That night, dinner was allowed to be taken slowly in the room where each was given.
For its part, the Esterian State seemed to plan to hold a welcoming dinner party for the summons of Princess Kamiko (Mikohime), but both Asuki and I were tired of sudden changes in the environment, and we did not want to be spectacles of the nobles of this country without any knowledge.
Besides, they still meant to avoid formal revelations because how to treat an irregular being named me has not yet been fully deliberated in Esteria.
So dinner (the meals were confirmed, all of which were familiar western-style dishes, and very well suited to the mouth and delicious. If the rice is delicious, I can handle it, so I'm horrified!) Afterwards, I apologized to Asuki (the courtesan of the messenger contacted me) and asked Mr. Cainlot to show me to my room.
"Brother...... Mr. Cainlot, why are you holding hands?
I was walking down the hallway of the royal palace very naturally (something strange, after all), and I asked Mr. Cainlot, looking at the big hand that was connected by making sure to wrap my right hand softly around it.
Walking hand in hand with a handsome man is fun. My brother even though he's a masculine hand with just a verse...... Mr. Cainlot's way of connecting is sweet and if this were a date, he would definitely dele delenia.
But my maiden heart says, 'Something's different, Michill! Wake up! Scream.'
I almost accidentally miscalled you brother because I was upset because I had no experience since elementary school, such as holding hands with a man, and because the formula of Mr. Cainlot = brother had already been created in my brain.
When Mr. Cainlot stopped, he saw my face lined up beside him.
"We shouldn't let Mityl get lost in the royal palace, because he seems a little hard to walk with unfamiliar shoes?
The cool knight says, 'What are you taking for granted?' I answered calmly with an attitude.
I see, I've been wearing heel pumps, so I'm a sneaker.
"Really...... No, wait a minute! As a precaution, Mr Cainlot, this is how women are escorted in Esterian countries, isn't it?
Then Mr. Cainlot said with his eyes closed.
"No, it's not the formal escort way.... Oh well, sorry. Girls make you feel bad when they treat you like children."
"Treat children! I knew it!"
I'm treating my sister unconsciously!
You're a heartfelt brother attribute, you handsome knight!
"Brother...... Mr. Cainlot! I'm 21! I'm not a child anymore!
But it's also a problem for me that I'm about to miscall you.
Ha, is the sister attribute being developed!
Don't be afraid, your brother's temptation!
The knight grinned when he saw Pussy Me. And I said with my eyes narrowed strangely.
"I'm sorry, Mityl. Yeah, you're not a child, yeah, yeah. Look, don't swell like that."
What a handsome knight you have stuck my cheek with your index finger in the middle of the hallway of the royal palace!
"Huh, that's bloated."
"You wanted me to treat you like a lady, okay, okay, sorry"
And they gave me a head!
"I'm sorry, look, you're a good girl, so laugh"
Why not?
With that said, if a cool looking knight smiles at me, I will fall into my sister's category! Stop dropping it off the cliff!
"Ka, Mr. Cainlot, so I'm 21! Adults, women!
"Right, little lady. Come on, let me lend you my arm. Hold on tight so you don't fall."
"... thank you"
"You're welcome, sweet lady"
I grabbed him softly with my right hand on the left arm offered to Mr. Cainlot, as I wet my face.
Sayin 'it's sweet and all, this knight must be a natural tatter.
Don't lose, Mityl, just snap your finger on the cliff and stop.
"Oh, look, grab it with both hands properly. What if I fall and hurt my leg? Sora."
He pulled his left hand all the way in and stuck to Mr. Cainlot's arm!
I feel like a Koala child!
Is this the original escort?
Absolutely not!
"Princess Kamiko is waiting for you. Come on."
As I was, I was guided to Asuki's room with a fancy figure hanging like a koala in the arms of a long knight.
"Look, Mityl, no matter how many adults you are, it's not much to drink that you're unfamiliar with."
"That's enough. That's all right."
"Call me if you feel bad. I'll be waiting in the hallway."
"Look, you've got to be really careful."
"I'll be careful, stand by!
"Whatever, in the room"
"Stand by in the hallway!
Brother Knight, I can't wait if you join the sorority.
My brother pushes as hard as he can...... pushes Mr. Cainlot out into the hallway, closes the door and looks back at Asuki.
"Thank you for waiting!
Shiru, with one hand up, Asuki said with a shuddering face.
"... what is it, a good-looking man like you right now"
"I see, you can even say that attitude..."
I put my arms together and thought.
