In a communication crystal, while Lachra and I were being diagnosed at Barastos, my countrymen and Mary encountered an enemy dropper. A short time later, he was told it had become a battle and rushed back to Toryn.

Mix had taken the two of them to evacuate to the house where Odusse lived in Toryn. In view of the fact that María was being tailed back from the Horsteal Chamber of Commerce, it is not a bad choice to use the residence of a General of the Tryn Army who is difficult to reach. The base was left to Hark Dock and Masetta to take Lachra and 'Ethereal' to their destination.

"Brothers! Mary! Are you all right?

"Oh, Lord Ekdoyk. We've been waiting for you!

Mix and Odusse welcomed me. I don't see my countrymen and Mary. I could immediately guess what was just the trouble from Mix's look on his face.

"Mix, I heard something strange happened to the two of you, but what's the situation?

"Lord Marea is on holiday now. Your friend... thought it would be quicker to look in person."

There were compatriots in one of the rooms guided. I don't see any changes like this, but the moment I saw what I looked like, it became that eye and I made an observation. It's been a long time to be seen with this eye, but I still feel something that freezes my spine.

"Is that the ecdoic this guy was saying earlier? Behind it is Lachra and... the Demon King of the Ethers? Sounds like a normal subhuman for a Demon King."

"... you don't remember me?

"Yeah. I don't remember, you should describe it that way. At least I don't know you."

"Dear mistress, you're doing well for me... the atmosphere is very different..."

"I don't feel comfortable believing the status quo, but I have to accept that this is a different world at a time when magic and subhuman beings exist. For now, I understand that there is no harm or hostility to you. [M] Mix, thanks for explaining. Let's just try to summarize what happened."

My countrymen began to explain what had just happened to me and Mary. It seems that due to the magic of a dropper named Solide, his compatriots and María have lost their memory from one point to the present. My countrymen said a few years ago, Mary a situation that probably dates back more than a decade, and the difference is that the target of the Solide attack was Mary a possible indirect involvement of my countrymen.

"Then you mean María lost her sister and was sent back to a time not long ago..."

"As for 'me', I was living in Nihon until just now, and all of a sudden it's a different world. Besides, it's a nice development like being surrounded by people who know about 'me'. Nevertheless, my body has been very successful. I know exactly how inconvenient life is in different worlds."

My countrymen move as if to make sure their bodies are in good shape. He's gaining a lot of strength and muscle strength compared to when he showed up in this world.

"I explained to your friend how I know all about it, but it's amazingly adaptable."

"Inside, it's complicated a lot. Even so, it's convenience around clearing language walls easily."

"But the power to take away memories... that's a pretty dangerous force..."

Although no changes have appeared in the body, the disappearance of memories experienced so far leads to a significant weakening. In a decade, people learn and grow in a variety of things. Even if my countrymen, who originally had no combat skills, were okay, María...

"You're just not clear about what the power of the solide is exactly like yet, are you? I need to change the response, depending on the content, whether it takes away memories, erases them or can I get them back. Barastos? If he's a wise man, he might be able to do some more research."

"Hmm... does the policy for the moment mean after we do the investigation?

"Right. But, Mix, you found out who Solid is, didn't you? I guess the vibe was pretty good that even if I was disguised as a sub, this also tells me that 'we' and the others are disguised as subs. Including me."

From the solids, it's no surprise that Mix looked like a sub, convinced that the subject he attacked was his countryman. You should think that the operation to dive in as a merchant has been disintegrated.

Let's get to Lord Ballastos.

"Before that, we have 'me' personal belongings in our base, right? I want someone to retrieve it. After a few years," I "is" I ". We should be putting together the information we need to think about our future policies."

"Then I will take your friend, Lord Marea, so can I ask Lord Ekdoyk, Lord Harkdock and Lord Masetta to join me?

"Oh, okay. But can our compatriots fly in their present state?

I feel that the order to Kuto was quite complicated, but I wonder if we can't fly satisfactorily with our compatriots who don't remember.

"Is it Kuto, the demon possessed by this wooden knife?

"Jesus, Arjisama. Kuto, best partner!

"I don't know how to use you or anything."

"Ooh...... Kuto, Kattena Koudo, and Dekinai. Arjisamano Mayray, Jesus Man"

Kuto is a demon, naturally self-absorbed. But Kuto is restricted in voluntary action by the hands of the Purple Demon King. This is more a consideration for collaborators, including Marito, than for compatriots. I always have insurance that Kuto, who is carried by his compatriots, will move for his own benefit.

"Do you want me to carry them and fly?

"Chot Chigau, Demo Die Joe Buyo. Nuanstka, Nantnaktskameryo!

"That's a very disturbing answer."

"You're over capacity in Kuto in the first place. They're lurking Dal 'Agestia outside the king's capital of Toryn. Let's get her moving."

That would be reasonable. Travelling in Kuto is less noticeable, but it is also possible that enemy hands are imminent now. A high-powered Dal 'Agestia would also not be so easy to get his hands on.

"Surely your friend was working out a manual of orders to Kuto. I was wondering if I could check that later."

"Oh, that's what I'm making. You're more adaptable than I thought, the future 'I' is."


The compatriots headed to Barastos. I don't know how much the loss of my current memory has affected me, but I feel I haven't lost much of my compatriots' abilities. It's just that strangers tell me they've known each other for a long time. It would be putting a corresponding burden on it. I can clearly see that my sense of distance to us is further away than usual.

