"Have you got all the larheit? Let's start the discussion."

He was summoned to Necthar with Real, Archreal. Given the practical story, Tsudhari would be better off on this occasion as well, but as a nechthar, I guess these four are the only ones who want to move on. This man hates the fact that he shares information with many and only wants to share it with a minimal number of people. Unlike the reality of being able to dilute the information successfully and pass it on to my people, it is troubling that I do not like to get acquainted with others or that arcreal, who cannot remember the information properly in the first place, is in the number.

"Toryn's base has been dropped, and now we're finally here at Serende, right? But, you know, if there's a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, if If Necthar's research is on the lookout, you can replenish a lot of food and cage it."

The power of Tsudhari, that's what Tsudhari himself said would make him less aware of the place where he had done the fine work. The place cannot be reached without a dedicated key made by Tsudhari himself. There is no effect of magic sealing stone because it has the effect of using magic and immobilizing magic properties.

Don't worry, all the keys taken from Solid are keys that can only be used at a base in Toryn. Only the four of us here and Tsuddhari will have the keys to enter the Serende side stronghold, including this location. In other words, unless we go outside, we don't even have to worry about the keys being taken.

"I'm not sure there if the people of Yugra's stars can attack the power of Tsudhari. But with the power of Solid, it should be noted that he let Solid be defeated. It would be just enough to keep it moving so that it could be broken."

"That's prudent."

Arc Real will be the only one who thinks Real is too cautious. Needless to say, I and Ritual also have the amount of instrumentation to lend their ears' if Ritual says so '.

"Then let's say we move the research facility to that location. I have inconvenience getting in and out, but that place is hard to attack and easy to protect."

"Is that the place? That corridor can provide ample ambushes and traps, if you say it's easy to prepare."

I said, "Well, if you're there, I can protect you alone, right? Even if there's a split path, there's no main road to the far end."

"Archreal. We've never been afraid you'd lose. But while they're buying time, they're afraid that others might slip through."

I can hardly imagine the sight of Archreal losing in battle, to say the least. But it's also inconceivable that the missing man in the meantime will not be let out of battle by that Yugra star folk opponent. Naturally, the biggest power over there will be prevented by Archreal, but it's not like there's one or two troublesome opponents.

"It's my premise to poke. Hi-no-no."

"We do our best to make sure everything doesn't end with your breakdown, so there's no point in being complained about, even if it's something to be appreciated."

"You're right about Larheit. The battle ahead is going to be a question of how we can deal with what Archreal can't contain."

Let Archreal protect the most important place, this is an inevitable path. In terms of the power of the people of Yugra's stars, Ilias-Ratzel and the white Subman, that area would bump into each other. Ekdoik and Mix-Tayze, who fight with small moves, will only get in the way, which means they will sew up gaps and move on and we will deal with them.

"Hey, is the knight of Tays only a woman named Ilias from the example coming? Sounds like a battle with Salvet-Ragdo to me. Reality had an affair with him, didn't it?

"Salbe and Gradona might come. But Tayz shouldn't be much of a fighter, either."

"Well, how come again?

"Nothing. That it just left a trail of what we were trying to do in every country. From those of you who know what we were trying to do with Laitis to overthrow the country, we have to leave room if we can find any smelly traces in our own country."

While Solid was doing it on his own, I also thought he was just sparing time, but he didn't seem to. From the people of Yugra's stars it can be read that this act is a bluff. But as far as it's possible at all, it's the state that can't imitate badly. That's what I need to do if I'm going to focus all my efforts on Serende, because I'm possessed by Leitis' people and other people's bodies.

"That it's a passive operation. Your enemies will be faster when it comes to increasing numbers."

"You just have to buy time. It's about the time Necthar's research is in big trouble too, isn't it?

"Oh. In fact, the path from Larheit's talent as a dropper to resuscitation magic was incredibly close. And then there's the way out of Yugra's leftover wall... but this will also be possible in not too far away"

I felt something deep in my heart twitch in the words. I can use full resuscitation magic in a little while. If we only build magic, we can figure it out by analyzing necromancy and my talent as a dropper. But that alone prevents humans in this world from reaching out to contraindications.

