A week has passed since the battle ended. In our current situation, we are admitted to a treatment facility in Serende.

There's no way you can be completely cured in a week after being slashed with a normal sword. Yet he's always discharged from the hospital, and he makes me feel like an idiot and sad that he keeps resting.

"Shit, I stripped the fruit!

"Well, thank you."

I heard about the Hark Dock and the fact that it was just before he bled to death when he was actually beheaded, and he came to see me yesterday with a refreshing face and cancer. Besides, fruit choices are the most sensible. I heard 'Purple' had a terrible arm too, but it was always the same, and for some reason you're just gonna leave a few chest wounds to show.

"Why don't you have a little Wolfe too? Feeding this amount of boulder on its own will keep you from eating regular meals."

"Right. Eat Wolfe, too."

"Ha! I'll keep it with your companion!

More fruit sympathy because they are all discharged from the hospital. Besides, it's also coming from Prince Washekt, so the room is filled with the smell of fruit. I'm glad you didn't have Dorian or something, really.

"Honestly, I'm in the mood for a discharge."

"If the groans don't leak when you change clothes by yourself"

"When it hurts, it's important to express it in your voice."

Marito has also stabbed me with a nail saying 'so that I can recover from being rocked and painless by the carriage before returning'. It is an inevitable statute with regard to the physical aspect, but this time the battle has ended, and that is all the more pronounced.

"Shit, let's rest until the lacklusters get back. Wolfe will hang out in leisure time!

"Oh, thank you. But sometimes I think you can enjoy the streets of Serende or something."

"That's okay because I enjoy it with Shige!

While this one is in the hospital, the others are in a state of homecoming to Mejs and Kuama. Now in Serende are Ilias, Wolfe, Mix, and Kale. Kale wasn't there at the time of his departure, but he was among the knights sent as backup. Now would be the time to walk through the streets of Serende and burn that sight in your eyes.

María is on her way to Mejs with the Lacras, and Mr. Massetta is on her way to Quama Demon World with the help of Hark Doc. The surveillance on the Mezzis side is gone clean, but of course there are surrogates.

"Hmm, you want some over there?

"Right, let's have it. Lilisa, can you take some?

"Yeah, you liked this, didn't you?

This room is with one other patient. The patient is Yokus, head of the Mejs Saint Knights. Yokes, who lost to Archreal, was in critical condition until a few days ago, but was able to get over it safely. Still, it was debilitating, so the treatment continued to be minimal and finally regained consciousness yesterday.

It's just that the recovery from it was otherworldly after all. In order to reduce the sequelae, I wait for my health to recover enough before resuming treatment, but I am better than this one anyway.

So much so that I was about to get up and go home with the other Saints in the first place. Now Lilitha, who has rushed from Mezis, blames me and honestly accepts her hospitalization.

That is why Ms Lilitha, currently the caretaker of Pope Eupalò, is responsible for the surveillance of Mejs. Mary and Masetta were ordered to take a vacation for a while.

"Yeah, but not a little more. And isn't it fast to peel?"

"Yes, uh"

"... ahem. It's delicious. The fruit you peel still tastes different."

It's kind of that thing where I can show my lovers flirting with each other, but I can't complain because there are people who are going to imitate this similarly. Instead, we don't have to get attacked because Yokes will be in our room with us.

"... Shit."

"You can't do it. If I forgive you for that, Mix will stop weighing himself down."

"... intelligent"

"You wouldn't mind. You must be pretty hard."

"If it's just face and piercing, you look hundreds of times harder."

The head of the Saint Knights eating fruit while being hugged by Mr. Lilitha. What would Mary look like if she saw it...... As much as I would like to do the same to Ekdoik?

"But it's something that I've often been able to retreat from that arcreal. Ilyas-Ratzel, it is no exaggeration to say that your sword is exactly the best in the world."

"I think it's an exaggeration... I only took it thoroughly, and your lord had to challenge me. If the conditions were the same, I'm sure there wouldn't have been that much difference."

Bad humility. If it was a condition that we had to defeat Archreal, the result might indeed have been the same. But it would have been difficult at Yokes to keep from that Archreal offense. Yokes made me laugh bitterly about it too.

"You're still bad at humility. It is the praise of the mightiest knights of other nations. I don't think you can take it honestly."

"Of course I'm glad. But for me, it's my greatest pleasure to be here as his sword."

"I see. That's far better than my praise. I'm sorry I sent you crude."

"No, in crude etc..."

It's fun to watch what it feels like for Ilyas to panic. Not, you're having fun, Yokes guy.

"I'm not making fun of you anymore, Yox! I'm sorry, Yox is jealous inside."

"Not on the inside. Ilias-Ratzel. I was aware of you as the same knight from one of the purple demon kings. I did not achieve results and you have achieved great results. Can you honestly make me jealous of the sarcasm mix?


"This is where I laugh and inspire. Then you will show more success next time than I do. And I'm going to give it back, and I'm going to try to make you jealous next time."

When Yokes laughed, Ilias laughed at it too. Originally, the robustness goes well with each other. Well, far ahead of Ilias in terms of love, he seems to be expanding his lead to different dimensions.

"But how about laughing at other women in front of me?

"I'm sorry about that. As a complement, I'm going to keep smiling at you alone."

"You have a nice face besides a smile, so if you just look at me, that's enough?

The yokes started flirting again, so I closed the partition curtain. I get heartburn after being shown a sweet sight while eating fruit. I want something salty.

"By the way, was Larheit trying to say something to you at the end?

