Today, three days after the martial arts tournament, everyone began to practice voluntarily. We "Yancha Trio" are not getting together inside either.

(Zach and Safina are working hard... I have to work hard too! Mainly for the written exam...)

I plan to lose the martial arts tournament early so that it doesn't stand out badly. But since I can't keep my face as a Duke of Regalia, I'm plotting to finish my written exam at the top of my list. Of course, that confidence is considerable thanks to previous life's academic abilities. I asked Senior Carlis to show me the problem paper up to last year, but all I could afford was to clap it out.

(Well, I wonder if anyone's here.)

I didn't see anyone in the bickering room. I somehow went to the individual training center of the example, and when I peered inside, I discovered that the rare combination of figures were doing the archery.

(Is that Seniors Zach and Carlis? That's unusual, I can't believe Zach asked his senior students to do the archery)

When I noticed that I was poking at the entrance ~ looking at it all the time, Senior Carlis stopped the archery hand and looked at this one, Zach finally realized that I was there too, and stopped the sword.

"Okay, let's keep it around here today, because your friends are here, too."

"Thank you, Senior Carlis"

As they breathed, they thanked each other and Senior Carlis approached us as he wiped his sweat with the towel he had prepared.

"Good day, Senior Carlis. That's unusual, how can a senior do an archaic counterpart to a junior?

When I gently thanked the lady, the senior smiled. All he has to do is work as a classmaster, and his practical skills, writing, and grades are in the outstanding category. It shouldn't be rare for him to deal with a junior classmate with such a good grader...

"No, that being said, he's strong. You've been working hard every day, and if you weren't me, you wouldn't be practicing with people the same age. Well, except for what you call an 'array'..."

Senior Carlis winked profoundly to show.

"... Um... are you that strong? What about me?"

"Oh, I'm strong. I used to make them work together in half a joke to arch... well, even if they weren't serious, they were so much each other that they got minor injuries."

"Hey! Senior, what are you making me do!

While I marvel at Senior Carlis making a sassy problem statement with a clear face, I speak out loud.

"It's okay, it was a little scratch... and I can see a little bit of Arre's strength before the tournament, because I'm so grateful to my senior"

He notices my protest, Zach approaches, and he defends his senior.

"Hmm... well, fine... so, how was Mr. Zach?

"As they say, I'm definitely strong. I have absolute confidence in my sword... hoo... it was like me before I met Mary."

I don't know what you're thinking, but Zach smiled masochistically.

"Mr. Zach... would you stop saying that in a way that sounds like I've lost your confidence? Out of my mind."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Could it have?

When I leaned my neck and let it stay cute, Zach took a deep sigh and stopped saying anything ever since. and there came another rare combination of Safina and Magilka to the training station.

(Speaking of which, sometimes these days, Safina and Magilka come to the training center together like this, but when did they get along like that?

"Ah, Senior Carlis"

When Safina found out that the person I spoke to was a senior, she thanked him and Magilka, who was less knowledgeable, for now went on to thank him.

"Whoa, guys, it looks like we're getting together, so let's just say the outsiders disperse here. You and the others will be gathered in the talking room this afternoon."

That said, he showed his teeth nicely, refreshingly smiling and not saying whether or not, leaving the training center behind.

"Could something have happened in the talking room this afternoon?

Dropping off Senior Carlis' hindsight, I ask Safina in wonder.

"Huh? Dear Mary, there will be a raffle this afternoon to decide against the martial arts tournament..."

"You can afford it anyway, Master Mary."

In the wake of Zach's gaze of surprise Safina and admiration for my question, I change the direction of my body so as to escape that gaze while coughing.

"... hey, you've got to be kidding me..."

Me laughing, with my hand in my mouth.

And afternoon.

We were gathered in the conversation room. This year's enrollment students are all gathered for the first time in a long time.

"Eh, then we'll have a raffle for the tournament, so that whoever is called by name can come here and pull the lottery"

Dr. Ikes' voice echoed inside the colloquial room, and the noisy voices of everyone calmed down with pittance and tension.

