"Get out, the lord wants to ask you something straight away."

Hours after his incarceration, one of the soldiers has urged him to open his cell and go outside.

Trying to stand up with Ekdoik, the soldier stops Ekdoik.

"There's only one coming, you stay in jail."

I'm not saying I'm incompetent as a soldier.

If you look at Ekudoik, you feel he's quite the one standing up for you.

Conversely, this one, who is only a complete amateur, decided it was easy to extract information, and I see he advanced to the lord.

"If I'm going to see the lord, should I leave this?

That's how the soldier laughs with his nose when he points at Kuto, who is lowering to his hip.

It seems to me that Japan will naturally be told to leave it... is it ridiculous to have a wooden knife in this world... it is a matter for me to consider introducing a sheath as I am walking around the scattered turise in its proper way.

Ekdoyk looks at this one with his gaze.

As planned so far, there are no problems.

If you get into a noisy interrogation, if you make a strong impact on some of the chains given to you by Ekdoik, you decide that Ekdoik is an emergency and you get out of jail, and you should come and help us.

Still doesn't seem to really care that you're going to leave as an escort.

Let me tell you if I should make you feel somewhat at at ease, or if I'm in the mood for this one, and I'll put it down.

Gently slap yourself on the cheek with both hands to change your mind.

"Hey, get out of here."

"- Yeah, I know.... Ekdoyk, I'm gonna ask you not to rumble while 'I' is gone, okay?

Ekdoyk's eyes are rounded, he still seems pretty memorable about that time.

I don't need to worry about Ekdoik right now.

Let's figure out what to do with the lords we're meeting now.

"Sir Toxado, I've brought in the man who caught you."

"Good luck, let it pass"

I heard a report from the soldiers that an odd pair showed up in Lilbe.

Their story is that they visited Kuama at the request of the Pope, the culmination of Judaism.

But when it comes to the soldiers, the appearance is obviously suspicious, and when it comes to evidentiary evidence, it's just this letter of request I have at my disposal right now.

I glanced at it, but I could easily decide it was fake.

Perhaps those two are bandits or something.

The big ones, but if you're up to something in this mess, it would be your duty as the one entrusted with Lilbe's reign.

What emerged was a young young man, black eyes on black hair and a very rare appearance.

I even thought you were a demon to ask about inheritance, but obviously the movement is amateur.

The intrinsic magic is about the same as that of a child...... no less, it doesn't feel like it's hiding its strength.

The young man looks somewhat twitchy, but I guess he's somewhat confident in this fake request.

You look like that, then I'll shatter that confidence.

"I am Lord Lilbe, Traffer-Toxad"

"May I call you Sir Toxado?

"That's okay. Now, let's just ask the single-minded question, for what purpose did you show up in this lilbe?

"I explained it to the soldiers, too. I'm sure you have a letter of request."

"You mean this?

Show the youth the requisition letter you confiscated earlier, albeit well.

The young man nods, I open it and read it roughly.

"Archbishop Serraes of the Yugra Kuama branch requested rescue from the Yugra headquarters in response to the current demonic raid. The Yugra headquarters that received it decided to officially dispatch the person who had this request to Kuama as a response... I don't know what that means."

"I think you're right about the request."

"What good is sending a dubious man with black hair and black eyes to a man who seems to be alive in the back of society going to do the demon raid?

"He's a man of arms, so I'm a negotiator."

The report says that the other man shows very dangerous signs, and I'm sure he's quite capable, but I follow this man's words.

This guy's probably in charge of brains or something, and he's definitely going to turn his head.

But I still can't believe it.

"There will be a proper Pope's signature on the request, won't there?

It is true that this letter of request bears the Pope's signature.

Well done, I guess that's why this young man has a confident opinion of me.

"Yeah, but let's see this one."

That's how I take out another parchment I prepared.

It's parchment in a slightly different color than the letter of request you confiscated from the young man.

"I make donations to Judaism, so I rarely get letters from Mezis. This was issued when the Yuglas went through formal procedures."

"Well, what is it?"

"This also bears the signature of the Pope, who made the final confirmation. Very similar indeed if you compare the signatures. But you seem to be slightly distorted."

Yes, the handwriting and character characteristics are very similar, but the characters are distorted from place to place.

