The windows were destroyed by the aftermath of Ekdoyk's attack, and there was a crack in the wall I was leaning against. It's quite lame to say that you can make the chain thickness as thick as an alley. But that's also not an obstacle to the operation you were instructing Comija to carry out.

"The chain of Equoic is also powerful when the attack range is wide and damaged by poison and curse. But that's only if they hit the chain. If you collide with the yarn of Comija, you will really rely on the big moves for lack of breakthrough power. Either thicken the chain or increase the number immensely, Komija will disappear from Ekdoik's sight either way. Then it's easy to contact the chain."

The way Ekdoyk fights focuses on adjusting how diverse effects it adds to one attack. If the area widens or increases in number, the number of poisons and curses that are imparted to the chain also decreases.

As a result, Comija succeeded in putting in place the conditions under which it could come into contact with the chain. Then the rest is the usurpation of dominance by talent. No one can beat Comija, who is equal to Yugra.

"It's quieter... but I think I'm done"

The chain that was filling the alley gradually returned to its original thickness, and I could see Comija crawling up clutching the chain from a hole in the alley full of cracks. At the end of the chain is an ecdoic falling on the ground, his whole body chained up and not even moving Pickle.

First of all, one person was able to successfully defeat the Ekdoik he most wanted to process. I don't know because this was the one I didn't want to deal with the least the way I fought.

"All right, well done, Comic-"

"Don't come out yet! I did take control of the chain. I ordered the chain to wrap the chain around the whole body of Ekdoyk and tighten it up with all my might. But from the chain, it only conveys the feeling of crushing my arm!

Stop out in the alley shouting at Komija. The reason why Ekudoik doesn't move, it's not to alarm Comija. To lure the idiot who shows up alarmed that Comija won.

"(Good decision, Comija. Much time has already passed since the battle began. It's no wonder reinforcements show up.)"

You decided that you failed to hear and lure Komija's voice, or slowly Ekdoyk rises. He seems to be chained all over his body and crippled, but he can't be seen injured except in his arms.

"Were you able to grasp even the feeling coming from the chain? Sounds more discreet than I thought."

"... the chain cannot be tightened any further. It's like it's fixated on disappointment... what..."

"My" blind eye "can create substances that exist only in my sight. It needs to be a familiar chain to create quickly. I could read that you would take control of the chain and use it to kill me. So I originally sewed a gap in a chain and created the chain to cover my entire body. That's like wearing some transparent clasps. However, newly created chains that do not compress the body crush and secure the range of motion."

If the current story is true, it means that he built chains all over his body to emerge between being crushed in the arm and being attacked all over his body. How much more than one magic can be used simultaneously, but can it be imitated like that?

"You can't possibly make it. I wrapped my chains around the groans. I can't believe all the directions, angles and positions are falling apart and I can handle just protecting my whole body in such a flash..."

"Yes, I can, because I was pre-training for this construction. If it's the first time, it can still be dealt with adequately if it's a familiar process. said the compatriots. If we fight properly, you will take control of the chain. At that time, your means of attack will be simple, by the tightening of chains."

Brothers... the star people of Yugra! You're telling me you were even reading through how Comija defeated Ekdoik? Comija's information should only have come from Smythos, just the information you get from it? It should be suspicious that he even has a correct grasp of his normal Ekdoik abilities in his past mental state right now.

"Oh no..."

"I would have liked to have won with my chains if I could. The result was a crushed arm and deprivation of control of the chain. Whoever sees it, it's my defeat. But my defeat was in the hands of my countrymen from the beginning!

Comija's right arm, which was grabbing the chain, flies. Reinforcements!? There must have been no such thing as a figure in sight. The attacker probably specializes in cutting attacks by junctional magic Lachla-Salf, where the hell...!?

"Oh, oh, oh!?

"The blow I just took wasn't just to bring you down. It was also a signal to make my people attack. They stretched chains over the sky to capture my coordinates and set some approximation and general aim. And even while we're having this conversation, the chain I created over your head shows the exact position. So I know that Lachra, who has the same eyes as me, has your position in her hand!

At the same time that Komija is relieved, his right leg, which is delayed in lowering, is severed. Comija, who breaks down his posture, falls on his back as he is. Seeing the moment of attack twice gave me a good idea of its position. But the attacker can't be found here from another alley that pinched a private house. Demon sealing stones scattered around them are also slipped through the range that can be deactivated in thin, vertical, and striking junctions.

"No!? Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

"If Solid had succeeded in an ambush even when this reinforcement showed up, he could have safely retreated if he could have continued the fight without losing his advantage. That's why I let this one carry out an ambush. What do you say, Solide, you come out?

It doesn't taste good, there's nothing I can do where it popped up in this situation. Ekudoik has already regained control of the chain and a little further, Lakla is ready for a long-range attack.

Even if we fought out of position, Lachra just comes to rendezvous. When people ask me if I can fight together or escape safely from Comija's wounded state... I can't.

"I have to forgive the lead. I was confident I could do something about it, but can you forgive me for even that?... Do it, people of Yugra's stars"

A man who was reading through how much Comija could fight. You must have also read that if I ambush a lackluster opponent, there would be a winning chance. Oh, you're totally losing out on extraction.

"Solid! Help, help!

That idiot, when he came out and advised me, I admired him. I wonder why you're asking for help in my direction. Ekudoik is also getting ready to attack by guessing a lot, and we need to get out of here.

