Isekai Tensei – Kimi to no Saikai made Nagai koto Nagai koto
Episode 107: Order
Exchange of information in conjunction with banquets.
Now all the major guys in this country were gathered in a huge space in the hall.
The trouble is there are too many people and too much important information to organize.
"The heavenly kingdom Horyend, governed by eight Emperor Emperors… two Empress and those who follow them, left the country for the remnants of the example organization. I hereby apologize for all the inconvenience caused to the earthly world, including my son-in-law"
"I'm sorry. Six months ago the war... with its end, until then, we had ruled the sky world. Our mothers were retired, and me, my sister Loara, and my sister Rigantina were officially entrusted with ruling the sky world as the eight Empress Emperors, and the plan was to greatly wed Lord Vert in order to enhance their bond... the disobedience of the two Empresses cannot be stopped... very inconvenienced by the problems within us..."
The Empress who presides over the armies of the sky world. Roara, the third princess, who is also Eljera's sister, bowed her head deeply to all of us once with Eljera.
"Leaving was" Second Empress Suzak "..." Fourth Empress Atra "... these two. The Sixth Princess Lenza is currently investigating her whereabouts."
"So far neither sister has acted so directly, but this time abruptly... suddenly and in the absence of Sister Ligantina, we have also been delayed in our response"
The remnants of the old Love & Peace, including the Black Duck who showed up before us in the deep sea then.
The remnants of the party were followed by the Underground, the Deep Pirates, and even the Skies.
Betrayed, apparently, were two unconnected sisters of Elgera's blood.
In the past, Elgella told me that the sky world was governed by eight princesses, like two of them.
"But it's a long time and sudden. A world alliance centered on the Great Alliance of Humanity six months ago… At that time I thought there was no such opposition…"
Lore spoke a little nostalgic.
Yes, when my memories and those of Xynn were forgotten from the world by the Holy Knights, the Lores were creating a great union of hands with some of humanity, the Demons, the Subhumans, and the Sky Nation.
In that stream, we were to fight these guys, and Rigantina and I met in that fight.
"Yep. That's why this was an unexpected development for us too... Sure, the two of us weren't originally that aggressive in interfering with the earth world, but in view of our future response to the divine tribes and the world crisis, we were open to interfering with the earth... But I didn't expect you to come here and act like this..."
Loara found herself looking a little remorseful when she was impudent.
Why couldn't you have stopped without noticing the internal disobedience? and.
"But that's why we also need to move forward as soon as possible on the example matter in order to strengthen our bond, beyond the great distrust we have inflicted on those within the Sky Nation and on the earth in this matter"
At that time, Loara says with a strong will in her eyes.
But at the same time, I didn't know what I was talking about.
"Hmm? An example to strengthen the tie? What the hell, that. Fae to Fae, banquet to Fae or something?
When I heard that in vegetables, I wasn't the only one who didn't know what Loara said, almost everyone was nodding to my question.
Then Roara...
"It's been decided. Son-in-law...... I mean, it's the wedding of Lord Velt and Elgella!
"" "" "Buboho!?
No, just hang on...
"Sure...... now the Verts are just saying global 'approved' and haven't finished something like that formal 'ritual'. Perhaps we should get those official revelations done sooner rather than later in order to reveal the connection between the races..."
Arre or lore?
"Indeed. Make that kind of report a world in a little circle mirror, or keep it as a kitten, even though it's already approved by the heads of the species, kings and parents."
Until Etham! No all the other guys!?
I said, "What are you talking about!" The moment I tried to scratch into Loara, "he nodded as he was convinced with a slightly more serious face around him.
"Wow, Papa and Mama's kooky! Cool...... Paper! Mammer! Weren't Papa and Mamma cool!?
"No, Cosmos... I'm married, but the ceremony... no, what can I say..."
Cosmos is so shuddered, and Elgella...
"Hehe, don't you like Master Velt? Not me...?
"No, it's not..."
"Hehe, yes. I was just asking."
He's got a honeysuckle like a light. You, you're adorable, shit!
"But it's certainly not a joke, it's important."
"Right. That's why we Yomez were taking steps like that under the water."
"Yes, I've already taken root in the Empire, so honestly, I just had to wait for the GO sign."
"Son-in-law and... wedding... hehe..."
"Wow, I didn't even think about it."
"I see. But I'm still unprepared... no, I'll make sure the chain mile kingdom is ready by the due date too"
"Hmmm... what shall I wear... I don't really like flirty dresses... but there's no way our Yavai demon kingdom is going to be late, so let's try to pick up some of the costumes that were popular in the troupe"
Besides, Yomaze is in Norinoli!
