Isekai Tensei – Kimi to no Saikai made Nagai koto Nagai koto
Episode 120: On the verge of explosion
"Thanks again. I'm Fulchenko Hawkain. It's Eguchi."
"Kronia Borbaldier. Mina Kanna. ♪ Kuni Bulgaria, Bauchan ♪
"Wye is a jackpot. Kimura Shiro Maruya. Greetings."
"It's Arusha Arklein. No, no more, maybe Arusha Ziha? And it was Ayase Watsuko in my last life. Nice to meet you."
"No, Arusha. You... well, fine. So, scarred. There are others out there, but just say hello again."
Following Schenru, the Chronics will introduce themselves for the second time today.
To the greetings of the Chronians, Scarled sighed doedly.
"... Eguchi... even if you belong to Group B, you network a lot because of your one-of-a-kind abilities... Kanna... your head and appearance are subtle, but because of your ability to communicate, you have many friends and are in the circle of Group A... Kimura... Outlaw Group, but the circle is wide, including off-campus... and Ayase is a special one S-rank among Group A without complaining..."
Scarled began to praise the bumps and the Fulchenko for their previous lives. What kind of criteria is that, B or A?
Something like Neat or something used to rank like that...
"Well, crap. I don't care about the prefix. What do the top karsts want with me in the bottom group?
"I was definitely a classmate in my previous life. But that's it, isn't it? I'm not even a friend. We weren't even close. I don't even have any memories. What can I do for you?
What are you guys doing here in this world? Well, it's natural to think so, and it's nothing to hide, so I answered normally.
"There was an ancient demon king in our world who was sick and cursed, and he was grabbed by the inquisitors of our world, and they seem to be coming to this world now. We were supposed to catch them."
"Heh... Original plans..."
"Yes, that's all I was going to do... but when I met with Shenloo and talked about the Ark, I thought I'd listen to Temeer for now."
The original aim was to capture the Blackducks and reclaim the ancient demon king Lily.
But that's not all the situation is anymore.
What do these guys think and intend to do before the truth and crisis in the world that has been revealed, and who seem to have known about it for a long time?
We came here to make sure of that.
"... hey, nothing about me... it won't make sense because I've heard it all from Shenloo already - because of this... I've regained my culture... and my nostalgic facial acquaintance has been revived... so far so well - but come here and use the ark. The space war is, seriously, give me a break."
Then an obviously derisive twinkle leaked from under Scarled's red helmet.
"Walker... I knew it..."
"Kanna, as far as you listened to the conversation with Shenlu earlier, I know it's a 'let's all stand up to the Moor' idea on their side, but it's just that annoying."
I saw chills and chronia. Then Chronia nodded silently, too. Apparently, it's true around here.
"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Hey, you suddenly have a lot to talk about...... scarred...... and your people too, Vert. You guys seem to be pissed off when you say it's just for your butts."
"Lilac... I mean, Temee would have talked about taking down Moore with me before..."
"Oh, I didn't know where you guys stood then... but well, when we got here, let's talk about it without hiding the real thing or your butt"
"Right. But hide your ass."
Lilac uttered jokingly words that changed the air in the field.
Sure, this guy's right, the story is suddenly too climactic.
Well, me too, it's hard to tell a boulder to come to an immediate conclusion.
Because 'I personally' decide how to move, but as a 'king' I have no conclusions about what to do with the ark.
That's why it was heavy, and I felt like I could understand one end of Chronia's suffering, which had been bothering me with it all along.
Scarled then began to speak in a violent tone, as irritating.
"Asakura. As of two thousand and three hundred years ago, Silver, who was the supreme brainchild of mankind, wanted to draw conclusions." You'll never be able to replicate the ark ". Because the key power is something that cannot be reproduced on our planet, nor can we develop substitutes. What is possible is to calculate the limits of the power of the ark to make the ark a little more gigantic. The project was already completed and a giant spacecraft capable of carrying a hundred thousand humankind was developed and sealed for the day to come. At the time, we fought over the ownership of that ark in mankind, and it was rumored that the ark was quite damaged, but, well, with the technological capabilities of the god tribe today, repairs would be possible without even damaging the core power."