Change the chain built overhead and signal Lachra to interrupt the attack. Komija has already lost his temper of war and Solide... should be on the run by the readings of his countrymen. Firstly, Comija will need to be detained and treated. There is no point in being deprived of control even if you try to restrain them in chains. Remove the knife borrowed from Mix, which is painted with paralysis poison, and throw it to the thigh of Comija.

"Hih!? Please, no more! Because we can't fight anymore! Because I admit to losing!

Komija said he was trying to kill me until earlier, but he's been very weak. Intel from Smyths said it wasn't the right personality for the fight, but apparently it's true. I guess he showed up to this point with courage for his people.

"... don't worry. That's paralysis poison. After a while, the body's freedom ceases to work, and at the same time the pain is paralyzed. I'll treat you if I can confirm that. Unlock systemic magic enhancements so the paralysis venom can easily spin around and focus only on hemostasis."

"Wow, okay. Please, don't hurt me anymore... hiccup..."

"We're in a state where we can't tell if Solide has withdrawn completely. Lachra keeps after you from afar, but it's also a patience until other reinforcements arrive"

I know it's not acting or anything, but I can't be alarmed in case. If you show a gap, it is possible that you will fight back with all the opportunities. Let's start with a first-aid allowance for my arm.

"In order to attract the solide, I accepted it to some extent after being deprived of control of the chain... one arm..."

There would have been so much damage, some sequelae if it had been human, but Barastos said the body of the demon tribe today would have been well enough. Neil Lyates, the same demon tribe, had recovered flat even when he was crushed outside his neck, but so far he has no courage to try the destruction that far.

"- I'm totally becoming a monster, too. But thanks to you, there's going to be more impossibility."

"You can't move on the assumption that you can't, Brother Ekdoyk"

Lachra appeared on this side, who had been instructed to interrupt the attack, although he had noticed at the signs. He is weaving black robes so that they are hard to spot by the solids, but he is taking them off while walking because they are uncomfortable.

"Lachra. At least you shouldn't have come near me until Hark Dock rendezvous."

"Because the demon seal stone was scattered, I didn't know how this one was doing. You're pretty scared to keep attacking where you can't just rely on signals, huh? If you deviate at all, you'll break vertically."

Lachra approaches the Komija she attacked and begins treatment. The paralysis poison has turned quite a bit, and Komija has not shown resistance, but I will see how it goes nearby just in case.

"An attack on an invisible position allowed me to lose my temper without killing my opponent. You'll do great."

"I say you can do it, but Brother Ekdoyk's arm is supposed to be terrible! I don't know the prototype!?

"This is a good opportunity to test my resilience as a Demon. It's not a bad result if you think about it."

"No more... Maria or 'Aoi' don't look good either, do they?

Lachra stares at me with a disgruntled face. And Mary A... did you have a close relationship at some point?

"Mm, do you? I know Mary, but wouldn't 'Ether' be happier if I grew up as a Demon?

"If that's what you think, look at the face of" Ethereal "the first time you see that arm."

"Oh, oh..."

If it's true, I'd like to keep track of Solid, but my countrymen said it's their top priority to sharpen their opponents' warfare. If Solid returns with Lachra alone here, there is a risk that Lachra will be defeated.

Solid's means of attack have the disadvantage of making noise, and lackluster junctions make sound bare. We may be able to fight more than each other if we do it from the front, but if it's an ambush, it's hard to deal with. Solide uses Comija, which is not suitable for battle, and he has the tactics to just defeat me. Strategies should be considered superior to the Hark Dock that defeated Lachra.

"Doesn't it hurt, by the way?

"It's painful but local. My whole body was broken when I lost to you before."

It is now a good experience that the chain that expanded to the limit and the overwhelming mass was severed and crushed with all of it. But this is my second defeat with the use of chains... I have to do something a little more solid.

"You lived a lot when you remember now, didn't you? Thanks to you, I didn't have to report it to your mother."

"I feel the same way about that. If the chain had been slightly chained at that time, it would have been so tragic that no prototype would have left."

"Honestly, I'm glad I won!

"Right. It's a good experience to know that sometimes it's good to lose."

Me and Lachra, we used to have a relationship that killed each other, but now we have a relationship that's not bad as normal brothers and sisters. I remain somewhat competitive, but I have myself wanting to support this guy more than that.

"But Master Mistletoe also does it in a forceful way, doesn't he? If I misread one, Brother Ekdoyk could have died!?

"I trained at Barastos so I wouldn't. I've been chained up many times and the practice of building claddies was quite fresh"

"I was worried about 'Ethereal' and what he was doing when I saw him from the side... Besides, even if you do that, your arm looks like it..."

"I was told beforehand that I was prepared to do what I deserved. It's cheap if you have one arm that's going to regenerate."

He was upset that he had been deprived of control of the chain, and his arm defense was purely in time. He was even chained all over his body and pushed to the point where he was about to be strangled with the intention of killing. My compatriots who inspired me to be ready read the developments from before training me... no, I was leading them.

"That's true... but when you get all that cold response, you're worried that you can trust me..."

"... you've got so much to worry about."

"It's obvious! Isn't it weirder not to worry!?

"I'm sorry, that was a little bad to say. But my compatriots today..."

I talked to him to some extent and realized I had. Even though Mix said this was something he should have noticed himself. The advice lackluster looks very complicated.

"Oh, no... but do you say you see a lot of things when you think about it... How could I not have noticed..."

"It's that fellow countryman. Maybe he's trying not to understand."

"That doesn't make sense... it's sloppy..."

Mm, is that true too? Wasn't it impossible to tell Mix to notice for himself because even I noticed? Let's talk about it when it's over. My countrymen have already turned their hands on the escaped solide. Then I shall return early to see how Mary is doing.