Colorless demon king, a being given a role in deterring those who reach out contraindicated by Yugra. But this man's deterrence only works if he reacts to a contra-indicating junction, incorporated into the logic of the world. Nothing can be done by a colorless demon king who cannot engage in hostilities without even hooking up to that juncture.

"I guess we haven't found the owner of the talent to interfere with reason, which we missed when we attacked Tayz before, have we?

"As I've said before, as long as we analyze how we interfere with other talents, we can derive quite a bit of results. With that man, our grief would have come true sooner rather than later."

"Sounds outstanding, more importantly."

"It's not good. I have been studying magic for many years as the Demon Clan of Bea's Demon King. It has been for more than a hundred years, from the day you became a demon until just before you left under it. So we finally got there, so I can say I'm still in the frame of talent."

Sure, it would be Yugra who can truly be called a genius. Yugra emerged from different worlds and instantly mastered the logic of this world by learning the concept of magic. Ritual analyzes that Yugra's ability to understand others of the star people was nurtured by environmental differences. However, no matter what the circumstances or differences in thought, Yugra's feat is unlikely to be something a man can do.

"I think that obsession is extraordinary. That's why I and Larheit trust you."

"Right. Because there were just enough ingredients that I could determine were more effective than what I was aiming for on my own."

"- Because I'm not used to being praised. So, hatred and sentiment don't boil. But just in case, I'll give you two the results of my research so far."

Necthar hands me and Ritual the Demon Stone. With reference to the ability to interfere with the memory of a solide, the technique is applied to embed the memory of the information needed in the object. Necthar has no intention of getting us out of here. This is shown in these actions to prove it.

"A huge amount of knowledge flows in at a time. Let's just say you look at your spare time and understand that whoa."

"Right, now we should give priority to those preparing to intercept the people of Yugra's stars. So how do the other droppers and laitis disperse their power?

"You don't need me. I don't care who you're with. I'm confident."

"You don't need me either. I don't want to leave my back with those who don't know when to betray me."

Reality just frowns a little on my words. The droppers, who can also be treated as combat personnel such as Yasteto, Morali, Smythos and Komija, who have so far fallen back on the side of the people of Yugra's stars, are all those whom Riyal has found and stretched their power.

"Whoa. Don't tell him anything too tough. They deserve real, don't they?

"I've been caught once, but I haven't turned back."

"You treat yourself special."

"Speaking of which, you won't need a collaborator. Real people are the ones who treat you special in the first place. I trust him unconditionally because he's the same dropper."

The power to spot real talent is certain. But Ritial has sweet feelings for the droppers. I am satisfied with the uncertainty of loyalty, even though I wish it were a tutorial that would never betray me. The result is like this.

"I don't deny it, though. But even if I didn't betray you, there's no big difference between the fact that Jestuffs' activities were exposed from you and the fact that Yasteto and the others leaked information, right?

"... let's just do that"

To argue with this man in line for reason is a waste of time just to satisfy boring self-satisfaction. You won't be filled first with such a rational chemical opponent in the first place. There's no point in having to accept that more than my lapse is at all.

"Don't give me too much swordswallowing air, all three of you. Just before the sorrow is fulfilled, the splitting will take the form of me."

"Am I included!?

"You must be the one who pinched my mouth in the first place, Archreal. Then I'll get ready."

Leave the room and manipulate the Demon Stone to decipher the approximate information. I see, there's certainly one more step. This could end before the people of Yugra's stars are ready to attack us.

"… Shall we stop making hopeful observations?"

I never got the results I wanted the way I wanted. Even if we could achieve our goals, that sense of accomplishment was always far from what we had in mind. Still, there are things you have to do. That's why I've been scratching my feet in this dob-mass kind of life.

After Necthar and Real got resuscitation magic, there are predictions as to what action they will take. Archreal is suspicious if it shows interest, but I guess it will get in the way eventually.

"- Almost. Almost. That's when it comes."

It won't be long before the choices are made. My choice would be a life where more difficulties await. Making a choice means you've already decided what to choose. When we understand that there is a choice, the end of choosing does exist. Then you don't have to get lost, just go straight down the path you wanted.