A huge spaceship with 100,000 people on board...... 100,000 people......
"Asakura, from here on out, it's a negotiation. I'm going to ask you now."
"Your family, your dachi... if you accommodate tens of thousands of seats, like the Shenloos, you don't have to do anything extra."
To that statement, the Chronics look wide open.
"I don't know a few ducks that humans can make in their lifetime, but at least everyone here and their families and lovers and close people... can't handle it for tens of thousands of dollars."
How many tens of thousands of seats do I have to accommodate? That means me and my associates are gonna help you.
"Walk! That means abandoning billions of lives! That's not easy -"
"Kanna, they're like destroying a planet! What if we lose? If you use the Ark as a weapon, and you still lose, you're doomed! There's no one left! When can you gamble like that?
Yes, they are like the ones who once destroyed the demon world and changed the moon further.
We had quite a fight in the World War, too. But it's out of the question how powerful it is to make a single star such a further place.
The power to destroy everything.
"I'll be honest with you. I don't like the world so much that I want to fight my life and the world with uncertainty for everyone in the world, even though I have a way to save my life!
I don't say hypocrisy. Everything feels honest. I am helpful. And around me. We can help ourselves.
"A few facial acquaintances from my previous life... and then a few hobbyists... the number of seats I want will be in the dozens or so. Even the ones I chose, they're not married or have a lot of friends or anything like that. How to fill tens of thousands of seats, Asakura... I'm saying I can leave it to you or Lilac."
When I reunited with this guy before, he said the purpose of this guy was to "reclaim the old days".
This guy doesn't care if the world perishes, if there's games and comics and all that with the hobbyists, if he's even alive after that.
I don't understand these guys' hobbies.
But I honestly couldn't deny the idea of "if only we could help ourselves".
"Walk, then you can't! Michelle's Ark is her last hope! That hope is to protect everyone! To protect some of it. I can't believe..."
"Nah, nah. That 'everyone' is what! Why, when I can definitely be helpful as I am now - and I have to do that for people I've never seen or met!
Yes, the thought of something called 'Everybody' is different in Scarled and Chronia.
"If I'm not a royal standing above my country, I'm not a brave man, a demon king, or anything. When! All right? We lost, one world named Demon Realm! The stars! I don't even know if I can beat them. If I lose, I'll be gambled with the annihilation of the world."
So I can't tell you that this guy's thoughts are true and wrong for this guy.
"But Mr. Ying. Wouldn't you have a lot more company than you've created an organization called Red Subculture?
"That's true. Besides, with the BLS, there must be comrades around the world, right?
Arusha and Cleo tweak into Cleo's words.
"Thoughts on the subcale and just intent on reviving Red and Clear, so deeply connected to his companions. Yes. In fact, only a few of the ones I've spoken straight to."
But Scarlett knows that, too, and he can't shake it.
"Hahahahahahaha, the argument is exciting, but you shouldn't even get too hot on your butt, huh? No, can my butt get hot? Though it's your head that shouldn't get hot... you're not going to get the whole story together. Shouldn't we put aside a little time, revive Red and Clear, and turn the two of us over and talk?
And Lilac is a lilac, I don't really know what the sincerity is.
I know this guy right now is Scarleds, but honestly, I don't see the real deal.
Now I'm static on Scarled and Chronia, but I don't know what you think on the inside.
"... Hmm... what's Ver thinking?
In the meantime, I heard a lot about Scarled welcoming him, and Fulchenko, who had been silent, opened his mouth.
"Kronia's thoughts are the same as those of the Schenroux." Use the Ark to Defeat Aliens ". On the other hand, Ying's idea is the same as those black ducks, 'Let's just use the ark to get away with a limited number of people', right? Does Ver already have an answer? No, you said you already had the answer, didn't you?
Fulchenko asked for my answer.
Sure, the 'me personally' answer is already out there.
But I don't get an answer as a 'king'.
Honestly, this option is too heavy. That's why Chronia has been holding it.
