María's mental situation began to show a lot of calm. There is no bare gesture to relieve the perimeter with a frightened face, but the act of crying and calling out unacceptably about the status quo has subsided.

"This is... me..."

Years for young people make significant mental and physical changes. The way I look in front of the mirror for Mary now will not resemble the way I have looked before.

"You have been restored to your past state by enemy attacks. I'm not telling you not to loosen your guard against us. But if there's anything you want to hear, I'm prepared to answer anything."

"... yeah"

Compared to the previous Mary a much weaker heart is seeping out, and the feeling of wanting to rely somewhere is not dusty either. I can't help it because the contents are girls who are neither old nor going, but people are carelessly impressed that they could have gotten so strong.

"My name is Ekdoik, and I say Ekdoik-Salf. You can call me whatever you want."

"... Ecdoik, brother. Am I a holy knight now?

Mary's gaze is directed to where her gear is located. Sword on the same Saint Knight armor as my sister, Lacia, and I guess it's a factor that reminds me of my sister now for Mary.

"Oh. You have become a fine saint. It is a new America, but it does not fail in its efforts, and there is a strong sense of justice. I saved my mother's life because of you."

"... you could have been a holy knight like your sister?

"Though you are a more serious impression than Lacia. Take the pull or I'll guarantee it."

"Ekdoyk, does your brother know about your sister?

I didn't mean to avoid it, but when I was forced to touch it this way, my mouth felt heavy opening. But we should be clear here. Even if the result is to be resented by Mary now, I'm ready to take as much punishment as I can get.

"Oh, I..."

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, Ekdoyk. Oh, Mary was awake, too."

Open the door and your compatriots show up. Even though you weren't on alert around, you could have noticed enough footsteps if you were approaching the room. Does that mean that my countrymen have been listening to this story in front of the door for some time now?

"Oh, uh... who's your brother?

"Anyone. I was just telling you a story of a little interest, so I'm just a little face-to-face explaining. I like you, brother."

Unexpectedly coughs up a greeting from a fellow countryman. How could a compatriot just skip the explanation from time to time have said such a thing?

"Brothers, this story is coming from me."

"Are you trying to explain after thinking about Mary now? I'm not impressed with you making me feel bad for your self-satisfaction, am I?


"Well, after" I "explains it, you can supplement it as you like, right?

The compatriots sit back on Mary's sleeping bed laughing softly. María reacted slightly, but was slightly de-alerted when her compatriots felt no further proximity.

"Uh... so..."

"First to confirm, how long has it been since your sister stopped coming home?

"Same cheek -"

My countrymen have turned to me and stopped me, as if I had predicted trying to interrupt. But all of a sudden there would also be limits to no hesitation, such as cutting such a thing out to Mary A today.

"... about a year"

"Oh well. María, you are very clever. So I guess I'm taking it lightly from the fact that I was the same saint as my father and sister, not the profession I originally dreamed of? Your sister never came home."

"... ugh..."

"You can cry. But let's move on. Your sister's life was taken by a demon named Beglagud, the great demon who was in the Mezis demon world."

"Vegra...... Gud......"

I felt something slightly angry in the eyes of Mary, who spoke the name. It is only natural that he took his sister's life, and it is also the demon of the Mezis demon kingdom who took his father's life. Maybe I can't resist resentment.

"You don't have to resent me. Beglagud is long dead. The ecdoic sister there killed Sapa all the time."

"Ekdoyk, your brother's?

"That's not all then. Ekudoik there took away the power that Beglagud had and fought the demons for Mejs with a very great feat. By the way, that's when you and Ekdoyk met."

There are no lies in the words of my compatriots. But I can clearly see a verse trying to make a good impression on me. Then you can't. Because of the presence of me, Lacia was captured by the devil.

"Yes... what..."

"- Ekdoyk is a human being taken away by that begragud. I was forced to live a terrible life by Beglagud telling me to kill people. And as part of that education, I met your sister."

"With your sister?

