Apparently things were more complicated than we thought.

Initially, there was a war between the Devil's army and the Valkyrian kingdom.

This was originally triggered by an attack by the Demon King army from the Valkyrian side and the removal of Behemoth of SS rank, one of the peaks of the monsters, who could be said to be our compatriots.

But in the first place, the attack itself was a plot by a third party disguised as the Valkyrian side.

The mastermind who started this war between this demon king army and the Valkyrian kingdom.

It was undoubtedly the Albrus Empire ruled by the Emperor, Rostam, who lined up with Valkyria on this continent of extensions.

"To put it further, that black-and-white Rostam guy is going to do a palliative plan. Damn, I didn't realize this was possible...."

"It was our fault, too. We should have acted a little more carefully, including the fact that we couldn't tell which people were soldiers of which country. I apologize again.“ Warrior Brave ”Amaness

"No, you will only be the victim of that, monarch. At least now that the misunderstandings have been resolved, we should decide what to do now."

From then on, we sat in the meeting room of the Demon King Castle and at the sympathetic roundtable, sorting out the situation to date, and getting a stare at the beginning of the incident and who the mastermind was.

"You know what to do. The only way to get Lily back is to get into the Albours Empire, right?

I suggested that I shout out loudly about my future behavior.

Honestly, the mastermind is some kind of Empire brave man, and I don't care what he thinks.

I'm more worried about Lily, who fought for us now.

We should act now to get him back. Yes, I saw Amaness who would be worried about Lily just as much as or more than me.

"... honestly, I don't want to fight the Albris Empire in a frontal battle."

The response was unexpected.

"Oh, why! You were so brave when you fought the army of monsters?!

"Fighting monsters is different. It's no problem if it's a skirmish, but if it's a frontal war, my country won't win."

That was an unexpected response from a warrior who had crossed that monster's army.

"Why, I'm sure the opponent is one of the seven brave men like Amaness, but if that's all, there's such a big difference in combat power....."

"No, it's not."

Amaness spits out incredible words, blocking my words.

"There are now four of the seven brave men in the Albus Empire."


It was an incredible number.

I have seen and experienced the strength of the Seven Dauntless.

Their abilities were said to be S-rank if they were to be replaced by monsters, but when they saw the abilities of Lily and Amaness, who actually confronted S-rank monsters, they realized that the middle of S-rank and SS rank would be the right ones.

Is that where I said "S +"?

Speaking of people who can beat such Seven Braves, there are only SS ranked monsters like Mother in the same Seven Braves class.

That's four. You're saying there are more than half of the Seven Braves in the Albrews Empire?

"Wait a minute, that includes Lily...."

"No, except for Lily, 'Four in Enemy Power'. If you think about it, including Lily, who is currently in the hands of the enemy, there are now five of the seven brave men there."

I remember fighting that number again.

And now I can understand why Lily, who should have been so proud of being invincible on the battlefield, was captured by the enemy.

"... so who are you going to fight against the Albris Empire with your mother and the Demon King Army? Then why don't you manage to keep up the antagonism?

I didn't think it was a good idea for me to suggest it, but instead of Amaness, even my mother was groaning.

"... in conclusion, that's difficult, Cultivator."

"Eh, why?


"It's the Brave System. Dear Kyo,"

On behalf of Amanes, Fitz sat next to me.

The Brave System? No, speaking of which, I feel like Lily was murmuring about the point before....

"Simply put, it's one of the social systems in this world."

and now my father explained it to me.

"Didn't you think there were a lot of brave people in this world? Kyo"

"Oh, I thought so. And there are a lot of brave men with titles like yours."

"Isn't that right? It's one of the systems the goddess gave this world?"

Oh, Mao.

That's why, when I started talking about this topic, my mother's expression suddenly got upset.

Speaking of which, when we talked about the goddess before, it was hostile... did something happen?

"So, here it is. In this world, if you collect points called Warrior Points, anyone can become a Warrior and earn the title that they deserve. Those who have become brave will earn the status and rewards they deserve."

Oh, I see. I mean, a noble class you can get on your own or something?

"By the way. If you don't earn a certain number of Warrior Points after becoming a Warrior, your current Warrior Rank will be lowered. But if you earn points on the contrary, you'll be able to climb to a higher Brave Rank. Naturally, the higher the rank, the greater the status, the greater the rewards, and the assistance from the state."

Heh, there was a rank for the brave. Wow, now I know more.

"I see. So, how do I get that point?

"That's a lot of stuff. New discoveries for the world, useful results from research, and positive behavior for the world anyway. Well, there's the quickest way to earn points. That's..."

Defeat the monster.

