A message from the demon of use will lead us to rendezvous with our compatriots in Ghane, taking us to the mansion where our compatriots had stayed before. 'Ethereal' was stabbed in the nail saying that Ghane now has representatives from different countries to not come with him.

The customer said, "I don't mind because there is management and coordination of the demons in the Kuama demon world," so I left it at that.

Nevertheless, there are many knights. I could go inside without any particular problems thanks to the fact that I was turned to suspicious faces but met Sir Leanor on the front porch.

"Brothers, are you there?

"Oh, are you here, Ekdoyk?"

When you open the door, you will find all your compatriots there, as well as the Golden Demon King in Marito, Eupalo and Zenotta. Afterwards it was certainly Ludfein, Minister of State of Ghane.

"That's a lot of power density in the room. Is that an ops meeting?

"Don't be so unique to me. The Ops meeting was waiting for you. Until then, it's a chat."

"When I say chatter, it's quite a topic, isn't it?

"Until now I have been discussing pickles with Pope Eupalò. King Xenotta seemed willing to start too."

"That's an amazing chat. But didn't you have to wait for me? I think ex-post reporting is enough."

"It would be a hassle twice if I didn't think about it, including your report. Quama, how many demons in the demonic world are there?

"Is that what you're saying? It's hard to say as a number. We're gathering it, but it's a lot less than when we attacked the fence. I don't know if I can get 10,000."

For the 'Ethereal', who originally fought the undead made of necromancy as the main subject, the demons born in the Quama demonic world were not counted as a force of war. They can't revive demons once they're dead, even if they look alike or close by.

There may exist something that can be called a soul if it becomes as high level demon as Duvreoli, but they can't even sense its presence in low level demons.

Then he also suggested that he might not be able to resurrect the great demons that the purple demon king was manipulating, but apart from the demons born with his own magic, it seems difficult to interfere by magic. Doesn't seem convenient.

"How about as a force of war?

"You're no different than a demon when you become a junior demon. It is difficult to handle as much as it cannot blend into the shadows. I can hold a simple weapon. If you let him have a bow or a spear, he'll be able to use it as a soldier."

"Even if it's not in the knighthood, is it about the average soldier? Still, 10,000 units is huge."

"Because the knights of Tays take precedence over all quality and are few in number. What do you mean, you can't reach 10,000?"

"One person works at least ten times, a thousand times the best. I'm not going to lose where there were over 100,000 soldiers."

"Don't sprinkle more with the guerrillas."

"That's why it's an assault. It creates cracks in enemy lines and disrupts breathing. The knights can carry out raids that no other country can do without hesitation. And I can survive."

If it is a massive battle, it is in the hands of a large number of people. The higher the number, the more intensity of the positive attack seeps out. I've just incorporated the oddity, and unless it causes extra madness, it's just gonna be swallowed.

But the knights of Tays are highly skilled. The adventurer-level presence at the top is naturally twisted.

"The Holy Knight can fight quite well, but he can't let the boulder make him unscrupulous like the Knight of Tays."

"Then you can leave it to the knights of Tayz to deal with some of the demons."

That said, my compatriots take the ring. It's a simple ring, not particularly decorative. The number is different in each of the three.

"Oh, that's not the tool that Nora used to tell me about."

"Oh. When a normal human sends his thoughts through this ring, he says he can give general instructions to a demon like a demon king."

"Were you making me make such things with one hassle...?

"It's easy to work it out. It contains a mixture of magic with" purple "directive ideas, and when you put magic into the ring, the magic spreads around you and passes to nearby demons. I mean, disposable."

If you look closely, the rings are dug with 'Attack the Demon', 'Recover the Wounded' and 'Withdraw' respectively.

Even if you can't give detailed orders, if you do give instructions, it will help as a force of war.

"There's a recovery for the wounded, but what exactly?

"Catch a falling human and carry him to a set base. The rest is the same behavior as directing the demon to attack. When humans obstruct us, we are going to unload humans and withdraw them. This ring is registered to Garne."

"You can change the set point."

"If you were carrying the wounded in the Mezzis to Ghane, you would have done everything you could. You don't have to worry about each one of us going to Ghane and the other to Mezzis."

"How do we use withdrawal? You'd better let him fight to the end."