"Oh. To let Ekdoyk learn common sense as a person. And your sister was murdered because she was used up."


My countrymen said, 'Now you won't complain, will you?' I'm going to look at this one with a look like that. Yeah, that's fine. Mary has a right to know the cause and resent me.

"The way I see it, I can also say that your sister was just exploited and killed by the devil. But that's how your sister chopped on Ekdoyk, and that's how she still protects you."

"... what do you mean?

"The way Laicia lived as the person she taught Ekdoyk, because there was that cut, Ekdoyk could choose the path to save people. Your sister's will was to go around and help you and your country. You can be proud of that. [M] Your sister sprouted a seed of greatness that could not be accomplished with a knight of the coven."

"Your sister..."

"If I teach Ekdoyk credit, that's what I don't have. Mezis, you've defeated many great demons of the demonic world, and you're saving Kuama and Ghane, right?

That's too much for a boulder. Instead, the majority of it was a tribute to my fellow countrymen, and I just helped. And what Lacey taught me has certainly affected my life, but in the end, I became a resident of the world that Larheit used me to kill people.

"And well, this is not my view. It's how you feel about Ekdoik in the future."


"Yes. It's the feeling the future Marya-Pentes had knowing the life of Ekdoik there.... Yes, I was accidental. I was going to bring some sweets in, but I can't carry them all the way to the drink on my own. Ekdoyk, follow me for a second."

My countrymen get up and take me out of the room. María remained somewhat of a thinker. He silently prepared the confectionery with his compatriots in the kitchen, but he opened his mouth unbearably.

"Brothers, what the hell is this imitation?

"I told you. He doesn't want Mary to feel bad for your self-satisfaction. [M] Impressions change from gallery to gallery in one way. What you were trying to do was plant a deliberate bad impression that Mary would resent you, right?

"Not on purpose. Just the way it is-"

"There is no lie or falsehood in what" I "said. It's exactly what it is. I just behaved to protect her most precious sister's honor so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I wonder how much the way you talked about it was going to disparage Lacia for her unusual way of dying?

... maybe Lacia wouldn't have died without me. That's why I was going to tell María that Laícia was dead because of me. But then what happens to Laicia's honor, which is most important to María? The more I tell myself I'm a bad person, the more worthless Laicia's death becomes.

"... I see, even if they say I'm self-satisfied, naturally"

"All you have to do now is stick the truth to Mary and make her angry or hateful, right? Focus on relieving her anxiety and getting her back to her normal state."

"... oh. By the way, just now... my countrymen shouldn't have any memories with Mary."

"The" I "of the future is in a few respects. I record patterns between other people. Some of them were the result of an analysis of what Mary thinks of you. It's not that much, but it's just something you can derive from the fact that what you just said is true."

"... right"

You admitted that Mary didn't just forgive me, but that my relationship with Lacia was a good one, and that I was rightly guided by Lacia's leftover will. Since we started acting together at Toryn, I felt somewhere too gentle... but was my sister doing it to me?

"Maybe about half what you're thinking right now is different, though, huh?

"Chi, are you not..."

"Don't try to match the answers around here, okay? Too blunt is bad for the others, right?

"Work hard...... Isn't that what you came here for?

"Oh, I thought we'd talk about our next operation. I thought I'd get you ready for that because you're gonna be in a lot of trouble."

"That's a stupid question. I do not intend to contest the plans put in place by my fellow countrymen. I know you're prepared to deserve it, but it's just right to pay back this one thing."

My solitary behavior almost tormented Mary from the past. I owe you a lot for helping me with that. I don't think that's the only thing I can give back.

"Good reply. Then I wonder if there's a problem. Then" I "will go to Hark Dock. You want me to talk to Mary, right? By the way, it's imperative that you harass the kid so he can read your hero Tan, right?

"You want me to talk about myself as a hero...?

"That's right. Because you are a hero to Mary. [M] There won't be more to the lullaby than the story of the hero Mary's sister raised."

