It is very gratifying that Lord Mourström no longer has to worry about your friend's side with his appearance. Sir Ratzel, Wolfe, do you say that you are anxious that Lord Duvreoli and the guardian are still unclear whether they are enemies or allies nearby, even on the iron wall to the 'purple' lord......

"But Mix's. Wasn't that simply jealous of Mr. Moorsht?

"Lord Lachra, that's something you don't talk about even if you think about it."

Yeah, I don't want to admit it. I can't believe you're in a hurry to get your friends. No, it's pretty scary, it's easier to pack the distance than a woman because she looks like a poor woman, but she's the fruit lord.

Before this, your friend said, "No, it's because it's narrow." If it was wide enough, it would have been in there!?

"But I think you like Mr. Mourström a lot, too. I admire men's friendships more than they do in love."

"He said it was tough when Sir Dmitrukovkon..."

Your friend prefers friendship with men to women simply because you are aware of women as heterosexuals, so as far as I want to be aware, it is gratifying.

What's more, we dare to distance ourselves so that we don't get jealous. I am actively trying to deepen my friendship with women like Lord Masetta, Lord María and Lord 'Ao', but do you say that I am solemn in front of me and Lord 'Purple'?

"But well, isn't it good? It's a pleasure to have someone close to you. I would greatly appreciate the presence of Mr. Mourshto, who can speak shoulder to shoulder more than His Majesty is here."

"The brother sounded very dissatisfied..."

If you just want a relationship that you can talk to on an equal footing, Sir Ratzel is enough... because Sir Ratzel is too serious. The men too. Lord Ekdoyk lifts too many friends, Lord Duvleoli is too oligarchy, and Lord Harkdock is... more of a playful treatment than a man to man.

It would mean that there is no substitute other than Lord Mourström to replace his brother who is equal in his lord and turns his mouth...

"Your Majesty Marito is quite jealous, isn't he? I'm going to make it worse for you."

"I thought it was just reflexively pricked by Lord Lachra's self-depravity."


As a matter of fact, my brother weighs in on sweetness to maintain an equal position with your friend, and I feel jealous of Lord Lachra, who can be sweetened by your friend in front of him...... If you pass that on to Lord Lachra, I will not tell you because Lord Lachra could be so mean to my brother.

"But it's time to see the limits of gathering information."

"That's right... I knew I was a stranger, and I'm getting dressed too..."

In Serende, the appreciation of Yugraism is not very good, and Lord Lachra and Lord Masetta each act in a different guise. Lord Masetta originally had personal clothes, but Lord Lachra was a fierce man who said he only had the priestly clothes and bedtime clothes he was being paid for. So I'm getting dressed the way I want. Honestly, I'd like to increase my exposure a little more, but I can't let the person dislike it and your friend's gaze alone, so I weigh myself in.

"If you've been active for so long, you can remember your face too... you still feel organized pressure"

The people of the city do not try to share information against the chambers of commerce that are acting as faces. I am stubbornly shutting my mouth that I have never even heard rumors. But if you look at the look on that face, it's obvious that the emotion of fear is deeply ingrained.

There are eyes everywhere, ears. That's why it feels like you can't cooperate poorly with strangers. Then even we are constantly being watched...

"Do you want to catch me first?

"That's not bad either...... Hmm"

I am aware of your gaze. But a lot of people can say amateurs alike, so they probably exist that it doesn't matter if they find out. It is good to think that it is impossible to get information from it.

My bones are going to break even as I try to narrow them down to the signs of being a bastard...... I don't really want to imitate rampant in other countries.

"Well don't pack too many roots and go easy! It's better to act sparingly and broaden your horizons about something!


Lord Lachra is my pace, but the sharpest thing about this and here is he's better than me, who was dawning in adventurer business. Again, emergency is important, you'll learn! Should I be aware that I am just collecting information, but when I am caught in an outdoor store, I rush out and let my eyes shine?

"Look, isn't this cute? It's worth negotiating next time if you can buy it from Master Senpai!

"Lord Lachra, I'm going to bump into passers-by if I don't have-!?

My body moves reflexively. Pull out the knife, notice yourself rushing toward Lord Lachra, and sort out the current situation in your head.

A man approaching from the corner of Lord Lachra's blind spot, with a cage of fruit in his hand, but strangely uncomfortable with the way he holds it. That one pinches something in the other hand, and I guess it keeps you from dropping it. More importantly, the gaze is staring straight at Lord Lachra, not the destination, where he is willing to kill.

