Fei Xing Zhongmu dragged Guwen to hit 25 people's benevolence, and he couldn't get out within 40 to 50 minutes.

Fang Jingxing skipped them first, and talked about it with other gang leaders.

There are hidden plots to play, and of course several helpers are willing.

In order to prevent people from talking too much, they only notified the backbone for the time being. By the way, they also tried it out in person.

Jiang Chen and Fang Jingxing followed the past to make ideas.

Naturally, they will not follow the whole process, but go directly to the NPC's home, waiting to be drawn to the task.

Jiang Chen had already pulled the lock of the fence.

Without triggering the task of feeding, the lock cannot be opened, but there is a program setting that whenever a stranger comes in the house, the big black dog will bark.Jiang Chen stood in front of the fence and looked at the barking dog, stepped on something, stepped in, came to it and gave it a kick.

The big black dog didn't notice, and continued to bark at him.

Jiang Chen took a closer look and found it not too ugly. He saw a bone on the ground, tried to pick it up, but couldn't pick it up, he straightened up regretfully and touched its head.

The big black dog was unmoved, and then barked.

Jiang Chen opened the package, turned out a herbal medicine, and threw it into its basin.

The big black dog stared at him without even looking at him.

Fang Jingxing stood outside watching him tease the dog, and asked with a smile, "Like dogs?"

Jiang Chen said: "It's okay."

Fang Jingxing said, "Where is the cat?"

Jiang Chen said: "I haven't raised it, have you raised it?"

Fang Jingxing said, "Neither, I want to ask if you like it."

Jiang Chen said: "I have ducks."

Fang Jingxing smiled and said, "Then you can raise a dog and let it help watch the ducks."

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "Also."

The two chatted, and soon they saw someone coming. It was the love words of the wooden shackles and their gang.

After they took the task, they opened the fence to put the dog, followed it into the house, followed the advice of the boss, and stepped forward to help. They were covered in rain and dew, hitting the dog one by one, but found that it was useless. When the dog ran away, the bounty hunter would just Killed them all and threw them out.

Several people looked at each other and walked aside to wait for others to come.

The teams of Chaoci and Bailong Bone were not able to get this task, but two of the key members were drawn.

One group tried to stop the dog, but unfortunately it ended in failure; the other group ran away after the dog and quickly lost it. When they turned back, the door was closed.

As a result, more and more people squatted on guard. When several helpers looked too eye-catching, they asked the backbone to play other things, and they were responsible for guarding.

The couple task is a leisure activity that promotes feelings and increases intimacy, and many people usually come to play.

Fortunately, the location of the fence is remote, and there is a lush tree behind, and the player to do the task is basically to spread the fodder on the spot, and leave after the spread, and will not walk back and forth, so they did not notice them.

But there are everyone in the game, not everyone likes to stand still.

Two days ago, Ruyi had few groups, and Jiang Chen and Fang Jingxing left soon after the delay.Now that the backbone of the seven major gangs are all off the field, the number is a little too large, and their stay time has become correspondingly longer, and they are quickly discovered by players passing by.

[Speaker] Bushu Guhong: What are you doing? [Question] [Screenshot]

The players looked curiously.

I saw a circle of people sitting under the big tree, inside there was a conspicuous attacking sealer, next to him was the Dark Underworld Master, and looking at the others, his profession just happened to be able to match a few gang leaders.

[World] Chagua:...

[World] Banlangen:...

[World] The scumbag retires: Wipe!

[World] Tears are worthless: I just said I seem to have forgotten something recently!

[World] Ferret: Hidden Plot [Pat Table]

[World] Yufengxingnan: I forgot about it.

[World] Hamster Ball: What?Is there a hidden plot again?

[World] Book Collection: Yes!

[World] My eldest lady: It's been a few days, but there is no movement [surprised]

Don't blame them for forgetfulness, after all, it was played out that morning and there were few people.

Due to the special system announcement, people's attention was focused on the word "couple", and later they were attracted by "failure" without paying attention to the plot itself.

The most important thing is that several helpers ran naked that night, and people were busy watching the fun, so they forgot about it and didn't think of it until now.And some of them don't mix up the forum, and they don't know anything.

[World] Yi Wan: What plot is this time?

[World] An orange: Forgot, who has a screenshot?

[World] The male god wants to marry: [Screenshot]

[World] Looking for the soul of the gods: Oh, love.

[World] gooosleep: Lovers, beloved, this is full of dog food smell.

[World] Teacup Color: It's been more than two days this time, the bulldozer is useless?

[World] Candied haws: How can it last for two days? This is too harsh.

The few big guys who were thrown on the channel for exhibition pretended not to see them, and continued to discuss countermeasures. When the couple who found them were still hovering around, Mu Shao posted a picture on a nearby channel.

[Nearby] Wooden Yoke: Here, see for yourself [Screenshot]

What he intercepted was his own taskbar, and saw that it was clean and there was no shadow of hidden plot.

The young couple had long felt that they hadn't moved for a long time, and it seemed a bit strange. When they saw it, they guessed that they might just be talking, turning their heads and running away.

Mu Yoke turned back to his eyes and asked, "What is the dog holding, can I grab it in advance?"

Fang Jingxing said, "It was pulled from the waist of the male NPC, it was a bone."

Mu Yoke said: "...what?"

Fang Jing said: "Metal bone pendant."

He said, "We tugged yesterday and didn't tugged. The only thing that is feasible at the moment is to wait for the dog to bite it down, and while it doesn't bite firmly, maybe try to grab it from its teeth.

Mu Yoke and several people were silent together.

