"- Doc, Hark, are you listening?

"What... Oh, yes! No! Excuse me! I didn't ask!

My consciousness returns to me when I am summoned back to the voice of Jestaff's brother sitting next to me.

I shouldn't, he sounds like he was talking about something, but he's got nothing in his head.

My brother is frightened to say if he has finally noticed.

No, the other two sitting at the table in front of me right now are looking at me with white eyes.

Cheniyas-Morganiz, Lobit-Goshnite, and his brother, as well as leading advisors to the three guilds, softened up quite a bit.

"It's my role as an escort to turn my consciousness around, but I can't see it in front of me, so what do I do?"

"Excuse me..."

"Jestuffs, isn't it a long time to be careless to sidestep such an escort?

You Cheniyas Baba, not to mention me. I didn't know you'd make fun of your brother!

I couldn't help but laugh here.

"What a frustrating smile, if you want to sell your flair, practice your smile in front of the mirror every day for an hour."

Who sells it, baka, I'm keeping you from selling fights for your brother.

If my brother gave me permission, you wouldn't be breathing!

"Cheniyas has a point. This meeting is apparently not a good thing, the overly careless are not worthy of this occasion"

Even Lovito's baldness...... no, you're not blaming your brother for anything?

Uh, but it's your brother who picked me out to bring you here, and, yeah, you bald fuck!

"Learn to be a little more eye-catching and come back out if you want to put your ass on the guard of Nong. Hark Doc, you must have been on perimeter alert anyway. Is there a problem?

"You don't. You have five Schnites on the roof, four Morganas in the stash room next door, and two of us in the aisle, but you're fucking seriously on guard. Other than that, seven servants of this mansion are waiting in the kitchen as they were told. There was a wild cat on the roof and three rats in the warehouse."

"... I see. Let's correct it, you just picked it out. Excellent detectability."

Oh, does this bald man admit to not being?

All right, all right, you can stroke your comfortable head with that stroke.

That said, I should reflect on the fact that I was using detective magic in the course of the conversation, right?

The usual scum came up from not getting to the point of view.

"I don't think detective magic can tell you even what you belong to or what your profession is, but is it your own method?

"... well like that. You can tell if the words that the Yuglas utter from the shaking of their magic are lies or true. It feels close to that. I know exactly what kind of person he is from the magic stream. I don't know much about it myself."

"Well, it's something I don't want to reveal. That's what I'm gonna do."

What makes you think that? I'm not lying to you!

My detective magic sensibly grasps the approximate information of the person I detect.

Gender, country of birth, guild to which you belong, occupation, whether you slept with the opposite sex, great strength, and much more.

I'm gonna be using normal detective magic, but they don't have that effect on normal detective magic.

It's just that this power is very convenient, and you can see it anyhow until the judgment of enemy ally neutrality, and even if there is a traitor, you'll soon find out.

So far the baldness and baba in front of me have also confirmed that their interests coincide with those of my brother, and at least I'm not thinking of putting my brother in a trap.

Finally, my detective magic is an excellent thing that is hard to detect by the person being detected.

Maybe my own magic is just shadowy.

I'm not going to peruse everything.

Uh, but should I say congratulations to one of my servants on being pregnant?

No, it's disgusting to be congratulated by someone else you shouldn't know.

Once we say that there are weaknesses in this power as well.

Blah, blah, blah. That means I'm retarded, I'm exhausted on that point.

If you focus on the information obtained by detective magic over time to remember it with your head - you won't be able to see it in front of you.

"Shall we get to the point then? Larheit is now imprisoned at Quama Castle. We don't even know what's going on with the insiders we're sending in."

"You're a useless insider, why don't you let him work for about his salary?

"It is not the soldiers of Kuama who are guarding the surroundings of Larkheit, but those on whom the breath of Archbishop Serrayes was hung. If Morgana or Rio has a Yugra who can act as an insider, I'd like you to take my place."

"There's no way you're here. How risky do you think you'd be if you put such a dangerous presence in your body?"

That's right, we are definitely the enemies of Judaism.

There is no benefit in taking in the followers of Juglas to fall into Juglas.

I can dive into Judaism as an insider that easily discerns authenticity. I'm about an excellent magic user for the rest of my mental interference.

Really, a guy named Larheit is amazing.

I'm not scared enough like Hassa the guide.

"Larheit has moved enough. I'm gonna help you, but that'll be enough in time after I take Kuama."

"If only we'd lived by then."

"If I were to die, I'd say he was that far away."

"I have one thing to confirm in that matter. One of our members today, Hassa's regular contact was interrupted. I want to make sure you guys had contact with Larheit."

"No, one of us is gone."

"One Morgana is missing a guide who was supposed to stay at the tavern today."

"So is Hassa. Robito, is the guy who disappeared in charge of the tavern?

"Well, it looks like all three of them have lost track of the liquor store."