"Oh, it's finally my lord's wedding! Just imagine the sunshine of my lord, and this mustache, my tear gland, will moisten."
"Ugh, it is such occasions that there is a danger of assassinations, etc., but you can't leave the protection of your palace to that. I'll stick with you."
"Oh, no more fights between Musashi and Sartobi ~! Nevertheless, finally, Velt, you're talking about your wedding...... hey, don't admire me...... one day I'll be with Barts too...... eh, nah!... Is that it? Pets....................."
"... bump bump bump bump bump... princess cheat, okay,... Vert, you idiot..."
"Lord Pete? What is it, sir? Something like a curse..."
Are we all in favor of a wedding?
"If that's the case, I'll take care of Panay!
And a tremendously motivated love stood up and slapped himself hard in the chest.
"In previous requests, each daughter-in-law's home town and a wedding using Chandelier Castle in this country, twice a person!
"To, two turns!? Hey, hey, Love! I didn't hear that! And then I... you want me to do the wedding sixteen times!?
"Daijibu, because the budget is half folded. It doesn't affect the country's finances that much."
"It affects me a lot! All at once, Grandpa!
"Wow, Vert, what's that panytextuality? Do the wedding of your dreams for a girl, because you're Mendo, or whatever."
"Then at least if we put all the ceremonies in this country together in one go, we'll have to do it nine times in total!
You have to do it one at a time or eight at a time, why not one at a time or two!?
But my opinion is ignored and the story keeps going.
"Yay, in adjusting the schedule and attendees, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I haven't decided
"" "" "" Kokri "" ""
That's when Yomaze wrapped her arms around Love and muttered cocklessly.
Things we haven't decided yet? I mean, from me, I don't even know what the decision is because my daughters did all the talking about that hand on their own...
"The order of the weddings...... Panay, what do we do?
"... what?
"Again, this place is naturally waxy! I met Vert before anyone else in here, and I'm determined to be a wasp who spins love before Vert and everyone else!
"No, wait, it's Forna. This wedding is also a revelation that, if you ask me, strengthens the connection between the different races. I mean, this is the first time I deserve to give a wedding, having fostered love between different races: Demons and Humans, but also from an early age!
"Wait a minute, Princess Ura. Before a heterogeneous race, it's called muscle first to strengthen cohesion between the same human beings. In that case, I am the Princess of the Arkline Empire, the largest nation on the continent of mankind!
"Ha-ha-ha, I was the first to have a child with Master Velt, wasn't I?
"I'm first! I've been saving it for you to flirt with! So I'm the first to have a wedding! Gallulululululululululu!"
"Yuzu, calm down. Well, I... think after the birth of a child. Well, I said no to this guy's proposal for once, and... well, maybe a wedding dress for once... try it on..."
"Oh, I don't know if I'm going to be able to afford that, Dark Elf. But I was the first to confess before anyone else! If it's in order, wouldn't I be first?
"Ha-ha-ha, you're the pretty selfishness of the maidens. But not who to marry, but who to wed first...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, boulder is your husband! You're not going to run out of troubles and it's fun! By the way, I don't mind later. He's a lady first."
These guys... Holy crap, make an argument...
Besides, it's...
"Yes, the kingdom of Elphasia is the first. Isn't that obvious? I've been booking a wedding place for my stupid son-in-law and my stupid daughter for over a decade now, right?
"Fuck you. As king, as brother, I don't want to make a fucking compromise."
"Yes, yes, that's it, brother. Your wedding is ahead of the Elphasian kingdom!
From the kingdom of Elphasia, mom, Farga and Clellan, as if they were going to do more backup shooting at their daughters there...
"What do you say! It is the marriage of the King and Princess Ura that will be the symbol that the world has overcome the walls of the race! Make sure it's Princess Ura!
"The people of the former Vesparda demonic kingdom currently embrace it as the people of the Zygok demonic kingdom, but the people still see the face of anxiety. So Princess Ura's marriage will be happy news and the people will be happy."
"The rest produced the marriage of Princess Ulla and Vert. And that proposal was the first to be simultaneously relayed to the world. Only then will Princess Ura be the first muscle.
Kilo, demon king of the Zigok demon kingdom, incorporating the former Vesparda demon kingdom into his country so as to cover Rumba, the royal guard of Ura.
And it's become Ura and my cupid, Neferti.
I don't know, there's two of them, Xynn and Yasha. Those two are still sneaking around...
"Neither do we, the Arkline Empire, want to compromise on this order alone. It involves the imperial prestige, so make Arusha the first. In the first place, the kingdom of Elphasia is like Princess Forna and Verto are already married, and they are also congratularly portraited. So could you give this place up to Arusha?
