um, this is the first time I've failed, and it's not that perfect..."

"No, I don't like Oila either!" Because the manager's dishes always clear my mind. If there's anything you can gain from Oila's failure, you can mass produce as much bad sushi as you want! "

"Well said, Wumaro! Well then, let's let the others compare the sushi. Meanwhile, Ginette, take a closer look at what's different between me and Womaro, and try to grab some if you catch anything. And when you're satisfied, I'll lift the ban on letting people out."

Yes, I'll do my best!

That's right.

This is just selfishness, more to the point.....

I don't want Ginette to make bad rice.

I don't mind if I eat it, though.....

If someone eats something made by Ginette and makes a subtle face, I might blow him up.

This is also my selfishness.

I want Ginette's rice to be delicious at all times.

Whether it's Estella or Ginette, I don't want her career to be dirty.

If I can avoid it, I want it to be avoided.

It's just my selfishness.

"Nh!? This is a bit outrageous!"

"... delicious"

"It's very delicious, but I'm sad that it will soon disappear. But it's a delicious and happy food that will always remain in your mouth.”

Loretta, Magda, and Bertina, who ate my sushi, loosen their cheeks happily.

"And this is the sushi that Oila gripped!"

"... it's warm and smelly. The sharpness is loose and shabby..."

Wumaro said earlier that the shari is hard. It seemed to be too slow this time.

"Why is it getting raw and stinky?"

"I've been putting it on my hands for a long time. The temperature of my hands warms up the spathes, and the odor is noticeable."

"That's right, what is it?" But I can't do it like Yashiro-san..... "

"Wasabi can help eliminate the odor."

"Well then, let's put in plenty of wasabi... please wait!"

Well then, let's have it!

Loretta threw a large amount of wasabi into her mouth and showed me an interesting reaction that matched her expectations.

"Ohhh!?" What!? No, it hurts! It hurts to breathe!? "

If you eat a lot of wasabi, you'll have trouble breathing.

If you eat mayonnaise, the wasabi will say, "Tune! It seems that the spiciness will be relieved, but it's interesting, so let's keep looking.

"Are you going to crawl!?"

"No, I thought I'd get rid of the smell."

"I couldn't afford to feel the smell!"

"Well then, let's see if we can make it!" You did it! "

"It's not a success!" I love seeing your tearful eyes! I've been turning my back on you for a long time, but once I turn around and look at my face! "


The sushi restaurant has a real buzz.

It's fine because it's not a sushi restaurant.

"... hmm. Looking at this terrible tragedy, it looks like even the manager is having a difficult time cooking."

"Well... I'm glad you didn't have to go through such a terrible time with the dish made by the manager."

"... Womaro, Nice Sacrifice"

Wumaro-san, Nice failed!

"I don't want to be praised at all, but I'm glad it helps."

Ginette has been staring at me for a while.

Well, Marsha has completely abandoned the mastery of nigiri sushi.

After what happened to Womaro.

I might sneak up on you later.

Now, go home and remember the taste of a good example.

"Hey, Marsha. Is Delia getting rid of the wasabi?"

”Wasabi... I wonder if I can get you to pull it out”

"Hey, Campanula and Teresa are not rusty either."

Rust removal, is that wasabi removal?

"Oh, the flavor is slightly eroded, but the taste doesn't go down that far. You should be able to eat it better than eating it without having to eat the hard stuff."

I don't think I can get rid of rust.

It would be good for a kid to get rid of rust.

Well then, I'd like a 'rust removal', please.


What, do you like the word "rust removal"?

I don't know where you're going to bite, kid.

Yashiro-kun, amazing, all the goodness of adelicious fish is out there

"Yeah! This is a delicious palm tree!" This time, I want to try wasabi. "

"It's very delicious, Ya-kun"

"Oh noo! Yu sha, sha sha sha!"

Sushi womaro is handed out before everyone is happy.

”Nh... it's not bad, but... the fish is' delicious'”


"That's right, I feel a little out of balance. It's a very delicate dish, isn't it? I can't believe the taste changes so much with just a small difference."

"But, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, a You've done your best, Kikunin-chan, eek, right?"

"Ugh, everyone's kindness is getting on your nerves!"

Delia didn't see any shards of kindness.

Speaking of which, did Sister eat it?

Yes, I got it.

How was it?

"It was very delicious."

"...... the Sister is delicious with anything in her mouth"

"It's not like that..." The ingredients are good, so it was delicious even if it failed a little. Compared to Yashiro-san, is it somewhat inferior? "

Nh, then it's the eel I gripped

“Excellent! You may not have had such a delicious fish in your life!”

"Ahh... this difference is real, huh?"

