My focus was that he blew up the chain without hesitation when he made the ambush.

I know it's an alert move on my back that knocked Lachra down with one blow. But it was too thoughtful.

That's where I noticed. If Ekdoyk is as deadly as he gets, even a guy who doesn't hesitate to sacrifice himself.

I didn't feel like hitting any of the attacks coming from me. That's why we needed to catch him attacking.

Repeat the massive swing of wasting health, eating the counterattack. And he showed the moment his consciousness tried to fly, inviting him to be alert.

Still, I understood that Ekudoik was a guy who didn't play big moves. But still, I knew my sense of inferiority to Lachra in the depths of my heart was shaking.

In the end, Ekudoik attacked me at a time when instincts would react. The moment my instincts woke me up, I was able to capture my fist with my mouth.

And as you'd expect, he's been punching his knees ready to throw one arm away.

I knew it was coming twice. If the attack kept coming, then it would be an easy win.

I don't have beautiful physical skills with me, but if it's a mix-up fight, I'm the better number of places.

I was able to tumble Ekdoyk and punch my back into the chest of the guy who went defenseless.

He tried to fight back too, instinct told me to be vigilant.

But that vigilance is not enough to tell you that your life is in danger. I shot it off without stopping my hand, intending to take it spoiled enough to chase some hand wounds.

"- Gu, ah, ah!?

And yet, why, am I in pain!?

My body gets bored by the severe pain and rolls over the ground. An unusual pain is hitting my right arm.

Open eyes overflowing with tears to understand the situation and look at your arms. But I couldn't see my right arm.

My right arm was sweeping away from my shoulder.

That hurts, and this situation doesn't taste good. I can't gather magic around my shoulders to strengthen my magic and stop the bleeding.

The magic path around my shoulder is completely gone. The magic is unstable.

Even I know why this happened. This is...

"What you should spare is that you overused that move in front of me. Your hands, they burst with highly compressed magic at one point. Those who specialize in fleshbullet warfare usually apply high-density magic enhancements to their entire bodies. Even a blow here is bound to take place around weapons and arms."

Soon Ekdoyk will be up and staring down at me.

Ekdoik, who was supposed to have taken a direct hit in my wife's hand, had to be slightly choosen near her chest.

In addition, the appearance has changed slightly. Its long hair is pale and radiant to the colour of wheat as if its skin had been exposed to the sun for a long time.

"Oh... hey... gaah! Aaaah!"

He wants to throw words, but he leaks more screams of pain than his voice.

Even though it's a pain of unconsciousness, it feels like the pain is forcing my consciousness to wake up.

"But your sole is only concentrating on the tip of its own attack, deliberately creating a state of excessive instability. Originally we would just self-destruct each other if we carried out such an attack, but you had a minimal junction behind a compressed mass of magic, on the arm's side. It's like a barrel of compressed magic in a sphere, so that when the magic bursts, the impact is concentrated forward."

He explains that he politely cut off my hand. I can't go wrong with that.

I didn't have enough magic to do the magic enhancement on the flesh, or enough flesh to withstand the enhancement.

The cheap idea is how to focus everything on a single blow. It's a good way to compress the magic and beat it like an idiot.

But that would definitely blow myself up too. So I decided to concentrate on two places instead of one.

The magic that bursts, then the minimal junction that protects itself.

It's not protecting the whole body, it's not just protecting the fists. Only at the moment of the explosion is the junction that wraps its magic around it so that it is not directed in its own direction.

"In theory, even less magic can exert high power. But the risk... needless to say. Its destructive power bounces back on itself when the junction that protects itself fails to function adequately. And all you want to know is, 'Why did you fail? I used it the right way."

That's right! I didn't miss it! I was adjusting my boundaries exactly until the moment the attack hit!

"This is the answer to that." Blind eyes ". It's a devil's move that gives illusions to the sight of others."

Ekdoyk's eyes, which he showed with his forehead raised, had degenerated into horizontal squares, not circular.

What an approximate eye! Goats!?

"Harkdock, you burst. The compression of the magic was going in a fixed position. I guess only that process can be done by closing my eyes. But the only way to protect yourself was to see it with your own eyes and adjust its coordinates, right? At the time of the surprise from the dirt, I didn't miss my gaze pointing to the tip of my right arm, not mine."

"- Huh!"

"I'm sure your instincts worked even when you lost consciousness, but the magic of detection had been disarmed. I let your sight dazzle me before I was struck in the back of my hand. That's a minor change. The space around the fist is a little too far away. I know you were going to develop a bond behind the magic of bursting, but that means you were actually putting a bond forward. After that, even I concentrated on my chest to consolidate my defenses... but it didn't seem to be intact on the boulder."

So, so my wife says the direction of destruction is reversed!?

That's gonna blow up nicely when you get that power in your right arm!

