"- Huh! Come on, you guys!

The arcreal that cut the paralysis screams. He stuck to me a little longer than I expected. Superimposed, superimposed.

"Suddenly, what happened?"

"Something's wrong! How long are you not going to set me up!?

"If you're gonna talk about not setting me up, you're gonna set me up from the start."

This is what Archreal thinks. He said that Ilias would not take any action against Archreal's attack because 'I' was eager to take the opportunity. A man whom Real has admitted to be a formidable enemy is going to attack in a way he can't even predict.

If the opponent is a concurrent opponent, I would think of one of those operations as the opponent. With equal combat talent to Yugra, Archreal's strength is more than mutual with Scarlet Demon King. The Scarlet Demon King, who reached his physical limit with the power of the 'struggle', would be more expensive to say just by simple specs, but Archreal has just the ability to make up for it.

"Huh!? You didn't do anything!?

"Then why don't we just talk a little bit? It's nothing. You can fight while you listen, right?

"... eh"

Archreal stopped pinching his mouth. I'm just saying I'm willing to listen. I know you're also thinking that Ilyas is going to set you up by multiplying this conversation, but I'm not going to let you do that.

"Archreal. You're a bad attacker, aren't you?


"It's nothing to be surprised about. You've missed the enemy twice, as far as I know. Duvreoli and Ekdoik."

Here's what Duvreoli told me about the fight against Archreal. When he joined the Ekdoiks, he came in contact with Archreal, and Duvleoli set them up with the intention of defeating them. But he said he took an unimaginable counterattack and was instantly driven. Then he saw the gap and fled, heading toward the Ekdoiks.

"I thought about the possibility that I could afford it, or that I like to get more prey. If it's that personality, it's just stupid to imitate the same at a time when your buddy Morali or Yasteto is going to be taken away. He fought Yokes extremely hard, and you never set him up."

The room for the strong, is that all? No, one theory comes to mind when you think about Archreal's talent.

"You are a gift as a dropper, and you know how to defeat your enemies. I know how to wield a sword, how to defeat an enemy, and how to move it optimally, and I know that only by talent. But you didn't try to get your own sword skills by being sweet about that talent, did you?

"- Huh!"

Archreal had the art of defeating his enemies from the beginning. Then you will say that you did not need to refine your sword technique to learn the technique. No, I should say I didn't even know how to polish it. It is quite difficult to understand how you will be able to do what you will be able to do from the beginning. How does a guy who can swim from the start say he knows how to get out of the gold?

"You don't understand your own strength. That's why I don't know the art of attacking myself. I have to take a fighting style that's specific to fighting back."

"Heh... I've seen enough. It works. So, you think I can't take this woman down forever if I have to set her up all the time?

"No. It is true that you have the gift of what you can call the strongest. Even if the quality has dropped dramatically compared to the ability to fight back, the basic combat capabilities should have been raised to talent."

It's not like the systemic enemies that appear in the game, so there's no such thing as a guy who can fight back the strongest can set it up from himself and say he's a total mess. Like Harkdock's Detection Magic, it goes hand in hand with a move to perceive danger being raised to a higher standard than the others.

I don't know how strong Archreal's offense is, how Ilias can take it, and I don't know that I won't try to fight all this in person. But at least I had good prospects because I couldn't finish Duvreoli. He said the strongest thing in front of him is the extent to which Ilyas can see it well into perspective.

"Right. I knew you guys weren't going to set me up. Then you don't have to wait any longer. Let me set you up."

The amateur also changed the way ArcReal looked. I guess what I was attacking on the look of things turned into a move to pin down Ilias. I don't know how much leeway Ilias has left, but I've made some arrangements with her in advance.

One is to tell 'me' instantly if you feel out of your control. Even if Ilyas bought time until he couldn't do it, it would be stuffy if he lost to Archreal and went underground with him. So if that happens, I was planning on shifting to the next operation while running off to the underground ruins with Ilias.

But Ilyas doesn't send any signals. If it's an attack by Archreal, he decides it's no problem. Then how about the next stage, the seriously attacking Archreal attack?

I can't tell by 'me' how much momentum I've gained by turning to full-scale offense. I don't mind if it's tough here, but the important thing is if Ilyas can keep moving in this fight.

... Wait, there's no signal. Archreal will still have a number of means left to attack, but I can do this. We can move on to the next stage.

An artifact that will boost your kinetic vision when you hang this eyeglass with a long overdue turn, 'Superman Eyeglasses', and a state of magic. What's more, this is an assumption of this battle with some improvement. Instead of applying corrections to both eyes this time, they are monocle shaped.

