Switch from carriage to normal horseback riding Hurry to the border between Mejs and Serende doesn't mean you'll be in the territory immediately either. Archbishop Omtham seems to have turned his hand around a lot to smooth the Saints into the country, but this one has no appointment. If you want to forcefully break through with the Knights with them, you can't help but be received as an act of aggression. I'd like to check on Yokes, but I can't get any information from Butler Army because Purple is a little late for me.

We had Ekdoik ahead of us early in the leg and had Serende do the procedure before we arrived here. It will fit by the time Serende's side figures come to ask what's going on before it's too late.

"What are we going to do, compatriots, who can disappear and go to the ruins of purpose?

"We don't even know how capable people are on Serende's side, and most importantly, we can't let them get in touch with the Arcléals with half-way force. Anyway, we just have to hurry as much as we can by regular means."

Attack the ruins, and that won't solve everything. I don't necessarily have anyone to escape from this country after disabling Necthar and Ritual. Especially the guy who says larheit or something. Serende's cooperation becomes essential to completely reject future worries.

So we had to avoid a country acting on its own without aligning its footsteps, like this one. Let's not turn this story back because delegates from all over the country have decided that they would read the air and there are fallacies here that didn't do the fine nail stabbing.

"Shit, horses come from afar!

Seeing the Serende territorial side in Wolfe's voice. I see a dozen horses, not that much, but some armed. The horse stops nearby, and the serende men on the horse descend. Everyone who is subhuman and classified as an elf, if the situation is not the situation, wants to raise their voices of admiration.

I saw the person in the lead once. To prepare for the invasion of the Scarlet Demon King, Prince Washekt had his face on the summit of nations.

"I came to ask you about the face of the impolite, was it your lord? I was convinced. Is there so much difference in common sense between suddenly showing up at the border with soldiers and Yugra's stars?

"If you're being sarcastic, you can't judge the arbitrary behavior of the Sacred Knight of Mejs, and you can tell the guy from your country who did what he did."

Returns sarcasm to irony, but doesn't feel so badly aired. The Ilias and the others listening in the back look a little complicated, but Prince Washekt doesn't look like he cared that much. I guess he's the one with the original high mouth count.

"I didn't expect this to happen as a result of my kindness and freedom to enter the country. Three days ago thanks are a criticism today, this is why diplomacy is troublesome"

"I agree. So, this one wants to rendezvous with the preceding Saint Knight in a hurry. I want permission to travel within the country."

"It was Yokus, or the head of the Order of the Holy Knights tells me this will happen. Hey, it's a permit."

Prince Washekt has given him a rounded parchment. Open it and check the text inside.

"The boulder is Yokus."

"That's where I made the arrangements. I just want you to point them at me. Let me show you where you're going, but let me know what's going on in the meantime."

I shared my previous history with Prince Washekt on the move. Apparently there was also some confusion as Serende in the sudden explanation, but Archbishop Omsam was smoothing the Saints into the country with the corresponding consideration. I know it's for the sake of Judaism justice, but its seriousness is empty to the worse...

Serende has also been putting together what she wants to ask this way for the past three days, and she will answer that question. Thankfully, it saves me a lot of time explaining things.

"I didn't expect to bring trouble to Serende. How praiseworthy of Yugra."

"What about that statement as a prince? Yugra people are here for once."

"It doesn't turn into a fact that is creating trouble for future generations. What the hell?"

While Serende is a neighbor of Mezis, the birthplace of Yugra, he heard that Yugra's influence is low. You don't have influence in this situation. Instead, you feel like you hate me. If you do poorly, you're likely to refuse even national traffic, but if you can't get through the Mezzis, you won't be able to make national traffic with all countries. I guess the area is broken.

"You did everything you could explain. I'll do it here to get them, but for the time being, I want more security near the border and in the territory. There's a chance that the guy who got away with it will be ready to destroy himself."

"The perimeter security is enhanced, starting with cities with ruins, even if they are not told. We just have to avoid saying that our people will be involved."

Doesn't it look like Yokes and the others are cooperating? If you're bad, you're not even keeping an eye on him? There seems to be a deeper groove between Mejs and Serende than I thought. Not if you're thinking about it right now.

I'd like to rush the horses, but the horses Prince Washekt and his boys ride are a lot smaller than they are from Tayz. Speed would feel like I said that, and this horse has just traveled long distances and hasn't let him take a rest like he did. You'll be patient at this pace for a while now.

"Phew... you've just visited every country with troubleshooting... Normally I wanted to sightsee."

"Do the people of Yugra's stars like to travel? Then Serende will be a good place for you. Anyway, it's a country with more history than any other country."

"He said it was deep in history... every country Yugra set its borders and prepared together, right?

"Apparently not. Serende has been taken over as it was by the royalty who once managed the land. That's why we treasure history the most."

I don't know if the Royal House of Tays is old, but its ancestors are the demon kings of Bi. I feel a little off the demon world when I think about it that way. I guess that means Serende stays put. Are you saying that this is a country where the demonic realm is not adjacent, and that you left it to those who know themselves?

"Well, yeah. It must be different worlds in every country, but it's interesting to know that Yugra has a history before she gets it."

"You will, you will! What, you're the one who understands the story! I'll show you myself when it's over!


I don't suppose Prince Washekt is going to say that Serende's character remains intact, but I think he has grasped the approximate trend. Although it is a nation that values the traditions of the past and does not like major changes, it is tolerant of visitors. I guess the subtle relationship with Mezis avoids being influenced by Judaism.

