"You just said 90% of the junior, 60% of the intermediate, and 20% of the damage because the senior retreated at the discretion of the individual, right?

"Right. In total, the lower ranks will have lost most of their soldiers."

"You don't mind, do you? Mezis, because you saved me the trouble of letting you lurk outside the demon world? And if you need it, you can have as many soldiers as you want?

On the way to Ghane Castle, confirm 'Purple' and residual strength. I thought the power of the Scarlet Demon King was still unseen at the bottom, but it is troublesome on the boulder that there were other reasons why it was parting. What the hell would have happened to this mentality, which boasts the weakest if it hadn't kept Mix's ties constantly up? It is almost no longer affected by allowing Wolfe to develop constant ties as well. In the case of Ilias and Mics, no insignificant influence can be seen even without junctions. It will also depend on the magic of the individual's possession. Subhumans are not as good as that...... that they are a formidable ability.

"Be positive. Thank you, thank you. I'm so glad you had 'Purple'"

'- That's the only word that'll give you a change. So, what are we going to do after this?

"Talk to Marito about the opening measures. I'll have the" Purple "and the others swing in full at the time of the crackdown. Tell Duvreoli too."

"Yeah, it's lonely that you don't show up as you prepare for this battle, huh? - Is Mix there?

"There he is -!

"Don't forget that when you're in your current state, you can use it twice, right?

"Of course! Because I look like this and I'm very strong for bumping into production!

'I know. Well, then, protect him, okay?

Out of communication, unexpectedly sighing. There are more junior demons of 'Purple' than any demon king if only in numbers. I can think of any means to make the most of it, but this time I consumed it all at once as a meat wall. This indicates a significant loss of 'purple' overall power.

The plight on top of this battle, too, but the visible weakening in maintaining relationships with humans in the future is honestly not advisable. They're missing out because they're reciprocal. You'll need to think about the future as well.

"Friend, are you that tired of talking to Lord 'Purple'?

"No, no. Don't look so worried. I just sighed when I thought about what the human side would do with the forthcoming weakening of the 'purple' faction."

"Was it that way? You're already thinking ahead to tell me you're at war!

"If we're going to think about coexistence with humans, it's important that we show ourselves how we behave in this fight. Some people just move too fast. It's really hard to add and subtract around here."

"Not everyone lives as straight as Tays, so I guess."

We arrive at Castle Ghane and enter the room where Marito and the others are giving instructions. "Gold" came by with clarity and joy, but I don't see Marito.

"Where did Marito go?

"Because I said I wanted to get some outside air. You'll be wandering around the area."

"Well, I'll look for some"

"You'll be right back anyway. Would you rather have a concubine than that?"

"You can do it when Marito gets back."

"Hmm... I do feel better when I show it to him. All right, I'm coming, but good!

Well, it looks like Marito's place... there's no such place as a garden in this Castle of Ghane. Besides, it doesn't mean you know all that much about the inside. As Marito's current mood is oh...... on this side?

"Where are you going? Do you know where His Majesty is?

"Somehow. I'd rather not be here."


Take Ilias, who tilts his neck, and walk inside Ghane Castle. There were also several times when we plugged into the divide, but we reached a room from the upper floor where we could see the streets of Ghane down without getting particularly lost.

And there was a figure of Marito quietly looking down at Gahne as the sun was about to set.

"Were you here?"

- You know this place well? It's the right place. "

"Well. Somehow I just chose the direction you were going to take."

"That means my insides are clear after all. It's really hostile around here. No."

Marito with a bitter laugh. I still don't have enough hegemony than usual. A great war, an army of aliens who ignore the stones and push this one. A situation in which passive hands are forced to strike and are gradually being pushed with no results. This would be the first predicament so far for Marito, who has so far taken for granted the rule that everyone acknowledges.

"It wouldn't be bad as an extraction. If I had attacked him halfway, I would have hit him from the front with a demon using the power of the 'struggle', and there would have been more damage than there is now."

"There's no room for soldiers to think about other processes. The soldiers today are repressed and aware that they are struggling. If this happens, there will naturally also appear those who disbelieve in me who are in command. This will not only disrupt morale, but will also affect future extraction."