"Sister, there's a big difference between 'delicious' and 'very delicious'. Cheer up, Wumaro-san."

Somehow, even though they said it, Wumaro gripped everyone's sushi properly.

Well, you've helped me so much, I guess I'll need a reward.

Mental shame, huh?

"It's okay. Of course, it's worse than Yashiro's food." Besides, I had a lot of fun. "

Nh, thanks for your help, it's a special gift from me


Bertina and Loretta set out to push Womaro away.

"Oh, this is amazing!" It looks gorgeous, and it's gorgeous to look at! ”

"It's a style worthy of the name of special." I would definitely like to take it. Is there anything I can help you with!? "

Relax, Bertina.

I'll feed you properly.

I had enough to teach Ginette.

"Although I understand how much, it would be a little tough to be told a lot." Eat this to calm your mind. "

"That's it, that's all. That's enough!"

"... listening to Magda's selfishness, Womaro was sacrificed." Magda thinks that kindness is amazing. "

"Mm, what do you say to Magda Tan!?" Oila, you're going to rise to the heavens with such excitement! "

"Then, stay in a high-rise condominium that will continue to the sky as it rises." We don't need scaffolding, and expenses float. "

"No, a metaphor!?" So you're looking for such a high-rise apartment, Yashiro-san!? I'm scared! For the future, I'll share the information with all the carpenters! "

No, when I made Tawa Man, I thought maybe the nobility would stack up some money and buy me a room on a higher level like an idiot.

Well, that's a lot of chase, man.

Well then, let's give it to you!

Wumaro puts his hand on the special sushi.

Whoa, grabbing my hand, that's the way it works, right?

"That's a chic way to eat."

That's right, what's wrong with you?

"In ancient times, it was the rule in my hometown to eat with a hand grabbing."

Well then, Oila will continue to eat with her hands

"... then, Magda with her mouth"

”Eating with your hands, that's not what you mean, Magda!?”

Ginette is silently moving her fingertips in spite of all the fuss.

It seems that she will try to hold on to it after having repeated image training over and over again.

I'll try it once.

Say it with a nervous expression and take a deep breath.

"First, water the palm of your hand..."

And after I've taught you, I'll hold the sushi as I've observed it all my life.

Spatula is a lean tuna.

"Flip it over here - it's done."

This was the first time that Ginette's first nigiri sushi was completed.

Appearance passes.

The amount of shrimp and the position of the story were perfect.

Well then, Mr. Yashiro. I'd like a tasting, please. "


Ah, after all, I'll try to eat it myself first--

"It's too late."

Ginette's sushi is thrown into my mouth with the gap between my ginette.


"... oh, what do you think?"


”............ I'm throbbing”



It's delicious!

Affirmatively, there was a cheer inside the floor.

The tense air was relieved and a breath of relief leaked from everyone.

"That's right, Ginette."

"That's not true... because Yashiro-san showed it to me politely over and over again."

No, it's really good.

It's hard to say that it's full, but with this skill, I can get a store out in Japan.

Even if the price is appropriate and a little expensive, it is enough to attract customers.

A rotating sushi that prides itself on its cheapness will not crumble even next to it.

Well then, before you forget what you're feeling, why don't you try grasping the various types?

“No, before I do that, I'd like you to eat it once.”

Yes! I'll eat!

Delia, let me sit Bertina down.

It's all right, Sister. You're not well-behaved.

Delia preaches manners to Bertina.

Somehow, it was a very unusual sight, just now.

“It's delicious, Ginette. You're a wonderful daughter.”

"... this is exquisite and delicious".

"It's a first-class flavor that doesn't pull a clue from oniichan!" If you want to make a difference, oniichan's sushi has a sharpened delicacy, and the manager's sushi has an enveloping kindness on the other side of the flavor! "

"Shopkeeper, this is delicious! It's like a palm tree."

"It's very delicious, Sister Ginette."

"Oooh, oooh, oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"

Yeah. The fish are happy on the shari.

"Ugh! As expected of the store manager." This is the first time I've had this flavor, I'm afraid. "

Everyone spoke of Ginette's sushi, and Ginette's nervousness finally came to an end.

And eat your own sushi.

"... not yet. It's not far from Yashiro-san's sushi."

“Let's practice, Ginette! And let's taste it!”

Bertina ate a lot.

Well, you'll have to master it before the event, so hold on to it.

Um, Ya-kun. You don't give it to the customer to hold a lot?

It seems that Campanula thought that if she wanted to grab a lot of it, she could let her guests eat it too.....