I guess I desperately imitated it, but the distortion seeped out.

It's easy for me to distinguish this difference with good eyesight.

"... the Pope is also a person, it can't be a signature with different dimensions, can it?

There is an escape route to that kind of thing.

But it's not the only difference, no, it's the most fake.

"Apparently you lack knowledge. This mezzis parchment is used when Yuglas carries out formal procedures. Only Yuglas can handle the parchment."

Yes, custom parchment paper is used, which is manufactured in tightly controlled fashion to make it harder for Yuglas to produce fake documents.

It is such an item that it is not available to any young person in this way.

You might be able to look for something similar, but if you're working out your eyesight, you won't be the first to see it wrong.

"... The Pope is currently visiting Tays. So they used tarys parchment."

"It's an ugly excuse, it doesn't matter if Tayz doesn't have a pope. There are also branches of Yugra religion present in Tays. Arranging for a special parchment paper is not a creation either. What are you up to in Quama with a fake request like this?

"But look carefully, its signature is definitely the Pope's -"

One of the soldiers slaps that foot with a spear pattern the moment the youth forcefully step forward.

Youth fall out of balance.

"Don't move without permission!

"Huh! That's a real letter of request prepared by the Pope, for sure!

"Totally ugly, I didn't expect thieves like this to get into it by multiplying the mess. Prepare the Pope's name for deception, clichés, fakes, etc."

It's really sinful, and yet this young man is still trying to claim this fake to be real.

Naturally, for this young man, this fake request is the only weapon that can break the status quo.

But that doesn't make sense to me, I tore a fake request in front of a young man to make him understand it and show it.

The young man looked flashy for a moment but lost his expression all the time.

"If you're not going to talk about your purpose, you should regret what you did in prison for the moment."

"Is that your decision?"

He talks to me in a voice that doesn't make me feel emotional, I guess I was so shocked.

"Yes, but are you dissatisfied?

"… no, if that is the Lord's decision, we shall obey"

You suddenly became soggy, you just said you ran out of measures.

But if you're going to be honest, I have nothing to say.

I guess you were going to work some kind of scam anyway, to say you're just a young man.

I hope this reflects a little and is decent...... hmm?

The young man gets up slowly and pays his knees.

It feels strange, something's wrong.

Yes, something...

"What's wrong? You're done talking, you're back in jail, aren't you?

"You've changed your attitude all of a sudden, what the hell do you say -"

"Oh, Sir Toxado, I'd like to ask you one thing... What is this bespoke parchment used by Yuglaism about (...) being (...) right?

The young man got his hands on his nose and let him take out a piece of rounded parchment.

... No way.

"Oh, that's..."

"Yes, soldier. Sir Toxado seems to want to take this parchment and see it. I don't think 'I' should come forward, so can I give it to you?

The soldier looks surprised and turns his gaze to this one.

The soldier brings parchment here when I nod and show it.

... Oh no, this is... no way!?

"This parchment is definitely from Yugra..."

Yes, this parchment is the parchment used in issuing the official written texts of Judaism.

Definitely compared to the other one I have on hand right now.

Check the lettering while spreading the parchment and the spine freezes on its contents.

No, no, that's stupid!?

This happened... no but this...!

"What's wrong? It won't be a difficult sentence, because it's exactly the same sentence as the earlier request. Yeah, but we're getting a little more signatures, right?

"Not only the Pope, but even the signature of Archbishop Ukka and Archbishop Marya..."

"Yes, we also have the signature of the wide-faced Archbishop of Ukka, who also sends many letters to Kuama, and the signature of Archbishop Marya so that the Pope can prove that he is in Tayz, because we suspect his credibility is only the Pope's name when we bring him to Kuama"

Archbishop Ukka is cordial with the nobles of all nations and he is the one who has collected many donations.

I also know because I have also made donations to headquarters in Mejs apart from donations to the Quama branch.

This handwriting definitely belongs to Archbishop Ukka.

"Well, then what was your request just now..."

"No (...) theory (...) books (...) things (...), right? But it wasn't a Yugra facility, so it was definitely signed by the Pope."

My head turned bright white.

Yes, this is what I'm after.

Let me take advantage of the fact that Sir Toxad is quite a working lord of wisdom.