"One is if you win. Return to the position indicated by each Demon King when withdrawn. Otherwise, you'll be left alone. The other is when the enemy is stronger and we're done retreating faster than expected. I'd rather have it withdrawn once than purposefully let it die in vain. I can reuse it. I don't think it's a problem because I'll let the knights have it, but in case they're in a hurry to activate it all, it's also prioritized to handle" Attack the Demons "as a top priority. Now it's just the 'purple' demon, but some knights are going to have a ring so that the 'pale' demon can move too"

It's not that hard to say just how it works. Even if it is not possible to give it to all the knights, it will cross enough only to captainship.

I was also thinking about using demons, but considering the processing power of 'Ethereal', I thought they could only be used decently in one place. But you can also turn this around to each battlefield.

"By the way, that means I've got the ring. Are you reading that Scarlet Demon King will scatter his army all over the place?

"Yeah, that's what I'm reading. Even amateurs can tell that stones are ignored."

"If you can just lurk as an ambush, you can still bother expanding into multiple places... why would you do that?

I can also understand Xenotta's questions. Separating soldiers into multiple squads and deploying them on the battlefield is to intercept the enemy in the desired way. An ambush lurking part also means to make his own soldiers fight effectively with no room for extra.

But the policy of the Scarlet Demon King, as his compatriots say, ignores the stone. If you are a few elite, you will still only end up destroying each and every one if you let the soldiers split into pranks.

"I have found several elements that say it would work that way. I can only say that Scarlet Demon King prefers it when it comes to reason, but I just think there's something that can push it through."

"I mean, you still think there's a way you can win?

"The Demon King has power beyond the regular orbit given by Yugranariah. I thought maybe that was to break the situation."

The power of the Scarlet Demon King...... "The sky" has the power of "annihilation", the purple demon king has the power of "caged", and the gold demon king has the power of "rule". They are peculiar powers different from normal magic. And naturally it is also given to the Scarlet Demon King.

"Scarlet of the Struggle, Scarlet was given the power of the Struggle."

"You didn't know the details, did you?

"Mm-hmm. I've only seen it used once. But I didn't know what the specific effect was. Well, the other guy who used it is Bea."

According to the story, when the demon kings were learning their powers as demon kings under Yugra, Bi's demon king and Scarlet's demon king had only developed into combat once after a conflict of opinion.

The purple demon king and the "pale" were also involved in that, and the three demon kings were severely wounded dying by the demon king of Bi.

"Maybe, but improve your physical abilities or something. But they're bad. Because that's the strength of Bea in different dimensions. We can also say that we are in the realm of Yugra, 'black', 'colourless'."

"That's all you ask, Scarlet Demon King won't be pampered."

"That's what I'm saying. When Yugra entered the arbitration, only 'Scarlet' stared at 'Bi', even though she was scratched and crawling all over her body. That's not a big enough guy."

"Don't need to understand the nature of that power first. Until then, let's hope to command Marito."

My countrymen have roughly summed up previous stories. Judaism's communication technology was to be made available behind each battlefield, with Marito and Euparo sharing that information and Marito giving instructions.

It would be a reasonable candidate to grasp the most facets of the representatives of each country and to be able to choose the best hand.

"But if we are to use measures, shouldn't our compatriots have refrained from doing so together?

"I'm good at fitting people in personally, though. I'm a de amateur when it comes to tactics. I thought I'd read through Scarlet Demon King's hitters while receiving tactical guidance from Marito, but honestly I'm too short of knowledge"

"Right. I'm not a bad muscle, so if you learn five more years, you'll be in shape, but the military seems a little impossible."

Surprisingly, it wouldn't be a good idea to think. My countrymen's strengths are specific to reading their minds. But no matter how many minds you can read, it's hard to accomplish something by yourself. That's the first time you've had the power to say me or Ilyas.

"So how does the compatriots move?

"This one is going to move around the battlefield a little bit with Ilias. Because there's a feeling you can only grasp locally."

"You mean play like the Knights of Tays? It's true that Ilyas and Wolfe's power is for guerrillas..."

"'Purple' and 'Pale' have demons move behind the basics." Gold is your duty as King Ghane. "

"Right. The power of concubines doesn't help in group warfare. There are few demons."