Lore from the Arkline Empire...
"I want to think and get it in common sense. The first person to give birth to his son-in-law's daughter was Eljera. It should be the same in the sky and on earth that the first thing that gives birth to a child comes first as a sequence. The sky world must be the first."
From the sky world, Loara...
"Kaaah! Humans were the first to have a baby! We don't know what's at stake here. The reigning king of the world today is Vert, but who is the strongest male in this world now in the first place? Of course, you martial artist. Bye! I mean, it would be weird if Yuzriha, the world's strongest eagle daughter, wasn't the first!
"Ahhh... Uncle, that reasoning is the most messy and... well, Wye, as his brother, as Vert's Dachi, Yi has a lot of feelings for Yuzriha first."
Ethan, Jack's Strongest Parent & Child......
"Mm-hmm, that's a utterly ugly contention. You can't show it to your newborn child. But...... Althea is the first one to be purely pregnant after Ver and I got 0000 ~ hmm. Ugh, heh, heh."
You don't give a shit about the order, do you? Maman has a somewhat unique vibe on his back that feels like.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! After the kidnapping ten years ago, the two of us swore to love each other, but fate stripped them off, yo yo yo yo yo. But the miracle of two loves transcended the world, transcended time, and is now bound here! This inspiring story is the brightest and most romantic story ever told in this world! Therefore, we think it would be most beneficial for Cleo to be the first!
From the Chain Mile Kingdom is Cleo's Neh, Queen Sistine.
"Wouldn't that mean putting the world's most powerful nation, the Yavai Demon Kingdom, behind us?
"That's right, come on, you're gonna put my sister behind you, or I'm gonna kill you?
Moonlight mask man is awesome guillotine from under the mask! No, it's Venbai...
He's staring at Jarrenga...
Seriously, these relatives...
"No, look again, Ver, you really suck with porn.... so,....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You, too, in the last life--"
"Lee Moo Lee Moo. Even I have the courage to jump inside this circle is Nigeria. And Fruchenko, that's already sealed and shikyolo"
Yes, Fulchenko and Chronia are right, it's too pana.
I mean, what are those two talking about? Something's bothering you about that combination.
"You know, the order is already in the junket with scraps and stuff..."
"" "" "" "" "" "A"?
My daughters and relatives stared at me. Ha, that's important, in order.
"Um, I certainly can't decide who to invite or who to date to not decide that, elephant. What do you think of Vert, elephant?
"No, Mr. Carr, that's what a six-monthly conversation with me is all about! Carr, what are you serious about..."
"No, no, Vert, each wedding is more important than you think, elephant. Because of that marriage, the world's war is gone, and the world is coming together, elephant."
Even you, Carr, say that with a serious face.
Really... Well, if you say so, Carr, I guess you really do.
But in order... well, I've already got the order in me...
Even so, why are you suddenly in this conversation again?
"Ha... this is all because of that duck bastard too..."
Yes, it's all because... he hasn't shown up in six months.
The moment I accidentally thought that, there was Love in front of me, and I heard it was natural.
"No, Love, there was something I wanted to ask you, too"
"Yes, I just remembered from Loara's story..."
In the banquet hall, where we argued in turn, Love, who sensed my atmosphere, returned in a different tone than before.
"... talk about the rest of the party?
You're bluffing, I'm guessing.
I came back from Love with a tone that didn't sound like a banquet around me.
"... to be honest, I was throwing round to you and the former Great Alliance of Humanity and to each of the sub- and demonic organizations about the remnant hunt, and I've never stood out in the last six months, and I didn't care that much either"
Yes, and although the remnants certainly were quite a threat, they did not consider the world united in one of the present to be enough. This time, however, the laziness developed into a disturbance involving Lakshasa, Hattori, and the Deep Sea and Sky.
"I ask you straight in... blackduck... who is he really?
"... oh... General Manager..."
It's all about him.
"Extreme magic... certainly troublesome... but when it comes to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Bustysta, who was the same executive is stronger... but I'm pretty sure his presence has affected the world and us in all sorts of situations so far."
Yes, and a variety of other crooks. Old Love & Piece remnants. But only Black Duck is quite special among them.
"He came to the Elphasian kingdom ten years ago in an effort to take away Cleo... Dawn Eye..."
"Mm-hmm... oh, and that case too..."
"Now I'm not going to tell you what Temeer has done in the past. We chose to flip that kind of thing into this shape. But Blackduck, who was in Temeer's organisation, is still trying to do something like this. So tell me."
Yes, he was involved in killing Barnando and Musashi's family, in Cleo's case ten years ago, and in this case all.