"... If the world knew the Ark existed... more of them would say we would use it to escape, not to fight. More guys will tell you to fight the other way.... after all, you can't escape those two choices..."
The choice between fighting the enemy or fleeing.
Using the Ark for battle may increase your chances of winning, but there is no guarantee of winning, if you win, they may all help, but if you lose, they all die.
If we use the Ark for planetary escape, billions of lives will surely die, but if it's just us, it'll help.
"Don't be too heavy. Really... after what I just heard, all of a sudden I'm asked what to do..."
Chronia, who was unable to consult and continued to hold back, was stuffy without giving the answer to this option for a long time.
"Excuse me."
It was then.
Along with a light knock, there were those who came into this situation, which is now the most important meeting in the world.
Turning to the door at the same time, there's...
"I'm sorry it's so exciting, but I... yeah, I guess I can say hello too"
There was one of them... whoa... which one?
But like before, it's not an idol costume, it's not a princess's dress.
He showed up in a pissy suit like a live college girl...
"Hello, Asakura-san. And Cleo, too. I will greet you once, including the first time."
"Oh, you!?
"Oh... heh. You're here, too."
He's the one who gave up on the cheeky sales smile...
"I am now the new queen of the kingdom of Bliss...... Apricot Bliss. My last life's name was… Qihe Qianchun.... you haven't come to the purple garden... too bad"
Previous life was a man. It's... it's okay, isn't it? Maybe.
Once, protecting Cleo, who had been transferred to this world in an accident, this guy himself was connecting with Scarleds behind the scenes to plan a massive terrorist attack.
He is also one of the eight idol princesses and an old friend of the previous life......
"Become,... Qihe-kun!? Oh, that Qikawa-kun... ho, to a real woman?
"Vert, I heard it beforehand from you... but this is so cute again..."
"... ugh!? Goo, my eyes! Ooh, my Eloise Eye is crushed...... I tried to make sure I had a bump on my groin or not and it was deactivated! This..."
"Murphy! Or, you're adorable! All right, you're gonna make me my third wife!
I didn't get that upset myself because I didn't remember this guy named Nanakawa, but Arusha and the others seem different.
The story of the Ark was blown away for a moment by the appearance of so much of it.
"Hey, you said you were gonna be a little late."
"Yeah, I'm sorry, Scarlett. I was planning on doing that, too, but with the power of 'em', you can come here faster than you planned."
"They...? Oh,... Um..."
"That's what I mean. I knew... it was convenient," magic. "
And we were distracted by the presence of an apricot that suddenly appeared, and we were delayed in noticing the guys who appeared right behind us.
"Oh man...... I didn't expect to be caught up so soon Noi"
"" "" Huh!!??
"I would have liked to avoid it, Dah... Noi, who was about to, but Hanger you have to face if you get here already... Noi you shouldn't"
We've never seen that man's face before, to be honest.
"… General Manager…"
"Long time no see Dunnoy, former vice president of Manny Mouse......"
To date, I have never seen that face in duck clothing or in the guise of a pirate captain.
But I knew in an instant that this tone was definitely "him".
"Hmm... you showed up early and dignified... but what? That funny way of talking."
"I don't want you to tell me about the way you talk, Noi, Chronia Borvaldier. And don't worry about my tone, Noi. I've been disguising myself and putting something on the end of the story for years... so I'm already restless if I don't put something on it, Noi."
Chronia with a belligerent grin on the way.
Now it's the long-haired, long-haired, long-haired man who shows up right in front of us.
He weaves his red cape over his black clothes and has such a neat and cool face that it doesn't look like a joke tone.
In your late thirties? I thought Falga would be like this in another decade.
And at the same time, I thought.
This man... atmosphere... looks like someone...?
No, I wasn't the only one who thought that.
Pet, and Arusha also looks like she feels something caught up.
It's just that...
"You... blackduck..."
When I asked him that, the man turned to me with no expression and answered in a tone incompatible with the atmosphere.
