Future operational meetings where we made friends. In addition to the three demon kings, the demon clan of the demon king of Bi, known as Nielyates, sits in the room. And this demon tribe, my eyes at me are pretty hot.

"Hey, I can't believe this much. My king and two melons. I guess that means humans didn't throw it away either!

"Does it look that similar"

Everyone who turned to the Tays demonic realm nods unanimously. Reminds me of a suspicious conversation called Doppelgenger that my friend used to talk about. Wouldn't one of us die if we met?

"Oh, but my king has a colder gaze, so privately, you can be more frightened."

"Should that be taken as an advantage? Well, that's good. So, I've heard the rough story, Laitis... no, do you have any ideas on the means to find Necthar?

"This is a personal view, but I think Larheit and around Real knows its Necthar existence. Let's start there."

"What's the reason?

"Those two understand the purpose of collecting droppers. In other words, I read that the dropper cooperates because he has the most familiar contact with Necthar and is in tune with his purpose"

If you're on the lower end, you just pale out the search for the dropper, but both of those names were seen to be leaping in on various other things. In organizational terms, it would come as no surprise to be in a position like that of an executive. Larheit, in particular, was acting as a servant of the Scarlet Demon King. There can be no doubt about the contact with those who know the facts of the Resurrection of the Demon King.

"The search for the two of us... reports from the dark side of Tayz and Mejs have not yielded any blind results so far."

"It sounds good to assume you're not in Kuama with the broad gane of national traffic in those two countries."

"There's no denying the possibility that he's hiding on the edge."

Nevertheless, if you are a country with national traffic, it is possible to search in detail using a method using the virtual world of the Golden Demon King. Then even in the virtual world, it would be difficult to reach for the search, Toryn, Serende, would become thick.

"If we attack Toryn and Serende in the virtual world, we might get some results."

"I don't know what the concubine says, but he's not your lord."

My friend destroyed this Tays in the virtual world. I'm talking about not even asking about means, but as a king, I feel complicated. I guess I'm less accurate in the virtual world, no, but I'm a friend.

"It's possible to negotiate if you find even one of the traces. However, when it comes to information obtained by the power of the Demon King, it is not credible. I wonder if anyone in the real world would like some basis."

"That's where it is. If Toryn or Serende are not working with Necthar, it will be much easier with the help of the local king"

"Do you want to split up and search both countries at the same time?

"There's a saying that those who chase two rabbits don't get a single rabbit, so the difficulty only increases with the amount of personnel allocated."

Friends were also sending the Ecdoics to the side of the Mezzis in battle with the Scarlet Demon King. As a result, the Scarlet Demon King's single-ride special attack was stabbed and pushed to one step in front of the catastrophe. Separating those who can collaborate is just plagued by such shortcomings.

"So? Do you already have a policy in place?

"You're bumping into me, 'Purple'. Once this conversation is over, it's gonna help us make sure we know what's going on."

"I know that, but it just seems like you and King Tayz are having fun talking, doesn't it? We'll fit your policy anyway, and we'll talk about the details later, okay?

"Sonjama, for the future policy...... first ask Archbishop Serrayes to take responsibility for what he has done. Marito, call Pope Eupalò tomorrow and get him to move."

"I don't mind that, but you didn't say that Pope Euparo would not be able to get information if he captured Archbishop Serraes?

Archbishop Serraes is currently in Mejs. If Pope Eupalò finds out how this happened, he will be able to complete the siege of Archbishop Serraes within that day.

"You can do it right away if you want. Marito sent Hark Doc back to Quama with that intent, didn't he?

"... there was, where did you leak the information from?

"When I contacted Jesstaff earlier, I heard that Harkdock was in the middle of coming back to Tays once. Given Hark Doc's character, he would have waited to clean Ilyas' house."

"That's all I want you to see through my plan..."

No, well, I was acting all angry and intuitive when I saw my friend that way. It's a complicated mood to be seen so far. With the joy of being able to understand and the anxiety that seems to think the bottom is shallow.

"Um, it's good that you two can move on with a ton, but could you explain some more so that I can figure it out?

"Neil Lyates, these two are always like this. I only know what's fluffy when I hear it outside."

"You look smarter in the face pretending to know, don't you?

I do the purple demon king's method once in a while. If you buy time to think in the meantime and guide us to the right answers, it will make you feel like you've arrived at the answer instantly. I think maybe my friends are doing it too.

"Dear Serrayes! The Sacred Knights of Mejs are on their way here!

The report of the hasty apprentice, it could be inferred that it was not a calm appearance alone. There is a limit to who can send the Holy Knight to me. Perhaps Pope Euparo, the requirement would be the star people of Yugra. I was careful not to leak the information, but I wasn't going to bracket the height if it didn't leak completely.