(That's good... if I hit Zach or Safina from the first round, I hope I lose easily ~)

And so on and so on, the raffle goes on and on and on and on with me on my ass circling the unscrupulous thoughts.

"Next, Safina Karshana"

When I heard the name I was used to hearing, my thoughts were drawn back to reality, and I looked at Dr. Ikes, where the tense facial safina was pulling the lottery.

(Please, God! Just give me a break for gagging about Zach and Safina bumping into each other from the first round!

I ask heaven, as I ask of myself, to watch the safina trend with a nervous face.

"Safina Karshana, Game 8 of World War I!

And when Safina had given the lottery to the person in charge, he verified it and read it out. At that time, there was a twist around Zawazawa, and I always thought it was the worst development, and looking at the tournament table, isn't Safina's opponent already described? I rush to confirm the opponent's name.

"Good... not Zach... don't surprise me anymore"

Horribly, I greet Safina closing in here with a yellow face.

"Uh, the other guy is' Allen Gold '? Who could it be?

"It's about me."

A man approaching this way answers the words I whine like a solitary. The man was that 'arr'.

"Oh, shit!

I get stunned by the fact and get stunned by it. I'm going to look at this one with a proud face of how satisfied I was with that look.

"Huh, don't be disappointed. You were just fine, Safina. Which is better, it was settled early... hey?

"No... I was trying so hard not to ask you your name, I can't believe you're such a light rat in here! Besides," Allen "isn't always the same!

To much shock I get on my knees with a loud voice.

"Oh... no... eh! You're in shock, Soko..."

The "alley" that was a regular face, Allen unexpectedly scratched me with a face that said, uh...

"Yeah, well... I can't help but mess things up. Change your mind."

When I dare to ignore such a scratch and excite myself, I get up and look at Allen.

"Same goes for this one that was just fine. It's more convenient to be clear now than to lose to someone and get weird."

"Um, Dear Mary..."

With perseverance, Safina hides behind me as she odds with Allen's anger that makes the comet tremble more picturesque in my gaze than ever before.

"Humph! I can't do anything on my own, I'm just incompetent clinging to a powerful guy. There's no such thing as dust on weak people like you that I lose! I won't even give you time to waste that day! I'll finish this instantly and let everyone know you're incompetent and incompetent, be prepared!

Allen kept me out of sight at all, staring at the safina hiding behind her and saying away. When I find out by the feel of my clothes alone that Safina's fingers that were grabbing my clothes go away to this word, my emotions freeze like absolute zero degrees once in a while.

(This guy... you put our friendship with such a vulgar idea...)

In this man's eyes, he sees that my relationship with Safina is the same as the one surrounding the sale of charm to the powerful Duke's Lady. When I think of it, something colder than anger erodes my heart and takes my emotions away from me.

"... don't let parasitic insects in the Karshana family slap your busy mouth when they can't even get your tuition out of the house..."

To my chilling conversation, I've seen this one with even the nervous face of Zach, who was next door.

"And anyway, you look forward to the game! Be ready then, you Legalia hipster!

When I keep staring at Allen, who is barely pressured by my force and leaves throwing up such a throwaway dialogue, with a frozen gaze,

"Dear Mary... Yes, I can."

To the words of Zach, who shrugged, I was finally able to return to me.

"... hoo, hoo! Really, you're pissed off, that guy!

I turned my heels back crooked, and when I looked at the safina that was behind me, she was a little distance away from me and leaned over sorry.

(That's what he said earlier...)

I wrapped my hands around those of Safina who had leaned down, and lifted them up to my face, and with it, Safina also raised her head and looked at me.

"Safina! You can't lose to a guy like that! No! You're definitely gonna win!

"... Dear Mary..."

My encouragement doesn't do much either, and I get anxious to give Safina something to answer with a tight smile.

"Mary Legalya! You're not here! Mary Legalia!"

"Huh, I'm here!

Bad timing, surprised by the loud voice calling me by Dr. Ikes, and when I returned my reply with a weird voice, I heard couscous and laughter from all around me. Thus, I turned away from the cold emotions I had just had, my face turning bright red and rushing to Dr. Ikes.