I saw your brother with a weeping face when he turned an embarrassing snack into a man with a cloak of pants.

Mr. Cainlot, a cool handsome knight, stroked his head as he covered himself with me, praising him with a loving grin on his beautiful face, "Michil is so clever.

"Did you look so bright red and embarrassed to say boobs?

I, in tears, nodded blindly from the face of my brother, who was at close range.

It is shamefully decided.

'Cause I can't believe you asked someone you like, like,' Touch my tits' and so on!

But your brother, who is so shy that I am in a mood, says even more nasty things.

"Well, you wanted me to jerk off on your tits so much that you would jerk off on me in no uncertain terms. Okay, I'm gonna make sure Mityl's got plenty of Mityl's tits on her hands so she can be happy."

And your brother touched the soft as he touched my slight swelling with his fingertips on both hands. I painted a small circle, while - I slipped my fingertips and stroked the swell around like it was tickling, touching it only gently. And it doesn't even blur on the tinted area in the middle.

"Oh...... ugh"

Over and over again I was touched by a circle, and I was bored with the feeling of not being enough, and I appealed to my brother with my eyes. I can't wait for my lower stomach to ache anymore, even though the touch on my fingertips that makes me feel better and better is stronger and I want you to rub it to grip, but I can't wait for you to gently stroke all the surface of my chest.

"Oh, no more, brother, brother"

Mr. Cainlot says to me with a roaring voice.

"What's up? She adores her tits. You have nice soft, slippery tits on your puffs. Like this? You like doing this?

"Ahhh, we, more, ahhh..."

I don't like that, it's not enough, bully me harder!

Such a thought sprang up, and I was stuck in your brother's arms.

"Hey, brother, please"

"Sora, you'll feel good, your hips are loose... oh, you're already rubbing your nipples so hard. You know what I mean? I dust the tip of my tits, and Mityl's an eh kid. Look, it's a punishment."


With my fingers pointing at my brother, I turned my body against the bow, pierced by a frightened comfort.

'Punishment' is repeated over and over again, and every time my body jumps like a fish.

"Hey, um, already, forgive me!

"Does Mityl like to be taunted with her nipples? Then let's do this. How about this? Feel good?"

Now I got pinched with both pointy fingertips.

"Ahem! Oh, oh, yah."

"I see, this is how you like to get cliché teased around. He's a nasty kid, waving his hips like that."

Mr. Cainlot has an extra look, but behind those blue eyes is a whirlpool of passion I've never seen. And he wraps the top of his chest at the tip of his thumb and index finger as he stares at my expression.

"Chiko, your brother, because your brother will, hiccup"

Fluffy, hiccup, and with a strange voice, I wandered around on the bed with the tip of my easily felt chest.

"Is that right or not? Then let's not do this here anymore."

He snapped his nipples away and something fell from the back of my body, moving in comfort.

Mr. Cainlot started stroking the white swelling this time without touching his nipples at all.

"Sora, I'm not touching your nipples anymore. Let's be nice and cute."

I mock Mr. Cainlot with tears as I slip my legs against the way he touches me.

"... oh Mityl, why do you look like that?

"Already! Your brother's mean!

"'Brother's mean', 'said Mr. Cainlot, holding his mouth down with his hand as he made his mouth a letter to... I can't wait to..." he murmured.

And he followed the head of my nose, and laughed.

"Mityl, your brother would have taught you, wouldn't he? Try to put it into words. Where does Mityl want me to mess with him? Hmm?"

A very sweet and mean brother dropped a kiss on his forehead when he said so.

And try to bite my ear and say, "Where? Look, tell me?," he whispers sweetly.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

If he rubbed his chest slightly and licked his neck, he couldn't stand it any longer, and I said in a small voice.

"Ugh... boobs, of, ahead..."

"Oh, ahead?

Mr. Cainlot says without stopping his hand as he looks delighted at my face, which is about to erupt a fire from his face.

"At the end of my tits, somewhere? Good luck and say it."

"... chi... more nipples... mess with me..."

I was embarrassed and couldn't wait to take a nap, and my stomach filled with heat.

"Okay, you could have told the good boy. Well, let's see if your brother adores a lot of nipples."

With that said, Mr. Cainlot shook my swelling with both hands.

"Oh, uh, hey, what?

Mr. Cainlot stretched his tongue and licked the tip of his chest with a pepper as he looked at me.


"Mityl's boobs are delicious."

With that said, Mr. Cainlot, whose Sarah's ice-blue hair was disturbed on his forehead, pointed the tip of his tongue and licked the tip of his tyrosis and tits, another tip with another hand.

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, hey"

My head is about to burn out with shame in the overly nasty visual of being licked at the tip of my chest while being seen by a half-naked man.

"Oh, don't pepper me, brother, my tits pepper me"

"Is Pelopelo not enough? Mityl is nasty and cute. Well, here's the deal."

When Mr. Cainlot opened his mouth wide, he cheeked the tip of his chest with every white swell, chewing sweetly or rolling in his mouth, and began to adore the tip of his pointed, hardened chest violently.

"Oh, oh, brother!

Billy and comfortable ran from the tip of my chest to my stomach, and I gasped naughtily sweetly.

"Oh, that's so delicious. Don't let a man other than me suck on Mityl's tits. This is mine."

It grabs my chest painfully and sucks my chest tip cum.

The pointy on the other side is also crushed by the dust.

"No, no more, it's going to be weird, brother, brother!

My brother held me down on my body and I finally exceeded my limits for slutty verbal and titty blame.


It was with tears that it reached its peak.