What a disturbing story, you mean Hassa's guy was missing?

I don't know what to do if you make a rumor, but if you make a rumor, it's new that it was gone.

Besides, Morgana, Schneite's guide also disappeared... it doesn't look like Hassa was involved in an accident or anything.

"If one just disappears, you should see him in an accident, or somehow in contact with Larheit. But what do you mean, three at the same time? Because each of the codes is different, and even if Larheit shows up, there's only one person who reacts, right?

"That's right. Because Hassa disappeared, Non decided that Larheit had appeared and disappeared with Hassa. And I thought it might be your place to go, but it looks like it's off."

"You just said we were each other around here. But then the three of us came up with this hypothesis that someone had noticed our interaction with Larheit."

"Right. Even if the codes were different, if anyone made contact with the adventurer, they'd be paying attention, and they would have listened to the word to see which guild Larheit joined... if anyone could spot the area."

If there is a way to have a conversation with a third party and observe it, no magic detection will work.

And even if they understand how it works, even the guides don't observe or listen to this.

If it's just one person, we can match the codes and pull them over and capture them... there may be some.

But all three of them are captured... do you have masters like that? I don't want to see you.

"So what? Assuming they were captured, there would be more or less danger of being tipped off."

"Do we have pawns that can withstand both the magic of mental interference and torture?

"Things are just as good as assuming the worst, I suppose."

"Non shares Lovito's opinion. If a man like Hassa is caught, it is possible that other guides will be captured as well. We should wait for the information to come out that he's out of the castle and hold off until we confirm that."

"Agreed, while the danger increases if there's something new to be caught without the three people seen getting caught cracking their mouths. Larkheit will be able to make contact in some new way if he succeeds in escaping."

"All right, I'm gonna need you to step back as well."

"We should also avoid meeting in the back like this for a while. Perhaps it would have been just right if the demon king of the sky had failed to invade Kuama in a way."

"If only the Ethereal Demon King had attacked us. That's what Quama had already fallen into our hands. It's not something you should be happy about."

"It's not good, 'cause if they'd run us out, we'd be having trouble moving, right?

This concludes the meeting, each leaving this place with a time difference.

Hey, Boulder was in charge of the conversation between the three guild advisors without ever being overstated.

"So, brother, what are you gonna do after this?

"Let Riod first make a third party request for a nomination to Hassa. After that, they don't know what's going on. Let them find Hassa."

"I see. - If we make a move, they might be watching Hassa!

"I'm almost ready. Les (...) a (...) te (...) i (...) s (...) side trends will also need to be monitored, noticeable movements will be avoided"

"It's Gatten!

My brother's crisis aversion abilities are wild beasts.

Is this what all the subhumans are like, no, I guess my brother is special.

I can easily obtain information that is difficult to obtain, my brother shows great insight from that information.

I think it's too thick for me to say, but it suits your boss and his men.

I don't know who you are, but if you want to get in my way, I won't forgive you, I'll bust your ass!

...... hmm?

Something familiar and unrecognizable is walking ahead of his gaze.

That's just it. That ecdoic that I was working with Purshro......

Why would someone who hadn't shown up to Quama lately... explore it again?

Activate detective magic, informing Ekdoyk and then another man...

"What the... that..."

"What's up, Hark Doc?"

"Oh, no... the... there's a pair of guys in front of you, right?

"Oh, that's... one's an ecdoic. I hear he's had contact with Larheit before."

"Oh, so you're on my side?

"It's premature to think so. But it's hard to believe that it doesn't make sense. So, what was the reason you were so scared?

"Well, if my detective magic isn't crazy... Ekdoyk isn't human"


"That and the man next to it...... I can't read anything"

My detective magic reads the opponent's information if I have any contact with the opponent's magic.

The result is that Ekdoyk says he's not human.

The other brunette is even weirder when she just can't keep up with her understanding.

I can't even read one piece of information as if I used detective magic on a corpse.

Magic is insignificant, but it doesn't mean you can't read it even if it's as hard as a child.

"We'll take a detour. Let someone else look for their trends."

"... Roger that. - Huh!?

My gaze matched my gaze.

My instincts tell me, something's wrong with this guy.

Not with or without combat, but definitely a lot of damage if he gets involved...

What are we gonna do, let my brother go and I'm staying here?

Yeah, that's good, 'cause if you're also Ekdoyk's opponent, it's gonna have to be me, and if you have a brother, you can get involved.

"Brother, brother, run away. I'll stop them...?"

The man turned his heel back from the spot and left, wondering if he had spoken to Ekdoik.

I'm not sure why, but it looks like I didn't have to deal with those two.

"Are you all right, Hark Doc? That's an unusual sweat."

My brother tells me to wipe my forehead with my hand.

A perfectly disgusting sweat is on my palm.

Who the hell is that guy...