If we get this far, it's not the level we can take to Chicato.
That's why I had to know who he was.
Then Love looked up at the ceiling blurry......
"... but I'm not familiar with Panai either. As a matter of fact, Princess Cleo did all the planning and planning, and I just pushed the judge to get the budget."
"Well... but about who he is..."
"I'm the one who got a handle on him and gave him all sorts of authority... but I hired him, not me. So blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Aren't you the one who hired me? Then who took him? Then Love goes on...
"I brought in the General Manager... and maybe the one who knows its detailed qualities... the Holy Knight... Tyler, Kyle, these two. What about Voldo?"
"The Holy Knight? Wait a minute, he said Tyler and the others introduced you?
"Yeah. You mean someone who can do dirty things in running an organization... In fact, he was able and helpful in Panaying... and then recruiting talent for the organization was done by me and Manny and the three directors of headquarters."
Holy Knight...... was this again involved with those who don't have very good memories?
Honestly, I don't want to dig up any more about what Tyler was doing back there.
"Well, more than General Tyler is dead, you can tell by asking Kyle..."
"I mean... if you want to hear it, it's that monster, Baba... Voldo, I don't want to see him because he's annoyed to talk to me."
"You will. Well, if the Holy Knight is serious about catching the General Manager, there should be so much information out there... and yet it hasn't been done for the past six months, I don't know if I'll be honest with you, Panai, because the Holy Knight may still be the Holy Knight and using the General Manager to plot something."
Is this the plan of the Holy Knight... it's a frustrating story even though I don't know what it is...
They still don't have any apologies for me. Well, I can't keep my voice down and flirt with it, either, more than I did with the past being watered down and the war over.
Besides, whatever the circumstances, all the people here, in retrospect of the past, are the ones in a relationship that killed and killed each other's families and companions. Still laughing at each other like this now, so I'm not in a position to complain about my personal feelings either.
"Ah... speaking of which... in your daughter-in-law... Princess Cleo looked and remembered..."
Then it was then.
"Give me Cleo...? What are you talking about?
"Ah, I'm sure... it wasn't the Holy Knight, but only the other one... you know who the General Manager is..."
I shrugged like Love remembered something.
"About ten years ago, other than Voldo, Tyler and Kyle were busy with the war, so instead they introduced me to that guy as the contact point... he wasn't the Holy Knight, but I've talked to him a few times... uh... I don't remember Panai anymore because it was ten years ago... did you give him a name?
"Contact point? No, wait. I'm not surprised he was there, but how did he know who Blackduck was?
"Hmm? Because I'm an old friend of the General Manager, Tyler said he wouldn't have a problem with the exchange... I didn't particularly care at the time..."
"... an old friend?
There's another one besides the Holy Knight? Love meditates his eyes as he reflects on the past.
"Yes, even in the case of Princess Cleo's kidnapping, it was the one who guided the General Manager to be able to infiltrate the Elphasic kingdom... eh, name, what did he say... certainly of the Elphasic kingdom..."
Of the kingdom of elphasia? At that moment, my heart bounced.
"Hey, wait a minute! Then when Cleo was kidnapped, the Black Duck bastard was guided by a guy in the Elphasic kingdom!
"Well, you will..."
In the first place, we can tell when Tyler is connected to Love & Peace. Was there anyone else in the kingdom of Elphasia who was involved with Love & Peace? Besides, that's Blackduck and his old friend?
"Eh, name... what did I say... we talked more than ten years ago... and as soon as I read the old, and dangerous report of such a big incident, I disposed of it... no, I forgot Panay"
"No, no, remember when I said that! I remember my classmates from my previous life, so about the name of the guy I got involved with in a business ten years ago!
But as far as I was concerned, Love laughed bitterly "hehe". You're not cute, motherfucker.
In the end there was just more concern and more Moya Moya again.
"" "" "" "" "" Hey, Boso, you're not talking, you're thinking right about what to do with the wedding order!!
"Oh? That's where you ask me, at a time like this!
"" "" "" "" "" It's also your wedding!!
"~ ~, shit, wow, well, here's what we're gonna do!
At that time, my ever gagger-argued daughter-in-law and relatives asked me for my opinion at the same time.
These guys are telling a pretty serious story...
"The order of marriage has nothing to do with my daughter-in-law's sequence or anything like that... how dare I say that, the world doesn't see it that way, does it?
I told him to get half pretty and screw up.
Yes. The world doesn't see me that way when I say how thin and cold I am a terrific fraternal, fair husband who loves everyone equally.
Recognize that the order of marriage is the sequence.
That's what quite a few different guys have told me so far.
"So, you guys don't like weddings all at the same time, do you?... It's a lifetime thing..."