"Well then, I guess you'll have less fun on the day of the event." Give your customers only information to inflate their expectations. Doing so will make the day of the event exciting. ”

"I see. It's not good to rush things." It's been a lot of study. ”

Don't let him absorb knowledge from anywhere.

I'm looking forward to the future.

"Um, Mr. Yashiro. Can you teach me how to grip other stories as well?"

Oh, I'll teach you a little trick as well.


As a result, Ginette's sushi training began.

"Welcome, welcome to the Yangzhi Pavilion"

”I'm cumming! Hiramaaaaaaaaa!”

Campanula and Teresa welcome new customers.

“Teresa, I hope you're feeling well, but if you calm down a little bit and try to pronounce one word, one sound, I think it will be more of a word for the other person.”


Well, let's say it again.

"Welcome, well, let's go!"

“Yes, be slow, polite, and take time to talk to the other person.”

”Yoooooo, Hirama... sunflower... sunflower!”

I don't have time for that.

"Ufufu. You're cute, Hima Hiama Pavilion."

“Stop it, I can't see the benefit.”

Listening to Teresa's mistake, Ginette giggles.

I was nervous about the momentum of wrinkling between my eyebrows, so it would be just right to understand that.

Nice, Teresa.

“Ginette, the sushi I just grabbed is the best I've ever had.”

"Really? Well, I guess you still have to cook as much fun as usual." I will use it as a reference. "

That's fine with Ginette.

The rigour of training under a stubborn grandfather is not for him.

Whoever eats smiles. That's right, Ginette's cooking.

"It's important to practice, whether it's crabbing or telegraphing, but you can't keep your customers standing up all the time."

"Wow, that's right. I'm so sorry.”

"I'm sorry, ah, I'm sorry."

"Ah, okay, okay." You don't have to worry about it. "

"If it wasn't for the carpenter, it would have been very rude."

"" "Hehehe, Loretta! That perception is mostly rude! Well, Loretta-chan is cute, so I'll forgive her!" "

The carpenters who suited their breath so badly today.

"It's Wumaro's body."

"No, it's from a carpenter at Kawaya Works, and although it's a friend of mine, it's quite far away."

Wow, Mr. Tolbeck is making such a big wall!


I'll tell the building master!

No, I don't mind Omar being a fool anymore, but let's see.

"" Eheheh, Mr. Tolbeck and I are already friends ~ ""

"Hey, to be a carpenter, you have to pass the 'disgusting test' rule, right?"

Why would any carpenter grow up in the same way?

Well then, I'll show you to your seats.

"Oesechi, what are you doing?!"... uuuu... ouchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! "

Teresa is not used to talking, or she thinks too much when she talks, or she is not purely muscle building around her mouth, or she hasn't talked well yet. In other words, I even feel like it's gotten worse since I started practicing.

"Kid words" are as easy as you want, but if you try to master proper language like Campanula, even children around you will struggle.

You're overwhelmed with high hurdles all at once. I'll make it harder for you.

"Teresa is still cute enough, so you don't have to practice talking too hard."

"That's right." Rather, my tongue is cute! "

I want you to stay that way for the rest of your life!

”Mhh! Ahhh, I can chat properly, noooo!”

"" Mhaha! It's cute! ""


"Oila, out of jurisdiction."

Wumaro decided to hide his responsibility as the representative of the Carpenter's Federation.

I'm scared that if he takes power, the organization will be corrupted.

"By the way, Mr. Tolbeck, is that it?" It looks so delicious! "

"This is still a non-buying lesson."

"Ehhh!? Are you kidding me?!"

"We want that too!"

"I'm sorry." Currently, our manager is in training, and we are not yet able to offer it to our customers. ”

Campanula turns to the carpenters.

"When the construction of the port was completed, we heard that a large-scale event to commemorate the completion would be held. On that sunny day, we can offer you the best nigiri sushi that our manager can confidently recommend. We hope you enjoy the day.”

"Nh...... when Campanula-chan tells me, I can't defy you, but let's go......"

You want to try it, right?

"Ah, just one... can't it be done?" Hey, Yashiro-san. "

The carpenters turn their hot eyes to me.

Why me? Turn your attention to Ginette, the store manager.

"They're listening to Yashiro-san's sweet stories, and they're thinking of enveloping them."

"Where's that misinformation coming from?"

"It's not a mistake, right?" Because it's kind to Estella-san and Lucia-san, and it's sweet to the children. "

"So, where are you sending this stupid information?"

"--But they don't understand at all."... that Yashiro-san is not at all sweet to men, especially to Osan! "

It's like I'm obsessed with my gender and age.

Being nice to a beauty with big tits makes me feel relatively equal.

It seeks to exploit everyone on an equal footing.... fufufufu.