"You were rather there"

"Um, imitating the way 'purple' demons are made. When I was playing, I filled a room in the castle with magic to create demons."

"Oh, that's one of those treasure troves that was suddenly banned from entering and leaving for some reason. What are you doing at Garne Castle? This king."

Ludfein looks at the Golden Demon King with his white eyes. I'm just wondering what it means that I'm not even surprised, but is that within my assumptions?

"I ask you once, what about as a force of war?

"Amazingly unfit demon for battle. If we do it badly, the Lord can beat each other up."

He's weak.

Everyone snorts. Is that good, compatriot? I snorted, too.

"Not even ten. Then there may be a surprising use for it. I'll show you later."

"Wow, there's never too many manpower and demons, no matter how much they cost."

"Me and 'Pale' get ready in Quama Demon Realm, but how do I move?

"The travel route from the Kuama demon world to Mejs and Ghane would be via Kuama or across the mountains, right? The 'Purple' demon is currently assembling near the border between Tays and Ghane, in the Mezzis Demon Realm. But 'pale' demons won't be suitable for lurking, and keep some numbers moving to the Mezzis Demon Realm early on."

"Okay. Let me tell you something. Yeah, what about the means of communication after the battle starts?

"I'll put a lacquer on you with a crystal for communication. I'll let Mix have it over here so we can keep in touch."

Does that mean you will be fighting with Lachra?... No, I can't help but be aware. As for the extermination of demons, Lachra's strength can be expected more than mine. Let's just take it that we've gained powerful power.

"Ugh, I was good with the script too..."

"Give it up, it's the right material. My role as a third faction is to read the thoughts of the Scarlet Demon King while supporting the war on the back. Then Gahne and Mejs each need a highly observant guy. You're the one who gets to see things the most out of this."

"Aren't you Mix?

"It's an overwhelming mix if you also consider your ability to think, but this time it's a prerequisite to realise. I estimate Lachra is more expensive about that."

"Is it because of your mind that they say it exquisitely badly!?

Lachra, it's certainly not for you to think while doing something, but don't forget that you're not even aware if it's the right thing for me to be fighting on the Mezzis side already.

But I can't help it. My observation skills are good at gauging the strength of an enemy, but I can't read that other person's thoughts. If I could do that, I wouldn't have to piss off 'Ether' a little bit more, but I'll have to ask you how to refine it sometime.

"Whether or not we have a month before the invasion. Let's not fail to prepare."

"What are our compatriots going to do after this? You're staying with Gahne?

"No, I'm going back to Tays. I want to see how Purple works and Nora and the others are doing."

"Then will the concubine go with you?"

"At least send me a transvestite. Is there a king leaving the country near the war?"

Ludfein embarrasses the Golden Demon King. There is no expression of anger, but the gaze you make is cold. Is proximity the one who kills emotions so far...... helpful.

"Politics can also be minute-body. But the joy of having your tail stroked cannot be satisfied unless it is the main body."

"Then leave it at dawn until it's over. Are you sure you don't mind, Mr. Bad Friend?


"Got it!? Ludfein!"

"I'm the one who wants to say it."

He doesn't want his countrymen to argue with Ludfein either. Being honestly avoided by your compatriots who can identify troublesome opponents is still quite hands-on......

"That's right, brothers. What about the Jestuffs?

Jestuffs have already purified parts of the Quama demonic world and built small settlements. Gather personnel, starting with the adventurers of Rio, and the speed of their development is eye-catching.

However, purifying the demonic world requires a large number of people specializing in purifying magic. Securing a new territory is harder than starting to prepare for the attack of the Scarlet Demon King. Architecture will dominate for a while.

"The adventurer who can do some fighting gets flushed, but Jestuffs himself gets the nation-building work going in the Kuama Demonic Realm. I don't think the boulders will invade the Kuama demon world. Which way do we manage some demons in the Quama Demon Realm, and then we need you to consolidate your guard and put it down?"

"Right. The landscape gets a little noisy, but try to get people to put up with it."

"When it comes to life surrounded by monsters day and night, it seems mentally challenging. Jestuffs will figure out how to take care of it."

We then checked some details and the discussion went on. I was entrusted with the secretary, who compiled the discussion into several parchments and handed it out to each delegate.