It was Sir Toxado's most likely behavior among the Lords of the Kuama region, but it seemed to fit nicely into the mold.

Marya taught me a long time ago that official Yugra writing uses bespoke parchment paper, etc.

So first I asked Pope Eupalò to write a tentative request on parchment paper that "I" have always used on the boneless table of "Dog Bones".

Of course, Pope Eupalò advised me that the provisional letter of request was ineffective, but explained that it was to show Marito and take confirmation.

Well, I guess Pope Eupalò would use it somehow.

He was then asked to prepare a formal parchment to prepare a formal request.

The formal letter of request had been swallowed by Kuto and kept hidden.

It usually works quickly as a hidden pocket that utilizes hidden hidden properties inside a wooden knife.

I can't hide anything as big as that, but I can easily hide small items and one or two parchments of this magnitude.

"So this is it."

"Stay, stay, wait! Unless you have this formal request!

Sir Toxado is riding himself out with a blue face, not completely hiding his upset.

"We're done talking, so 'I' will let you go back to jail for good. You made sure that was your decision, didn't you?

"That will be withdrawn, it will be decided to!?

"Oh, you fell earlier and your ears went away. I'm sorry, but I'm going to put you to rest in jail for a little while."


"No, I don't have a choice. The Pope's autographed letter of request was broken, the soldier smashed me, injured me, and told me to stay in the open and jail... let's just say I'll keep him company until it's time to explain the situation to my comin 'companions later. I'm sure you'll be able to contact the Pope soon, won't you?

That's how I try to leave the room alone, not so stupid a soldier as to not understand the current situation.

It is impossible to force this exit at the earliest opportunity.

Sir Toxado rushes up and rushes over here.

"Ma, wait! I admit this nonsense, I apologize too!

"Don't worry, Sir Toxado"

Put your hands gently on Sir Toxado's shoulder as he grabs the hem of his clothes.

"I'm used to living in a cabin."

Sir Toxado's expression was a really good one.

"So... what is this situation?

While he and Ekdoyk said they would gather information ahead of time and were in carriage pursuit of what was heading to Quama earlier, the horse of the decree rushed in.

If you listen to me, he and Ekdoik are staying in Lilbe, a city close to Kuama.

Sir Toxado, our lord, greeted us on purpose as we tilted our necks and headed to Lilbe.

He was welcomed with a very complex expression and led to the innkeeper with a face that seemed to cry when asked where he was.

And I was supposed to reunite with Ekdoik, who is inside the barn...

"Oh, I thought I'd have a base."

Unmatched luxury furniture was brought into the lodge, and he waited gracefully for many documents.

"Why are you in a room..."

"Hey, is it because Sir Toxado told you to go into your cell and regret your deeds?

"That's not true! That's not true!

Upon enquiry as to the circumstances, he was deliberately captured by the soldiers, causing Sir Toxado to break one of the two letters of request that were embedded in the trap.

And after I made him understand the current situation, he said that he sat in a cell just harassing me.

Sir Toxado, who was afraid that our successors would find out about it and report it to Judaism, managed to negotiate to get him out of prison, but everything was broken.

Did you convert the prison into a comfortable room as a measure of bitterness?

The M.O. is brilliantly that of the bad guy.

Sir Toxado left with a very anxious face when he promised to move the room later.

It seems to have shaken his mind considerably, pitiful.

"A guy named you... was he ahead for this?

"Archbishop Serraes is the head of the anti-third faction. Because if I had a straight face to Quama, I would have been obsessed and likely to be restricted in my behavior. That's why I wanted to secure Lilbe here as a temporary base."

"I didn't think the day would come when the lord would cry me out of jail."

Ekdoyk has a very complicated face.

I'd look the same when that day came, hmm.

"Did you need to get this far?

"Naturally, the nobles of Kuama are in contact with Archbishop Serrayes, because if they go back to sleep with half-baked help, there will be no ex-child."

Sir Toxado was gripped by the weakness of a lethargy that would break Pope Eupalò's autographed letter of request, it will not be necessary to speak of which is more prestigious, Archbishop Serraes or Pope Eupalò.

"If we weren't going directly to Kuama, we would have taken him with us."

"If you had a mix of Ilias, a decent knight's look, or ornaments with Royal Tays family crests in them, you'd be more credible, wouldn't you? It's for the priesthood of Judaism up to Lachra."