The more upside-down relationships exist, the more such problems arise. I am dissatisfied with the behavior of my boss, who only sees me as a money-making tool in the hired position, and I am dissatisfied with my boss, who, in the position of his boss, cannot take the best action to turn management around. We would understand each other's moods to some extent if we were going through both positions, but still wear and tear is inevitable.

"Not everyone is in the king's shoes. Still, only the knights of Tayz would believe me."

"Right. They've been watching me around. But when you become a Ghane soldier or a Mezzis, your influence is reduced. You have to show track record to get credit. But... it's a difficult situation."

Marito only laughs, but doesn't feel as invincible as usual. Marito, who should always be a good king against his friend, "Me". You can't just say words to a boulder about this.

Uh, there was just some good stuff around here... Find an antique-like pot nearby, lift it up and gently take it to Ilias.

"Ilias, I'm sorry, but I need you to hold this."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah."

"Be careful, all right? If I accidentally drop it and crack it, I don't know what they're going to tell me to offer you from" gold. "

"... what are you doing?

"Hey, a little underneath prep."

"Sometimes your actions make no sense, do they?

Send a few signals to Kuto with your fingers with your hands on your hips. He teaches Kuto several signals for when he can't speak, and trains him to take various actions with those signals. Spread your arms exaggerated and walk towards Marito. Over there...... well let's hope you guess.

"Marito, I know how you feel about being weak. It makes me want to make a weak noise. Even" I "would definitely be stupid, and it could be the worst way to escape."

"I guess... what you're carrying is as good as mine, isn't it? But you didn't run away."

"In terms of human numbers alone, that's it - well, let's keep that area. I'll take that as a friend."

- Thank you.

But it also serves as a person with a heart.

Make a fist on the right arm you were spreading and punch Marito in the face with your thoughts. At that moment, wrap the ctw around your right arm and increase your operating speed forcefully. An unimaginable right hook from the usual 'me' beat Marito up and rocked that body wide. If you can't even feel the pain of hitting yourself with all your strength, I can use the help of the devil.... but the right hand protection is sweet and painful. It's like stopping a flying rock with your fist. That hurts.

Marito flirts with the shock of being beaten and looks up at this one with a flashing face. By the way, I have a great desire to see the stunned look on Elias's face behind it, but I'm much more patient here. I was allowed to seal the motion in view of the possibility of going into a halt, but would it have been necessary? Well, my biggest concern was the dark side, but there was no movement whether you were guessing what I was going to do or completely alarmed.


"There's a feeling that 'I' would want to do that himself, because you would definitely have beaten the shit out of you right now. I did it instead. Is it you now that you want to show 'me'? No, you're not. You're my friend, and I'm sure you're Marito-Tayz trying to stay proud of me as King Tayz."

Marito takes a crushed attitude only before 'me', but always behaved as a strict king when he brought the knights of Ilias and Tayz before him. If you are conscious of avoiding public or private confusion, you should be strict against 'me' when third parties are beside you.

The intention of this strange relationship, because I want 'me' to see Marito as king, and then I always want to appeal to him to be 'me' friend.

And 'I' drew on that Marito's intentions and accepted them. So if we're going to break down what Marito is trying to pierce, we'll have to get it right. Because that's 'me' as Marito's desired friend.


"Or what, you want me to comfort you? Were you craving someone to lick your wound? Are you weak enough to ask 'me' for that role? Yeah, can I understand that?

"That's why... there won't be"

Marito gets up slowly and rubs his battered cheek. It is slightly red and swollen. I wonder if the very race of Tays is a monster, just beating him with the momentum of just a rubber array.

"Then what do you want me to do? I owe you one, and I'll do whatever you want with it."

"That's a stupid question. You are good as you are. [M] I want to remain friends with you now. If I borrowed it, I'd have just written it off."

Marito laughs. Unlike earlier, those eyes had a brilliance full of confidence, as usual.

"That was good. If this wasn't enough, I'd have to do it until my hands broke."

"I'm not in a position for the battered side to say, are you okay with your right hand? You're not gonna be safe if you hit him with your demon powers up without magic enhancement, are you?

