
I was on a carriage with Tütte to Altria School. Because if we're all going to get together, that's where it's quick.

"If I were to analogize in Japan... I would go to the city with all my friends on holiday... it would be fun to say that, but my stomach hurts to think all the time I would look around with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in a place of format"

"Well, well, ma'am. Isn't it usual, it's time to get used to this pattern… and it's the sword, the sword! Maybe you'll find out the truth about the legendary sword."

The dark aura is relieved slightly thanks to Tütte, who gives up half to comfort me with a depressed look looking out the window.

"Right! Not if you're depressed! If you can find out the truth about the sword, get it wacky, or make it, my future is cheap, right?

"That's right! Lady!"

I shook up my tension forcefully and giggled as I imagined myself in the future where everything was going well.

The carriage stops at a good time and we arrive at the school.

(Are you all here already?

I took Tütte to the cafe terrace outside the school building, which is the meeting point. There is an open cafe with plenty of tables and chairs available outside the store.

(Unlike on weekdays, I knew there weren't many people)

I usually had quite a few guests and it was difficult to secure seats, but sometimes now it's a holiday, few people, and I was able to quickly find Magilka and Zach and Safina sitting around one table.

(Good thing... I think I got here before the prince... no matter how long before the rendezvous time, after him. What a good place to lose my temper too)

There was no prince in the group, so I safely went to everyone.

(Ha!? Wait a minute! I mean, it's not a good time to say a dialogue about that legendary meet-up event)

I am thrilled by the promised dialogue that I have just noticed, and I go to everyone with a slight float and a light run.

"Oops! Wait... ahhh!

He shook a sparkling smile and my expression intensified as I tried to get to the table where everyone was, passing next to someone who came out of the store on the way.

Needless to say, the man was a prince.

"No, not at all. I was just here a while ago."

It is even more damaging to me that the Prince has answered my irresistible dialogue with a refreshing smile.

"I'm so sorry!

I accidentally tried to get grounded but just didn't think it was a good idea here, and I bowed my head as deeply as I could. Already, with a lot of meaning...

"No, no, because I just floated and came earlier than I promised. It's not like Miss Mary's on time to apologize."

"No, I'm sorry in so many ways already"

The prince, who suddenly looked a little troubled by my behavior, would follow me like that, but I was already panicked and all I could do was turn bright red to my ears and keep apologizing even.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered... shall we go to the city, Your Highness?"

I still bow my head, wrapping my shoulders gently, and Magilka wakes me up, he prophesies to the prince, and he does. You snort and start acting.

"Thank you, Magilka"

"No... Mary was so cute when I ran over here."

"Forget that..."

When I spoke to a friend who supported me with a whisper, she laughed like a prank and decided on my shame.

And we were all headed to the city.


I go all over the bustling city with people, and from time to time, I'm about to be drawn to you by interest, but I enjoy myself for a long time and I'm on my way to my destination.

"Right here."

In the midst of my battle against temptation, when the prince stopped and introduced me to a shop, I had opened my mouth to the size of the store and shuddered.

(Big... I used to imagine a small arms store that I used to see in RPG because it's a shop, but it's like a big factory, and it doesn't feel like a shop)

We were taken by the prince to that factory surrounded by a robust wall, and as he went inside, he waited or his uncle, dressed to the fullest, approached us with a tense face.

"I've been waiting for you, Your Highness... to visit Your Highness himself today, with you, with the utmost pleasure"

"Yeah... I'm here today for 'The Long'... are you there?

(Hmm? I wonder if he's not in charge... oh, speaking of which, you said Dwarf... isn't he because he's human...)

I remember the pivotal Dwarf thing even more now because of all the things that attracted my interest.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

From behind the building, there was such an innocent voice, and when the person showed up, I held my breath for much of the admiration and stared.

It was one woman there. The redhead hair was cut together briefly, and the skin burned in the day was nearly brown, overflowing with strength from its muscular body. But it's too small for a look that reminds me of adults. If you say so, you can say as much as I am ten years old.

(Ooh, this is Dwarf! And a woman! I don't have a mustache or anything, but the shape of my face looks just like the face I see so often in the game! Cat, it's real! Ka, camera! I don't have a camera!

I remained intrinsically, excited. Was it the first time they all saw Dwarf, only the prince smiles bitterly as they look at her with a poka-n face, and approaches.

"Ha-ha-ha, will you stop, Deodora... I'm ten years old, too"

"From me the boy is a boy, wahahahaha"

The woman Dwarf, known as Deodora, greets her sweet aunt, laughing, is pampering the Prince's back.

(How awe-inspiring... that's right, Dwarf)

I was moved by the inexplicable reason and approached to see it closer.

"Oh? You've got a lot of adorable kids, you look just like your majesty. Eat this face!

"No, you're not! They're friends."

I'm thrilled to thank the lady, as Deodora approaches us with a prince on her ass who's embarrassed to correct her.

"Hi... my name is Mary Regalia"

"I, Deodora... don't like human greetings, I know it's rude here, but let me take it easy on you, 'cause you don't have to worry about me either."

Nica shows her teeth and laughs, the little lady, who already only looks like my imaginary aunt in the lower town, when she finishes greeting all the other faces, led us to her workshop.

"Hey... I'm asking you for an errand in a letter, but again, what do you want to hear?

When I said to each of them on her own, she sat in the chair she had left behind and cut it out that way.

Magilka and Safina, who are very interested in the Silver Knight by the way, somehow try to stay behind me and listen, and the prince looks at me to see what he hears next to me. Tütte was dressed as tea and confectionery given to him by the people in the workshop, ready for everyone to serve. Zach looks around with curiosity at the weapon that Deodora must have made, which he keeps unconstructed around, completely out of my way.

(Hmm? Is this in the form of leaving it to me? Well, I'm the one who said it)

Deodora also perceived that everyone's gaze was focused on me, until she looked at me and waited for a reply.

"Uh... about the Eternal Sword... if you know anything, I wanted to let you know, and I came here"

"Huh... Eternal Sword Yeh... Is that it? You're talking about a strong sword that pierces dragons, which His Majesty the King used to make for my father and other fellow blacksmiths?

What Deodora said was really one of the things I wanted to hear, which I didn't seem very interested in.

"Yes, that sword! It's the sword they tried to give to the Silver Knight, isn't it!

"After all, is that... is that it?"

As I was sparkling my eyes with anticipation, Deodora looked somewhat evil on her cheeks, making her talk seem spicy. And

"It ended in failure."

My thoughts stopped for a few minutes on Deodora's words laughing hahahahaha.