"Lord Lachra! Behind -"


Shit, my voice made Lord Lachra look at me. Seeing that as an opportunity, the man dropped the cage and re-gripped the knife he had hidden to Lord Lachra. You can't get close at this distance, throw a knife and you're critical.

"- Huh!?

Hit the shadow that jumped out of the side. I should have been careful with the movement around you, but this is... Huh!

When I shifted my gaze only for a moment, I saw the woman who had hit me. Definitely, this guy was getting close with the intention of hitting me from the start. A look as if fear and impatience had mixed, ordinary people ordered only to prevent my obstruction at this moment.

No, I don't think Lord Lachra is better than that now.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Did I make any coarse phases?


It was the man who stunned himself with the knife protruding into the abdomen of Lord Lachra. The knife had stopped perfectly on Lord Lachra's clothes, and when he realized it was due to a very small junction, the man threw down the knife and fled into the crowd at first sight.

I just want to compliment Lord Lachra for preventing a blow from a complete blind spot, but now it's a prerequisite to catch those who have set it up. The woman who has hit me is probably a hassle, the one holding the information is definitely the man who set it up.

"Lord Lachra! I'll go after the man ahead!

"Huh? Oh, yes!

Just in case, I gently slash a woman's leg with a paralyzed poisoned knife, jump over the dewstore and look for a man. - I was there, I saw you go in between private houses.

Confirm the placement of the surrounding buildings and apply magic enhancements to the feet. Kick the outdoor pillars, run up the private walls and go to the rooftops at once. After packing a few minutes of distance, supplement the magic of escaping with detective magic. Good distance understanding, wind direction, and other obstacle placement checks.

"Huh, there!

Throw the knife diagonally up to draw an arc. Even if you can't see it directly, you can't hit it if you run the same speed along a road without a roof. Magic detection again at the timing of the landing, judged to be hit by the fact that the magic movement that was escaping was stopped. Pack the distance to the roofing at once.

There was an earlier man down there with my thrown knife firmly stabbed on his shoulder. Phew, I'm glad it wasn't your head or neck. If you can see it, you don't have to know, and throwing it with your senses makes it difficult to hit the target area.

A little late for a magic detection reaction from the rear, that's what Lord Lachra used to supplement my position. Let's just say we get the restraints done before Lord Lachra rendezvous.

"Damn, aiming for assassinations from daylight etc... Huh!?

By approaching the man, I realized that the man was not in motion. If my movement is sealed by my paralysis poison, I should be unconscious and have some cramps.

Running to the man and lying on his back, the man was desperate as he bled out of his mouth. This smell on your nose is slight... was it poisoning your mouth?

Determine that my knife is paralyzed with poison, and instantly self-harm when you realize you can't escape... you're as clean as a dark place.

Anyway, I don't get any more informative information from this man. The woman earlier may be alive, but she won't get the information she wanted.

"Hmmm... I'm a little worried about Lord Ekdoyk and the others"

Let's scratch our heads with a puffiness, and for one thing, let's just say we wait for Lord Lachra to come hitherto.

"Hey, I'm sorry... Since my son left, I've been having trouble working hard."

"No problem! Until I responded to my own wish to help those in need! Hey, Mr. Eckdoyk!

"... right. Mary, is there a problem with the angle?

While I was gathering information with Mr. Ekdoyk, I discovered that the window to my grandmother's house I stopped by was broken. That if you ask, there's no one you can count on to fix it even if you're single. I thought I had to do something about this and bought a repair and got out...... the boulder is Mr. Ekdoyk.

"That's amazing, Mr. Ekdoyk! I can't believe I can nail it with chains while suppressing wood with chains!

"When I showed you this sight before, you said," Do it with your hands. "

"Oh, I thought that a little... but that's easier, right?

"Right. As a person who can manipulate the chain as freely as his fingertips, I find it more inefficient to use an arm that is limited in length and range of motion... it's probably about Duvreoli who understands what it feels like around here"

I don't seem to understand that feeling either. I don't care what they say you can do other than fight with your sword...... I've tried slashing vegetables and meat before, but I thought the knife would definitely be better.

My countrymen said, 'He can do anything with chains,' but maybe he can really do anything... he was flying in the sky with chains before this... If possible, the maiden heart is also in chains...... it can't be bouldered, can it?

"I'm sorry I let you go out with me. But do you say you couldn't leave me alone..."

"Never mind. I have something to learn, too."

"Ho ho? Really?

"Oh. I thought if I heard about gathering information, it would be something that would cut me straight into or ask me how they were going to get out and make a run for it. Therefore, I understand that attempts to extract information after being intimate with people in this way are fresh and sufficient."

