Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

89 Investigations

I spark the crowd and see the misery inside.


Early in the morning, there was a commotion and me and Lamina jumped out of the inn.

At that time I realized that Gurus had already escaped, and I got to this point with a bad feeling.

The body that was there belonged to him.

I heard about the passage from Lamina on the road, and I could figure out how this happened to him.

"He was a man who didn't care as far as we were concerned... but he just poorly spent time with me and I feel complicated"

"... right. But... I don't think he ever died."

It was a terrible way to die.

It's so broken that I don't know who it would be without my clothes anymore.

Grow up... you must have been able to live normal.

"Mmm? Isn't that Zion over there?

Ahead of Lamina's point was Zion looking at the other two bodies that were on the spot.

Get your hips down by the two of you and don't try to move.

"Where have you been, Zion"

"I was drinking in a liquor store until morning. Don't worry, you're not drunk."

"Hey, did you know these guys?

Zion did not answer immediately.

"... Come on, I don't know... I guess I was even there. We had a drink together last night. I like it, they were good... wish I had followed them."

The tone is quiet.

The voice was mixed with guilt.

I guess this guy had something to think about, too.

"Hey, Setsu."


"... I'll find the killer. My tummy bug is stuck like this... so why don't you wait for me to leave?

"I don't mind that... but I can't help you now, can I?

Because there's no magic in it, I don't think I can even do my exploration properly.

If you can only use your legs to find them, you'll find them soon.

"You're good, I've got something to do. Lamina, can you help me?

"... fine. I don't care what kind of impotence you have alone."

"That's my buddy."

"Who's your partner? I'll kill you."

Nihil grinning Zion takes Lamina outside the crowd.

As a buddy, I guess we should go after the rest - - -.

"Let's just do what we want. What you do always changes something. We're counting on that."

I tried to follow the rest, but I accidentally stopped my leg.

They don't look like them anymore.

"What do you expect?"

If they say so much, I'll have to respond.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Uh... the shopping is about one onion and... potatoes"


That, why am I shopping here...

Mira did take me for reasons like "because I seem free," and when I realized it, I was in the market.

"Here! Mr. Setsu, hold it properly!

"Yes, yes..."

Lower the bag with a lot of ingredients into your hands and follow Mira.

The market in this city is quite large.

As I learned later, it seems that this city is just close to the center of the human continent, with considerable supplies in circulation.

In other words, there are quite a few gatherings of people.

Murder in a city like that... normally, I think we'll get caught soon.

"Ha... it's always hard. I used to go back and forth every week when Setsu wasn't around."

"That's tough, isn't that the end of the day?

"That's right. Yo! But it's fun to help your mothers..."

The dames with such good children are so happy.

If I can have kids in the future, I'd rather have one like this.

... it worries me when I look at the women around me.

"It's the last store, so go home!

"Yes, yes..."

They pulled my hand with my luggage, and we ran down the road to the inn.

◆ ◆ ◆

"I'm home!

"Welcome back. I'm sorry Setsu let you hang out with me too... I don't know what to say thank you, but I'll make dinner extravagant"

"It's nothing. It was fun."

Hand over the package and have the general pick it up.

"Oh, that's heavy..."

"Oh, not quite."

"Take something like this lightly...... Mr. Setsu is a well-known adventurer?

"No, I'm an adventurer, but I'm not selling my name. Don't worry too much."

I'll take the package I gave the general and take it to the kitchen.

"Where do I put it?

"Thank you so much from what… then it would be helpful to have it around"

Place the ingredients where you are told and wave your arms.

Looking over the kitchen, I can see that there are quite a few things with the year in and they are used dearly.

I chose a good place to stay.

"Oh, they took on the customer help...... thank you"

"Nothing. It's true I was free."

My father in apron shows up and divides the ingredients accurately.

This person's food is delicious and loving.

I mean, this family is really good people.

Besides, the fact that the three of us are able to cut up this size inn can also be asked how handy these people are.

Mira didn't have lags shopping for that age either.

"That would be really awesome. You were right to choose this inn."

"I'm so glad you said that."

"If there's anything else I can do to help. I won't be staying long, but I'll take care of it for a while."

"Thank you, I'd love to"

With your father's happy smile on his back, I go back to my room.

Inside there's one stupid god who's belly-up and sleeping...

"You apprentice these innkeepers!

"Stay! What the hell!?"

Beat his belly with a bethin and wake him up.

It didn't make any sense to wake you up, but something annoyed you, it feels good for now.

"You're not sleeping sloppily. Hide your belly."

"What? Did you even have a crush on my belly?

"Who gets excited about the child's belly? I didn't say anything stupid, so just go to sleep in your stomach."

"Hmm... you really look like a mother..."

Oh, no. Does God catch a cold?

Well, look, if you lose your sloppiness.

I went into the other bed and sank my consciousness for the night.

◆ ◆ ◆

Nothing in particular. The next day.

Looks like they found the body again, but what are the Zions up to?

If those guys can't solve it in a day, this is going to have some serious nasty enemies.

When Straw asks about the likelihood of the Sacred Sword, it seems likely in itself.

They just don't seem to feel any signs, and they can't have certainty.

"Nothing, I don't need to get that much sleep... and I'll look into it during the day or so..."

"That being said, it's only a matter of time before you detect..."

Me and Straw were in front of the inn.

Why are you getting involved with this all the time, because the theory that "Holy Sword" is the killer is the most intense.

There is not a single witness, and the method of killing is unique.

There's no way the Zions won't notice, because humans should at least be using magic.

When that happens, they can only be considered the culprits anymore.

Only straw can tell their signs, so I'll get help no matter how sleepy they are.

"Fair enough. It is unacceptable for me and the Holy Swords to like me. Let's just find it and break it."

"Oh, did you get on? All right, we'll hit it from around the crime scene for now."

The first place I headed was where Gurus had been killed.

It's already cleaned up beautifully sappy, but it hasn't even fixed the dent on the ground.

"Wow, that's so powerful... I tried to beat each person with as much power as I could accurately crush them."

From the way the ground recessed, this must have happened in one blow.

If I eat it now, it's incapable of fighting, I'm sure.

"Don't you know the one who can do this?

"I know, but I don't know which one. The number of haters is quite high. This much can be accommodated."


I can tell because once I'm aligned with the Holy Sword, even Felix was quite powerful.

But in this case, it feels like you've smashed it with something huge... not with your powers.

No, in that respect, there must be some of them that apply.

Honestly, it's no wonder there's a holy sword like a hammer.

How dare Winter True Excalibur become a cannon?

"The other bodies... they must have been chopped and carved. That's what makes it so hard to find just the sword."

I then tried to turn elsewhere, but the situation was with me at every crime scene.

I've also tried the latest places, but there's no magic left over.

This is finally getting thicker with the work of the Holy Sword - - - -.