But still, I can't solve it, I'm the one who brought it into that situation.

I'm the one who shook Ekdoyk's heart and led him! Are you saying that I could afford to do such a performing arts in a pushed situation!?

"It is difficult for people to move instantly when they are given a psychological gap. But I've already had this experience. Shake me in a much more cunning way than you. So from the time you talked about Lachra, I was prepared to be fitted during surgery. Your shaking was easy to understand and helpful. Well, you win when you're hooked."

I knew immediately who Ekdoyk was talking about.

That's the man. That brunette...! Besides that guy, that's what a twisted guy does!

"It was still strong. Hark Doc, I have a pure respect for your strength."

"... Knock... na! I think I already won... hey!

My back teeth crumble. Still, I won't stop biting it off. Force magic into the running right shoulder of severe pain and stop the bleeding. I can still stand.

Sure, my wife's hand was torn. Her right arm also disappeared beautifully. But that's all.

I have my left arm. I have both legs. If it was anything, I'd have these teeth too!

I haven't lost yet. It's not over!

Fly to Ekdoyk and wave your left arm.

"No use."

Ekdoyk dodges this attack easily and grabs my left shoulder.

And the cockroach, and the sound sounded.

"Ugh... heh!?

There was pain, but nothing compared to the pain in the right arm that was gone.

Then there's nothing wrong with it, one or two bones, where it's broken... it doesn't work!?

My left arm just sways and doesn't respond.

"I took my joints off. Because I know it won't stop to the point of pain. Did instinct warn you? Even if I had, I wouldn't be able to move to follow that warning anymore."

"I can't move my arm. How dare you!

Open your jaw and approach Ekdoyk's neck.

But Ekdoyk kicked my legs off with a few moves and made me fall over.

Wake up. You don't have a right arm, you don't even move your left arm.

You can't get up with your own blood, even if you're up there with your neck.

Kick the floor in disillusionment and get up hard as you lean against the wall.

"Stop it already. There's no point in fighting any more."

"You're not ending this on your own! I can still fight, it's not over!

"No, your fight is over, Hark Doc."

Zork, and instinct showed a reaction.

The voice I heard from my back, I can't even hear it wrong.

Looking back, there was that man. There is also that female knight beside her.

Even when instincts rush out and deprive me of consciousness, the pain in my right arm is painfully preventing me from fainting.

"Oh, my God..."

"Oh, won't you pass out this time? Sounds like you're okay when you're stuck in your feathers. Instead, you can move well with that injury."

The man looks painful when he sees me.... I feel the atmosphere is strangely different from before.

That's not all, instincts are strangely dear too...? No, it kicks in the same way.

It's about the difference from a high-kick streak to brain weather to a low-kick tibial streak. It's both hard!

"Brothers...... sorry. I'm..."

"Ekdoyk, we'll talk about that later. Lachra is already protected by Mics. He broke his ribs and everything, but he doesn't have anything else on his life. Good for you."

"... right"

"Nha Hark Doc. Surrender now, too. There's no point in you fighting here anymore."

"So... on your own - heh!

"Jestuff-Heliodora has already secured"


My brother!? That's why! My brother ran away before me, and he was already...

"You look incredible. Did you come to Wolfe now?"

Someone ran from the end of the aisle. It's that gray-haired subhuman woman reminiscent of Yugra. And beside it......!


"Shit, I brought you here!

My brother had his arms and legs restrained. I have a cloth wrapped around my mouth, but my eyes are open. He doesn't seem to be hurt.

"Now you can believe it, right?

"Hey! Let go of my brother! How the hell...!

"Hark Doc, the biggest concern for 'me' was you. Doesn't that mean your combat skills are horrible? Types like you are the best here to mess up the place. I had a feeling that just normally hunting down Jestuffs could be turned upside down because of you. Really, you're here sometimes. I guess it's with the strangest guy here who works wonders. So I decided to ask you to do the best work here elsewhere."

The man speaks with a face that seems bothered by his heart. Have you ever had a bitter experience with someone like me in the past? I found that out. It's not this way!?

"Are you telling me you deliberately separated me from my brother? I don't know how to behave like that to the Ekdoiks."

"I directed it to be so. I pressed everyone to be thorough and vigilant about you and to make your response a top priority. That way I knew you'd stay a lord at some point in time."

"Hmm!? You're telling me you weren't giving instructions to your people!?

"Instead of giving bad instructions, it works better in nature to direct them. First of all, you're wrong about the prerequisites. Escape through the basement because they surrounded the mansion. I thought that would get me away with it. I didn't know for sure if there was an underground passage, but it's only natural to assume that there's one or two means of escape from the mansion, right?


"We had a hundred soldiers deployed around the mansion, but we were also allowed to deploy soldiers to the entire Quama country. When Lachra found the underground passage, Lachra sent us a signal. So I knew immediately that your escape direction was east. So I put an end to the soldiers on the eastern side with wolf smoke and contained them near the exit. When Jestuffs took the exit, they were surrounded by Quama soldiers."