I think the amazing thing about this guy is that he can accept actions he doesn't even take as learning, right? Would you say that if we were to face this straight, we would have to respond that it would be people and things......

"You two, I'll leave your tea here."

"Thank you! Grandma, is there anything else I can help you with?

"That's right... The big vase on the front porch, can you carry that to the barn behind you? It's not hard to take care of a vase that size at this age anymore. If you don't do anything, you'll look lonely."

If you look at the front door properly, there is a vase that looks lonely. It's the size that makes me want to say pot rather than vase. It does seem tough on this grandmother to take care of flowers in a vase that size.

"Okay, then I'll carry it. Grandma, please take your time at home."

"I'm sorry. It really helps."

Grandma walked into the house with a meeting. Then I'll get you a quick cup of tea.

"Mary, I know you do..."

"It's okay. My compatriots tell me not to talk about the drinks and food they serve."

Serende seems to have better assassination techniques with poison than in other countries, and she's been pushed to pay close attention to food and drink. Even if it's because he seems harmless, it doesn't necessarily mean there aren't any people who use him to poison him.

I had a bit of a dry throat, so there's a shame in it...... I'll spill it over the dirt while I'm sorry.

I also wonder if it might be a little too much, but you just have to avoid annoying your countrymen with my carelessness. It would even be harder to be near your countrymen if you seemed to have another lapse that you had softened in Toryn. Then inevitably beside Mr. Ekdoyk too......

"I've had enough of this one."

"Then I'm going to serve the vase to the barn!

"I can carry it in chains from here."

"I feel it's better to carry it by hand where it doesn't look like a boulder..."

It would be a memento, and Grandma would be surprised if she saw the sight of carrying it in chains. This lack of common sense is both a drawback and a cute place...... this guy.

We'll take the vase to the barn. The weight is there, if you use magic enhancement, you have no problem at all. Shut up and shake your head beside me if you're my countryman...... don't think rude, me!

The barn was a drawer, so once you put the vase down, open the door and check inside. I just found a place I could put it, so I put a vase there. I have all kinds of tools, but most of them are dusty...... When you're single, you stop caring about tools you don't use.

"I don't know if I should even take care of it... but it's also a bad idea to take too long - eh!?

Something popped out of the right the minute I got out of the barn. Preventing it with your arms on the aggressive, dull pain along with a strong impact was transmitted to your bones.

Attacked, by whom? There's someone, a man I don't know, hostile eyes, I have to deal with it.

Distance from the man and hang his hand on the sword. Checking the opponent's gear while pulling out the sword, gripping it is like an iron stick. Are you accustomed to all that havoc from the atmosphere? But you don't have that much strength because you look surprised that you couldn't finish me off with the first shot?

Response, no, it's not. What we should do now is share the information with Mr. Ekdoyk, who is nearby. So the next action to take is to call.


I tried to speak up, but the blow from behind stopped my voice. Near the back of my neck, my head shook. There's another one!? Confirm - No, first of all, get in shape... Huh!

Do not move as your body thinks, fall to the ground. Even though I am conscious, my vision is shaky and I can't confirm the situation.

"Good reaction... Immature - The Holy Knight is - The Knight -"

"Hurry. Get out - it's late - minutes, on the table - when to use magic detection - I don't even know. Ensure consciousness -, carry it out quickly -"

I can hear the conversation. Too much, but I managed to grasp that you were trying to get me somewhere. One of them approaches to take charge of me. I don't know what to do, I have to resist, I have to call for help, and...


The man in front of me disappeared. There's no sign behind it. What the hell happened? Thinking about it conveyed the feeling of cold and hard metal in my neck muscles. Something magical pours in from that metal, and my consciousness gradually becomes clear.

"Are you all right, María?

"Ah, Mr. Ekdoyk...... Yes, maybe......"

If you noticed, Mr. Eckdoyk was holding me up. I have little physical pain, and it looks like he gave me first aid with therapeutic magic. I get up slowly and see how my body is doing. Yeah, I'm a little flustered, but I'm fine now.

"I'm a little late. Sorry."

"No, it was surprising fast...... You're not using detective magic or anything, are you? How did you know about this situation?

"There was my chain wrapped around the belt of Mary's sheath. I checked the fall after the sudden shake in the position where I think I left the barn and I just rushed."

When I looked at my belt once in a while, it was really chained. You've been keeping track of chain movements remotely, haven't you? But when the hell...

"Oh, yeah! Whoever attacked me...?