"You're about to bury that Lar Height body I used when I was infiltrating Mezis. If we don't do anything, they'll keep sealing it in Mezis' facility again."

"Right...... but that sounds difficult"

"It's not, in fact, rooted in Ekdoik and let its body recover. Larkheit has been attacking us by blowing up bodies in the middle, and we can blame him for losing one or two of his flesh."

Promise me you'll hate the enemy. I thought I'd bury him as politely as the remains of a good man who accepted him as a friend.

"You have no idea how to make it. But it looks like you."

"The remaining concern is real... but that will be contact from the other side later, so be it then"

The demonic stone, which recorded the construction of resuscitation magic, was discovered and destroyed by the "Ethereal". Now Ritial has lost the easy way to get a way to build resuscitation magic from Necthar. But I'm guessing you've received some knowledge of the process reporting.

If that's what you find a magically savvy person like Barastos, it's also possible enough to get resuscitation magic again.

But the battle power in this battle was prepared over the years by Real. You won't be able to have any more fighting power in real life. Then Ritual chooses the path of negotiation over preventing this obstruction.

"Is it really coming?

"Maybe. I've been giving Morali and Yasteto a lot of bloodthirsty instruction."

"That or... the sight of you convincing someone with all that enthusiasm... that's acting..."

You couldn't have convinced him with his tone, could you? But heat as a person's heart can be an important weapon if you're going to set up with a real opponent.

That was a bloodthirsty act that seemed to be in Spooned Drama already. At first Morali and Yasteto pulled, but at the end of the day, you had flames in your eyes, yeah.

"There's nothing serious about it, so you don't have a problem."

"I know it's originally a hot personality. It just seemed like something different."

"It's not just a smile, it's a face to go to."

Ritial had a stake in Morali, Yasteto, and the droppers he himself drew in as his companions. If you get enthusiastic persuasion from those girls, it will shake your mind more or less. Even if that's what this one thinks, the thoughts of Morali and Yasteto are real.

"Hmm, I thought you were asleep because the partition was closed, but were you in the middle of having fun with the lady?

"That's the patient next door. Have you come to pay your respects, Prince Washekt"

The partition was opened and Prince Washekt showed up. There's something caged in my hand, but I guess it's not an extra fruit.

"I don't mind Washect. A hero who has defeated the Demon King. Even if he looks great to his opponent, his heart becomes a trinket."

"Then I'll let you do that. I'll accept changes whenever I change my mind."

The sympathy from Washekt had arrived scattered, but it was the first time the person had come directly. I guess this is also something to talk about.

"It's a treat, by the way, but it's a kind of cheerful stone statue found from the ruins."

Palm-sized stone statue with pong and placed. I'm posing that people don't know what it is, but it does seem to cheer me up a bit.

"In this situation, it's a better choice than fruit."

"That's a lot. I was giving away fruit, so the others had to bring something else. You want to take some home?"

"Do that. It's a bad idea to rot."

Washekt takes one fruit and sticks it in his hand. He's snorting, but this is a face that's happy with his choices. The best one was Hark Doc's chosen one.

"By the way, is your lord going to stay in Serende for a while?

"- Did King Serende tell you that?

"Sort of. I've been thinking a lot about why, but today it's up to me to try to give that combination of answers."

"Answer me first if you want to match."

"What if I answer confidently and it's different? You want me to scratch my shame?

This guy's got a pretty good personality, too. You feel like you don't really shy away from a friendly opponent, and you'd be losing a lot of friends. I just seem to have a lot of best friends.

"It's okay to be vague."

"Right. Father - King Serende has commanded me to cooperate in your Lord's purpose. In other words, I have a prospect of asking people outside the country to move domestically. I mean, I want you to solve some problem with Serende, something like that."

"That it's not worth negotiating and it's a helpful answer."

Looks like King Serende predicted our future policy. After all, it's not just a name for a king. It stings. King Xenotta is a jerk too.

"So what's the answer?

"It is the broiling of the collaborators of Necthar and the others. The same goes for the organization as Laitis, but there was no elf or anything in it. They were sitting in Serende."

"It would have stood out if there were people who supplied food and such. So you're saying that there are collaborators from Selende, like Elves and Dwarves."

In Toryn, Solide followed the town's roaming with terror, and was based in a merchant's merchant's mall that was real-life beneficial. Then it's no surprise that Serende has about a local collaborator on her side.

"I guess the reason King Serende is trying to leave it to us is that quite a few powerful people are sniffing it out even with the smell of intervening"

"And this is the only person I've ever been trusted with that possibility, and you've been chosen to be a collaborator. The boulder discerns my innocence and innocence, Father."

"Well yeah, there won't be. I have to fake myself that far."

As King Serende's criterion, you already have some contact between 'me' and Washekt. It is highly unlikely that Washekt, who was unobstructed and cooperated smoothly, will be a collaborator of the Nekthars.

As King Serende, do you feel like saying, 'You can trust him somewhat, I'll lend him to you, so give him my regards for the purgatory in the country'? It seems man-made, but it's an efficient decision based on what we're here for.

"But a demonic collaborator who tried to get resuscitation magic... maybe surprisingly around the first prince, the second prince, and the first princess are collaborators"

"Don't suddenly slash the three of you inside. How frigid of a clan, you guys."

"Rude. It's no exaggeration for me or my sister to speak of Serende's light."

"I see you like your sister. But I've been gathering information since I left here."

"Then what am I supposed to do and kill my spare time until then?"

"Do a normal job, huh? Prince, right?"

I'm a man who's supposed to be impeccable as a collaborator, but I also want to think there might be better guys out there.