This is a bit difficult, so you have to hit your luck.

Jiang Chen said: "Someone is here."

Fang Jingxing looked over and found that it was Xing Tiancheng and the person in the mirror.

They succeeded in getting this task, and excitedly ran over to release the dog.Mu Yoke and others hurriedly stopped, told them about the bone grab, and let them try.

The person in the mirror blinked his eyes and reacted: "It's quite simple. I grab the bones in advance and don't let go, and roll with them. Isn't that enough?"

Fortunately, Tiancheng: "..."

"..." Mu Yoke several people immediately clapped their shoulders, "Yes, come on!"

The man in the mirror went away with high spirits, trying to hold on to the bones.

It was a pity that the pendant was too small to be grasped at all. He hugged the waist of the NPC for a while and followed them back and forth.

A few people in the wooden shackles: "..."

Help, the picture is so touching.

The effort pays off.

After they stopped, the person in the mirror stood dizzy, his hand was touching the bone, and he grabbed it when the black dog bit it down.

When everyone saw him successfully grab the bone, they were all excited.

However, the next moment, the big black dog rushed towards the person in the mirror furiously and bit his neck in one bite.

This is very close to reality. It snaps off the neck in one bite, which is a spike effect, and the person in the mirror instantly rushes to the street.

This was not over yet, the person in the mirror was teamed up with Xingtiancheng, and was treated as a whole by the system. After the black dog bit him, he rushed towards Xingtiancheng.

Fortunately, Tiancheng slammed, turned and ran.

As soon as he ran out, he was chased by the black dog from behind, and he was bitten to death.

After doing all this, the black dog grabbed the pendant in the hands of the person in the mirror and ran away in full view.

At the same time, the NPC took a sigh of relief, carrying the body of the person in the mirror and throwing it out, hitting the body of Xing Tiancheng.

Man in the Mirror:"……"

Fortunately, Tiancheng: "..."

Onlookers: "..."

Fortunately, Tiancheng was resurrected in place, sitting on the ground looking at the hapless stuff of his gang: "Mirror."

The person in the mirror also got up: "Huh?"

Fortunately, Tiancheng asked sincerely: "Do you have any ideas about other gangs?"

Humanity in the mirror: "...I won't go!"

Jiang Chen glanced at the time and found that he had to go, so he looked at Fang Jingxing.

Almost at the same time, Fang Jingxing also looked at him and asked, "Is it going to be offline?"

This is caring.

Because I care, I remember the time of meeting and separation clearly.

Jiang Chen looked at him, and then realized this detail that he hadn't paid much attention to before.

Seeing his silence, Fang Jingxing asked, "What?"

Jiang Chen said: "Nothing, good night."

Fang Jingxing stopped him in time and pulled the person aside: "Shall I see you tomorrow?"

Jiang Chen nodded without comment.

Fang Jingxing stretched out his hand and hugged him: "Good night, good dream."

He watched Jiang Chen's figure disappear, returned to Muyongshou and them, waiting for the team behind.

As a result, the backbone of several big gangs finished one round, and no one can start the plot.At this moment, Fei Xing Zhongmu finally arrived with his people and Guwen, and Mu Yoke and the others waited for these people to do the task.

Fei Xing Shigeki, as the temporary employer of lone question, was grouped with him.

The two were lucky, they happened to receive this task and came over to release the dog, and they were also locked out of the door.

Mu Yoke and several people were melancholy, leading them to the big tree, waiting for the rest of the people to fail, then got up and left.

Not long after leaving the courtyard, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the grass beside the road and stopped in front of Gu Wen.

Solitary question: "..."

The rest: "..."

Guwen stared at the black dog.

The black dog also looked at him, rubbed his leg, and gave him a double "Woo".

Everyone: "!!!"

It turned out to be!

This is easy to troubleshoot.

Because Guwen doesn't like typing scripts, he has done few plot tasks.

Fang Jingxing immediately guessed the key point: "It's the bounty wall."

The mechanism of the bounty wall is that you don't need to start from low-level tasks to climb up a little bit, but you can choose from the opened content at will.

This "opened" is required to be played. The single bounty column of Chenxing Yingyuan is mostly opened by the Golden Alliance, and Guwen is the main force.

Several people quickly surrounded him.

"What task did you take for the single bounty?"

"It should be low-level, our people will take high-level as soon as we take it, and we haven't played low-level things."

"Yes, you think about the low-level tasks that you started."

Gu asked: "I forgot."

The single bounty is still at the top of the eighth level.

There are 20 tasks at the first level, and there are five small tasks in each column, which adds up to seven or eight hundred.And Guwen's low-level tasks are usually chosen at will, and he didn't remember it at all.

A few people in the wooden shackles: "..."

Fang Jingxing was helpless: "Try it slowly."

There was no other way for everyone, but luckily they had found the key point, and they all dispersed, organizing manpower to play single bounty.

Fang Jingxing also hit.

Because at present, it seems that there is only one person in the team who meets the conditions. Jiang Chen has always been impatient to hit these bits and pieces, so he can only come.

He played until twelve o'clock and went off the line to sleep.

The next day, he got up early to eat dinner, he carefully packed up, and set off happily.

Jiang Chen thought he was still coming at noon, so he followed his usual routine and went for a walk after breakfast.

As a result, when he looked up at this time, he saw Fang Jingxing.

The alliance male god has only come twice, and he has become acquainted with the frozen group.

Jiang Chen stood at the door watching him come all the way, and stopped in front of him.

Fang Jingxing looked at him with a smile, and finally stopped calling his uncle this time.

"Jiang Chen, good morning."