"This vegetable will be skinned and then the seeds will be removed. Otherwise, it'll taste bitter when it's cooked."

From Laicia, she learned a lot about human society, and also received instruction in cooking in between.

As far as I was concerned at the time, I was more likely to learn about cooking that allowed me to experience change than about invisible human society.

Improve the points pointed out and serve meals. Afterwards, he did seating and learned various things.

History of the world, about Judaism, about people's lives, about knights, about adventurers.

"Ekdoyk, you might as well be an adventurer. It's not like I'm a knight, but I can't seem to hold such a strong position."

"I'm a revenger. I'm not going to be anything else."

"Avengers aren't a job, are they? You think you can walk across people's land without a job?

"... no problem"

"If you're going to attack the people you see from one end, you're going to be treated as just a lunatic. Human beings have the art of protecting each other, even if their individual powers are weak. Or can you brass that you can't beat anyone if you have your own power? Even your raised parent, Beglagudo, wouldn't be in a place like this forever if you had that power, would you? That's how I think about invading the world where humans live, like demons."

Laicia's strength was not so high as to say. Still, he had enough skill and courage to be entrusted with the leader of the platoon.

The reason I was brought here was because I came into contact with a bunch of demons while I was exploring the Quama demon world.

Among them were several senior demons belonging to his father, and Laicia, who decided that the war was unfavourable, became the enemy of his people.

Since no other person said they were terminated or captured, I guess the jaws worked correctly.

"As far as I'm concerned. Speaking of greed, I wanted to defeat the demons, but the talent of the sword is a bit. Oh, but some of them are very talented, aren't they? That kid has a hard head, but I'm sure he'll be able to lead the Holy Knights in the near future!

"How can you talk so much fun? You said you had little hope of going home alive."

If I can learn what I can learn from Laicia because of my father's character, I'm sure she will be disposed of. I know that, and I would have understood it with Lacia.

"- Right. All I can do is give you the knowledge and prolong the final moments a little bit. But it's okay. I was ready to die then to fight, and to lose. So I'm already dead with you. This is the last thing I can do at this time. Don't you think that's just great luck?

"The knowledge you've given me can only help me when I kill people. Still."

"How about that? You may indeed gain knowledge and become more dangerous. But it could change. It could be risky, but I don't think it's a bad bet."

"I don't understand."

"I don't think I can do it overnight. But maybe I can change you now. Maybe someone else can change you in the future, even if I can't. If I can give you that cut, it's well worth it."

- I still don't understand.

Lacia was trying to change me. But I didn't mean to listen to her at that time.

Because I thought it might be convenient for me to just help the weak who were just imprisoned, the words of such a person, etc.

"You're not cute. Oh, but remember to cook well! I'm a little uncomfortable that today's food is our last supper!?

"I would be making it exactly as instructed. Are you still complaining?"

"You want some more meat! Oh, it's not rats or anything, is it? You're a bigger guy!

"Large beasts do not live around the demonic world. Our food is just collected on a whim by demons wandering outside the demonic realm. Even if it was, it would be like a rabbit."

"Rabbit... it's delicious, but it's hard for me to like something a little cute..."

"I don't know what it's like to love a beast."

"You were raised by wild demons, too, not like beasts."

"Don't be with me"

One day, when I saw the ingredients storage area, the meat was set aside.

Some of the meat was quite large, and the hair and skin had already been stripped and placed unwrought.

It was not so surprising that there was meat with some processing.

Because when demons attack animals, they have the habit of trying to enjoy the sounds.

So there have been many times before when there is the flesh of the beast we have seen the missing parts. However, as far as the thoroughness of this one is concerned, I guess the captured demons were quite borne in mind.

"But you saved me a lot of trouble. He wouldn't complain about this either."

Wash, cut and cook meat. Strong at first, then weak, proceed with cooking with the procedure taught by Laicia repeated in your head.

I will use the spices that Laicia prefers and add flavor to them. Don't forget to taste it, don't fail.

"- Okay, not a bad flavor."