Sometimes you can tell you're observing it one step away. Marito and Eupalo speak in the main when it comes to military relations, but it is the compatriots who have the progression of the talk.

The representatives of each country also do not claim me and understand that we should cooperate. And I guess the presence of my countrymen as that lubricant is helping a lot.

My compatriots understand it and take the lead. Do not rely solely on skills, but also use your own position. It still makes me realize that there is still much I can learn from my fellow countrymen.

But it's not just about our compatriots who can learn a lot. There are as many different people as there are from me. All we need is to find out what we can learn.

My countrymen are easy to find because they're trying to make me learn. But that's not enough. In all that growth, I'm just on the palms of my countrymen for the rest of my life. We need to take more greed.

"Is this where we can discuss it?"

"Right. After that, we're taking it back to various countries to see how it's going."

"So here's a continuation of what I said earlier, when I said I would use boiled mushroom juice -"

... Pickles do taste good. But I want to lean my neck when people ask me if it's a topic that the head of Yugra or the king of a country eats.

It's just a surprisingly helpful story. I'll make a note of it, too. No matter how much you eat vegetables, it's not a loss.

I honestly don't want to show my face in this place. Anyway, everywhere smells like a beast. I don't think the demon will take a proper bath or anything, but you want your visitors to be careful.

"- What can I do for you, no color?"

Wouldn't it surprise me if I were a scarlet beast on a boulder? He stares at me while I sit on the throne in dignity.

Well, the vigilance of the unique-class demons around us has been delightful to see on the battle posture max since earlier.

"It's about time the war started. You want me to give you some encouragement?

"If you've just come to get in my way, leave."

"Don't interrupt me or anything. Hurt you?"

"Well, let's be proud of that"

Oh, my God, you have a subtle taste for this guy's jokes. Don't think I'm serious.

Even if they twitch too much, the miscellaneous fish can't stand the tension and fly away. Let's just get down to business.

"I'm a no-touch fighter. But I've come to make one demand for you."


"You hear from Larheit about the people of Yugra's stars, about their identity and appearance, right? If you were able to catch him during the war, wouldn't you turn him over to me without killing him?

"You're telling me to miss the man who can handle 'Pale', 'Purple', and 'Gold'."

"Let him do as he pleases, Yabe. Personal strength is weaker than any demon under your control, right? When you get caught, it's when you can kill. If only you'd stop killing me then."

Then it will be difficult to capture even Scarlet Beast herself if there are knights and droppers around. But if we get rid of them, we'll only be human later.

That 'Earthlings', it's visibly involved in the war anyway, and if you leave them alone when you lose, you'll die light. I just have to get my life connected for my black sister, too.

"... I don't see the advantage of doing that."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm Yugra's next man in the world, right? There's no way I'm going to give you any advantage, is there?

Whoa, the grubby fish around me got even more irritating. It's a low boiling point to be angry just to tell the facts.

"It would be good. Avoid imitating killing on purpose. Give me what you know. I'll tell my subordinates."

"That'll help."

"But even the unique. There's no point in me eating and killing any less demons without suppressing my impulses."

It's settled. That's about it. I don't know. Let me tell you something. I'm not on the outside road enough to tell you to do what you can't. It's not like yugra, it's like yugra.

I'm going to show you what 'Earthlings' look like in space. It will be enough to show them here.

"I'll tell you what, I can't even use healing magic on this guy. If you accidentally take the deep hand, it'll kill you."

"I understand."

Are you sure you're all right? I can't take hostile action except for the guy who touched contraindications. I mean, you can't even interrupt at times.

Ah, no. There's no way you can believe these beasts.

"Ma, I'm not lying that you're here to inspire me. Now you're the only one who plays the role of Demon King. Yugra won't try to stop your invasion now either. You're going to bite the wish that Yugra gave you, General."

"- I don't even need to be told. My wish has never wavered in the last hundred years."

I guess. This guy's stubborn is muscular. He's the kind of guy who blows a fight on that Bea King anyway and can't break even if he's half-killed. Any strong man in this world won't break his heart.

But that ambition is crazy. Well, it's time to go home or I'll stain my body with beast odor.

"Well, have fun, Scarlet Beast. The endless struggle whether you sleep or wake up."