"... a young kid who was in that alley, nothing... I didn't know he got here... I'm really surprised, Noi"
"That kidnapping was an affront to the power of Princess Cleo, but it was a late failure... at that time I couldn't say anything about whether it was good or bad, Noi"
A look that makes you feel somewhere uncut, seen from the face of the first black duck I've ever seen.
Even if I'm going to fall in love with that look for a moment, I react instantly.
No, I'm not the only one who reacted.
"Oops... I hope you don't activate Dawn Eye ~... Princess Cleo... right, Chinchin?
"… Hmm… Though I thought I would never see you again… the atmosphere without that product seems the same…"
The moment the former Black Duck shows up, when Cleo tries to stand up, an Arabian night-style man tries to hold back his hand taking a golden shield as if to control that Cleo.
It's Alatin!
"All of a sudden in such a small room, no fighting. Okay? But if it moves, I'll shoot you, okay?
"... Gaje... do you think I would give you such a gap?
He's aiming inside the room with a big bow and arrow from across the door, a former Ten Brave Gadget. At its feet, however, the ice columns that Arusha had activated at some point were aimed at Gaje from the bottom.
"To the boulder... in combat, we're not good enough for this member."
"Then let's all be strange and lay flat before the rest. Unless you want to be a corpse."
Althea......? No, but the first person I saw was there. Surprisingly, a dark elf woman with the same brown skin as Althea.
No, this tone is... Daisy Duck, the top executive of Love & Peace...
I guess the age is one turn above Althea, but its mushy flesh, on one thin, small piece of cloth like underwear below, and on top a small area of silver armor covering only the chest and the avatar.
Obviously, it's a dark elf-like dark elf, more than Althea.
Neferti is the one trying to control the movement of such a mysterious dark elf.
"Muffled oh! So, you're a mature Dark Elf! You're gonna get through the fat! Maybe you're a widow! Like Vert, I want about one Dark Elf wife! I'll have it. What? -"
"... Evil Magic/Nightmare (Nightmare) Bells (Bell)"
"Ghaaaaaa! Oh, it's in your head, or you're going to ring a bell and crack your head!
... Something about Kimomen jumping off a full perverted atmosphere is instant killing too. Well, I don't care where.
"Eroise eyes activated!... F Cup... West feels a little sluggish, 65... and this fancy aura that surrounds me is what I acquire not by nature but by the pile of experience... I saw it as a luscious dark elf, with a lot of male experience!
Let's also ignore Fulchenko's analysis.
"Lots of thrashes that seem strong"
"Everyone has a fierce good eye. The glow of a young man is dazzling and nervous."
That's even these guys!
Deep Pirates woman. Slime woman with a pirate look. Sure, Captain Slara!
And an underground woman wrapped in white. A woman named Marshal Mail.
"Hahahahahahaha... the slime women in the way then... what? You came here to get me killed?
"If you're not willing to fight, don't give me that weird kill, too, internist? Don't let Marshal Mayle spin that drill, either, okay?
Jarrenga and Chronia towed it as if to seal the movements of the two people who showed up.
"Uh-huh! Shh, you're slime! That punipni was awesome! You're definitely taking it home! You can have the drill sister, too! You want me to step on it! You like those black tights! Sico my arr with tights - -"
"Jiggle and sparkle oh!?
The resurrected Kimomen were instantly killed again.
"Eloise Eye continuously activated! Hmm... Captain Slara... seventeen years old. I was normally a child. Waist 62 in the D-cup...... but not in order to be able to change shape. Marshal May...... 29 years old. West 56 of the E Cup...... that's slim. But...... you missed your wedding date, alasser but no male experience!
... ignore this too...
But two more faces I don't know!
Amazingly, on its back are angel white wings!... Skywalker!?
"Yes, it's good to perish. Humans and others, once reduced to 100,000, are breeding again in countless ways a thousand years. The world should be strictly chosen once and for all, such as the monkeys who mourn the earth, the sea and the sky, and reduced except for those who deserve to be kept alive. We should think that Moore's assault is not a crisis in the world, but a purification. Sister Suzak would think so, wouldn't she?