"Hey, wait, I told you to carry it alone..."

"That chain is universal, isn't it? Come on."

My countrymen left with a delightful look on their face. Sure, using chains doesn't make it any easier to carry tools for both of us... but there's no choice.

When I returned to the room, María welcomed me with a surprised face. That's not how the man who brings tea by letting the boulders drift chains into the universe would see it.

"My compatriots seem to have remembered the emergency. If I seem annoying too, I'll be right out."

"Yeah. That's not true"

"- Right."

Move the table near the bed with chains and leave the tools behind. María was observing the situation with interest.

"Brother Ekdoik is very good at using magic!

"You're a lot more than people. But the culinary arm doesn't extend to you or Lacia."

"Oh well...... Hey, Ekdoyk, is your brother an adventurer?

"... oh yeah"

"What adventures have you had?

"Don't talk plain, for the most part. But yeah, you've had a lot of impressive memories since you met your fellow countrymen earlier.... you hear me?


My fear of me has already disappeared from Mary. Is it supposed to be the spirit of a young child, but that he has already survived the death of his sister? No, I'm sure you're desperate to show interest in something else and get away from that grief.

Sit back in bed, just like your countrymen, and remind them of past memories. I've never been aware of a way of talking that would please someone, but I wouldn't have to think too deeply about it. I began to tell the stories of the past that I had previously made Mary more glorious and as if they were good memories.

The look on the faces of Lachra and Mics is very painful, something that has happened since that man was in a state of the past. That's a guy I don't usually talk to, but you were able to care for him or something. That's why I look like a freak now.

"Oh, the demon king of the sky. You were there."

"... what?

Rumor has it, how dare that man show up? I'm not that uncomfortable right now, but you just feel pretty sick not calling me 'pale'. Not that I'm happy they called me different from Ekdoyk.

"I have nothing to do with you. I'm looking for the Hark Dock. If you're here, you're gonna tell me there's no Hark Doc, right?

"Right. It's bad you're occupying the living room, but they don't like it when you care poorly."

I have had several conversations with Hark Doc once. Although, of course, it is through the door. He's got a bad mouth, but he's more caring and dateable than Ekdoyk, isn't he? So as far as I'm concerned, it's unusual for the other two people to enjoy being fainted when they face to face.

"I knew Harkdock's behavior was a little hard to read. Gotta fix it."

"You... Can't you manage a little more attitude toward Mix and Lachra than that?

"-Ecdoic is nursing Mary now, and you seem to be breaking it down a lot."

"... what? What are you talking about?

Why are we suddenly talking about Ekdoyk and Mary there? Well, sometimes I think a lot about Mary, but now the situation is...

"When I think about Mary, I think it's better to induce Ekdoyk to put it down a little bit more so that he can take care of Mary. That's just like a sweet thinker."

"... what are you trying to say?

"You'd have been offended now, wouldn't you? Because you and Ekdoyk got into a relationship. Well, this is a return of interest to what I just said."


"If it's too much of a mess, I'm telling you I'm gonna mess it up so this is real."

This man has been warning me with a delightful face. I don't know how serious that is, but this guy can do that. I just thought about it that way and my body moved reflexively, and I grabbed the murmur and slammed it against the wall.

"You've lived for hundreds of years. You're emotional."

"Can you not get me wrong? The others follow you from the future, but I'm just helping. So I can give you one or two painful eyes without hesitation? I can do whatever you want with my arm."

"Aren't you the one who's mistaken? 'I' is far weaker than the inhabitants of this world. I know that very well. Exceptionally, there's only one person who can be threatened with force."

"What do you want to say -"

"- Just say one name and your life could be over"

"- Huh!?

Unexpectedly let go of my hand and take a distance. Even though the look on this guy's face hasn't changed, his cold, relaxed sensations are all around him, as if he's sunk in the mud just staring into his eyes. It's the same thing I thought about earlier, and I understand that this guy could do that.

"Haha, the dying demon king has been untrained for a long time."