"... I have to get that man out. Take care of yourself."

You can't let go of all that serious illness, if you move it poorly, you're likely to die. I am also thinking about the means of concealing it, but there is some certainty that Pope Eupalò will move. It is good to assume that half-hearted deception does not make sense.

"SE, Master Serrayes! I don't have that man!


I head to the room where I was putting that man to sleep. The figure of that man, who should have been put to bed, is without shadows or shapes. This is... what do you mean? Has the man who preceded you already snuck into this place and rescued him? No, it's not as easy to sneak into this place as it is in the dark of Mezis. It is a difficult undertaking to carry out a human being who cannot move without leaving a trace. Then I can think of...

"I feel remnants of magic. This... belongs to the devil"

The first thing I came up with was a purple demon king's subordination, a unique class of great demons. But tell me that's it. I don't think I can take action during a day like this. So it was already replaced a few days ago? Then Tsujitsu fits. A person with a condition that cannot be treated by magic would be sufficiently likely to resemble a figure alone.

"Duh, what shall we do!?

"This looks like it was set up in advance. The purpose of the Holy Knights on their way now will not be to seize that man, but to restrain ourselves."

It wasn't until later that I reflected that I was insulting their search power. Priority must now be given to cutting through this place. Being able to grasp the aim of the Holy Knight ahead of time, this one has some time to prepare for escape. Whatever the extent of the siege of the Holy Knight, even if it does not come true that all flee. Bad for one of the disciples, but is it most effective to have them buy time?

"Break it up and focus on getting out of here. Via the rendezvous point to the example location in Kuama"

"Then I'll stay here!

"... I don't mind buying time by talking, but avoid battle shakedowns. That would avoid capital punishment."

Due to Pope Eupalò's character, I would be the only one to be executed. The disciples will be punished considerably, but their lives should be saved if not even fierce resistance. Pack your minimum baggage and head to the aisle you have prepared in the basement. Only those who respond and those who try to escape through the back door remain.

"Let's hurry. If you notice the small number of personnel, you'll be caught in the presence of this passageway."

There is a roar coming from the facility. It is not due to the attack of the Holy Knight, that is an attack by magic. That can also be heard from multiple positions.

"Dear Serrayes, what is the sound now..."

"The fool told you to avoid fighting."

I guess the remaining disciples on earth deliberately resisted. By doing so, I bought time for this passage to be distracted.

"But I can also understand how they feel. If we are to protect Lord Serraez..."

"It's not worth protecting until you risk your life on me. You must know how much I've defiled these hands."

"I know. That's why, because losing you who are prepared to get your hands dirty for the sake of this world, not your personal greed, is no different than losing the order of this world."

"... I'm saying that's stupid"

"I don't mind being an idiot. We're ready to get our hands dirty, but we don't know how to get as dirty as you do. That's how stupid people use their lives."

Saying so, one of the disciples stops on his feet.

"... you don't have to stay here"

"No, just in case. I will stay here and serve as my lord. If you have to, every passageway..."

That's what the apprentice laughs at. The presence of a disciple who doesn't hate to give up his life for me, the one more thing I should bear, but I don't already deserve to rejoice or mourn it.

"I won't forget your name until the last day. That's all I can do for you, but that's all I promise."

"Thank you. That's enough."

Continue down the aisle with the rest of us. A loud noise sounds clearer than earlier. There is no one to look back at the sound. Because we all understand that looking back and mourning is about making that scattered value of life meaningless.

"Have you reached out to the people in Kuama?

"Already. They are similarly confirming the presence of the Holy Knight and Quama soldiers"

"Right. Loving the flowers planted in Kuama's church is no longer a reality."

"If I have to, I will learn horticulture. If you have the flowers you want, please always say so."

"I'm hoping. Get in touch with Larheit when you get to the example location"

To protect the order of the world, we have defiled this hand with much blood. But flowers planted with such filthy hands bloom beautifully. Even if this hand stains black with blood, the orderly world that has been protected must be beautiful. Then there is no reason to stop.

"Has Archbishop Serrayes succeeded in escaping by breaking through the siege of the Holy Knight"

"King Tays, Serraes is no longer Archbishop. He arbitrarily imprisoned his allied dignitaries and committed serious acts that were humanitarian. Judaism is not going to defend it any more than it brightened up '

Pope Euparo's voice heard from the crystal is pale. You know how much Archbishop Serraez and Pope Eupalò used to leap in the past to defile their hands and keep order. People with this kind of dirty work are never rewarded at the end of the day. It would even be an insult to them to feel sorry for it.