Zoggily bright white skin. Bright white hair. Pink black eyes.
If I didn't have white wings on my back, for a moment, all I could see was a snowwoman.
The thinness of the line is obvious, even if it wraps around a white coat of feathers. Even though it looks brittle if you hit it, it's going to shatter, every part of the language has a strong tone.
"Not if I said it that way, Atra. This is the world, the face of life... the troubles, the suffering, the thoughts we've come up with."
Child......? How old is Hannah?
He would be older than Cosmos, but he wore a white yarn hat and a light water coloured piece, in sandals.
Brown hair offering, hair fastening in the shape of a flower, and a pair of glasses.
A skinhead child who seems odd and tongueless, clearly incompatible with this occasion.
Even so, Suzak? Atra? Sure this name...
"Shh... Suzak, your sister! Atra, even your sister!
"To Aunt Sue, it's Aunt Ato! Why?"
I saw two convex sky tribe combinations, with Elgella and Cosmos voicing surprises.
Right! Suzak and Atra... Indeed, the Empress of the Sky, Eljera's sister and conspirator...
Hmm? Sister?... both of you...?
"Mm-hmm! Oh! And you're a Skywalker! You were watching Vert's wife, and you always thought I was jealous! You want it! I'll never take it home and let it go for the rest of my life."
"Supernatural Capabilities/Sky Impact!
"Grandma Hashi, oh!
Oh, come on,... isn't it time for Ki-momen to die? Or you're usually tough, that guy.
"Hmm, Sky Race...... Age is twenty-three...... West of B Cup...... 55...... ho!... but that's Sky Race. I can't believe you're so beautiful but you're untouched... no body!
Or gradually, Fulchenko's abilities became scary. I couldn't help but wonder how my daughters would picture in these eyes.
"Heh, I can't snap! So, there's another Skywalker! Tiny Ked, you don't care anymore! I caught you!
"Hiaaaah! Hey, why only, you! What are you gonna do with us? Get off me!
"That's slippery. Oh!
"- - - Huh!!??
"Hey, turn your skirt and take your pants off - -"
"Please don't disappear!
Kimomen blown away again due to their supernatural abilities. At last, my whole body pounded into the wall and I was gutted.
But why?
My buddy got hit, but nobody tries to get mad... I mean, nobody tries to care or worry about...
"Higgu, heh, heh, yeah, it was terrible. Humans were really ugly!
Skyscrapers crying cancer with their pants about half removed.
In a situation where no one knew what to say with a voice anymore, Fulchenko uttered a surprise.
"Huh! What's good! Shh... 139cm tall... weighs 34.3kg... or the size of the cup is boiled, yuzliha proper... no, no, no, that's not to mention... jeez, jitsu, real age... to, 26?
"... Eljera?
"... yes... your sister Suzak is the second empress after your sister Rigantina... the second older sister"
... Oh, eight years older than me...? No, well, even Erosvich is such a nari and a baba.
No, I honestly don't care about that right now, but I want that information to stop messing with concentration.
"Cacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacaca Yeah, I don't think so!
"Hmm, Blackduck... no, it's convenient that Mr. Noy and the others show up again on their own."
"You sure do. Now, not only are you gentlemen brave enough to show up with all these people?"
"I won't let your palace touch you. And Blackduck... you... would be ready?
"Black Duck...... Shh! Your father's! Mother's! The Elves' grudge! Here and now, slay you, and the Awkward will take revenge!
Anyway, Zorozolo and Apricot took me out to show up.
Jack and Lucifer and Olivia, as well as Sartobi and Musashi, are already in a state of battle.
Don't explode again because of just a few things...
"What... wait, what the hell, this air. You guys... this way and that group, they're not friends. When?
Too bad, Scarlett. We're not friends.
"Here, here, here, hey you guys, what's this feel like! Please, I don't mind crossing your butt, but stop crossing the blades! How dare you go to war here!? Friendly ass, strictly forbidden to serve, please!
Sounds like you should apologize to Lilac right now.
I'm sure I won't get my ass out, and I'll get my hands on it...