"Well, if they work in the 42nd arrondissement as well, they will eventually stare at themselves."...... Yashiro-san's relentlessness. "

"It's like you're staring at me, isn't it?" Hmm? Start building high-rise apartments? at this busy time. "

You will suffer because of your own weaknesses that cannot be called "NO"!

Of course, if you say "NO", you'll get a terrible look like you regret what you said!

"Anyway, I can't eat the sushi yet"

Yeah ~!!

The three carpenters shake their plump bodies.

Stop it, it's hot. It's hot in my eyes.

"It can't be helped..."

And when I muttered, the carpenters' faces glowed at once.

"Unlike sushi, I'll give you something special."

While saying so, I summoned Campanula. Teresa is coming with me.

When you take the two of them back to the kitchen, you crouch down and have a strategy meeting to match their eyes.

"Campanula, that was a good explanation. Now they can't help but want to eat sushi. They will definitely eat sushi at the port completion event.”

But Ya-kun is going to do sushi after this, right?

“No, it's not sushi, but it feels like sushi.”

"What the hell is that...?"

When making sushi, the fish is judged to have a rectangular shape called a "fence".

If you cut it thinly, it will become a spoiler, but naturally, the fish's body is not rectangular.

To create a rectangular fence, many parts of the fence are cut out.

Make delicious delicacies easily and conveniently using the cut parts.

"--Name is Rose Chirashi"

"Rosy, is that it?" I have a feeling that it looks delicious. "

"I'll feed you later." Teresa, take a closer look at how Campanula talks and steal a lot of technology. ”

Yes. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,

"I wonder if I can lead by example..."

"What, you're okay." I'll give you a little trick. "

And I'll teach Campanula the trick.

"People are vulnerable to falls."

If you sell 100 yen rice balls, I feel that people are cheap.

However, when I found out that the original price was 500 yen, I said, "It's very cheap! It feels like."

In other words, even if it was originally 100 yen, you can easily create a sense of value by affixing a price tag of 500 yen first, erasing 500 yen with a double line, and affixing a price tag of 100 yen from the top.

"In addition, if you add the word 'special', the satisfaction of the opponent will rise sharply."

Everyone wants to make a profit.

I'm doing something different today.

Something special is going to happen only today because of that influence.

How lucky I am to have encountered it!

Eh, is the price a bit high? I don't care, it's a special day, so it's a big one!... that's what I'm talking about.

"I see. I see." I'll try. "

"By the way, I haven't set a price for the roses yet." Do you think Campanula will decide? "

Are you sure?

I'll tell Ginette later.

“So how much is the cost?”

After a little consultation, the real price of the rose and the [first price] were decided.

Process the scraps of surplus fish to make a sprinkle.

Chop the seaweed into the kinshi eggs and ride the blue dishes to make them look gorgeous.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

I haven't received my order yet.

However, it is a sales talk with the actual product because of the desire to make sure to sell it and show it.

“This dish is called 'Rose Chirashi', which is made with the same ingredients as the nigiri sushi that we can't offer yet. This is a special dish that hasn't been served anywhere yet, but it is now possible to offer a special dish thanks to Ya-kun's generosity. Although it is a different dish from nigiri sushi, it is a specialty that allows you to taste a different sense of well-being from nigiri sushi. There are many kinds of fresh sea fish, so I use them in such large quantities, so if I were to sell them... well, 250Rb would be lightly exceeded..."

250Rb is 2500 yen.

[]/(adj-na, n)

"However, I would definitely like you to have it. I have negotiated with Ya-kun and will only offer it today for 50Rb!"

I bought it!

Me too!

"Please give me another one!"

Eat in.

A lot.

It's a burst of fishing.

”Campanula-chan... you've already completely dyed in the color of Yashiro-san...”

Wumaro's rudely distant eyes will need more severe punishment later.

”This dish, um, I definitely need to know how to make it... ah, but I also need to practice nigiri sushi... ahh, I wish I had two bodies!”

Then your boobs are twice as big and your happiness is twice as big.

Yashiro-san, I've got a little rose here too.

You're eating a lot of nigiri sushi, but you're still eating it, Bertina.

Oh, that was a stupid question.

You're still eating, Bertina.

In this way, today is the day to sell the rose shavings in the surplus fish part while showing the nigiri sushi.

Sushi rice was made in large quantities by Ginette, and Loretta could also cut and serve fish. If Delia and Marsha can help us, we can count them.

Even if I open the store, I can still open enough today.

"Whoa!? What is this!? You're doing something fun!"

Estella came in and complained about the key, but you don't have time for sushi, do you?

Let's get to our next mission.

Don't knead it!

Come on, swollen lord.