My mother murmured with a frozen voice. The look on his face was a smile, but his spine was frozen.

Ah, in a word, I might have figured out why my mother was upset about this topic.

"Well, now, the major way to earn Brave Points around the world..."

"Of course, hunting monsters "

Yeah, this is definite.

She's definitely pissed at the situation where they're being hunted for points.

"I know about the brave system and the points, but why can't I team up with my moms?

"Don't you see? Monsters are a natural thing in this world. In fact, many of them are a resource to humans. What happens to you as a brave man if you join forces with that monster and invade the land of man?

Ah, I see. I figured it out somehow.

"I mean, if we do that, Amaness's position will be pretty bad around the world."

"If I succeed, I may be targeted for the evil of the same world as the monster. At least the creative abilities and the position of King of the Nation that you have earned by lowering your brave rank have also been confiscated. So I want to avoid it as much as possible."

Certainly. I don't want to push Amaness into a position that I would have struggled to get.

So what do we do?

We can't attack bad. So, what's the way to stay?

Yeah, now that I think about it, I may have heard that Lily was taken, and it might have been a bloody climb.

If you think calmly, the first thing you need to do is talk about getting the hostages back.

The opponent is a brave man, the same person. I'm sure you'll understand if I tell you.

"Dear Kyo, I'll tell you what, if you want to talk to that man, I don't want that to happen."

I thought, did you read my thoughts or did Fitz stick a nail in front of it?

"Well, why?

"That man is a young man amongst all brave men. A self-centered thinker worthy of the name Emperor. Because the world is a man of king temperament who thinks he's revolving around. If you negotiate with me, I don't know what you're asking me to do."

"Sure. It is rumored that he even became a puppet of his real brother, thereby usurping the throne and taking his current throne."

Hey, what is it, that disturbing rumor?

Isn't this slow life a bunch of setups in the story of the sale?!

Ah, there's no such thing as slow life long ago.

"Well then, I don't know if we'll start negotiating from over there..."

"That's impossible. For that man, it must be just another country to rule."

"But not really."

At that moment, the voices of a boy who could not be heard at the scene echoed.

Amaness, including me, and even her mother turned to look at it in surprise.

There was a small man with a short back wrapped in white robes.

She is about 150 feet tall. A man or a woman can't tell because of the robe.

He sounds like a boy and a girl if he hears his voice well.

"Ah, nice to meet you all. I am Tsurugi, one of the seven brave men. [M] This time, I have received an invitation from the Emperor Brave."

That said, the person named Tsurugi threw an invitation and a thoughtful letter at me and Amaness.

"The location, date and time are detailed there, so please come with a convenient number of people. If that's the case, you can have your demon king."

I wonder if they had even assumed that we and the Demon King would form an alliance already, or if there was even any problem with that, I can feel some confusion in that statement.

Well then, if you'll excuse me around here today. Oh, oh, yeah. You're the rumored grower, aren't you?

The next moment, the brave white robe named Tsurugi stood in front of me.

Yes?! How did you move while blinking?! Momentary movement?!

"... I see, you definitely are Mr. Kyo."

That said, the person named Tsurugi had a sad atmosphere and peered into my eyes.

Even though I remember the nostalgic feeling that I was about to be inhaled in those eyes from over the robe, I still had no figure of Tsurugi who was supposed to be in front of me when I blinked again, and I returned to my original position.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. Please don't forget to bring your seeds."

Having said that, the hero named Tsurugi realized how he had entered the castle of the demon King deep in the realm where only this monster existed, and when all of it appeared as a mystery, his appearance was completely gone.

"... is that the rumor?"

It seemed that Mr. Amance was always nervous and even sweaty on his cheeks.

"What kind of brave man is he, by the way?

"I don't know."


"He's the most mysterious of all the Seven Braves. Rather than gender, the title and abilities are all mysterious. I don't even know why I'm in that Albus Empire right now."

Apparently, some of the brave men on the other side aren't the same as the Emperor.

Though I thought so, I felt uncomfortable with the dialogue he had just said when he left.

Why did he talk about seeds back then?

It's something I've been asked to gather by the goddess, and it's not supposed to be known to the public.

Though I thought so, I took the invitation to roll on the table and the moment I broke the seal, I was satisfied with everything.

"I see. Either way, I was destined to finally meet the Emperor's brave man."

What was written there was a literal invitation, but it was also a duel at the same time.

Because the letters on the paper were my destination.

I would definitely like to discuss your three species and our three species.

I look forward to welcoming you to my castle soon.

- "The Imperial Brave Rostam."

Find the seeds of the six world trees entrusted to you by the goddess and the journey to plant them.

The time had come to settle the matter.