And if you're Maria... She has been returned to a mental state where she has just lost her beloved sister following her father. I wish I had a way to undo it, but if I keep losing all my previous experience...... Will there have been no words or memories hung by María at that time? You forgive a man like me because he's a mariah who aspired to be a holy knight and trained his heart. Would I be forgiven if I made the same confession again?

"... No, I wasn't going to ask you to forgive me in the first place. All I have to do is atone for my sins."

I was saved by Mary, so now I have to. Otherwise I can't face Laicia. They may think I'm arrogant, but it's the kind of atonement I can make for what Lacia tried to protect.

When I went back to my room, I was in the middle of a real tea brewing. To see it like that, I think it must be a really long time as a teapot for Necthar.

"I've prepared it's time to come back."

"Nothing. I'm not getting my throat dry. But there was a harvest, a contact with the people of Yugra's stars."

"Oh, did you succeed in finding it"

"It wasn't that difficult. Sure, it seemed more unfavourable to me if it was a deception with the people of Yugra's stars, but he doesn't do everything himself. It would have been easier if we had focused on targeting that collaborator."

People are bad at what they do. The reason why the people of Yugra's stars are the main axis is the height of their knowledge. Then it's likely that the people around them are good at something other than that. There are two intellectuals who don't get around well.

"That's above all. I'm thankful I'm not here."

"At first, I thought it was the Black Wolves in the intel, but you were magical or something and you were growing subhuman ears and tails."

I noticed how that "blade of annihilation," Mix-Tayze, had subhuman ears and tails. I couldn't wipe my suspicions that I might be a Black Wolf collaborator without that one.

"So, what's the result?

"I used my powers against one of his people. Finally, the people of Yugra's stars became involved. One of them got his mind back to when he was a kid, but I wonder how long that guy's been back is a troubling place."

"Whenever you ask, the power of that curse is horrible. Though he said that he is talented enough to interfere with memory, to be able to keep his memories clear by nature and to forget unwanted memories beautifully. Because we are sublime until we mediate sound and force others to adapt that alteration."

"If it's me, I haven't even explained it to you, and I know that much, but you're scarier."

Originally, this power was a technique sharpened to escape the reality of oblivion. I wish I had a painless day. But, well, one day I thought. 'Why should I forget about the guy who made me uncomfortable'. It has been easy since the idea came to mind. Makes his whole life worthless by taking away memories and experiences that are important to him. Because I could have had such a handy weapon.

"But Solide. Necthar tells me that your powers were finite."

"Oh, I put it together as a curse when it comes to the power I give to others. Not until then, if the curse is lifted. But if it's not Yura, I won't be able to solve it for the rest of my life unless I disarm it."

Use my wand as a mediator to embed a wedge in the memory of their past. That way, the opponent will retrieve the current memory anew from the memory from its past point. This curse consumes magic when granting it, but it does not require magic to maintain results. The effect will persist if the wedge continues to be maintained in conjunction with the wand.

"I wonder if they will destroy the wand, or until you die. Will it be affected by the disarming of the construction of magic by the Magic Seal Stone?

"The wedge I grant is not like the construction of magic. It's like a direct conceptual grant. If it's time to set the curse, you can't deactivate it, but you can't untie the wedge itself, can you?

"The talent of a dropper is beyond the magic of making. It's like the transcendental power given to the Demon King."

"Well, the guy I prepared is with me. It was a shame I couldn't finish it off, but it is huge that I was able to take away the memory of the people of Yugra's stars in Omake. They were exposed and weakened. By now, you're going to have a little bit of a policy of being suspicious of your fellow strangers."

My powers don't just take away the other person's experience. It is also possible to plant seeds of discord. I know who I am around, but I can't remember who I am alone in my relationship with my surroundings. The fear is too much to blunt a moving leg. There is nothing short of taking a strategist who can't work with those around him satisfactorily.

"You shouldn't be too alarmed. Human nature has remained the same since childhood. Just because the memories of the people of Yugra's stars are back in time doesn't mean they were powerless."

"I'm not going to be alarmed. That's why you came back to avoid working with Mix."

I've heard rumors about that woman. Formatted Adventurer Alliance, a strong man who joined Morgana while hiding his identity and climbed to Rank 2. It's also famous for anecdotes that devastated a bunch of bandits and such with singles. If we do this properly, I will definitely be killed better.

Mix isn't the only one. The fact that the people of Yugra's stars recovered and appeared in Toryn would also appear as a force of war, such as Ekdoyk, who became the demon clan of the Ethereal Demon King, Ilias-Ratzel, who won the swordsmanship tournament in Tayz, and Lachla-Salf, the priest of Yugra, who supposedly crusaded multiple Great Demons.

Those people can be powerless as much as they want with one of my powers if they even fit into a trap. I don't know how much effort I've put into reaching that zone, but I can make it worthless. As long as I can read and win whoever I am, it's my power to deal with as much as I can.

It's time for the Gorotsky people alone to not forgive me. It will be time to introduce the ones that can be used as a force.

"I don't mind borrowing the hands of other droppers, but avoid imitating them to use. Because they're one of us."

"Real, if you can read what I'm thinking, you don't have to worry about it, do you?

"I'm worried about them because I can read them."