"... don't be ridiculous, or I'll kill you for real?

"What if I kill you? I know it depends on your luck which is faster, but whichever comes first, your future will be over, okay?

It's like it's not moving even if you're trying to kill it. It doesn't mean I have the guts, I can only assume I'm enjoying this situation.

Kill this man here first... he'll have a sinister relationship with the other demon kings, and you won't be able to stay with Lachra. Ekdoyk may come with me, but I'm sure...

"You don't expect me to be sincere about the guy who killed my benefactor, do you? The idea is a hit. But the premise would be wrong in the first place, wouldn't it? What power do you have?

The power I have, the power of 'annihilation' that binds the souls of the dead and serves them as undead. But it has already been proven that only necromancy can be used by anyone but me. If this guy is going to be undead with someone's hand, that's all I can tell you about my name.

"You make a lot of cluttered threats. Not like you either."

"You seek magnificence to pull out weeds?

"Who's the weed!?

"You're not an enemy, but you're not a trustworthy ally either. If you think the current" I "is in the way, you can rule it out at the discretion of the current" I ". You're doing it. I'm not just weighing myself out about not getting my hands on the people the future 'me' is trying to take care of, am I?

Oh, this guy. You're really other HR. If my relationship with Lachra and Mix doesn't have anything to do with me right now, he said he could eliminate me and Ekdoik without hesitation if they got in the way.

"It doesn't change how terrible it is, but this is the best thing that's ever happened."

"We're each other, aren't we? No, you seem like a lot more of a change, don't you?

Going back in time won't change your annoyance! Even so, if it feels any more sinister, you're seriously going to be certified by your enemies. I want to avoid being in a relationship where me and this guy kill each other in all sorts of situations. No, I don't mind bluffing, but it's a little nasty that it's my fault.

"... ha, that's enough. Do as you please. Hark Doc dragged me to Ballastos to clean the storeroom."

"If I had said that from the beginning, I wouldn't have had to be crunchy in vain. Isn't that why you can't deliver one or two of your romances to Ekdoyk beautifully?

"I'm trying to finish it because of you and I'm still willing to go on!?

It's just that the impression I get from this guy is back to the beginning, and I don't think I'm going to ask.

"This is just a treat. Mary's memory will be restored and her relationship with Ekudoik will be deeper if she learns how she's been. That's not going to disturb me, it's going to change order."

"... which support do you want?"

"I'm not interested in you or Mary. I'm willing to give Ekdoyk a little bit of a better environment."

What's wrong with the environment? Well...... there's one more woman around him as it doesn't feel like it's going to boil off......!

"There's nothing good about it, this kind of relationship."

"You'll always be satisfied with second hand?

"... number two? What, are you mixed up too?

Hey, do you have a hobby for this guy? Are you convinced that Mix and Lachra won't get away with it? And then it's not a strong enemy for me!?

"I hope you don't mix it up on your own. The one who is most conscious of being a woman to Ekdoyk is María's sister, Laícia. It's hard to get beyond the dead."

Oh, really? Oh, yeah. But maybe so. When Ekudoik revealed the situation to Mary, it must have been because she had a terrible burden on Laicia... It's also about Laicia that Ekdoyk makes Mary feel sweet when she thinks about it......

"So, but that has nothing to do with romantic feelings or anything like that, right?

"Maybe so. But Ekdoyk likes the older type who leads him, right?

"... Oh, really?

I didn't feel anything like that. Few older women are around Ekdoik in the first place, are they? Oh, but I'm younger in appearance than Ekdoyk, but at my real age, it's pretty good, right?... I'm sad to say so myself though.

"Except for the Demon King's Age Scam"

"Can you not chase me to people's hearts!?

"Return of interest for what was slammed against the wall. Good luck at best."

This guy...... so are the enemies and allies and the boundaries around them, but you're fundamentally enjoying shaking people's minds!? You're never gonna be a fucking grown-up!? You're not! You did!