Taking care of himself, Prince Washekt has spoken about the various ruins in Serende. The pressing air took on a strange form for a long time, but this may have made it a good relaxation. It's a big deal if you're going for this, but it just seems like you're a local favorite elf. Blah, blah. I want to be a beautiful elf sister if I'm to be guided.

"What you see now is Lilan, a city with ruins headed for by the Saints."

I don't feel that distinctive when it's a city without a castle, but I feel that the building of a house is old and unique. The sense of land on the border is full, but then I guess it's only because it's an ancient, non-poor country that can feel calm.

No one walks down the road thanks to Prince Washekt's already enhanced perimeter security, but his gaze meets that peek through the windows of the houses he passes through. The gaze of some vigilance and strong interest is more international than that which has been directed in other countries.

Continuing the move, the man who seemed to be a subordinate of the preceding Prince Washekt is joining us and giving some ear to Prince Washekt. Prince Washekt had only a few thoughtful faces, but he immediately turned to this one and shared that information.

Sacred knights are resting somewhere a little further away.

"Oh, well."

"You're a good guess. Then you should check with your own eyes."

In order to secure Serraes, if the Holy Knights, who preceded them in the form of a way out of here, had successfully completed their mission, they could not be resting for long. I mean, they're in a situation where they have to take a break.

There were several tents in the guided area that seemed to have been built with supplies from the people of Serende, outside of which several saintly knights were seen. From what I've seen, I don't see the wounded, but it's somewhat smaller than the number of people who left. What's more, everyone has a disoriented look. When I revealed my identity to the Holy Knight and listened to him, he told me how he had been while being guided by one tent.

The Necthars had already moved their strongholds, and the ruins were said to have been awaited by Archreal alone. The Holy Knights will be in battle with Archreal, but instantly eight people will be killed. He said Yokes was neither in the form of a single hit with Archreal nor a one-sided battle.

But that wasn't the end of the story. Against Yokes, who avoided immediate death, Archreal demanded a rematch with treatment. I've told Yokes to keep fighting until he can't fight. Twice, three times he was fatally wounded but did not die instantly, Yokes ordered his men to be treated and continued to challenge Archreal as he wore out.

"The repetition lasted until the sun set and even when Master Yokus was no longer conscious after completing his treatment..."

He was an arcreal who had declared that if Yokes couldn't fight, he would kill everyone, but when he confirmed that Yokes stopped standing up, he was gone from the spot saying, 'I'm hungry, and I'm going home'. As a result, the mandate of the Yokes failed and even twenty martyrs were killed. Twelve of them were unable to see the sight of the treatment of Yokus, and were slashed into the Ark Real.

Yokes sleeping in his tent gets into his eyes. The blanket was covered and the upper body was the only one visible, but all the bare skin was hidden by bandages and blood seeped in all places. Therapeutic magic uses his own magic, but Yokes says his magic has been pushed to depletion in the fight against Archreal, and he can't even perform satisfactory therapeutic acts until his magic is restored. The magic has not recovered because the person is in critical condition. Ekudoik gently examines Yokus, but immediately shakes his head to the side, telling him that he can't apply his hands.

"Magic is quickly depleted even with complete treatment. I guess Yokes only repeated minimal treatment and continued the fight"

"Ekdoyk, keep the drugs in 'me' luggage separate from the Saint Knight. It helps at times like this."

"... oh yeah"

Neither do I, who do not have enough magic to say at all, reap the benefits of therapeutic magic as I do now in Yokus. For this reason, we always have medicines for children with unstable magic. It would be fuller than equipped for the Holy Knight, which is to a degree of rest but did not envisage a situation like this.

Exhale loudly out of the tent. I'm never used to the strange looks of acquaintances. My nerves get hypersensitive and I get mildly excited. Ilias, who looked worried when he saw how it was going, rubbed 'me' 's back.

"Are you all right?

"I feel bad for you, but if it's something that Ilias is worried about, it's okay. I don't have that much anger."

Thanks to one of Scarlet's Demon Kings, everyone is more nervous than 'me' about the death of humans around 'me'. I guess if we run wild here, we'll be put under overprotective circumstances for the rest of our lives. and well, I am calm to the point where I can think of such irony.

"Well, don't worry if that's all it takes to turn your head."

"I think if Archreal had been a simple scum, there would have been a little more blood on my head."

Even if it was Yokes' strength not to die instantly twice or three times, he should have been able to kill him anytime after that. Fighting Yokes is like playing bugs for Archreal. Don't think about them or anything, keep flapping them in the palm of your hand, and when they stop moving, that's it. I guess there's no guilt or other fine dust just from seeing the worm tragedy. But Yokes kept answering Archreal's request. I guess Archreal respected Yokus as a human being only for the portion of the act. That's why I fought to protect my men. I fulfilled Yokes' wishes. That said, I don't seem willing to turn to the emotions I said pity because I'm killing all the knights I slashed in the meantime.

"Yokus is the leader of the Mejs Saint Knights. I'm sure I'll bring it back."

"Right. Now I just have to think about using the information Yokes gave me."

- Don't worry about that face.

Until now, the only decent information about Arc Real was from when the Ecdoics encountered it. But this time he took the time to stay in front of the Yokes. The information we get from it is the only opportunity we would have had since Ilyas and the others confronted each other and before the battle was decided. You can say that Yokus raised the Great Venus for me in a way. No, it's up to 'me' to leave a result so I can say all that.

"Ilias, I'll use it. All right?"

"Oh, show him what you mean"