Are you saying these guys were waiting ahead of Jestaff's brother's escape while I was at war with Lachra!?

"Later it would be a reading between 'me' and Jestaff if it weren't for you. There's nothing wrong with someone whose head is only a few steps clearer than Robito or Cheniyas"

There's nothing in a man's words that makes him feel like he's included a hatchet.

Seriously, if you're Jestuffed's brother, you can read and win.

"Assuming there was an exit to all the properties held by the Jestuffs, all of which were on the east side, we scratched down the soldier's placement and crushed one route at a time that was likely to escape. It was easy to secure because I was alone. 'Me' came over here first and asked Wolfe to transport the Jestuffs relatively carefully. It feels like. If you have any questions, I'll take them, okay?

"One route at a time, in such a short period of time..."

"You, don't you remember how much you were dealing with Ekdoyk?

That's what they say and it makes me happy. How the hell have I been getting beat up since Ekdoyk switched to fighting? The pain in my body paralyzes me to the sensation of time.

"You didn't think Lachra or Ekdoyk would lose!?

"I was reading about the lackluster that the loss was intense. That's why I immediately rendezvoused with Ekdoyk. I knew how to fight Ekdoik, win or lose. If we secure the Jestuffs, we win. Until they let me use my time effectively. Jestuffs with no right arm won't take long."


This battle is a battle to see if my brother can escape from the beginning. So this guy has been thorough with me... sealing instinct madness.

I took my instinct's miraculous warning from my brother and was hunting him down without any hesitation.

I was supposedly added to it by defeating Lachra and fighting Ekdoik.

Don't get lost, act sure I can win if I can!

"Wolfe, let Jestuffs talk."

"Yes! Excuse me!

A subhuman woman takes away the cloth around her brother's mouth. My brother just coughs up a little and breathes.

"... Harkdock, we're losing. It's good."

"- Huh!"

I don't want to hear such pity from my brother!

My brother always laughed invincibly and did amazing things that I couldn't do!

I just couldn't help my brother! Because I'm such a zama...!

It's all this guy's fault, this guy's...!

Stare at the man. A female knight tried to hang her sword in her hand, but a man stopped her.

Superior, if you think I can't get my hands on Taka -!

"Hark Doc, stop it! You're giving up your life!

"I am! It's my brother's! It's Jestuff-Heliodora's right arm! My brother's not the one who ends up here! It's my role to protect my brother! If only this guy wasn't here, my brother would be again -!"

"Stop it! Non just picked you up as a convenient tool because you can use that account! I tried to use it as a throwaway pawn if I had to! For a man like that..."

"You still needed me!


"I perceive danger more than anyone, I'm more frightened than anyone, I cry, I can't get my hands on it! My parents dumped me because of this untouchable power! I don't have any allies, my brother is the one who admitted that he needs me because I'm worthy of using me in such a hellish state of neglect, hostility and creepy surroundings! I don't care if it's a thing, my brother gave me a reason to live, a value, a meaning! If I didn't do that at all! There's nothing left for me!

I knew my brother was trying to use the instincts in me to protect himself.

I've known for a long time that you lifted up my right arm and put it aside.

But the day my parents dumped me, the day I was truncated as unnecessary, I lost myself, and it was my brother who found me and picked me up!

"Even my stupid head can tell that taking the country is annoying! Still, my brother told me! He said he was looking for a country where I could get a place! Whether it's a dream story or breaking this quama for me, it's the ideal place to go!

"Hark Doc......"

"Brother... do not despise yourself... My brother could certainly have picked it up trying to use me... But my brother cared so much about me where he didn't think he would. My brother is a really warm man... A brother would surely be able to create the best country his brother has ever wanted!

At first, it was satisfactory just to be used. But my brother thought of me like a real son.

If that's really, really cozy and that's why I'm for my brother...

Only this man, only this man has to do something about it.

Threatens my brother's future, only this man!

The surroundings are full of chemicals, and poor movements are immediately enclosed.

But it's not like I don't have a hand. In this position...

"Ha... you're an idiot. You can't make a country without you an ideal for Jestuffs."

"... ugh!

"I tried to push you away, but I stopped you. Even a fool knows he's taken care of."

"Still... if I can kill you with my sacrifice, my brother's ideals do approach! I'm convinced I should get rid of you, too, just like you convinced me I was in danger!

"... kill me and someone in this will kill Jestuffs as well as you. I don't intend to use the threat because it has no product. So I'll break your heart with words. What do you think will happen to the people who didn't agree then that Jestuffs overthrew Quama and built the country?