"Awesome. Ouch. If it's not serious air, I'm screaming and crying."

"Treat me. If you leave me alone, it'll heal tomorrow."

Obviously, it's more serious to hit him. Maybe I can't hold the pen for a while, this.

"If I said greed, I would have broken a tooth or so."

"Didn't the boulders stop you when you got there?

"Dark Ministry, you must have guessed."

"Hey, to be honest, it was an unexpected way, so I was cautious. Ha ha. I would have slashed my arm off if I had some magic enhancements."

"That's really noisy!?

Apparently it was bare because it was only thought to be about featherworms. Why is it better to beat him to death for the rest of his life? It's an irrational world, really.

"But it does hurt. Oh, I'm glad to hear that."

"It's in the world of the Earth that I'm happy to hurt, but I treat it like it's sexuality."

"I don't think that would change in this world either. But now I don't mind accepting that assessment."

You didn't go crazy because of the beating, did you? No, I know what you generally think, but I was afraid you could be that emotional.

"Ah, Ilias. You can drop it off now."

"... Ha!? What the hell are you doing?

"It was a return of interest. The Knight of Tays moves with conditional reflexes. I'm sorry about Ilyas, but I let him seal the motion."

"This pot is for that... No, that's not..."

"Don't blame him, Sir Ratzel. You seem to blame him. He tricks you into losing the position of your lord, who put the king to work in front of you. The pot is a care for your lord. A friend of mine would have done the math for hitting me by the time he got to this place. In the process, he said, 'I'm going to beat the king in front of you now. Shut up and watch.' If you'd told me, I would have forced an unbearable patience for you, the knight."

"Nuh, guh, that's..."

"Yes, yes. Ilias saw nothing. That's what I'm talking about."

"You are..."

The boulder says Marito, you don't know what the pot means. I can already decipher this intent. You don't have to worry about this anymore.

"But it was necessary for me to get back on my feet. I'm sorry you looked so unusual. I hope you forgive me."

"Heh, it's not about His Majesty being apologized for!

"No, not before my friends, but I'm pretty sure he didn't want to show me the knight who takes the sword for my country."

"And then there's my sister hiding in the shadows."

Something in front of the door would surprise you too much, Mix.

"What, there was Mix, too? No, naturally. I'm sorry. Show me your brother's pity."

"And, and so much so! Oh, oh, because your brother was a man before he was king too!

I can see it's tempered over the wall. The improvement over here is still going to be ahead of us.

"Well. It's a waste of time. If we have time like this, we'll have to think of some good ideas."

"Oh, we're ready for that, too. You've never lost a soldier before, so you can fight back."

"That's a very fascinating story. Can I ask you something?

Describe the preparations that have been prepared, an overview of the operations to be carried out and the means by which they will be carried out. If successfully hammered, this would disintegrate the Scarlet Demon King's faction at once.

"It feels like I said. The message I gave you before was a fabric stone for this."

"... you really can come up with a way of not clapping. I'll praise you for passing through awesome."

"That's the best compliment ever. But it would work, wouldn't it?

"Oh, it's very effective to think from the information I've gotten so far on the power of the Scarlet Demon King. This morale will rise once and for all. As king, I approve the decision of that operation as the one who directs this battle. Nice to meet you. Then I'll go back. The timing is on its own, so let it be yours."

Marito's motivation is all the more exhilarating because he has put his temper back in and gained the means to break this situation. Left the room in lighter footsteps than usual. Well, 'I' have to get ready to set up now, too.

When I left the room, I saw Mix sitting around. Has Marito even met him in the face nearby when he leaves?

"Are you okay, Mix?

"... Yes. I think it's okay. However, I was really surprised at what your friend did..."

"I'm sorry. I thought you were the quickest and most effective."

For Mics, Marito is close to being deified. I don't care if they show me where to punch Marito like that. Next time I have to take care of something with an apology.

"I can't believe it's bad! No! That's not true! Let me see something very good! It has also been a treasure of a lifetime for me!


Uh yeah. Somehow, but I think I can understand my current mood with Mix's face... better not touch it, this. That's all he looks very discerning.