Serve the finished dish in a bowl. I recall that Lacia had recently complained about the serving as well, balancing it to the extent of her apologies.

Best job I've ever done. This carries the dish, thinking that Laicia would also be a little quiet.

"Lacia, it's time for dinner. ――

There was no one in Laicia's imprisoned place. All that was left was some bloodstains spreading out on the ground. And the chain that should have connected her was rolling over the blood intact.

At first I thought she ran away. It is not impossible to get out of the chain if you amputate your arm.

I learned a lot from Laicia. And I also felt it was time to learn and less.

Upon realizing that the end was near, Lacia said she had placed a bet to run herself before her father decided she was unnecessary.

I didn't let him get away with it, but one end of the blame could be borne.

When I set aside my meal and tried to conduct a search, I felt signs behind my back.

"What's up, Ekdoyk? Anything wrong?

It was my father, the great devil Beglagud. I was slightly surprised by that.

Because my father, usually immobile from the throne, was too new to bother visiting this place.

"- No, well, it looks like that human escaped, so I'm trying to chase him..."

"Is that the person? That can't be right."

"But now..."

"If that man, he was already disposed of. Right in front of me."


Father Beglagudo is frightened. Let's look at me.

"You've learned enough about humans. I decided that if I were, that human would be ready to escape this place within less than that distance, and I decided to dispose of it a little earlier"

"- Really?"

I'm relieved. Then there is nothing to worry about. But at that time, there was something slightly in my mind.

My father Beglagudo glances around and finds my cooking.

"What, aren't you using it fast"

"Use -?"

"That meat. Sometimes I want to reward you. It's fresh meat I just finished this morning. Wouldn't that have been bad? Aren't you growing up to eat in a place you've been tailored to?"

It took me a while to understand the meaning of the word. But my head wasn't bad enough to refuse to understand.

The touch of meat, the sense of splitting, and its flavour reminded me clearly in my head.

It does not change that it is a human being and an organism, the same meat as other animals. But still, my body, my mind, has shunned it.

I suppressed my mouth, squatted on the spot, and vomited.

"- The human body is not the only one. My heart also grows strong and big. But as a result, it rocks heavily. What do you think, Ekudoik, about the pain of being blamed only on your heart? Let me know what you think?

"... why is this..."

"Why? I have inflicted various pains and trials to make you stronger. This one's just part of it. You are human, but therefore weak in heart. One human death I took care of for a few moments, and that's what I want."

From the beginning this was the purpose of my father Beglagud. He was trying to make me physically stronger, blame my heart for the bitterness and encourage me to grow further.

"The humans were knitting out the art of hunting down their enemies without harming their flesh in any way. Humans are really interesting. The number of techniques that hurt each other is beyond my grasp. Especially these things are the first to know their power by trying them this way. Ekudoik, sometimes these attacks are with people you will make enemies of in the future. Keep an eye out."

I never saw my father's face then. But maybe he was.

There's no more speculation about me growing up, satisfying my own curiosity, and which thoughts took precedence.

Then I found the rest of Laicia, who had been thrown into a pot in the food bin, and threw up again.

When the devil dies, his body becomes dust. But after the death of man, he was learned whether he would look so ugly and tough.

I buried all the contents of it, and in the sight of the mountainous soil, which could not be called a grave, I was determined to be strong again.

"Since then, I've avoided eating meat. Eating meat brings back memories of that time, and it's not where it tastes. If there is the only salvation, is it that my father never used that reproach much bitterness? It would have been hard to survive if you couldn't eat."

Finish talking about the flow of the street and see the face of 'Pale'. Her expression is...... apparently angry.

Have we talked about something that makes you uncomfortable? No, when you think calmly, 'Pale' hasn't eaten yet.

If we talk about this, the 'pale' meal could also become unsavory again.


"I'm sorry. We weren't talking about eating before dinner. Can you eat that?

"There's no way you can eat it!? Oh, no! I'll throw it at the Jestuffs later."