"Even if there's no such thing as killing everyone, you're not exempt from exile from the country. Sometimes when such people become food distressed and their food support is reduced, children who get in the way are treated as lip service. Instead of guys like you, they're more miserable. I have to throw it away even though I need it. You've thought about that part of the world where you understand it's annoying to take a country, right? Well, it's about you, I might break it off as a necessary sacrifice. It may be discerned that it is the end of those who defy the ideals of Jestuffs. So, you want to see Jestuffs reigning in a fake ideal home made of compromise? Do you want jestuffs who don't go for where you really wanted them to be and are kept where they were led by crappy thoughts?

"Ugh! Still, it's what it takes to get a country!

He may be right. You're making me look so bad that I didn't want to.

"Right. If Jestuffs are going to get the country, you're going to do whatever it takes."

"That's right! To do that, I want you..."

"Then let's do the country"

"... what?

What did this guy say now? Do the country...?

The people around us are also pokans.

"What are you scared of? You wouldn't mind any consequences if Jestuffs could get the country, would you? Then you don't mind the way it's used by me."

"Yes, no, no! You can't do that!?

"What, the frigid Larheits are in the habit of trusting. Don't you trust me to talk about 'me'?

I can't feel any lies or lies from this guy. But if you're serious about that, you really can't do anything about it.

"You think you can trust me!?

"Well, it's hard to understand with your head."

"He's rude. Hey!?

"Jestuff. You're asking me how many demon kings have 'I' in hand?

"... you were the Yellow Demon King, the Purple Demon King, the Ethereal Demon King"

"That's right. Just call him the Golden Demon King. Demon kings can be manipulated if they exist in the demonic realm in which they were born. The demons have already been silenced in the Mezzis demon kingdom created by the Purple Demon King, and the purification of the demon kingdom is progressing at an unusual rate that is unprecedented in the Mezzis. You know this far?

"... oh. You heard the story via Yugra."

"Mejis, it's difficult because it's complicated in Mejis territory, but if it's any other demon world, you can give it to me. With land, you can build enough nations."


"You're kidding me! There's no way you can build a country in the demonic world!?

"Even in the demonic world, if purified, it becomes a land inhabitable by man. Neither Quama nor Ghane can purify the neighboring demonic realm now. With the demons nearby at the point of purification, we can't operate properly as territory. But I can support it."


"It was created by the Scarlet Demon King when it came to the Ghane Demon Realm. I can't completely eliminate the dangers of demons, but I can use demons from the Purple Demon King series to help escort and pioneer them. This will come after the Scarlet Demon King. There is an Ethereal Demon King himself who was created in connection with the Kuama Demon Realm. We should be able to make the local demons a workforce that feels good."

"Do you mean to use demons..."

Absolutely confusing. What the fuck is this guy talking about? A series of stupid remarks that I can't catch up with. But you can? Majid?

"But if you purify the Ghane Demon Realm or Kuama Demon Realm, you insist that Ghane or Kuama is your own territory!?

"What about Quama, I think it's how beneficial a bargain can be for King Zenotta?

"Ga, what about Gahne!?

"I don't have a problem with Gahne." Me "shuts me up."

"What kind of power relationship is that?!?

"... are you serious?

"Brother, this guy is sincerely saying it! It's not believable!?

"Nah, it's good you're naming the Third Faction. Territorial territory is like a villa in Tayz right now."

"That's fine our territory there!?

A female knight interrupts without getting her hair in. Oh, you're the knight of this woman Tayz. Convinced.

Don't often hear that the knights over there are insane.

"That's why the three Demon Kings live in one country's territory. I also need a place to keep the Mezis Demon Realm and Quama Demon Realm demons that I plan to purify later. I want to secure the land of the demon kingdom and then run it as a country. This is the general policy, but I want to leave the management of internal affairs as a country to you, Jestaff."

"... why Non?

"Other guys are fine if it's not appropriate. I don't think it's bad for Lovito or Cheniyas. But the loyal dogs are pushing me around. Until I thought I could put it up as a first candidate.... I'm glad Lachra's okay."

"In a land where demons can be obeyed... a new nation... I don't think it's going to be a satisfactory form in Noon's life."

"I guess people won't even get together decently at first. I guess inequality as a country is also terrible. But you will be founded from scratch."

My brother closes his eyes and is late for thought. You must be thinking of the sight of the invisible founding of the country ahead.

And slowly opened his eyes. There is no fine dust in those eyes to be lost.

He seemed like a brother, he had a grand eye.

"... ok. Let me give you a ride."


"Okay, so Hark Doc. Jestuffs turned around this way. What are you gonna do?

"Duh, I don't know what to do! I'm your brother's right arm! You've decided to follow my brother!

I don't have a right arm.

"Leave me alone!?... Oh, my God, because..."

The pain and instinct-like kicks began to echo in my brain when I lost my mind.

Oh, no. Don't lose your mind. Bhattan, kiku.