Looking around, finding something above his sight and looking up, there are three men there, all chained up and hanging in the universe. I am unconscious if they are all strangled down, and even my hands and feet are twisted in a direction that is not inherently bent.

"I didn't kill him. Strangle it off, break hands and feet, and turn the paralysis poison all over your body to a certain extent. Should I keep a little more in mind?

"I think it's too much... there were three of you"

"You need to talk to the old lady before you carry her out. The purpose of these men's equipment, obviously, is to take Mary away. The old woman who led María into the barn is also likely an accomplice."


I was trying not to think about it, but I knew you would...... Prepend the route we're going around listening to people in private houses, lure them into invisible barns beforehand, and then attack them. It's not sudden, it's only an ambush when you're ready.

"That old lady princess would be in just a position to be used. I'm not going to do an absurd imitation, don't worry."

"Yes...... Um, by the way, when is this chain...?

"It's time to leave base in the morning. When I had to remove Mary from my sight, my compatriots told me to keep my chains tied and monitored at all times."

It is very overprotective...... That's all my countrymen think I'm immature... but that actually helped... dull.

"It's a little complicated... but it helped. But it's amazing, this chain. You can sense my movements from afar."

"When the distance is far away, the accuracy drops, but if the distance is about, you can also measure the swing of magic, pulse temperature, etc."

"That's it..."

Isn't this an accuracy that might be read about my emotions or something!? Whether you say you don't have to read that far, it's an element to observe when you're put to sleep by poison or magic or something...

"María seems to have a tendency to increase her temperature and pulse from time to time, but is there anything wrong with her body?

"No! No! Never mind!

Ugh... I thought I envied you a lot about 'Ethereal'... but I'm too shy of boulders like this...

Although it usually mostly soothes, it's the first time I've ever wanted to stare so far at the sight of Hilmera wiping stone statues on my bed with swallowing.

"Dear Hilmera, I'm back now"

"Welcome back. Did you get it right?

"No, I couldn't. Kaho."

The blood that was accumulating in my throat with the cough overflows. The application of magic enhancement was able to stop the wound from bleeding, but if I suppress my throat on the boulder, I can't breathe, can I?

"Hey, don't get my room dirty. What will your brother do if he slips his leg?"

"Now worry about my safety."

"I don't look well. The smell of blood is terrible."

It's terrible, but it's almost my blood. No, you can't fight and kill like that. You're gonna put in a blow that you can definitely kill to match our attack, I can't.

"You were strong. Probably not the most powerful human being in this world, that man."

"Sounds good. He said you stayed stuck until you ran out of strength in the war."

"Uh, I see. If you don't let them fight back, then so is that."

But I had to go kill Archreal on this princess's orders. [M] I mean, I just had to be the target of that irrational counterattack. It's not that dimension of coming in with evasive and special attacks at the same time, or sloppy.

"So, you failed to seal your mouth?

"Is it half? Along the way, an acquaintance of Archreal broke in and took Archreal away."

"Didn't you chase him?

"There's nothing you can do about it if the metastatic magic disappears without even leaving a trace of magic behind."

Someone appeared a woman who looked a lot like a gal and disappeared when she thought she had touched Archreal. I hear that Archreal's former buddy has a user of metastatic magic, and maybe that guy's a morale or some dropper.

If it's true, I wanted to end it with you, but I couldn't help it because I was dying in a fight with Archreal. Maybe I would have been more dead had I been brought into battle like that.

"Then it's not a mouth sealing failure"

"No, that injury won't bring you back to consciousness for the moment, and I think it'll take a long time for you to be able to pass on the information. I was wondering if he could make some time to uncover the princes' secrets."

Oh, I almost could kill you later, but the stuffing's not sweet and there's no luck. Again, the assassination is not for me.

"Yeah. That's enough. I'm sorry to hear you almost took your strongest seat."

"Just kidding. I didn't give the man one fatal wound, and I got a scattered fatal wound, did I? It's a complete defeat, complete defeat."

"Fatal injuries are usually called fatal injuries in one? I've been so fucked."

"Bones and meat have naturally been slashed quite a bit, too, built-in. There was no armor or trace, so I changed into a spare, right? Arrange a new spare."

If it's true, I'd like to see him now, but heal this irrational work fatigue. But all this time, if I do this any more, I die. Well, it's a miracle you're already alive, isn't it, me?

"Why are you alive?"

"Isn't life denial terrible?"

"Thank God you're here. I've arranged for a doctor, so go and treat him."

You don't have to get rid of that kind of snugness. I think I'll spit some more blood before I leave. No, if I lose any more blood, I'll die of boulders, let's put up with it.