Ohkan or brother, which can't be the end?
... Both of them!
"Senior, don't scratch the weird guy. You're pretty happy with a cool looking guy or something. It's a good battle with a sparkling prince."
"Did Prince Shiny do something to you?
"I got a card with a bouquet of roses and this poem of love. I rolled around on the bed for now as I read it and left it stuffy. I don't want to talk about it."
"Asuki, you can't screw up Prince Shiny's mako! Let me see your card later. Lend me a bed, too."
I approached the table where the mini banquet was prepared. Asuki's companion carefully decorated the flowers and prepared them nicely. Is the first order of the Divine Princess of the Redemption to prepare alcohol? I'm sorry, Esterian.
We both took a bath after we finished eating in the room, and it's a sorority dressed to sleep at any time. What was provided was a nightgown like Negrije, but I have no idea about that from the outside because I would wear a dress like a solid nightrobe on top. It is a perfectly safe outfit even when seen by men.
By the way, you can drink in grandeur in this country after the age of 15, so my drinking, which is 11 in appearance but 21 in real age, was allowed by Mr. Cainlot, not by my brother......
I got a lot of noise!
At the end of the day, Leena told me, "I won't keep you waiting too long, Princess Kamiko," and sent me reluctantly. With a firm hand in hand.
"Let's drink now! In the meantime, let's drink and sleep tonight. It's okay to think about it tomorrow."
"Right. This alcohol is delicious, and not today anymore."
We had a toast and a good day's meeting.
The knights of protection dedicated to Mr. Cainlot and Asuki are waiting in the hallway. She said she was used to standing, so she didn't hesitate to let her stand until after the sorority. Sounds cold, but a knight, a chosen warrior who's been heavily trained from time to time, isn't that soft (yawdy) (talk to Mr. Cainlot).
"That's the royal palace, you've got everything you need."
When Asuki's samurai opened the lid of the bottle of alcohol and poured it into the glass, it smelled good.
The two of us are drinking for women tonight. A samurai with Asaki-chan prepared several types and knobs of Esterian liquor favored by women.
Asuki's room was bigger than mine, and there were many people with her and knights of protection. She is the "Divine Son of Salvation" so I guess she deserves it. I wonder if you feel weird pressure because responsibility is different from mine, too.
"Oh, but you're surprised. Hey, Asuki, that sparkling prince is spouting me enthusiastically, what do you think? You mean him, feels okay?
"Oh no, I don't know yet... it does look cool, but I figured when it comes to dating you, you don't have a good personality. And then I need to see where I stand in this country and find out about the royal family."
Asuki is a solid girl, so she says, 'I love you for tripping across the world and being handsome! Hiu!' and they don't flush it cheaply. A man's face and finances are important, but ultimately, what he means is character.
"Well, you mean hanging out... a proposal, right, that one just now? Suddenly, I was surprised, but being summoned to marry your prince is a temple. Exploring the circumstances behind it, in some cases, does Asuki mean she's getting married? Ah..."
"I don't feel married at all."
Asuki says with a red face.
"But when you marry the next king, Asaki-chan's life in this country is cheap for now... if you're going to live here permanently as the" Divine Son of Salvation, "though"
Then, Asuki looked serious.
"I'm confused that this is happening... seniors, it's me, I'm actually a child with a thin family connection"
"Family edge?
"Yes. My parents have already died in an accident, and I don't have any brothers. Now my aunt is supposed to be my guardian, but I'm not that close, and now I'm living alone with my parents' insurance money."
"Yes, it was..."
"I'm not so involved with relatives other than my aunt. So even if I came to this world, no one in Japan would be so worried about me… I think it would be kind of convincing to try this."
In other words, as Asuki moves into this world, fate was orchestrated from the beginning, is that it?
"Besides, this hair of mine. I'm not decoloring this and dyeing it orange. The truth is, I put brown from the top to make it hard to understand. I went into the swimming club in high school and wondered if it was decolored with chlorine, and this is what happened during the aftermath. Because the high school teacher is the witness."
"It turned orange!? eh!? Seriously!? Oh well, I didn't realize... what do you mean, Asuki really is from Esterian country"
I looked seriously at her orange brown hair.
The original Asuki was a sparkling clan after all.
I knew this kid was supposed to be here, I guess.
So, what about me?
I usually have a family in Japan, and when I'm gone, we're all worried.
... I definitely want to go home to us.
Oh, my God, Asuki was from here.
I'm the only one who's going home.
A pompous black hole was about to arise in my heart, and I drank in haste.