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"But we seem to be discussing it for six months, and it doesn't matter how much time we spend discussing it. - Right? So, already, in order... I'll decide!
"" "" "" "" "Huh!!??
We all really have to decide on the order, more than not at the same time.
Even if I had a wife who cried.
Something's not like "pick just one woman out of a lot of women," but I can see the nervousness running into my daughters' expressions in my words right now.
Honestly, "I'm going to marry everyone now, so now it's in order..." but if you still really want me to decide the order of the weddings, at first it's still...
"Forna, I'm gonna do my wedding with you first."
"" "" "" "" "- - - - Huh!!!???" "" "" "
This is the only one. That's why I declared myself clear.
Until earlier, the venue, which was too noisy, quieted back in an instant.
Is this big booming or coming from another daughter-in-law or relative? That's what I thought and accidentally set myself up.
It was Ulla who broke the silence first.
I didn't think Ulla would cry and go wild then.
"Absolutely... not only will I be pregnant, but I'll even be late for the ceremony... and I'll catch up with you soon."
"... Ullah... wow, wow... shah..."
But Ulla walks over to Forna, who is stunned by what I'm saying, and softly hugs her body...
"Hehe, you did it, Forna!
Ura sent Forna a heartfelt smile and blessing that contained nothing.
"Yes, Ura... Ah, Ri... Thank you... Wow... Gu... Ugh... Higu..."
At that moment, Forna burst into tears with a pole and a large grain.
Cutting it off, the other daughters simultaneously smiled and embraced Forna.
"Well, Forna can't help it."
"I envy you. But congratulations, Mr. Forna."
"Nice ~..."
"Well, it has to be Fornachi first."
"Well, there's no choice..."
"Heh heh heh heh, apparently, everyone would be convinced of her."
All my daughters were blessing Forna without anyone complaining that "Forna would have no choice".
All my relatives laughed bitterly at the way it was going.
Yeah, something like that happened to me.
"So the first part of the wedding order is with Mr. Forna... I won't shy away in the couple's sales" "
"Whoa!? Oh, Elgella!
And in a situation that got busy again, Elgella hugged me in my arms away from Forna laughing.
"Whoa! Wait, Elgera! Don't you dare!
"Yes! There may be no choice in the ceremony itself, but weigh yourself in first until we are given the first!
The Ullas, who until now have turned their blessing smile on Forna, peel their fangs out with sharp eyes and go to pull off Elgera.
But just like Elgella teased me...
"No ♪ From today on I will also be resurrected. I'll have the second one born soon!
"" "Hey, that's too cheating!
Starting today, Elgella, who is jealous of the resurrection, hugs me with all her strength in my arms and puts her cheeks on my shoulders.
With the reward of words with Ura and Arusha who reacted to it, the place became busy again, and laughter occurred.
"Oh, hey, wait a minute, Elgella! You... are you serious about that?
"Yes?... your sister?
At that time, Loara roughed up her voice like she had changed her blood phase.
That didn't seem to be the case, and everyone's gaze was accidentally directed at Loara.
Elgera is also suddenly tilting her neck wondering what's wrong with her sister.
"No, Elgella... you... you're gonna have a second... what are you talking about?
"Ha... Huh? Um... sister, what's weird?
"No... because... you... didn't give birth to a cosmos..."
"Yeah... yeah... what's that?
"... hey, wait... you... you don't know?
"What is it?
I want Elgella to have a second child following Cosmos.
From the Ura and Arusha who aren't pregnant yet, they say, "What a luxury! ♪ Talk like that.
But what's so weird about that?
"The Sky Nation... gives birth to divisions... mates with the Fae... can have children either way... but in either way, you only have children once in your lifetime, right?
"" "" "" "" "" "........................................... What?
In the words of Loara, everyone who was here made a pocan. Me too...
"Hey, uh, no, sister! Once in a lifetime, schizophrenic labor is delivered by superimposing your skin..."
"No, it's not... in the first place, having a child is in itself just once in a lifetime. Well, basically Sky people rarely mate with Fae people, so you may be mistaken..."
"... well, well, then! Oh, wait, sister! Wow, me, I can't count as Lord Vert already... so, then, all that deed..."
No, sure, I've had some doubts.
Talking nasty, among my daughters, in the number of times I've done that, Elgella is the dantoz.
But Althea, as it continues with Forna, how is it that Elgera is still there? It's not like I never thought I would.
"... oh, the act of you and your son-in-law overlapping your skin... just confirming your love... well, if you say so, it's just sexual pleasure..."
"Â (Â) lll!?"
Everyone lost their words to too many things and deep silence persisted for a while.