"Then with Serrayes. Do you have any idea where you're going?

"Eighty-nine out of ten, you can see where Kuama had the greatest influence of his own. However, churches and blind facilities in Kuama have already been seized with the cooperation of Kuama. Possible would be an ostensibly unknown facility, like the one that imprisoned him there this time. I'm sorry I let you get away with it. '

"I know I moved quickly from reporting to action. I'm not going to blame Judaism on Tayz or any other demon king. Continue your search for Serraes here."

"I don't care about life or death, but if you get the pattern, I want you to contact me. We have a duty to bring him to justice."

"Obligations…? I guess it's complicated to have to try someone who's worked hard in the past."

'I am grateful for that. But now Serraes is a sinner imprisoned in order. Whatever the past is, it's no reason to look past sins.'

Terminate the correspondence and Marito, who looks like a serious wise king, turns over here.

"As you can see, Serraez has succeeded in his escape."

"It's just like Marito said."

No one showed up to rescue Larheit while he was capturing Larheit in Kuama. From this comes the theory that those who use metastatic magic are not able to metastasize anywhere. From this it is unlikely that Serraes will suddenly cooperate when he flees.

Seeing the arrival of the Holy Knight before contacting Larheit and asking for help would also be impossible in time. Possible Serrayes' actions would flee to a temporary evacuation site, where he would contact Larheit and try to rendezvous with Necthar.

"Eliminate the fake you prepared by Duvreoli before the Holy Knight and one stuffing begins to increase Serraes' escape rate. And then wait for Serraes to come into contact with Larheit. You think you can catch a good fish?

"Due to Larheit's character, if Serrayes asks for help, he'll pick it up. I guess we can surround ourselves as competent collaborators."

"As far as I'm concerned, it's not half the time. It's an analysis of Larheit's personality. I have to believe you."

"Even if there's a chance of a metamorphosis magic move from the meeting point, there's plenty of calculus to capture if you stay ahead of that place."

When Real confronted 'Purple', a time lag existed by the time he started running away. That's when the metamagic user said, "I'm ready." In other words, it is believed that the use of metastatic magic requires appropriate preparation time. The goal is to target that gap. Duvreoli, who held back behind him, opens his mouth.

"Butler Army contacted me. He succeeded in tailing one of Serraes' factions who succeeded in escaping in Kuama. Including Hark Dock, we'll be on our way to Quama in time for both Ekdoik and rendezvous."

"It was worth letting King Zenotta loosen some of the siege nets."

It may be difficult to tail Serraes himself, but it would be easy for Butler Army to tail someone who joins Serraes. The rest is impeccable as a force of war if you join the Ekdoiks.

"Then I'll head to Kuama more than this, too"

"You're gonna make it?

"Who are you telling? With my full speed, I'll be there sooner than you get back to that house from this castle."

If I can, I guess I can, but I want you to take a little more care of something called distance. Ekdoik, Lakla, and Mix are already on their way to Kuama. I skipped contact with Girista once, but he's on foot.

"Yes, I'll give it back first"


Duvreoli opens' Lost Belly '. I see something like a mouth with a broken abdomen and countless teeth. It's grotesque a few steps over the Favourshas stuff, yeah. Maybe you're lucky you didn't see the sight stored in this. Duvreoli sticks his arm in it and takes out a single wooden knife.

"Arjisama! Arjisama!

"Oh, Kuto."

Speaking of which, before I went to the base of the Scarlet Demon King, I had completely forgotten that I had left it in the Garne Demon Realm until now.

"Kuto, Wasrella Rethenaillone!?

"Sorry, I just forgot"

"I remember now, too."

"Hidoi! Demo, Arjisama, Bujidenaniyoli! Mooitecha, yayo!

"Oh, there's nothing left to intentionally do anymore. Don't give me a break when I'm about to get stolen."

"Bowhan Kinow Alkara, Dijo Buyo!

With Kuto, we'll have no problem getting around here. It would be a long way from Duvleoli's speed of travel, but I would like to travel at that speed on a plane like vehicle.

"All right, then, fulfill the snowflake I let you get away with before this."

"Even if you don't tell me, I'm gonna do it."

That's what Duvreoli said and walked out the door. I thought I'd jump out the window, but the neighborhood is polite. It turned out to be against 'purple' around someone, and I just want you to give them an early effect and even a clear forgiveness.

"Do you have a plan to go out with 'me'? Is Ilyas ready, too?

"I don't have a problem at all times. I guess it's about time I went to get Wolfe. We need the usual people."


"Sonnanakadektow, Arjisamano Best Partner!

"No, I'm better off..."

Elias, don't argue with the wooden knife. No, he's a demon for once.