Close one eye and see the battle between the two through monocles alone. Even enhanced mobile vision makes it difficult to continue to follow the battle between the two with your eyes, but the minimum conditions are fulfilled. That is to say that I can confirm Archreal's appearance and expression from time to time.

"Come on, this is the real deal... Good luck, guys!

He restrains the lackluster who is losing his mind and imposes some curses. Even if you regain consciousness, the contents are Larheit. There are no ex-girlfriends or children who are self-harmed or used in the magic of travelling with their souls.

"But what are we going to do after this?

"I don't know. If you take me to that man, you'll lend me some wisdom. Assuming it's your own woman, you're gonna take it seriously, right?

"This one, this one..."

Aside from how far Lachra can be for my countrymen, I wouldn't do anything that would make my countrymen abandon Lachra. In the worst case scenario, you should take enough options to miss only Larheit and hunt him down at a later date.

"What are you talking about? It's time to stay sane. Whatever it is, don't ask the dead."

"... Hey Docola, is it that hard?

"Oh, not as guilty as I am of being this villain for threatening to use this. I'm not going to reflect."

"... yes, you do"

Even if those who have learned necromancy have desperately resisted, they are unable to stay sane for a long time. "Pale" has been using such power for a long time to many. For the 'pale' who kept living in frustration with nothingness, he could not turn his attention to those things.

"Ha, it doesn't make sense when I recognise the weight of the sin of what I've just done. If no one's in a position to make amends, it's a decent way to make amends."

"... I know."

"-Ma, it might be worth it. The weight of the sin you have now, the fact that you were able to hold it, is of the utmost value to you. Solitary guilt is a good sign that you are a man."

Docora is also the one who has taken his life off the road again. It was good to fall in people, and I could no longer be heartbroken about it. I guess for Docola like that, the guilt of being resurrected is worth more than I think.

"So, can we disarm it now? Don't you want to say goodbye to him or something?

"That man is not my lover, he's the one who killed me. In the first place, I said that if we broke up in the first place, we'd be done. The dead are only allowed to return to the earth."

"Docola, can I ask you one last thing?

"You're not listening to me. That's good."

"I guess you knew about Lachra, didn't you? Including what's good about him."

Docola died before Lachra met her compatriots. Back then, Lachra was more notorious in Mejs, and if it were Docora, who was in the dark, he would have heard about Lachra as much as he heard about it.

Then it is normal for Docola to think that Lachra is the one to pull her legs off. Yet Dokola believed Lachra would do well and entrusted him with measures to catch Larheit. This is something you can't do unless you know something about a Lachra individual.

Docola replied, laughing with her nose after quietly shifting her gaze to Lachra.

"... the cut he made for the priesthood wouldn't be a beauty talk for such a bad guy."

I see, so? Then you can't ask any more questions.

"Well, let me thank you one last time. The same goes for this one, but also for letting me and Lachra hang out. Thanks."

"Thank you to the bad guys, they're all kinds of things."

"My countrymen say it well. It's ironic."

"Ha, you'd say. Well, then, please."

To the word 'pale' releases the Necromancer. Docola's body collapsed, and all that remained was the mask left by the "pale" and the fragments of the shattered skull. Docola was caught in the explosion of the undead. I guess the skull that was the nucleus had been destroyed by that impact. Collect cranial shards and transfer them into bags.

"... can't we bury this bone in his hometown at all, ask his compatriots"

"Right. That's all that worked for me."

That's it to immerse yourself in sentiment. We have to think about the future. We caught Larheit and we were able to break through the middle-class guard. But at the price of that, Lachra would fall off.

"'Aye,' you take Lachra to the upper levels. I'm moving on."

"... right. You can't just leave her."

It is dangerous to get closer than Ilias and Archreal are fighting, although they would otherwise like to carry it to the ground. Several rooms in the upper floors beforehand, staring at places that seemed to be available as evacuation sites. Even if Archreal headed underground, it would also be safe if it were not a place to go when heading to the middle layer at the shortest distance.

"That's right. How's it going with the other teams?

"I was. Uh... you've heard from Purple. He said it was a hassle."

"Well... then there will be a route ahead or the Hark Docks..."

"Be careful, Ecdoik"

"Oh, I'm coming"

Through the temple, continue along the corridor. If my path hits, we have to hurry. Even if it's hard to deal with Necthar on your own, you can buy time if you can even bring it into battle. As long as the Wolfes rendezvous by then, there will be plenty of chances.