"Dear mistress, this is actually the original, isn't it? Cyra's hands make her breathability and lightness much better than her existing products!

"What's wrong with that?"


Surely his appearance would be suspicious if he were the first to see it.

If Ekdoyk is the only one accompanying him, the suspicion increases even further.

"Shit, Wolfe wanted to come with me"

"Wolfe's cute, so the suspicion was going to be in a different direction."

"Really...... can Wolfe also be more suspicious like Mr. Ekdoyk?

"Don't be."

"Don't be."

He and Ekdoyk say the same line beautifully.

I agree with you there.

"For once, there was other insurance, like this."

That's how he takes out one ring.

... Mmm!?

"Oh, that's... no way..."

"Oh, isn't that a 'dear ring' with the Tays family crest on it!

Yes, Master Mix is right. The ring he's showing you now is' Dear Ring '.

It is one of the very precious praises that was said to be awarded to those whose merits were found to have truly contributed to the Tays, that is to say, to knights and nobles as famous as history.

It is an admirable object for knights and nobles who are devoting themselves for the Tays.

Whatever I admire as a knight of the Tays, I didn't expect to see that on this occasion.

No, more than that.

"Duh, how could you do that!?

"Something Marito gave me"


The one to whom that ring is given and who is still active will be about Sir Ragdo.

Something valuable by then...

"Well, it's the only thing your brother can give you."

"They told me that if I showed this, it would prove that I was in good faith with the Royal Tays. I'm showing you this, and I'm being kind to Mix, and I'm saying that if Mix came later, it would work enough, wouldn't it?

"You, my friend, can't just get that ring to be cordial with the royalty! It's like declaring that ring your fiancée when you give it out with that explanation!

"Seriously, Abe."

"It's not just something you can get along with the royal family, it's something you can only give if you join the royal family or work in synonym with it."

"If I accidentally explained that I was being kind to Marito, the Royal Tays lineage map would be incredible."

"It's historical, in a way, for your brother and his friends to refer to an engagement relationship. Well, even though your friend said you were being kind to me, I put my back together!

"Let me refrain from lying later that they're going to take responsibility for a lot of things"

"I can't get along!


Master Mix is banging him on the back laughing, but I guess he takes it for granted when it comes to the ring.

I personally feel very complicated.

But think calmly of his accomplishments... giving Yugra's star wisdom, the bandit crusader who was tormenting Tayz, and making the bottom line of Tayz's civilization, proved the resurrection of the world's threatening demon king and took him into his company.

What is more, it has even become the home of His Majesty's heart, which was lonely.

"... maybe it's not so surprising that you were given that ring"

"I can't say much because I'm not much of an obsessive type, but it's important to Ilyas."

"Whatever, if you were using it to do evil, you wouldn't have to do one or two of your fists."

"... let's remember the liver"

Even though he knows the value of the ring, he doesn't seem to have that many thoughts on the ring.

Does he not know the correct value of that ring, or is a knight like me just trapped in the value of the ring?

... Whatever it is, it is true that I want you to avoid that ring being used for his wickedness.

I'd like to take it in my hand and see... no, it's still early for me.

"But when the tone of my fellow countrymen changed, I was a jerk."

"Mm, don't listen to what I'm saying."

I guess his condition changed to see how Ekdoyk reacted.

It is understandable from what he did this time that he moved in an evil position when he set Sir Toxado in a trap.

That makes me worried he might have used the arr...

"I don't use comprehension behavior. Sir Toxado's intel came from Purple."

"Well, if that's what you are, I believe..."

"I just switched my way in this case. I didn't dump myself or anything. Don't worry about Ekdoyk. I just showed him an unusual state of affairs in a sense. Don't worry, I'll hold on."

That's how he got Sir Toxado back to the task of reading and fishing for Quama's information.

We came to Quama to stop the invasion of the Ethereal Demon King.

But the first thing he set up was this lilbe lord in Kuama's territory.

I guess I already assumed this development from the fact that I have more than one requisition letter available, so would any further developments...

He's him as usual, but I feel something's different.

At times like this, it's me, maybe you're up to something that's not even close, yeah.

Let's look at the gap and hear it out.