Saying so, 'Pale' magically chills the basket. Again, just being heard in words seems to have quite a negative effect on that.

"I shared the inability to eat meat with my compatriots, but it's getting late to tell them."

"It's important!?

"No, the... I didn't expect the Demon King to cook a meal..."

"'Purple' is what you're making for that man!

"That's because the purple demon king is distracted by his compatriots, and 'Pale' is not distracted by me or anything like that -"

"Ekdoik-Salf, crawl to the ground!


Seems to have broken my mood again. "Pale" won't even try to see this face. It's a hard thing to do.

"- I thought you used to see me like that and fight for the honor of Beglagud?

"... I guess that's because my heart remained weak. My father, Beglagud, inflicted pain on me and made me strong. Only its existence is absolute, and I could not live without assuming that it was the way to believe..."

Therefore, Lachra's easy annihilation of my father gave me a strong upset. I couldn't even get a decent sense of reality, and everything I've ever done was worthless and attacked by a sense of loss.

A weak heart, I'm about to lose even that, trying to reject it......

"... even then, you still have your shoulders in Veglagudo."

"I do understand that what my father has done is not an acceptable act for me right now. But thanks to them, you must have me now. I think denying and forgetting altogether is just an escape from reality"

"Yes...... But I'm sorry about the knight. If I could have persuaded you not to know the right or the left, I would have had a chance to escape."

- You're right.

There is a clear difference between my compatriots and Laicia who tried to make me right.

It is an end for Laicia and a means for her compatriots. I refused the purpose and accepted the means.

With that sincerity in mind, I'm pretty sure Lacia thought more of me. But there was a difference in attraction between Laicia, who turned her wish, and her compatriots, who invited her to wish.

If she had assumed she was going to run away and taken teaching me as a means, she might have used me well.

Lacia didn't have the malice to use me. That's why she died. But I have to admit she was a fine saint.

Because meeting Lacia is also definitely one of the cuts that shapes me right now.

"Ekdoyk, let me know more about you."

"I don't care what you say... my past is just a few different days..."

"You have something!? Look, like why I started using chains!

"That would be easy. When I was in the Devil's Nest, I kept crying and it wasn't weird whenever I ran away. So it was always chained. Whether you sleep or wake up, the only thing beside you is the chain. All I could do was kill my spare time, do something, use chains. The only thing I had was a chain attached to my arm."

"You don't have a brighter story!?

"Is it bright... the demons hated it when I turned on the lights. When I read the book, I tried to read it outside during the day."

"Talk about feeling better!?

Talk about feeling better...... Now, I seem happy about my own growth, but I feel something is different.

Lachra and Wolfe's growth are also delightful, but their compatriots say that it is better to refrain from making women's topics' pale '.

... Now that I think about it, Lacia was a woman too. I see, is this what happens?

Meet people like Gods and Vans... it's about my growth, and whatever...

"... there's very little to talk about in the past"

"What am I supposed to say, but it's not a rocky life. You used to say that to me."

"Right. But those of us who haven't lived each other's locked lives, we'll be together forever from now on. If we both look, we'll find something even if we're bad at finding it."

"... Honey, this man...!

"Mm, did you notice anything wrong? Sorry."

"Don't apologize without knowing why! Look, let's go!

I can't get my face turned, but 'Pale' reaches out to me. I'll take that hand.

Yes, I'm not alone right now. I have compatriots who understand me. I have company who will admit to me.

And there's a 'pale' who tries to live with me.

I've learned a lot from Laicia. But I can't take advantage of it. Let's go through more from now on in order not to obstruct her thoughts that she once did not receive.

"- By the way, I can't get up without permission to get up."

"... I'm coming!

"No, I can't get up... wait a minute, it hurts to be dragged away when you stay pulled. Wait, are you listening? Hey -"

I was to be dragged about an hour after this.

You'll have to start by not damaging the mood of the 'pale'. The lucky thing is she's a patient person who won't try to abandon me, even though she's offended me so many times because of me.

But I really don't know what kind of thoughts I would be happy to convey. Trouble.