"... no"

But with such will, the corridor leading to the lower level, along the way, was completely filled.

The number of anecdotes in the two heroes, "True Eye" Real and "Fist Saint" Gradona, and Martial Arts are more common with Mr. Gradona. I can also tell from watching the fight for a little while that Mr. Gradona is actually better at fighting. If Mix and I joined him there, we thought there would be plenty of winning opportunities. But...

"Whatever you two young people are, there's something sad about that...... Gradona"

Mr. Gradona is never weak. Definitely supposed to be the strongest of these, but it was Mr. Gladna on his knees, and it was Realistic looking down at it.

"Phew... Phew... don't do it... REAL. Mix, are you guys okay?

"Well, you're gonna be fine!

The two of them out front are taking considerable damage with a real counterattack. I was shooting by magic in the rear. I'm still intact, but I've consumed quite a bit of magic.

"The Fist Saint, the Blade of Destruction, has great combat skills."

"Lord Real, if you can stop those two names."

"With that said, didn't you really like these two names? You didn't like the noise."

"There's that too... because I've had another reason these days"

"You're a little concerned. Can you tell me if it's okay?

"I'm wearing it with Lord" Aoi. "

Yep... that's why!? Oh, but you might know a little bit about it. I'd feel complicated if I got a boulder with the same two names as the Demon King, too. I don't have two names or anything yet......

"Oh, if you ask me. I don't think you need to worry about it, because it's a force that existed in the past, and yours is new."

"I guess Lord Real doesn't get it. I can't believe how I felt when I first met your friend in Ghane and was thinking about how to appeal to myself, when some of the demon kings called me 'The Ether of Extinction'!

"... no, that would be a little sympathetic. I would have felt complicated if I'd been inside the Demon King, like," True Eyes. "

It's got some kidding air, but the situation is close to the worst. Though Mr. Mix is also tearful, he can see at a glance that it is cheerful. This is also all the influence of that holy sword, the dioside.

Dioside, also known as "Slaughter of Two Choices". Its ability is to create a phantom and hide its own appearance in its phantom shadow. Is the current attack a phantom or not? If you missee that decision, your opponent will be struck defenselessly. It's a simple ability, but it's the 'true eye' that deals with it, the Real-Zentry, that's the problem.

Reality reads that the opponent determines whether the attack is real or phantom. To him, dioside ability is not uncertainty that forces him to make two choices. It's an inevitable force that keeps the opponent pulling hassles.

Dioside's abilities can be used not only to attack, but also to protect. It can also guide the target in the direction of attack by creating a phantom of the structure. Both Mr. Gladna and Mr. Mix have been kidnapped by it and cannot attack properly.

"When I was younger, he was a little easier to beat up..."

"Because I didn't want to take away your confidence and I was just relieving you. You don't have to worry. You're the one who's purely strong, Gladna."

"Ugh, I'm hurting you at this age. Very popular!"

Realistic physical abilities are also quite high. He is also able to cope with the unbeatable movement of Mr. Yokus, the Holy Knight, and that is why Mr. Gradona, who is in a substandard frame, is in a position to do so.

"You're like a friend who can fight...... Most importantly, your friends are far more compatible as lords!

"I'm not going to deny it when it comes to advantages and disadvantages. Well, I'll tell you what, I don't like it."


In melee, it's like I can't stand my teeth because of my dioside abilities. That's why Mr. Mix is switching to throwing attacks, but all knives are dodged without creation. A knife with a special effect will also deal with it optimally, as if you knew all your hands from the beginning.

It's like I can't see the winning muscle. In a different sense from overwhelming forces, a chemical that can also be called out of standard. How can I defeat an opponent like this...... Huh!?

"What, the sound now!?

From across the wall comes the roar and the sound of the earth. Again and again, as we approach it step by step. Are you kidding me? In such an unscrupulous way!?

A huge crack ran on the wall when the anticipation turned to certainty. And through that crack comes detective magic. This magic, no doubt.

"... have you lost, Tsudhari"

"Whoa, stay away from me except for real! I'm gonna blow you out at once! Whoa!"

The walls were blown up, muddy and scratchy hark docks emerged from them. This guy's been digging hard down the divided road!?

"Hark Doc!"

"Hey Masetta. You're still looking good. Gradna and Mix are... whoa, are you okay?

"Lord Harkdock looks like a worn rag!?

"Boro rag? You're better than a new rag, right?

If you look closely, there is a scratch like a blade on Hark Dock's face. After the breakup, I guess I was fighting someone. You're so worn out that we can't even beat you... I'm a little glad you're not dressed up, already!