Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 94 The Sick Girl

The woman brought the equation to the oncology ward. In a six-person ward, he saw the woman's daughter, a girl about seven or eight years old!

The little girl is very cute, with big eyes on her round face, but her body is thin, her face is pale, and there are obvious blue eye circles under her eyes. It is obvious that she has a serious illness!

At this moment, the little girl is looking at herself, the strange uncle behind her mother, with big, innocent eyes.

"Hello, little girl, what is your name?"

The equation walked over and asked with a smile,

"My name is Mo Xiaonan, what about you, uncle, what is your name?"

The little boy asked immaturely and cutely,

"My last name is Fang, you can call me Uncle Fang!"

Equation smiled and said to Xiao Nan,

"Hello Uncle Fang!"

The boy is very polite,

"Hello there!"

The equation touched the man’s fine and soft hair, and turned to look at the woman.

"Little boy...what disease did she get?"

There were tears in the woman’s eyes all the time. She sucked her nose, sat on the edge of the bed, and put her arms around her daughter’s equation.

"It's stomach cancer!"

"What? Stomach cancer? How could it be possible, how could she get this disease when she was so young?"

Equation was full of surprise. In his impression, people with gastric cancer are elderly people. Where can such a small child be?

"My family is in the outskirts of Qin'an City. You have seen it. The man in my family is born to bet. He took out all the valuable things at home and blocked it. He never gave me the money for work. I rely on spring and summer to grow the land. The money earned from part-time work in winter maintains the family. The child is eight years old this year and is in third grade. She needs to eat at noon when she goes to school. I don’t have money to order school meals for her at school, so I can only give her two dollars for bread or It’s instant noodles. Sometimes I go to work. I don’t have time to make it for her for breakfast, so I also give her two yuan to buy her a piece of bread or crisp noodles to fill her stomach. How did I know that eating these things would make her like this? Sick, if I knew it, I wouldn’t give her this kind of food if I didn’t work to make money!"

The woman’s self-blaming cry made the entire ward quiet. It seems that the other patients in the ward are also aware of the woman’s situation, and they all looked at her with sympathy.

"Okay, eldest sister, don't be sad. Now you have money and can treat your child. The child's vitality is very tenacious. As long as the operation is completed, she will definitely get better! I know this hospital Dean, let me talk to him and ask the dean to find you a reliable doctor to perform the operation on the boy!"

The equation is very sympathetic to this little girl who is only eight years old, so he wants to go to Dean Fan, let him pay attention to this operation, so that the little girl has a greater chance of continuing to live!

The equation was about to leave to talk to Fan Xingchen about this. He just walked to the door of the ward and he turned around and said to the woman,

"Eldest sister, to survive for the child and for you, leave that man, he will only make you worse!"

"Li, this time I must leave him, even if I die, I must leave him!"

The woman said categorically,

"Well, you can call me if you have anything, and I will help you!"

The equation entered his phone into the woman’s elderly phone,

"Thank you, brother Xiaofang, thank you..."

The woman shed tears of gratitude again!

After the equation left the ward, he went directly to Fan Xingchen, and after telling Fan Xingchen about the boy, tears appeared in her eyes.

"The little man is too pitiful. His father is a beast. No, he is not as good as a beast. How can someone like him deserve a daughter? He is not worthy..."

She choked and said while wiping tears.

"You pay him back for someone like that, if I won't give him a penny!"

"The kind of people who love money like fate will not give up if he doesn't give a penny. Give sweetness and frighten it. This effect will be better, otherwise we can't always protect their mother and daughter. , If they are entangled by that man later, they will only have a worse life!"

The equation is also thoughtful,

"That's right! Well, I'll tell my dad, let him find an oncology department to perform the operation on the little man, to ensure that the cut is clean and will never recur!"

Of course, both Equation and Fan Xingchen know that this is just a good wish in their hearts. The probability of recurrence of cancer patients to the current medical level is still very high. All they can do is to remove the lesion as much as possible in the operating room. Clean, the amount of chemotherapy is sufficient but not more than so that the patient's life can last longer!

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

The equation lowered his head slightly, looked at the tears still hanging on Fan Xingchen’s face, and unconsciously raised his hand to wipe her tears away. Fan Xingchen was taken aback by his sudden movements, and then she was surprised. His face was flushed, and I was embarrassed to take a look at the equation!

And after the equation finished this ambiguous action, he was slightly taken aback, how did he make such an action?Is it because I saw Fan Xingchen cry in front of me, and felt compassion for her?Or... I just want to do this?

He shook his head and looked at Fan Xingchen with a slight embarrassment.

"Um... I'm leaving first, I have to go to see my grandmother, the boy's surgery is scheduled, just tell me!"

After finishing talking, the equation turned around and fell into disarray

Escaped Fan Xingchen's office!

When I came to my grandma’s ward, the whole family were all there as if they were having a meeting, and I didn’t know what was being discussed.

"What are you talking about, so lively?"

The equation asked curiously,

"Brother, grandma can be discharged from the hospital, the nurse said that all the indicators of grandma are back to normal, and there is no need for hospitalization at all!"

Yuanyuan jumped over and took his arm and smiled and said,

"Really? That's amazing too!"

The equation pretends to be surprised,

"Really, my grandma's attending doctor just came here, saying that grandma is a miracle, and the data is all normal in just one night! The doctor said to observe for another night, if the data is stable, grandma can be discharged home!"

The way is also happy from ear to ear,

"Of course it's fine. The doctor said that he can be discharged, and grandma is not uncomfortable, so let's be discharged!"

Equation laughed inwardly, what he did to make his family so happy, this sense of accomplishment really cannot be exchanged for how much money he earns, he lowered his head and looked at his hand, clenched into a fist satisfied!

"By the way, little brother, didn't you say that you want to take our family to play during the vacation? I'm going to have summer vacation right away. Are you still talking?"

Yuanyuan suddenly remembered what he promised her before the equation,

"Yuanyuan, don't mess around!"

My aunt hurriedly stopped her daughter,

"This kid is spoiled!"

"Auntie, don't talk about her, I did promise Yuanyuan to take her to play! No problem, Yuanyuan, you decide where to go, just tell me when you think about it!"


Yuanyuan was sprinting around in the ward with joy, like a little monkey. The family looked at her and all smiled dozingly.

The equation is to do all the things that family members have not done before and the happiness that they have not enjoyed before, the same, one by one. This is his biggest wish!